Exemple #1
 def set_defaults(self):
     self.name_count = 0
     if self.context.version >= 32:
         self.knownff = 0
     if self.context.version >= 32:
         self.zero_0 = 0
     if self.context.version >= 32:
         self.unknown_0_c = 0
     self.unk_count = 0
     self.bind_matrix_count = 0
     self.zeros = numpy.zeros((3), dtype='uint64')
     self.bone_count = 0
     self.unknown_40 = 0
     self.parents_count = 0
     if (self.context.version == 13) or (((self.context.version == 48) or
                                          (self.context.version == 50)) or
                                         (self.context.version == 51)):
         self.extra_zero = 0
     self.enum_count = 0
     self.unknown_58 = 0
     self.one = 0
     self.zeros_count = 0
     if self.context.version == 32:
         self.unk_pc_count = 0
     self.count_7 = 0
     self.joint_count = 0
     self.unk_78_count = 0
     if self.context.version <= 13:
         self.unk_extra = 0
     if (self.context.version == 47) or (self.context.version == 39):
         self.unk_extra_jwe = 0
     if not (self.context.version < 47):
         self.name_indices = numpy.zeros((self.name_count), dtype='uint')
     if self.context.version < 47:
         self.name_indices = numpy.zeros((self.name_count), dtype='ushort')
     if not (self.context.version < 47):
         self.name_padding = numpy.zeros(
             ((16 - ((self.name_count * 4) % 16)) % 16), dtype='byte')
     if self.context.version < 47:
         self.name_padding = numpy.zeros(
             ((16 - ((self.name_count * 2) % 16)) % 16), dtype='byte')
     self.inverse_bind_matrices = Array(self.context)
     self.bones = Array(self.context)
     self.parents = numpy.zeros((self.parents_count), dtype='ubyte')
     if not (self.context.version == 13):
         self.parents_padding = numpy.zeros(
             ((8 - (self.parents_count % 8)) % 8), dtype='byte')
     if not (self.context.version == 13) and self.one:
         self.enumeration = numpy.zeros((self.enum_count, 2), dtype='uint')
     if self.context.version == 13 and self.one:
         self.enumeration = numpy.zeros((self.enum_count), dtype='ubyte')
     if self.context.version == 13:
         self.zt_weirdness = numpy.zeros((10), dtype='short')
     if not (self.context.version < 47) and self.zeros_count:
         self.zeros_padding = ZerosPadding(self.context, self.zeros_count,
     if self.context.version < 47 and self.zeros_count:
         self.minus_padding = MinusPadding(self.context, self.zeros_count,
     if self.count_7:
         self.struct_7 = Struct7(self.context, None, None)
     if self.joint_count:
         self.joints = JointData(self.context, None, None)
Exemple #2
class BKHDSection:
	First Section of a soundback aux
    def __init__(self, arg=None, template=None):
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0

        # length of following data
        self.length = 0
        self.version = 0
        self.id_a = 0
        self.id_b = 0
        self.constant_a = 0
        self.constant_b = 0

        # filler zeroes
        self.zeroes = Array()

    def read(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.length = stream.read_uint()
        self.version = stream.read_uint()
        stream.version = self.version
        self.id_a = stream.read_uint()
        self.id_b = stream.read_uint()
        self.constant_a = stream.read_uint()
        self.constant_b = stream.read_uint()
        self.zeroes.read(stream, 'Byte', self.length - 20, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def write(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        stream.version = self.version
        self.zeroes.write(stream, 'Byte', self.length - 20, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def __repr__(self):
        s = 'BKHDSection [Size: ' + str(self.io_size) + ', Address:' + str(
            self.io_start) + ']'
        s += '\n	* length = ' + self.length.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* version = ' + self.version.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* id_a = ' + self.id_a.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* id_b = ' + self.id_b.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* constant_a = ' + self.constant_a.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* constant_b = ' + self.constant_b.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* zeroes = ' + self.zeroes.__repr__()
        s += '\n'
        return s
Exemple #3
class BoneInfo:

    context = ContextReference()

    def __init__(self, context, arg=None, template=None):
        self.name = ''
        self._context = context
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0

