vocab += sorted([t for t in counter_c.keys() - counter_q.keys() if t in glove_vocab],
                        key=counter.get, reverse=True)
    total = sum(counter.values())
    matched = sum(counter[t] for t in vocab)
    log.info('vocab {1}/{0} OOV {2}/{3} ({4:.4f}%)'.format(
        len(counter), len(vocab), (total - matched), total, (total - matched) / total * 100))
    vocab.insert(0, "<PAD>")
    vocab.insert(1, "<UNK>")
    vocab.insert(2, "<S>")
    vocab.insert(3, "</S>")
    return vocab

# vocab
tr_vocab = build_train_vocab(trQ_tokens, trC_tokens)
trC_ids = token2id(trC_tokens, tr_vocab, unk_id=1)
trQ_ids = token2id(trQ_tokens, tr_vocab, unk_id=1)
trQ_tokens = [["<S>"] + doc + ["</S>"] for doc in trQ_tokens]
trQ_ids = [[2] + qsent + [3] for qsent in trQ_ids]
# print(trQ_ids[:10])
# tags
vocab_tag = [''] + list(nlp.tagger.labels)
trC_tag_ids = token2id(trC_tags, vocab_tag)
# entities
vocab_ent = list(set([ent for sent in trC_ents for ent in sent]))
trC_ent_ids = token2id(trC_ents, vocab_ent, unk_id=0)

log.info('Found {} POS tags.'.format(len(vocab_tag)))
log.info('Found {} entity tags: {}'.format(len(vocab_ent), vocab_ent))
log.info('vocabulary for training is built.')
Exemple #2
def preprocess_eval_data(filename, output_msgpack):
    EvalData = process_jsonlines(filename)

    filename = os.path.basename(filename)
    log.info(filename + ' flattened.')

    EvalDataP_iter = (pre_proc(p) for p in EvalData.P)
    EvalDataH_iter = (pre_proc(h) for h in EvalData.H)
    EvalDataP_docs = [
        doc for doc in nlp.pipe(
            EvalDataP_iter, batch_size=64, n_threads=args.threads)
    EvalDataH_docs = [
        doc for doc in nlp.pipe(
            EvalDataH_iter, batch_size=64, n_threads=args.threads)

    # tokens
    EvalDataP_tokens = [[normalize_text(w.text) for w in doc]
                        for doc in EvalDataP_docs]
    EvalDataH_tokens = [[normalize_text(w.text) for w in doc]
                        for doc in EvalDataH_docs]
    log.info('All tokens for ' + filename + ' are obtained.')

    # features
    EvalDataP_tags, EvalDataP_ents, EvalDataP_features = feature_gen(
        EvalDataP_docs, EvalDataH_docs)
    EvalDataH_tags, EvalDataH_ents, EvalDataH_features = feature_gen(
        EvalDataH_docs, EvalDataP_docs)
    log.info('features for ' + filename + ' is generated.')

    def build_EvalData_vocab(A, B):  # most vocabulary comes from tr_vocab
        existing_vocab = set(tr_vocab)
        new_vocab = list(
                w for doc in A + B for w in doc
                if w not in existing_vocab and w in glove_vocab
        vocab = tr_vocab + new_vocab
        log.info('train vocab {0}, total vocab {1}'.format(
            len(tr_vocab), len(vocab)))
        return vocab

    # vocab
    EvalData_vocab = build_EvalData_vocab(
        EvalDataH_tokens)  # tr_vocab is a subset of EvalData_vocab
    EvalDataP_ids = token2id(EvalDataP_tokens, EvalData_vocab, unk_id=1)
    EvalDataH_ids = token2id(EvalDataH_tokens, EvalData_vocab, unk_id=1)

    # tags
    EvalDataP_tag_ids = token2id(EvalDataP_tags, vocab_tag)
    EvalDataH_tag_ids = token2id(EvalDataH_tags,
                                 vocab_tag)  # vocab_tag same as training

    # entities
    EvalDataP_ent_ids = token2id(EvalDataP_ents,
                                 vocab_ent)  # vocab_ent same as training
    EvalDataH_ent_ids = token2id(EvalDataH_ents,
                                 vocab_ent)  # vocab_ent same as training
    log.info('vocabulary for ' + filename + ' is built.')

