Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, rpn_layers, global_buffers, inference=False, num_rois=128, pre_nms_N=12000,
                 post_nms_N=2000, nms_thresh=0.7, min_bbox_size=16, num_classes=21,
                 fg_fraction=None, fg_thresh=None, bg_thresh_hi=None, bg_thresh_lo=None,
                 deterministic=False, name=None, debug=False):
            rpn_layers (list): References to the RPN layers: [RPN_1x1_obj, RPN_1x1_bbox]
            target_buffers (tuple): Target buffers for training fast-rcnn: (class, bbox regression)
            num_rois (int, optional): Number of ROIs to sample from proposed (default: 128)
            pre_nms_N (int, optional): Number of ROIs to retain before using NMS (default: 12000)
            post_nms_N (int, optional): Number of ROIs to retain after using NMS (default: 2000)
            nms_thresh (float, optional): Threshold for non-maximum supression (default: 0.7)
            min_bbox_size (integer, optional): Minimize bboxes side length (default: 16)
            name (string, optional): Name of layer (default: None)
        super(ProposalLayer, self).__init__(name)

        self.rpn_obj, self.rpn_bbox = rpn_layers
        self.num_rois = num_rois
        self.pre_nms_N = pre_nms_N
        self.post_nms_N = post_nms_N
        self.nms_thresh = nms_thresh
        self.min_bbox_size = min_bbox_size
        self.num_classes = num_classes
        self.fg_fraction = fg_fraction if fg_fraction else FG_FRACTION
        self.fg_thresh = fg_thresh if fg_thresh else FG_THRESH
        self.bg_thresh_hi = bg_thresh_hi if bg_thresh_hi else BG_THRESH_HI
        self.bg_thresh_lo = bg_thresh_lo if bg_thresh_lo else BG_THRESH_LO
        self.deterministic = deterministic
        self.debug = debug

        # the output shape of this layer depends on whether the network
        # will be used for inference. In inference mode, the output shape is
        # (5, post_nms_N). For training, a smaller set of rois are sampled, yielding
        # an output shape of (5, num_rois)
        self.inference = inference

        # set references to dataset object buffers
        self.target_buffers = global_buffers['target_buffers']
        self.im_shape, self.im_scale = global_buffers['img_info']
        self.gt_boxes, self.gt_classes, self.num_gt_boxes = global_buffers['gt_boxes']
        self._conv_size, self._scale = global_buffers['conv_config']

        # generate anchors and load onto device
        # self._anchors has shape (KHW, 4)
        self._anchors = generate_all_anchors(self._conv_size, self._conv_size, self._scale)
        self._dev_anchors = self.be.array(self._anchors)
        self._num_anchors = self._anchors.shape[0]
Exemple #2
    def add_anchors(self, roi_db):
        # adds a database of anchors

        # 1. for each i in (H,W), generate k=9 anchor boxes centered on i
        # 2. compute each anchor box against ground truth
        # 3. assign each anchor to positive (1), negative (0), or ignored (-1)
        # 4. for positive anchors, store the bbtargets

        # 1.
        # generate list of K anchor boxes, where K = # ratios * # scales
        # anchor boxes are coded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
        all_anchors = generate_all_anchors(self._conv_size, self._conv_size, self.SCALE)
        # all_anchors are in (CHW) order, matching the CHWN output of the conv layer.
        assert self._total_anchors == all_anchors.shape[0]

        # 2.
        # Iterate through each image, and build list of positive/negative anchors
        for db in roi_db:

            im_scale, im_shape = self.calculate_scale_shape(db['img_shape'])

            # only keep anchors inside image
            idx_inside = inside_im_bounds(all_anchors, im_shape)

            if DEBUG:
                neon_logger.display('im shape', im_shape)
                neon_logger.display('idx inside', len(idx_inside))

            anchors = all_anchors[idx_inside, :]

            labels = np.empty((len(idx_inside), ), dtype=np.float32)

            # compute bbox overlaps
            overlaps = calculate_bb_overlap(np.ascontiguousarray(anchors, dtype=np.float),
                                            np.ascontiguousarray(db['gt_bb'] * im_scale,

            # assign bg labels first
            bg_idx = overlaps.max(axis=1) < self.NEGATIVE_OVERLAP
            labels[bg_idx] = 0

            # assing fg labels

            # 1. for each gt box, anchor with higher overlaps [including ties]
            gt_idx = np.where(overlaps == overlaps.max(axis=0))[0]
            labels[gt_idx] = 1