        # counts the names
        self.name_count = 0

        # this is always FFFF for now
        self.knownff = 0

        # this is always 0000 for now
        self.zero_0 = 0
        self.unknown_0_c = 0

        # almost always 4, 1 for male african lion
        self.unk_count = 0

        # seems to match bone count
        self.bind_matrix_count = 0
        self.zeros = numpy.zeros((3), dtype='uint64')
        self.bone_count = 0
        self.unknown_40 = 0
        self.parents_count = 0

        # not PC, JWE1
        self.extra_zero = 0
        self.enum_count = 0

        # usually zero
        self.unknown_58 = 0

        # always 1
        self.one = 0

        # this counts the weird padding at the end, usually == bone count, 0 in PZ aardvark
        self.zeros_count = 0

        # matches the other count on dino entertainer, but count7 is not present
        self.unk_pc_count = 0

        # index count 7
        self.count_7 = 0

        # joint count
        self.joint_count = 0

        # zero
        self.unk_78_count = 0

        # zero
        self.unk_extra = 0

        # zero
        self.unk_extra_jwe = 0

        # index into ms2 string table for bones used here
        self.name_indices = numpy.zeros((self.name_count), dtype='uint')

        # index into ms2 string table for bones used here
        self.name_indices = numpy.zeros((self.name_count), dtype='ushort')

        # zeros. One index occupies 4 bytes; pad to multiples of 16 bytes.
        self.name_padding = numpy.zeros(
            ((16 - ((self.name_count * 4) % 16)) % 16), dtype='byte')

        # zeros. One index occupies 4 bytes; pad to multiples of 16 bytes.
        self.name_padding = numpy.zeros(
            ((16 - ((self.name_count * 2) % 16)) % 16), dtype='byte')

        # used for skinning
        self.inverse_bind_matrices = Array(self.context)
        self.bones = Array(self.context)

        # 255 = root, index in this list is the current bone index, value is the bone's parent index
        self.parents = numpy.zeros((self.parents_count), dtype='ubyte')