    EvalData_embedding = build_embedding(
        wv_file, EvalData_vocab,
        wv_dim)  # tr_embedding is a submatrix of EvalData_embedding
    log.info('got embedding matrix for ' + filename)

    result = {
        'premise_ids': EvalDataP_ids,
        'premise_features': EvalDataP_features,  # exact match, tf
        'premise_tags': EvalDataP_tag_ids,  # POS tagging
        'premise_ents': EvalDataP_ent_ids,  # Entity recognition
        'hypothesis_ids': EvalDataH_ids,
        'hypothesis_features': EvalDataH_features,  # exact match, tf
        'hypothesis_tags': EvalDataH_tag_ids,  # POS tagging
        'hypothesis_ents': EvalDataH_ent_ids,  # Entity recognition
        'vocab': EvalData_vocab,
        'embedding': EvalData_embedding.tolist(),
        'answers': EvalData.label
    with open(output_msgpack, 'wb') as f:
        msgpack.dump(result, f)

    log.info('saved ' + output_msgpack + ' to disk.')
Exemple #3
            w for doc in questions + contexts for w in doc
            if w not in existing_vocab and w in glove_vocab
    vocab = tr_vocab + new_vocab
    log.info('train vocab {0}, total vocab {1}'.format(len(tr_vocab),
    return vocab

# tokens
testC_tokens = [[normalize_text(w.text) for w in doc] for doc in testC_docs]
testQ_tokens = [[normalize_text(w.text) for w in doc] for doc in testQ_docs]
test_vocab = build_test_vocab(
    testQ_tokens, testC_tokens)  # tr_vocab is a subset of test_vocab
testC_ids = token2id(testC_tokens, test_vocab, unk_id=1)
testQ_ids = token2id(testQ_tokens, test_vocab, unk_id=1)
# tags
vocab_tag = list(nlp.tagger.tag_names)
testC_tag_ids = token2id(testC_tags, vocab_tag)  # vocab_tag same as training
# entities
vocab_ent = [''] + nlp.entity.cfg[u'actions']['1']
testC_ent_ids = token2id(testC_ents, vocab_ent)  # vocab_ent same as training
log.info('vocabulary for test is built.')

test_embedding = build_embedding(wv_file, test_vocab, wv_dim)
# tr_embedding is a submatrix of test_embedding
log.info('got embedding matrix for test.')

# don't store row name in csv
test.to_csv('SQuAD/test.csv', index=False, encoding='utf8')
Exemple #4

    total = sum(counter.values())
    matched = sum(counter[t] for t in vocab)
    log.info('vocab {1}/{0} OOV {2}/{3} ({4:.4f}%)'.format(
        len(counter), len(vocab), (total - matched), total,
        (total - matched) / total * 100))
    vocab.insert(0, "<PAD>")
    vocab.insert(1, "<UNK>")
    return vocab

# vocab
tr_vocab = build_train_vocab(trH_tokens, trP_tokens)
trP_ids = token2id(trP_tokens, tr_vocab, unk_id=1)
trH_ids = token2id(trH_tokens, tr_vocab, unk_id=1)

# tags
vocab_tag = list(nlp.tagger.labels)
trP_tag_ids = token2id(trP_tags, vocab_tag)
trH_tag_ids = token2id(trH_tags, vocab_tag)

# entities
vocab_ent = [
    '', 'PERSON', 'CARDINAL', 'ORG', 'GPE', 'FAC', 'MONEY', 'NORP', 'DATE',

# vocab_ent = [''] + nlp.entity.move_names
Exemple #5
    matched = sum(counter[t] for t in vocab)
    log.info('vocab {1}/{0} OOV {2}/{3} ({4:.4f}%)'.format(
        len(counter), len(vocab), (total - matched), total,
        (total - matched) / total * 100))
    vocab.insert(0, "<PAD>")
    vocab.insert(1, "<UNK>")
    vocab.insert(2, "<S>")
    vocab.insert(3, "</S>")
    return vocab

# vocab
tr_vocab = build_train_vocab(
    trQ_tokens, trC_tokens)  #不在glove词典中的词就作为unk看待了 ,#tr_vocab实际上是一个list

trC_ids = token2id(trC_tokens, tr_vocab, unk_id=1)
trQ_ids = token2id(trQ_tokens, tr_vocab, unk_id=1)  #转化为id表示了
trQ_tokens = [["<S>"] + doc + ["</S>"] for doc in trQ_tokens]
trQ_ids = [[2] + qsent + [3] for qsent in trQ_ids]
print("trQ_ids = ")

