def getStartLink(nativeTitle, startDate, channel): channelNumber = networkDictionary[channel] attempt = 1 date = d.datetime.strftime(startDate, '%Y%m%d') while True: try: soup = g.soup( f"{rootKakaku}/tv/channel={channelNumber}/date={date}") suffixLink = soup.find('a', string=nativeTitle).find_next('a')['href'] print(f'Found the show on {date}') break except AttributeError: # The following will account for possible date mis-entries in MDL because of the 28HR system used in # Japanese TV print(f'Cannot find the show on {date}') date = d.datetime.strftime( startDate + d.timedelta(days=-(-1)**attempt * (1 + (attempt > 2))), '%Y%m%d') attempt += 1 if attempt > 4: print('Cannot find the show between dates {} - {}'.format( d.datetime.strftime(startDate - d.timedelta(days=2), '%Y%m%d'), d.datetime.strftime(startDate + d.timedelta(days=2), '%Y%m%d'))) date = input( 'Provide a valid date in the exact format (YYYYMMDD) : ' ).replace(' ', '') if attempt == 6: exit( 'No valid dates. Either that or the title or the channel is incorrect/invalid' ) return suffixLink
def getImages(title, forced=False): episode, archives = 0, {} for episode, link in enumerate( g.soup(f"{root}/{title}/js/get_story.js").find_all('a'), start=1): archives[episode] = f"{root}{link['href']}" if forced: archives[episode + 1] = archives[episode].replace( str(episode).zfill(2), str(episode + 1).zfill(2)) return { epNum: [{ 'url': link, 'keyNotes': f"TV Osaka Gallery Episode {epNum} ", 'description': "Official scene shots" if block.h1.text == '場面写真' else "Official offshoots", 'images': [image['src'] for image in block.find_all('img')] } for block in g.soup(link).find_all(class_='photos')] for epNum, link in archives.items() } if archives else None
def dataZoo(link): soup = g.soup(link) information = { 'cast': [ name.split('(')[0] for name in soup.find(class_='icn_cast').next_sibling.text.replace( '\n', '').split('\xa0') ], 'url': link } try: history = soup.find(class_='oldprogram').find_all('a', href=True)[0] prevDates = re.split('[(:)]', history.text) prevDate = d.datetime.strptime( f"{prevDates[0]} {prevDates[1].zfill(2)}:{prevDates[2].zfill(2)}", '%Y年%m月%d日 %H:%M') link = f"{rootZoo}{history['href']}" except: link = prevDate = None return information, prevDate, link
def searchDataZoo(nativeTitle, airDate=None, exclusions='', totalResults=1): if type(totalResults) != int: print('totalResults only accepts integer values') raise TypeError if type(airDate) == d.datetime: if airDate >= d.datetime(2010, 4, 15): queryURL = f"{rootZoo}/d/{airDate.year}/{airDate.month}/{}/{int(airDate.hour / 6) + 1}" soup = g.soup(queryURL) link = f"{rootZoo}{soup.find(string=nativeTitle).parent['href']}" return link, airDate else: print('Too far back in time, not within database') elif type(airDate) == str: queryURL = '' params = { 'rsz': 'filtered_cse', 'num': totalResults, 'hl': 'ja', 'source': 'gcsc', 'gss': '.com', 'cselibv': '26b8d00a7c7a0812', 'cx': 'partner-pub-1955300006877540:6422076301', 'q': f"{nativeTitle} {airDate} -{exclusions}", 'safe': 'active', 'cse_tok': 'AJvRUv29OfLq77RISJdH3hnYlRBU:1599371773557', 'exp': '', 'oq': f"{nativeTitle} {airDate}", 'gs_I': 'partner-generic.3...10019.11097.2.11305.,nrl=13...0.11073j100193469j5j2...' '1.34.partner-generic..0.0.0.', 'callback': '' } headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} try: response = g.soup(queryURL, params=params, headers=headers, response=True) if response.status_code == 200: result = [ i for i in json.loads(response.content[35:-2])['results'] if '/tv/' in i['url'] ] if len(result) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError elif len(result) == 1: result = result[0] else: print('Which of the following is the right result?') for i, r in enumerate(result, start=1): print(f"{i} : {r['richSnippet']['metatags']['title']}") answer = attempt = 0 while attempt < 3: try: answer = int( input('Result No.')) if attempt == 0 else int( input('Invalid answer. Result No.')) if answer not in range(1, totalResults + 1): raise ValueError else: break except ValueError: attempt += 1 if attempt < 3: pass else: print( 'Too many invalid attempts. Picking first choice' ) answer = 1 break result = result[answer - 1] title = result['richSnippet']['metatags']['title'] title = japaneseDays(title[:title.find(' の放送内容')][-18:], ['(', ')']) return result['url'], d.datetime.strptime( title, '%Y/%m/%d%a%H:%M') else: raise FileNotFoundError except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError): print('No search results') return False, False
def getEpisodes(nativeTitle, startDate, channel, omit=None, startEpisode=1): episodeSuffix = getStartLink(nativeTitle, startDate, channel) episodeList = {} seasonsList = {} episodeNumber = startEpisode episodeLinks = [episodeSuffix] while True: soup = g.soup(f"{rootKakaku}{episodeSuffix}") # Gets airdate information date = soup.find(attrs={'name': 'keywords'})['content'].split(',')[-2] time = soup.find( id='epiinfo').text.split('\u3000')[0].split(date)[1].split('〜')[0] start = d.datetime.strptime( japaneseDays(date, delimiter=['(', ')']) + time, '%Y年%m月%d日%a %H:%M') if int(d.datetime.strftime(start, '%y%m%d')) not in omit: episodeList[episodeNumber] = { 'start': start, 'cast': [], 'guests': [], 'url': f"{rootKakaku}{episodeSuffix}" } # Gets cast and guests information castInfo = [ info for info in str(soup.find(id='epiinfo')).split('<br/>')[1:] if '\xa0' in info ] if castInfo: for castDetails in castInfo: castType, cast = castDetails.split('\xa0') if castType in ['【出演】', '【声の出演】']: episodeList[episodeNumber]['cast'] += [ name.text.split('(')[0] for name in bs(cast, 'lxml').find_all('a') ] else: episodeList[episodeNumber]['guests'] += [ name.text.split('(')[0] for name in bs(cast, 'lxml').find_all('a') ] else: zooLink = searchDataZoo(nativeTitle, start)[0] episodeList[episodeNumber].update(dataZoo(zooLink)[0]) if episodeList[episodeNumber]['start'].year not in list( seasonsList.keys()): seasonsList[episodeList[episodeNumber]['start'].year] = { 'start': episodeNumber, 'end': 0, 'startDate': episodeList[episodeNumber]['start'] } try: seasonsList[episodeList[episodeNumber]['start'].year - 1]['end'] = episodeNumber - 1 except KeyError: pass if episodeNumber % 1 == 0: print(f'Episode {episodeNumber} @ {start}') else: episodeNumber -= 1 nextButton = soup.find( src='') nextEpisode = nextButton.parent['href'] if nextButton else '' if nextEpisode: episodeNumber += 1 episodeSuffix = nextEpisode episodeLinks.append(episodeSuffix) else: print(f"Scraped episodes {len(episodeList)}\nNo more epiosdes") break seasonsList[list(seasonsList)[-1]]['end'] = episodeNumber return episodeList, seasonsList