        # zeros
        self.parents_padding = numpy.zeros(
            ((8 - (self.parents_count % 8)) % 8), dtype='byte')

        # enumerates all bone indices, 4 may be flags
        self.enumeration = numpy.zeros((self.enum_count, 2), dtype='uint')

        # enumerates all bone indices, 4 may be flags
        self.enumeration = numpy.zeros((self.enum_count), dtype='ubyte')

        # zeros
        self.zt_weirdness = numpy.zeros((10), dtype='short')

        # weird zeros
        self.zeros_padding = ZerosPadding(self.context, self.zeros_count, None)

        # weird -1s
        self.minus_padding = MinusPadding(self.context, self.zeros_count, None)

        # ragdoll links?
        self.struct_7 = Struct7(self.context, None, None)

        # joints
        self.joints = JointData(self.context, None, None)

    def set_defaults(self):
        self.name_count = 0
        if self.context.version >= 32:
            self.knownff = 0
        if self.context.version >= 32:
            self.zero_0 = 0
        if self.context.version >= 32:
            self.unknown_0_c = 0
        self.unk_count = 0
        self.bind_matrix_count = 0
        self.zeros = numpy.zeros((3), dtype='uint64')
        self.bone_count = 0
        self.unknown_40 = 0
        self.parents_count = 0
        if (self.context.version == 13) or (((self.context.version == 48) or
                                             (self.context.version == 50)) or
                                            (self.context.version == 51)):
            self.extra_zero = 0
        self.enum_count = 0
        self.unknown_58 = 0
        self.one = 0
        self.zeros_count = 0
        if self.context.version == 32:
            self.unk_pc_count = 0
        self.count_7 = 0
        self.joint_count = 0
        self.unk_78_count = 0
        if self.context.version <= 13:
            self.unk_extra = 0
        if (self.context.version == 47) or (self.context.version == 39):
            self.unk_extra_jwe = 0
        if not (self.context.version < 47):
            self.name_indices = numpy.zeros((self.name_count), dtype='uint')
        if self.context.version < 47:
            self.name_indices = numpy.zeros((self.name_count), dtype='ushort')
        if not (self.context.version < 47):
            self.name_padding = numpy.zeros(
                ((16 - ((self.name_count * 4) % 16)) % 16), dtype='byte')
        if self.context.version < 47:
            self.name_padding = numpy.zeros(
                ((16 - ((self.name_count * 2) % 16)) % 16), dtype='byte')
        self.inverse_bind_matrices = Array(self.context)
        self.bones = Array(self.context)
        self.parents = numpy.zeros((self.parents_count), dtype='ubyte')
        if not (self.context.version == 13):
            self.parents_padding = numpy.zeros(
                ((8 - (self.parents_count % 8)) % 8), dtype='byte')
        if not (self.context.version == 13) and self.one:
            self.enumeration = numpy.zeros((self.enum_count, 2), dtype='uint')
        if self.context.version == 13 and self.one:
            self.enumeration = numpy.zeros((self.enum_count), dtype='ubyte')
        if self.context.version == 13:
            self.zt_weirdness = numpy.zeros((10), dtype='short')
        if not (self.context.version < 47) and self.zeros_count:
            self.zeros_padding = ZerosPadding(self.context, self.zeros_count,
        if self.context.version < 47 and self.zeros_count:
            self.minus_padding = MinusPadding(self.context, self.zeros_count,
        if self.count_7:
            self.struct_7 = Struct7(self.context, None, None)
        if self.joint_count:
            self.joints = JointData(self.context, None, None)

    def read(self, stream):
        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.name_count = stream.read_uint64()
        if self.context.version >= 32:
            self.knownff = stream.read_short()
            self.zero_0 = stream.read_short()
        if self.context.version >= 32:
            self.unknown_0_c = stream.read_uint()
        self.unk_count = stream.read_uint64()
        self.bind_matrix_count = stream.read_uint64()
        self.zeros = stream.read_uint64s((3))
        self.bone_count = stream.read_uint64()
        self.unknown_40 = stream.read_uint64()
        self.parents_count = stream.read_uint64()
        if (self.context.version == 13) or (((self.context.version == 48) or
                                             (self.context.version == 50)) or
                                            (self.context.version == 51)):
            self.extra_zero = stream.read_uint64()
        self.enum_count = stream.read_uint64()
        self.unknown_58 = stream.read_uint64()
        self.one = stream.read_uint64()
        self.zeros_count = stream.read_uint64()
        if self.context.version == 32:
            self.unk_pc_count = stream.read_uint64()
        self.count_7 = stream.read_uint64()
        self.joint_count = stream.read_uint64()
        self.unk_78_count = stream.read_uint64()
        if self.context.version <= 13:
            self.unk_extra = stream.read_uint64()
        if (self.context.version == 47) or (self.context.version == 39):
            self.unk_extra_jwe = stream.read_uint64()
        if not (self.context.version < 47):
            self.name_indices = stream.read_uints((self.name_count))
        if self.context.version < 47:
            self.name_indices = stream.read_ushorts((self.name_count))
        if not (self.context.version < 47):
            self.name_padding = stream.read_bytes(
                ((16 - ((self.name_count * 4) % 16)) % 16))
        if self.context.version < 47:
            self.name_padding = stream.read_bytes(
                ((16 - ((self.name_count * 2) % 16)) % 16))
        self.inverse_bind_matrices.read(stream, Matrix44,
                                        self.bind_matrix_count, None)
        self.bones.read(stream, Bone, self.bone_count, None)
        self.parents = stream.read_ubytes((self.parents_count))
        if not (self.context.version == 13):
            self.parents_padding = stream.read_bytes(
                ((8 - (self.parents_count % 8)) % 8))
        if not (self.context.version == 13) and self.one:
            self.enumeration = stream.read_uints((self.enum_count, 2))
        if self.context.version == 13 and self.one:
            self.enumeration = stream.read_ubytes((self.enum_count))
        if self.context.version == 13:
            self.zt_weirdness = stream.read_shorts((10))
        if not (self.context.version < 47) and self.zeros_count:
            self.zeros_padding = stream.read_type(
                ZerosPadding, (self.context, self.zeros_count, None))
        if self.context.version < 47 and self.zeros_count:
            self.minus_padding = stream.read_type(
                MinusPadding, (self.context, self.zeros_count, None))
        if self.count_7:
            self.struct_7 = stream.read_type(Struct7,
                                             (self.context, None, None))
        if self.joint_count:
            self.joints = stream.read_type(JointData,
                                           (self.context, None, None))