# tags
a = list(nlp.tagger.labels)
# print("a = ",a)
# print(len(a))
vocab_tag = [''] + list(nlp.tagger.labels)
# 这些tag的意义还不知道,有50个tag,不可能是人工写规则,即便是使用,也是在后端用word embedding的方式,弄一个tag embedding
# print("vocab_tag = ",vocab_tag)
# print(len(vocab_tag))
# exit(789)
Exemple #6
# trc_features:list of 每个word为一个元组(match_origin, match_lower, match_lemma, term_freq)
trC_tags, trC_ents, trC_features = feature_gen(trC_docs, train.context_idx,
                                               trQ_docs, args.no_match)
log.info('features for training is generated: {}, {}, {}'.format(
    len(trC_tags), len(trC_ents), len(trC_features)))

# tr_vocab = build_train_vocab(trQ_tokens, trC_tokens)
# trC_ids = token2id(trC_tokens, tr_vocab, unk_id=1)
# trQ_ids = token2id(trQ_tokens, tr_vocab, unk_id=1)
trC_ids = tokens2ids(trC_docs_forbert)
trQ_ids = tokens2ids(trQ_docs_forbert)
log.info('build index has been built by bert tokenization')

# tags
vocab_tag = [''] + list(nlp.tagger.labels)
trC_tag_ids = token2id(trC_tags, vocab_tag)
# entities
vocab_ent = list(set([ent for sent in trC_ents for ent in sent]))
trC_ent_ids = token2id(trC_ents, vocab_ent, unk_id=0)

log.info('Found {} POS tags.'.format(len(vocab_tag)))
log.info('Found {} entity tags: {}'.format(len(vocab_ent), vocab_ent))

# don't store row name in csv
# train.to_csv('QuAC_data/train.csv', index=False, encoding='utf8')

prev_CID, first_question = -1, []
for i, CID in enumerate(train.context_idx):
    if not (CID == prev_CID):
    prev_CID = CID
Exemple #7
def preprocess_data(dev_file):
    dev, dev_context = flatten_json(dev_file, proc_dev)

    dev = pd.DataFrame(dev,
                           'context_idx', 'question', 'answer', 'answer_start',
                           'answer_end', 'answer_choice', 'all_answer', 'qid'
    print('dev json data flattened.')

    devC_iter = (pre_proc(c) for c in dev_context)
    devQ_iter = (pre_proc(q) for q in dev.question)
    nlp = spacy.load('en', disable=['parser'])
    devC_docs = [
        doc for doc in nlp.pipe(
            devC_iter, batch_size=64, n_threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    devQ_docs = [
        doc for doc in nlp.pipe(
            devQ_iter, batch_size=64, n_threads=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    del nlp

    devC_tokens = [[normalize_text(w.text) for w in doc] for doc in devC_docs]
    devQ_tokens = [[normalize_text(w.text) for w in doc] for doc in devQ_docs]
    devC_unnorm_tokens = [[w.text for w in doc] for doc in devC_docs]
    print('All tokens for dev are obtained.')

    dev_context_span = [
        get_context_span(a, b) for a, b in zip(dev_context, devC_unnorm_tokens)
    print('context span for dev is generated.')

    ans_st_token_ls, ans_end_token_ls = [], []
    for ans_st, ans_end, idx in zip(dev.answer_start, dev.answer_end,
        ans_st_token, ans_end_token = find_answer_span(dev_context_span[idx],
                                                       ans_st, ans_end)

    dev['answer_start_token'], dev[
        'answer_end_token'] = ans_st_token_ls, ans_end_token_ls
    initial_len = len(dev)
    dev.dropna(inplace=True)  # modify self DataFrame
    print('drop {0}/{1} inconsistent samples.'.format(initial_len - len(dev),
    print('answer span for dev is generated.')

    devC_tags, devC_ents, devC_features = feature_gen(devC_docs,
                                                      devQ_docs, False)
    print('features for dev is generated: {}, {}, {}'.format(
        len(devC_tags), len(devC_ents), len(devC_features)))

    dev_vocab = build_dev_vocab(
        devQ_tokens, devC_tokens)  # tr_vocab is a subset of dev_vocab
    devC_ids = token2id(devC_tokens, dev_vocab, unk_id=1)
    devQ_ids = token2id(devQ_tokens, dev_vocab, unk_id=1)
    devQ_tokens = [["<S>"] + doc + ["</S>"] for doc in devQ_tokens]
    devQ_ids = [[2] + qsent + [3] for qsent in devQ_ids]

