Exemple #1
	def drawPreview(self, pointingsName, index, title=None):
		if title is None:
			title = "Preview of pointing number %d in %s"%(index, pointingsName)
		print "Creating preview: %s"%title
		objectList = self.getStoredObject(pointingsName)
		if objectList is None: return
		pointingObject = objectList[index]
		print "mean: %f"%pointingObject.mean
		self.previewFigure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(title, figsize=(self.previewSize, self.previewSize))
		self.previewFigure.frameon = False
		axes = matplotlib.pyplot.gca()
		imgplot = matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(numpy.flipud(pointingObject.data), cmap="hsv", interpolation='nearest')
		matplotlib.pyplot.plot(pointingObject.maxPosition[1], self.superPixelSize - 2 - pointingObject.maxPosition[0], color = 'r', marker='o', markersize=25, lw=4, fillstyle='none')
		matplotlib.pyplot.plot(10, 10, color = 'g', marker='x')
		print pointingObject.data
		print pointingObject.ra, pointingObject.dec, generalUtils.toSexagesimal((pointingObject.ra, pointingObject.dec))
Exemple #2
	def loadFITSFile(self, filename):
		hdulist = fits.open(filename)
		self.filename = filename
		self.rootname = filename.split(".")[0]
		FITSHeaders = []
		for card in hdulist:
			# print(card.header.keys())
			# print(repr(card.header))
			for key in card.header.keys():
				self.FITSHeaders[key] = card.header[key]
				if 'WFFBAND' in key:
					self.filter = card.header[key]
		import astropy.io.fits as pf
		self.originalImageData = pf.getdata(filename, uint=False, do_not_scale_image_data=False)
		# self.originalImageData =  hdulist[1].data
		self.height, self.width = numpy.shape(self.originalImageData)
		self.wcsSolution = WCS(hdulist[1].header)
		print "width, height", self.width, self.height, "shape:", numpy.shape(self.originalImageData)
		imageCentre = (self.width/2, self.height/2)
		ra, dec = self.wcsSolution.all_pix2world([imageCentre], 1)[0]
		self.centre = (ra, dec)
		positionString = generalUtils.toSexagesimal((ra, dec))
		print "RA, DEC of image centre is: ", positionString, ra, dec
Exemple #3
def calculateBMJD(slotID):
	slot = slots.getSlotByID(slotID)
	times = slot.getPhotometryColumn('MJD')
	# Double-check that we have the info we need to perform this calculation
	if slot.telescope == None:
		print "Sorry. There is no telescope information set for this object."

	if slot.coordinates == None:
		print "Sorry. We don't have the coordinates for this object. You can set them with the 'set' command."

	print "Calculating barycentric MJD or BMJD"	
	obsLong = slot.telescope['longitude']
	obsLat = slot.telescope['latitude']
	obsAlt = slot.telescope['altitude']
	obsName = slot.telescope['name'] 
	print "Using the following telescope information:\nName: %s\nLongitude: %.2f [deg]\tLatitude: %.2f [deg]\t Altitude: %.1f [m]"%(obsName, obsLong, obsLat, obsAlt)

	obsLocation = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation(lon = obsLong, lat = obsLat, height=obsAlt)

	ra, dec = slot.coordinates
	targetRADEC = generalUtils.toSexagesimal((ra,dec))
	print "Target position: %s (%f, %f)"%(targetRADEC, ra, dec)

	targetCoords = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit='deg')
	BMJD = []
	t = times[0]
	observationTime = slbarycentric.Time(t, format='mjd', location = obsLocation)
	for index, t in enumerate(times):
		observationTime.__init__(t, format='mjd', location = obsLocation)
		delta, bcor = observationTime.bcor(targetCoords)
		bmjd = float(bcor.mjd)
		sys.stdout.write("\r[%d/%d]  MJD %5.8f ---> BMJD %5.8f  = %f seconds   "%(index, len(times)-1, t, bmjd, delta))
	slot.addColumn("BMJD", numpy.array(BMJD), clobber=True)
    ppgplot.pgsvp(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    ppgplot.pgswin(0, width, 0, height)

    # ppgplot.pgenv(0., width,0., height, 1, -2)
    imagePlot['pgPlotTransform'] = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]

    boostedImage = generalUtils.percentiles(imageData, 20, 99)
    ppgplot.pggray(boostedImage, 0, width - 1, 0, height - 1, 0, 255,

    # Determine the RA, DEC of the centre of the image, using the WCS solution found in the FITS header
    imageCentre = [width / 2, height / 2]

    ra, dec = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([imageCentre], 1)[0]

    positionString = generalUtils.toSexagesimal((ra, dec))
    print("RA, DEC of image centre is: ", positionString, ra, dec)
    margins = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([[0, 0], [width, height]], 1)
    margins = checkMargins(margins)
    print("ra, dec limits:", margins)

    print("Looking for bright stars")
    brightStars = getBrightStars(ra, dec, 0.5)

    filenameParts = args.filename.split('.')
    dr2Filename = filenameParts[0] + "_dr2_cache.fits"
    cached = False
    if not args.ignorecache:
        print("Looking for a cached copy of the DR2 catalogue:", dr2Filename)
        if os.path.exists(dr2Filename):
            cached = True
Exemple #5
	ppgplot.pgswin(0, width, 0, height)
	# ppgplot.pgenv(0., width,0., height, 1, -2)
	imagePlot['pgPlotTransform'] = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
	boostedImage = generalUtils.percentiles(imageData, 20, 99)
	ppgplot.pggray(boostedImage, 0, width-1, 0, height-1, 0, 255, imagePlot['pgPlotTransform'])
	# Determine the RA, DEC of the centre of the image, using the WCS solution found in the FITS header
	imageCentre = [ width/2, height/2]
	ra, dec = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([imageCentre], 1)[0]
	positionString = generalUtils.toSexagesimal((ra, dec))
	print "RA, DEC of image centre is: ", positionString, ra, dec
	margins = wcsSolution.all_pix2world([[0, 0], [width, height]], 1)
	margins = checkMargins(margins)
	print "ra, dec limits:", margins
	xlimits = (0, width)
	ylimits = (0, height)
	# try: 
	newWidth = width
	newHeight = height
Exemple #6
	print "RA, DEC of the target:", ephemeris.ra, ephemeris.dec	
	print "Calculating barycentric MJD or BMJD"	
	telescope = telescopes[0]
	obsLong = telescope['longitude']
	obsLat = telescope['latitude']
	obsAlt = telescope['altitude']
	obsName = telescope['name'] 
	print "Using the following telescope information:\nName: %s\nLongitude: %.2f [deg]\tLatitude: %.2f [deg]\t Altitude: %.1f [m]"%(obsName, obsLong, obsLat, obsAlt)

	obsLocation = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation(lon = obsLong, lat = obsLat, height=obsAlt)

	ra, dec = ephemeris.ra, ephemeris.dec
	targetRADEC = generalUtils.toSexagesimal((ra,dec))
	print "Target position: %s (%f, %f)"%(targetRADEC, ra, dec)

	targetCoords = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit='deg')
	BMJD = []
	t = times[0]
	observationTime = slbarycentric.Time(t, format='mjd', location = obsLocation)
	for index, t in enumerate(times):
		observationTime.__init__(t, format='mjd', location = obsLocation)
		delta, bcor = observationTime.bcor(targetCoords)
		bmjd = float(bcor.mjd)
		sys.stdout.write("\r[%d/%d]  MJD %5.8f ---> BMJD %5.8f  = %f seconds   "%(index, len(times)-1, t, bmjd, delta))