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def write(self, stream):
        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        if self.context.version >= 32:
        if self.context.version >= 32:
        if (self.context.version == 13) or (((self.context.version == 48) or
                                             (self.context.version == 50)) or
                                            (self.context.version == 51)):
        if self.context.version == 32:
        if self.context.version <= 13:
        if (self.context.version == 47) or (self.context.version == 39):
        if not (self.context.version < 47):
        if self.context.version < 47:
        if not (self.context.version < 47):
                ((16 - ((self.name_count * 4) % 16)) % 16))
        if self.context.version < 47:
                ((16 - ((self.name_count * 2) % 16)) % 16))
        self.inverse_bind_matrices.write(stream, Matrix44,
                                         self.bind_matrix_count, None)
        self.bones.write(stream, Bone, self.bone_count, None)
        if not (self.context.version == 13):
            self.parents_padding.resize(((8 - (self.parents_count % 8)) % 8))
        if not (self.context.version == 13) and self.one:
        if self.context.version == 13 and self.one:
        if self.context.version == 13:
        if not (self.context.version < 47) and self.zeros_count:
        if self.context.version < 47 and self.zeros_count:
        if self.count_7:
        if self.joint_count:

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def get_info_str(self):
        return f'BoneInfo [Size: {self.io_size}, Address: {self.io_start}] {self.name}'

    def get_fields_str(self):
        s = ''
        s += f'\n	* name_count = {self.name_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* knownff = {self.knownff.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* zero_0 = {self.zero_0.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unknown_0_c = {self.unknown_0_c.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unk_count = {self.unk_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* bind_matrix_count = {self.bind_matrix_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* zeros = {self.zeros.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* bone_count = {self.bone_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unknown_40 = {self.unknown_40.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* parents_count = {self.parents_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* extra_zero = {self.extra_zero.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* enum_count = {self.enum_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unknown_58 = {self.unknown_58.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* one = {self.one.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* zeros_count = {self.zeros_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unk_pc_count = {self.unk_pc_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* count_7 = {self.count_7.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* joint_count = {self.joint_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unk_78_count = {self.unk_78_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unk_extra = {self.unk_extra.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unk_extra_jwe = {self.unk_extra_jwe.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* name_indices = {self.name_indices.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* name_padding = {self.name_padding.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* inverse_bind_matrices = {self.inverse_bind_matrices.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* bones = {self.bones.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* parents = {self.parents.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* parents_padding = {self.parents_padding.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* enumeration = {self.enumeration.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* zt_weirdness = {self.zt_weirdness.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* zeros_padding = {self.zeros_padding.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* minus_padding = {self.minus_padding.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* struct_7 = {self.struct_7.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* joints = {self.joints.__repr__()}'
        return s

    def __repr__(self):
        s = self.get_info_str()
        s += self.get_fields_str()
        s += '\n'
        return s
Exemple #4
class JointData:
    def __init__(self, arg=None, template=None):
        self.name = ''
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0

        # 4
        self.joint_count = 0

        # 0
        self.unknown_1 = 0

        # 0
        self.unknown_2 = 0

        # 0
        self.unknown_3 = 0
        self.joint_compound = JointCompound()
        self.joint_list = Array()
        self.unknown_list = Array()
        self.unknown_10 = Array()
        self.unknown_11 = 0
        self.joint_names = ZStringBuffer()
        self.joint_names_padding = Array()
        self.joint_info_list = Array()

