def __init__(self): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.model = DB() self.plot_frame = graph_frame.PercentBar(self.ui.tab_1) self.my_name = self.load_myname() # Holds the tourney indexes listed in the combobox. self.cb_indexes = [] self.load_combobox() self.add_signals() self.change_tourney(0)
class Main(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.model = DB() self.plot_frame = graph_frame.PercentBar(self.ui.tab_1) self.my_name = self.load_myname() # Holds the tourney indexes listed in the combobox. self.cb_indexes = [] self.load_combobox() self.add_signals() self.change_tourney(0) def add_signals(self): """Adds signals to buttons and menu items.""" self.ui.actionAdd_To_Following.triggered.connect(self.open_following) self.ui.actionEdit_Tourney_Info.triggered.connect(self.open_tourney_info) self.ui.cb_ids.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.change_tourney) self.ui.actionSet_My_Name.triggered.connect(self.open_myname) def change_tourney(self, idx=None): """ Calls the delete method of the frame class and reloads new tournament when changing selection in the combobox. :return: """ if idx == None: idx = self.ui.cb_ids.currentIndex() id_ = self.cb_indexes[idx] self.plot_frame.del_layout() self.load_summary(id_) self.make_game(idx) self.make_barcharts() self.load_playertable() def load_myname(self): """Loads my username""" try: name = NameWin.get_cur_name() assert name return name except: # If there is no username file or file is blank, open dialog to create it, then reload. self.open_myname() self.load_myname() def load_combobox(self): """ Querys the database for the tournament info and returns a list of tournament name strings to be listed in the combobox. Also adds the tournament IDs to a list in the order that the tourneys are shown in the combobox. Because the names can be the same, the indexes of the combobox will be used instead of the string so can access the tourney IDs with the index and this list. Finally adds names to the combobox. """ vals = self.model.query("""SELECT buyin, game_type, game_date, id FROM games ORDER BY game_date DESC""") tourney_names = [] for (buyin, type_, date, id_) in vals: self.cb_indexes.append(id_) tourney_names.append("{} {} {}".format(buyin, type_, date)) self.ui.cb_ids.addItems(tourney_names) def load_summary(self, id_): info = self.model.query("""SELECT * FROM games WHERE id = %s""", (id_, ))[0] vars = [self.ui.var_date, self.ui.var_buyin, self.ui.var_type, self.ui.var_entries] for x in range(len(info)-1): vars[x].setText(str(info[x+1])) def load_playertable(self): """ Loads the player table that will show the players that I have selected for a given tournament. This will be inserted into the frame under the ownership graphs. :return: """ pt = my_players.PlayerTable(self.ui.widget_table, def make_barcharts(self): """ Creates the scrollable bar charts appearing in tab 1. :return: """ for position, player_dict in bar = ownership_barchart.BarChart(self.plot_frame, position, player_dict) self.plot_frame.add_top_chart(bar) for position, player_dict in bar = ownership_barchart.BarChart(self.plot_frame, position, player_dict) self.plot_frame.add_bot_chart(bar) def make_game(self, idx): """ Makes the Game object to access the stats. Called when starting application or changing the touranement in the combobox. """ = Game(self.model, self.cb_indexes[idx]) def open_following(self): """Add players to follow menu""" gw = following.FollowingWin(self) gw.exec_() def open_myname(self): nw = NameWin(self) nw.exec_() def open_tourney_info(self): """ Opens window to add tournament info of new tourneys. :return: """ tourney_info_window = game_info_view.TourneyInfoWindow(self) tourney_info_window.exec_()
class Main(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_MainWindow() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.model = DB() self.plot_frame = graph_frame.PercentBar(self.ui.tab_1) self.my_name = self.load_myname() # Holds the tourney indexes listed in the combobox. self.cb_indexes = [] self.load_combobox() self.add_signals() self.change_tourney(0) def add_signals(self): """Adds signals to buttons and menu items.""" self.ui.actionAdd_To_Following.triggered.connect(self.open_following) self.ui.actionEdit_Tourney_Info.triggered.connect( self.open_tourney_info) self.ui.cb_ids.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.change_tourney) self.ui.actionSet_My_Name.triggered.connect(self.open_myname) def change_tourney(self, idx=None): """ Calls the delete method of the frame class and reloads new tournament when changing selection in the combobox. :return: """ if idx == None: idx = self.ui.cb_ids.currentIndex() id_ = self.cb_indexes[idx] self.plot_frame.del_layout() self.load_summary(id_) self.make_game(idx) self.make_barcharts() self.load_playertable() def load_myname(self): """Loads my username""" try: name = NameWin.get_cur_name() assert name return name except: # If there is no username file or file is blank, open dialog to create it, then reload. self.open_myname() self.load_myname() def load_combobox(self): """ Querys the database for the tournament info and returns a list of tournament name strings to be listed in the combobox. Also adds the tournament IDs to a list in the order that the tourneys are shown in the combobox. Because the names can be the same, the indexes of the combobox will be used instead of the string so can access the tourney IDs with the index and this list. Finally adds names to the combobox. """ vals = self.model.query( """SELECT buyin, game_type, game_date, id FROM games ORDER BY game_date DESC""") tourney_names = [] for (buyin, type_, date, id_) in vals: self.cb_indexes.append(id_) tourney_names.append("{} {} {}".format(buyin, type_, date)) self.ui.cb_ids.addItems(tourney_names) def load_summary(self, id_): info = self.model.query("""SELECT * FROM games WHERE id = %s""", (id_, ))[0] vars = [ self.ui.var_date, self.ui.var_buyin, self.ui.var_type, self.ui.var_entries ] for x in range(len(info) - 1): vars[x].setText(str(info[x + 1])) def load_playertable(self): """ Loads the player table that will show the players that I have selected for a given tournament. This will be inserted into the frame under the ownership graphs. :return: """ pt = my_players.PlayerTable(self.ui.widget_table, def make_barcharts(self): """ Creates the scrollable bar charts appearing in tab 1. :return: """ for position, player_dict in bar = ownership_barchart.BarChart(self.plot_frame, position, player_dict) self.plot_frame.add_top_chart(bar) for position, player_dict in ): bar = ownership_barchart.BarChart(self.plot_frame, position, player_dict) self.plot_frame.add_bot_chart(bar) def make_game(self, idx): """ Makes the Game object to access the stats. Called when starting application or changing the touranement in the combobox. """ = Game(self.model, self.cb_indexes[idx]) def open_following(self): """Add players to follow menu""" gw = following.FollowingWin(self) gw.exec_() def open_myname(self): nw = NameWin(self) nw.exec_() def open_tourney_info(self): """ Opens window to add tournament info of new tourneys. :return: """ tourney_info_window = game_info_view.TourneyInfoWindow(self) tourney_info_window.exec_()