    # BERT stuff
    devC_bert_tokens = tokenize(devC_tokens)
    devC_bert_ids = [bert_tokens_to_ids(x) for x in devC_bert_tokens]
    devQ_bert_tokens = tokenize(devQ_tokens)
    devQ_bert_ids = [bert_tokens_to_ids(x) for x in devQ_bert_tokens]

    devC_bert_spans = [
        calc_bert_spans(b, t) for b, t in zip(devC_bert_tokens, devC_tokens)
    devQ_bert_spans = [
        calc_bert_spans(b, t) for b, t in zip(devQ_bert_tokens, devQ_tokens)

    vocab_tag = pickle.load(open('./vocab_tag.pkl', 'rb'))
    vocab_ent = pickle.load(open('./vocab_ent.pkl', 'rb'))

    devC_tag_ids = token2id(devC_tags, vocab_tag)  # vocab_tag same as training
    # entities
    devC_ent_ids = token2id(devC_ents, vocab_ent,
                            unk_id=0)  # vocab_ent same as training
    print('vocabulary for dev is built.')

    dev_embedding = build_embedding('glove/glove.840B.300d.txt', dev_vocab,

    meta = {'vocab': dev_vocab, 'embedding': dev_embedding.tolist()}

    prev_CID, first_question = -1, []
    for i, CID in enumerate(dev.context_idx):
        if not (CID == prev_CID):
        prev_CID = CID

    result = {
        'qids': dev.qid.tolist(),
        'question_ids': devQ_ids,
        'context_ids': devC_ids,
        'context_features': devC_features,  # exact match, tf
        'context_tags': devC_tag_ids,  # POS tagging
        'context_ents': devC_ent_ids,  # Entity recognition
        'context': dev_context,
        'context_span': dev_context_span,
        '1st_question': first_question,
        'question_CID': dev.context_idx.tolist(),
        'question': dev.question.tolist(),
        'answer': dev.answer.tolist(),
        'answer_start': dev.answer_start_token.tolist(),
        'answer_end': dev.answer_end_token.tolist(),
        'answer_choice': dev.answer_choice.tolist(),
        'all_answer': dev.all_answer.tolist(),
        'context_tokenized': devC_tokens,
        'question_tokenized': devQ_tokens,
        'context_bertidx': devC_bert_ids,
        'context_bert_spans': devC_bert_spans,
        'question_bertidx': devQ_bert_ids,
        'question_bert_spans': devQ_bert_spans

    return meta, result
def build_test_data(opt, dev_file, vocab):

    # random.seed(args.seed)
    # np.random.seed(args.seed)

    # logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG,
    #                     datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S')
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    # tags
    vocab_tag = [''] + list(nlp.tagger.labels)

    # entities
    # log.info('start data preparing... (using {} threads)'.format(args.threads))

    # glove_vocab = load_glove_vocab(wv_file, wv_dim)  # return a "set" of vocabulary
    # log.info('glove loaded.')

    def proc_dev(ith, article):
        rows = []
        context = article['story']

        for j, (question, answers) in enumerate(
                zip(article['questions'], article['answers'])):
            gold_answer = answers['input_text']
            span_answer = answers['span_text']

            answer, char_i, char_j = free_text_to_span(gold_answer,
            answer_choice = 0 if answer == '__NA__' else \
                1 if answer == '__YES__' else \
                    2 if answer == '__NO__' else \
                        3  # Not a yes/no question

            if answer_choice == 3:
                answer_start = answers['span_start'] + char_i
                answer_end = answers['span_start'] + char_j
                answer_start, answer_end = -1, -1

            rationale = answers['span_text']
            rationale_start = answers['span_start']
            rationale_end = answers['span_end']

            q_text = question['input_text']
            if j > 0:
                q_text = article['answers'][j -
                                            1]['input_text'] + " // " + q_text

                (ith, q_text, answer, answer_start, answer_end, rationale,
                 rationale_start, rationale_end, answer_choice))
        return rows, context

    dev, dev_context = flatten_json(dev_file, proc_dev)
    dev = pd.DataFrame(dev,
                           'context_idx', 'question', 'answer', 'answer_start',
                           'answer_end', 'rationale', 'rationale_start',
                           'rationale_end', 'answer_choice'
    # log.info('dev json data flattened.')