    def read(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.joint_count = stream.read_uint()
        self.unknown_1 = stream.read_uint()
        self.unknown_2 = stream.read_uint()
        self.unknown_3 = stream.read_uint()
        self.joint_compound = stream.read_type(JointCompound)
        self.joint_list.read(stream, JointEntry, self.joint_count, None)
        self.unknown_list.read(stream, UnknownJointEntry, self.joint_count,
        self.unknown_10.read(stream, FFCounter, self.joint_count, None)
        self.unknown_11 = stream.read_uint()
        self.joint_names = stream.read_type(
            ZStringBuffer, (self.joint_compound.namespace_length, ))
        self.joint_names_padding = stream.read_bytes(
            ((4 - (self.joint_compound.namespace_length % 8)) % 8))
        self.joint_info_list.read(stream, JointInfo, self.joint_count, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def write(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.joint_list.write(stream, JointEntry, self.joint_count, None)
        self.unknown_list.write(stream, UnknownJointEntry, self.joint_count,
        self.unknown_10.write(stream, FFCounter, self.joint_count, None)
        self.joint_info_list.write(stream, JointInfo, self.joint_count, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def get_info_str(self):
        return f'JointData [Size: {self.io_size}, Address: {self.io_start}] {self.name}'

    def get_fields_str(self):
        s = ''
        s += f'\n	* joint_count = {self.joint_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unknown_1 = {self.unknown_1.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unknown_2 = {self.unknown_2.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unknown_3 = {self.unknown_3.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* joint_compound = {self.joint_compound.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* joint_list = {self.joint_list.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unknown_list = {self.unknown_list.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unknown_10 = {self.unknown_10.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unknown_11 = {self.unknown_11.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* joint_names = {self.joint_names.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* joint_names_padding = {self.joint_names_padding.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* joint_info_list = {self.joint_info_list.__repr__()}'
        return s

    def __repr__(self):
        s = self.get_info_str()
        s += self.get_fields_str()
        s += '\n'
        return s
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, arg=None, template=None):
     self.name = ''
     self.arg = arg
     self.template = template
     self.io_size = 0
     self.io_start = 0
     self.header_types = Array()
     self.header_entries = Array()
     self.data_entries = Array()
     self.buffer_entries = Array()
     self.sized_str_entries = Array()
     self.fragments = Array()
Exemple #6
class Header:
	Found at the beginning of every OVL file
    def __init__(self, arg=None, template=None):
        self.name = ''
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0

        # 'FRES'
        self.fres = FixedString()

        # if 0x08 then 64bit, differentiates between ED and JWE, 0x08 for ED and PC
        self.version_flag = 0

        # 0x12 = PC, 0x13 = JWE, PZ
        self.version = 0

        # endianness?, usually zero
        self.bitswap = 0

        # always = 1
        self.seventh_byte = 1

        # determines compression format (none, zlib or oodle) and apparently type of data (additional fields)
        self.user_version = VersionInfo()

        # always = 0
        self.zero = 0

        # length of the Names block below, including 00 bytes
        self.len_names = 0

        # always = 0
        self.zero_2 = 0

        # count of external aux files, ie audio banks
        self.num_aux_entries = 0

        # count of directories
        self.num_dirs = 0

        # count of file mime types, aka. extensions with metadata
        self.num_mimes = 0

        # count of files
        self.num_files = 0

        # repeat count of files ??
        self.num_files_2 = 0

        # count of parts
        self.num_textures = 0

        # number of archives
        self.num_archives = 0

        # number of header types across all archives
        self.num_header_types = 0

        # number of headers of all types across all archives
        self.num_headers = 0

        # number of DataEntries across all archives
        self.num_datas = 0

        # number of BufferEntries across all archives
        self.num_buffers = 0

        # number of files in external OVS archive
        self.num_files_ovs = 0

        # used in ZTUAC elephants
        self.ztuac_unknowns = Array()

        # length of archive names
        self.len_archive_names = 0

        # another Num Files
        self.num_files_3 = 0

        # length of the type names portion insideNames block (usually at the start), not counting 00 bytes
        self.len_type_names = 0

        # 52 bytes zeros
        self.zeros_2 = Array()

        # Name buffer for assets and file mime types.
        self.names = ZStringBuffer()

        # Array of MimeEntry objects that represent a mime type (file extension) each.
        self.mimes = Array()

        # Array of FileEntry objects.
        self.files = Array()

        # Name buffer for archives, usually will be STATIC followed by any OVS names
        self.archive_names = ZStringBuffer()

