Exemple #1
def us06(ged):
    out = []

    #search for individuals stored in 'families'
    for ID in ged['families']:
        family = ged['families'][ID]
        #Ensure that each tag is present 'families'
        if not 'HUSB' in family or not 'WIFE' in family or not 'DIV' in family:

        #Search for HUSB or WIFE tag in family lib
        for person in ['HUSB','WIFE']:

            #check if family member is apart of lib for individuals
            if family[person] in ged['individuals']:
                individual = ged['individuals'][family[person]]
                if 'DEAT' in individual:

                    #compare date stored for 'DIV' with date for 'DEAT'
                    compare = compare_dates(family['DIV'], individual['DEAT'])

                    if compare == 1:
                        out.append('Error US06: Divorce date of {} ({}) occurs after Death date'
    return out
Exemple #2
def us09(ged):
    out = []

    #search for person stored in 'individuals'
    for ID in ged['individuals']:
        Ind = ged['individuals'][ID]

        #ensure death tag is present
        if not 'DEAT' in Ind:

        #find person with death tag
        for person in ['DEAT']:
            #compare date stored for 'BIRT' with date for 'DEAT'
            compare = compare_dates(Ind['BIRT'], Ind['DEAT'])
            if compare == 1:
                out.append('Error US09: Death date of {} ({}) occurs before birth date'
    return out
Exemple #3
def us04(ged):
    out = []

    for key in ged['families']:
        fam = ged['families'][key]

        if not 'DIV' in fam or not 'MARR' in fam or not 'HUSB' in fam or not 'WIFE' in fam:

        if compare_dates(fam['MARR'], fam['DIV']) == 1:
            husb = ged['individuals'][fam['HUSB']]['NAME'] if fam[
                'HUSB'] in ged['individuals'] and 'NAME' in ged['individuals'][
                    fam['HUSB']] else '<Husband not found>'
            wife = ged['individuals'][fam['WIFE']]['NAME'] if fam[
                'WIFE'] in ged['individuals'] and 'NAME' in ged['individuals'][
                    fam['WIFE']] else '<Wife not found>'

                'Error US04: Divorce date of {} and {} ({}, {}) occurs before marriage date'
                .format(husb, wife, fam['HUSB'], fam['WIFE']))

    return out
Exemple #4
def us02(ged):
    out = []
    for key in ged['families']:
        fam = ged['families'][key]

        if not 'MARR' in fam or not 'HUSB' in fam or not 'WIFE' in fam:

        for person in ['HUSB', 'WIFE']:
            if fam[person] in ged['individuals']:
                indi = ged['individuals'][fam[person]]

                if 'BIRT' in indi:
                    cmpr = compare_dates(fam['MARR'], indi['BIRT'])

                    if cmpr == -1:
                            'Error US02: Birth date of {} ({}) occurs after {} marriage date'
                                indi['NAME'] if 'NAME' in indi else
                                '<name not found>', fam[person],
                                'his' if person == 'HUSB' else 'her'))
    return out