            # 2. any anchor above the overlap threshold with any gt box
            fg_idx = overlaps.max(axis=1) >= self.POSITIVE_OVERLAP
            labels[fg_idx] = 1

            if DEBUG:
                neon_logger.display('max_overlap: {}'.format(overlaps.max()))
                neon_logger.display('Assigned {} bg labels'.format(bg_idx.sum()))
                neon_logger.display('Assigned {}+{} fg labels'.format(fg_idx.sum(), len(gt_idx)))
                neon_logger.display('Total fg labels: {}'.format(np.sum(labels == 1)))
                neon_logger.display('Total bg labels: {}'.format(np.sum(labels == 0)))

            # For every anchor, compute the regression target compared
            # to the gt box that it has the highest overlap with
            # the indicies of labels should match these targets
            bbox_targets = np.zeros((len(idx_inside), 4), dtype=np.float32)
            bbox_targets = _compute_targets(db['gt_bb'][overlaps.argmax(axis=1), :] * im_scale,

            # store class label of max_overlap gt to use in normalization
            gt_max_overlap_classes = overlaps.argmax(axis=1)

            # store results in database
            db['labels'] = labels
            db['bbox_targets'] = bbox_targets
            db['max_classes'] = gt_max_overlap_classes
            db['total_anchors'] = self._total_anchors
            db['idx_inside'] = idx_inside
            db['im_width'] = im_shape[0]
            db['im_height'] = im_shape[1]

        return roi_db
Exemple #3
    def add_anchors(self, roi_db):
        # adds a database of anchors

        # 1. for each i in (H,W), generate k=9 anchor boxes centered on i
        # 2. compute each anchor box against ground truth
        # 3. assign each anchor to positive (1), negative (0), or ignored (-1)
        # 4. for positive anchors, store the bbtargets

        # 1.
        # generate list of K anchor boxes, where K = # ratios * # scales
        # anchor boxes are coded as [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
        all_anchors = generate_all_anchors(self._conv_size, self._conv_size,
        # all_anchors are in (CHW) order, matching the CHWN output of the conv layer.
        assert self._total_anchors == all_anchors.shape[0]

        # 2.
        # Iterate through each image, and build list of positive/negative anchors
        for db in roi_db:

            im_scale, im_shape = self.calculate_scale_shape(db['img_shape'])

            # only keep anchors inside image
            idx_inside = inside_im_bounds(all_anchors, im_shape)

            if DEBUG:
                neon_logger.display('im shape', im_shape)
                neon_logger.display('idx inside', len(idx_inside))

            anchors = all_anchors[idx_inside, :]

            labels = np.empty((len(idx_inside), ), dtype=np.float32)

            # compute bbox overlaps
            overlaps = calculate_bb_overlap(
                np.ascontiguousarray(anchors, dtype=np.float),
                np.ascontiguousarray(db['gt_bb'] * im_scale, dtype=np.float))

            # assign bg labels first
            bg_idx = overlaps.max(axis=1) < self.NEGATIVE_OVERLAP
            labels[bg_idx] = 0

            # assing fg labels

            # 1. for each gt box, anchor with higher overlaps [including ties]
            gt_idx = np.where(overlaps == overlaps.max(axis=0))[0]
            labels[gt_idx] = 1

            # 2. any anchor above the overlap threshold with any gt box
            fg_idx = overlaps.max(axis=1) >= self.POSITIVE_OVERLAP
            labels[fg_idx] = 1

            if DEBUG:
                neon_logger.display('max_overlap: {}'.format(overlaps.max()))
                neon_logger.display('Assigned {} bg labels'.format(
                neon_logger.display('Assigned {}+{} fg labels'.format(
                    fg_idx.sum(), len(gt_idx)))
                neon_logger.display('Total fg labels: {}'.format(
                    np.sum(labels == 1)))
                neon_logger.display('Total bg labels: {}'.format(
                    np.sum(labels == 0)))

            # For every anchor, compute the regression target compared
            # to the gt box that it has the highest overlap with
            # the indicies of labels should match these targets
            bbox_targets = np.zeros((len(idx_inside), 4), dtype=np.float32)
            bbox_targets = _compute_targets(
                db['gt_bb'][overlaps.argmax(axis=1), :] * im_scale, anchors)

            # store class label of max_overlap gt to use in normalization
            gt_max_overlap_classes = overlaps.argmax(axis=1)

            # store results in database
            db['labels'] = labels
            db['bbox_targets'] = bbox_targets
            db['max_classes'] = gt_max_overlap_classes
            db['total_anchors'] = self._total_anchors
            db['idx_inside'] = idx_inside
            db['im_width'] = im_shape[0]
            db['im_height'] = im_shape[1]

        return roi_db