        # Array of ArchiveEntry objects.
        self.archives = Array()

        # Array of DirEntry objects.
        self.dirs = Array()

        # Array of TextureEntry objects.
        self.textures = Array()

        # Array of AuxEntry objects.
        self.aux_entries = Array()

        # Array of UnknownEntry objects.
        self.unknowns = Array()

        # repeats by archive count
        self.zlibs = Array()

    def read(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.fres = stream.read_type(FixedString, (4, ))
        self.version_flag = stream.read_byte()
        stream.version_flag = self.version_flag
        self.version = stream.read_byte()
        stream.version = self.version
        self.bitswap = stream.read_byte()
        self.seventh_byte = stream.read_byte()
        self.user_version = stream.read_type(VersionInfo)
        stream.user_version = self.user_version
        self.zero = stream.read_uint()
        self.len_names = stream.read_uint()
        self.zero_2 = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_aux_entries = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_dirs = stream.read_ushort()
        self.num_mimes = stream.read_ushort()
        self.num_files = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_files_2 = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_textures = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_archives = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_header_types = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_headers = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_datas = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_buffers = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_files_ovs = stream.read_uint()
        self.ztuac_unknowns.read(stream, 'Uint', 3, None)
        self.len_archive_names = stream.read_uint()
        self.num_files_3 = stream.read_uint()
        self.len_type_names = stream.read_uint()
        self.zeros_2.read(stream, 'Byte', 52, None)
        self.names = stream.read_type(ZStringBuffer, (self.len_names, ))
        self.mimes.read(stream, MimeEntry, self.num_mimes, None)
        self.files.read(stream, FileEntry, self.num_files, None)
        self.archive_names = stream.read_type(ZStringBuffer,
                                              (self.len_archive_names, ))
        self.archives.read(stream, ArchiveEntry, self.num_archives, None)
        self.dirs.read(stream, DirEntry, self.num_dirs, None)
        self.textures.read(stream, TextureEntry, self.num_textures, None)
        self.aux_entries.read(stream, AuxEntry, self.num_aux_entries, None)
        self.unknowns.read(stream, UnknownEntry, self.num_files_ovs, None)
        self.zlibs.read(stream, ZlibInfo, self.num_archives, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def write(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        stream.version_flag = self.version_flag
        stream.version = self.version
        stream.user_version = self.user_version
        self.ztuac_unknowns.write(stream, 'Uint', 3, None)
        self.zeros_2.write(stream, 'Byte', 52, None)
        self.mimes.write(stream, MimeEntry, self.num_mimes, None)
        self.files.write(stream, FileEntry, self.num_files, None)
        self.archives.write(stream, ArchiveEntry, self.num_archives, None)
        self.dirs.write(stream, DirEntry, self.num_dirs, None)
        self.textures.write(stream, TextureEntry, self.num_textures, None)
        self.aux_entries.write(stream, AuxEntry, self.num_aux_entries, None)
        self.unknowns.write(stream, UnknownEntry, self.num_files_ovs, None)
        self.zlibs.write(stream, ZlibInfo, self.num_archives, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def __repr__(self):
        s = 'Header [Size: ' + str(self.io_size) + ', Address:' + str(
            self.io_start) + '] ' + self.name
        s += '\n	* fres = ' + self.fres.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* version_flag = ' + self.version_flag.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* version = ' + self.version.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* bitswap = ' + self.bitswap.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* seventh_byte = ' + self.seventh_byte.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* user_version = ' + self.user_version.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* zero = ' + self.zero.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* len_names = ' + self.len_names.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* zero_2 = ' + self.zero_2.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_aux_entries = ' + self.num_aux_entries.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_dirs = ' + self.num_dirs.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_mimes = ' + self.num_mimes.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_files = ' + self.num_files.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_files_2 = ' + self.num_files_2.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_textures = ' + self.num_textures.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_archives = ' + self.num_archives.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_header_types = ' + self.num_header_types.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_headers = ' + self.num_headers.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_datas = ' + self.num_datas.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_buffers = ' + self.num_buffers.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_files_ovs = ' + self.num_files_ovs.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* ztuac_unknowns = ' + self.ztuac_unknowns.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* len_archive_names = ' + self.len_archive_names.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* num_files_3 = ' + self.num_files_3.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* len_type_names = ' + self.len_type_names.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* zeros_2 = ' + self.zeros_2.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* names = ' + self.names.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* mimes = ' + self.mimes.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* files = ' + self.files.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* archive_names = ' + self.archive_names.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* archives = ' + self.archives.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* dirs = ' + self.dirs.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* textures = ' + self.textures.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* aux_entries = ' + self.aux_entries.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unknowns = ' + self.unknowns.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* zlibs = ' + self.zlibs.__repr__()
        s += '\n'
        return s
class CoreModelInfo:
	Used by ms2 or in Mdl2ModelInfo
	In load order it always defines the variable fragments for the next mdl2
	The mdl2's fragment informs the first mdl2
    def __init__(self, arg=None, template=None):
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0
        self.unk_vec_a = Vector3()
        self.unk_float_a = 0
        self.unk_vec_b = Vector3()