    # print(dev)

    devC_iter = (pre_proc(c) for c in dev_context)
    devQ_iter = (pre_proc(q) for q in dev.question)
    devC_docs = [
        for doc in nlp.pipe(devC_iter, batch_size=64, n_threads=args.threads)
    devQ_docs = [
        for doc in nlp.pipe(devQ_iter, batch_size=64, n_threads=args.threads)

    # tokens
    devC_tokens = [[re.sub(r'_', ' ', normalize_text(w.text)) for w in doc]
                   for doc in devC_docs]
    devQ_tokens = [[re.sub(r'_', ' ', normalize_text(w.text)) for w in doc]
                   for doc in devQ_docs]
    devC_unnorm_tokens = [[re.sub(r'_', ' ', w.text) for w in doc]
                          for doc in devC_docs]
    # log.info('All tokens for dev are obtained.')

    dev_context_span = [
        get_context_span(a, b) for a, b in zip(dev_context, devC_unnorm_tokens)
    # log.info('context span for dev is generated.')

    ans_st_token_ls, ans_end_token_ls = [], []
    for ans_st, ans_end, idx in zip(dev.answer_start, dev.answer_end,
        ans_st_token, ans_end_token = find_answer_span(dev_context_span[idx],
                                                       ans_st, ans_end)

    ration_st_token_ls, ration_end_token_ls = [], []
    for ration_st, ration_end, idx in zip(dev.rationale_start,
                                          dev.rationale_end, dev.context_idx):
        ration_st_token, ration_end_token = find_answer_span(
            dev_context_span[idx], ration_st, ration_end)

    dev['answer_start_token'], dev[
        'answer_end_token'] = ans_st_token_ls, ans_end_token_ls
    dev['rationale_start_token'], dev[
        'rationale_end_token'] = ration_st_token_ls, ration_end_token_ls

    initial_len = len(dev)
    dev.dropna(inplace=True)  # modify self DataFrame
    # log.info('drop {0}/{1} inconsistent samples.'.format(initial_len - len(dev), initial_len))
    # log.info('answer span for dev is generated.')

    # features
    devC_tags, devC_ents, devC_features = feature_gen(devC_docs,
                                                      devQ_docs, args.no_match)
    # log.info('features for dev is generated: {}, {}, {}'.format(len(devC_tags), len(devC_ents), len(devC_features)))
    vocab_ent = list(set([ent for sent in devC_ents for ent in sent]))

    # vocab
    dev_vocab = vocab  # tr_vocab is a subset of dev_vocab
    devC_ids = token2id(devC_tokens, dev_vocab, unk_id=1)
    devQ_ids = token2id(devQ_tokens, dev_vocab, unk_id=1)
    devQ_tokens = [["<S>"] + doc + ["</S>"] for doc in devQ_tokens]
    devQ_ids = [[2] + qsent + [3] for qsent in devQ_ids]
    # print(devQ_ids[:10])
    # tags
    devC_tag_ids = token2id(devC_tags, vocab_tag)  # vocab_tag same as training
    # entities
    devC_ent_ids = token2id(devC_ents, vocab_ent,
                            unk_id=0)  # vocab_ent same as training
    # log.info('vocabulary for dev is built.')

    prev_CID, first_question = -1, []
    for i, CID in enumerate(dev.context_idx):
        if not (CID == prev_CID):
        prev_CID = CID

    data = {
        'question_ids': devQ_ids,
        'context_ids': devC_ids,
        'context_features': devC_features,  # exact match, tf
        'context_tags': devC_tag_ids,  # POS tagging
        'context_ents': devC_ent_ids,  # Entity recognition
        'context': dev_context,
        'context_span': dev_context_span,
        '1st_question': first_question,
        'question_CID': dev.context_idx.tolist(),
        'question': dev.question.tolist(),
        'answer': dev.answer.tolist(),
        'answer_start': dev.answer_start_token.tolist(),
        'answer_end': dev.answer_end_token.tolist(),
        'rationale_start': dev.rationale_start_token.tolist(),
        'rationale_end': dev.rationale_end_token.tolist(),
        'answer_choice': dev.answer_choice.tolist(),
        'context_tokenized': devC_tokens,
        'question_tokenized': devQ_tokens
    # with open('CoQA/test_data.msgpack', 'wb') as f:
    #     msgpack.dump(result, f)

    # log.info('saved test to disk.')
    dev = {
            zip(data['context_ids'], data['context_tags'],
                data['context_ents'], data['context'], data['context_span'],
                data['1st_question'], data['context_tokenized'])),
            zip(data['question_CID'], data['question_ids'],
                data['context_features'], data['answer_start'],
                data['answer_end'], data['rationale_start'],
                data['rationale_end'], data['answer_choice'], data['question'],
                data['answer'], data['question_tokenized']))
    print("test_data built")
    # embedding = torch.Tensor(meta['embedding'])
    return dev