        # scale: pack_offset / 512, also added as offset
        self.pack_offset = 0

        # always?
        self.zero_a = 0
        self.unk_float_b = 0
        self.unknownvectors = Array()
        self.unk_float_0 = 0
        self.unk_float_1 = 0

        # PZ only
        self.unk_vec_a_repeat = Vector3()

        # PZ only
        self.unk_vec_b_repeat = Vector3()
        self.mat_count = 0
        self.lod_count = 0
        self.mat_1_count = 0

        # count of modeldata fragments for the mdl2 this struct refers to
        self.model_count = 0
        self.last_count = 0
        self.unk_0 = 0
        self.unk_1 = 0
        self.pad = Array()

    def read(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.unk_vec_a = stream.read_type(Vector3)
        self.unk_float_a = stream.read_float()
        self.unk_vec_b = stream.read_type(Vector3)
        self.pack_offset = stream.read_float()
        self.zero_a = stream.read_float()
        self.unk_float_b = stream.read_float()
        self.unknownvectors.read(stream, Vector3, 2, None)
        if (stream.user_version == 24724) and (stream.version == 19):
            self.unk_float_0 = stream.read_float()
            self.unk_float_1 = stream.read_float()
        if (stream.user_version == 8340) and (stream.version == 19):
            self.unk_vec_a_repeat = stream.read_type(Vector3)
            self.unk_vec_b_repeat = stream.read_type(Vector3)
        self.mat_count = stream.read_ushort()
        self.lod_count = stream.read_ushort()
        self.mat_1_count = stream.read_ushort()
        self.model_count = stream.read_ushort()
        self.last_count = stream.read_ushort()
        self.unk_0 = stream.read_uint64()
        self.unk_1 = stream.read_uint64()
        self.pad.read(stream, 'Ubyte', 6, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def write(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.unknownvectors.write(stream, Vector3, 2, None)
        if (stream.user_version == 24724) and (stream.version == 19):
        if (stream.user_version == 8340) and (stream.version == 19):
        self.pad.write(stream, 'Ubyte', 6, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def __repr__(self):
        s = 'CoreModelInfo [Size: ' + str(self.io_size) + ', Address:' + str(
            self.io_start) + ']'
        s += '\n	* unk_vec_a = ' + self.unk_vec_a.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unk_float_a = ' + self.unk_float_a.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unk_vec_b = ' + self.unk_vec_b.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* pack_offset = ' + self.pack_offset.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* zero_a = ' + self.zero_a.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unk_float_b = ' + self.unk_float_b.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unknownvectors = ' + self.unknownvectors.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unk_float_0 = ' + self.unk_float_0.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unk_float_1 = ' + self.unk_float_1.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unk_vec_a_repeat = ' + self.unk_vec_a_repeat.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unk_vec_b_repeat = ' + self.unk_vec_b_repeat.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* mat_count = ' + self.mat_count.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* lod_count = ' + self.lod_count.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* mat_1_count = ' + self.mat_1_count.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* model_count = ' + self.model_count.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* last_count = ' + self.last_count.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unk_0 = ' + self.unk_0.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* unk_1 = ' + self.unk_1.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* pad = ' + self.pad.__repr__()
        s += '\n'
        return s
class MeshCollision:

    context = ContextReference()

    def __init__(self, context, arg=None, template=None):
        self.name = ''
        self._context = context
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0
        self.rotation = Matrix33(self.context, None, None)

        # offset of mesh
        self.offset = Vector3(self.context, None, None)

        # not floats, maybe 6 ushorts, shared among (all?) redwoods
        self.unk_1 = numpy.zeros((3, 2), dtype='ushort')

        # vertices (3 float)
        self.vertex_count = 0

        # tris?, counts the 25s at the end
        self.tri_count = 0

        # the smallest coordinates across all axes
        self.bounds_min = Vector3(self.context, None, None)

        # the biggest coordinates across all axes
        self.bounds_max = Vector3(self.context, None, None)

        # seemingly fixed
        self.ones_or_zeros = numpy.zeros((7), dtype='uint64')

        # seemingly fixed
        self.ff_or_zero = numpy.zeros((10), dtype='int')

        # seemingly fixed
        self.ff_or_zero = numpy.zeros((8), dtype='int')

        # verbatim
        self.bounds_min_repeat = Vector3(self.context, None, None)

        # verbatim
        self.bounds_max_repeat = Vector3(self.context, None, None)

        # seems to repeat tri_count
        self.tri_flags_count = 0

        # counts MeshCollisionBit
        self.count_bits = 0

        # ?
        self.stuff = numpy.zeros((9), dtype='ushort')

        # ?
        self.collision_bits = Array(self.context)

        # always 25
        self.zeros = numpy.zeros((4), dtype='uint')

        # array of vertices
        self.vertices = numpy.zeros((self.vertex_count, 3), dtype='float')

        # triangle indices into vertex list
        self.triangles = numpy.zeros((self.tri_count, 3), dtype='ushort')

        # ?
        self.const = 0

        # always 25
        self.triangle_flags = numpy.zeros((self.tri_flags_count), dtype='uint')

        # might be padding!
        self.zero_end = 0

    def set_defaults(self):
        self.rotation = Matrix33(self.context, None, None)
        self.offset = Vector3(self.context, None, None)
        self.unk_1 = numpy.zeros((3, 2), dtype='ushort')
        self.vertex_count = 0
        self.tri_count = 0
        self.bounds_min = Vector3(self.context, None, None)
        self.bounds_max = Vector3(self.context, None, None)
        self.ones_or_zeros = numpy.zeros((7), dtype='uint64')
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.ff_or_zero = numpy.zeros((10), dtype='int')
        if self.context.version >= 47:
            self.ff_or_zero = numpy.zeros((8), dtype='int')
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.bounds_min_repeat = Vector3(self.context, None, None)
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.bounds_max_repeat = Vector3(self.context, None, None)
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.tri_flags_count = 0
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.count_bits = 0
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.stuff = numpy.zeros((9), dtype='ushort')
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.collision_bits = Array(self.context)
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.zeros = numpy.zeros((4), dtype='uint')
        self.vertices = numpy.zeros((self.vertex_count, 3), dtype='float')
        self.triangles = numpy.zeros((self.tri_count, 3), dtype='ushort')
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.const = 0
        if self.context.version <= 32 and self.const:
            self.triangle_flags = numpy.zeros((self.tri_flags_count),
        self.zero_end = 0

    def read(self, stream):
        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.rotation = stream.read_type(Matrix33, (self.context, None, None))
        self.offset = stream.read_type(Vector3, (self.context, None, None))
        self.unk_1 = stream.read_ushorts((3, 2))
        self.vertex_count = stream.read_uint64()
        self.tri_count = stream.read_uint64()
        self.bounds_min = stream.read_type(Vector3, (self.context, None, None))
        self.bounds_max = stream.read_type(Vector3, (self.context, None, None))
        self.ones_or_zeros = stream.read_uint64s((7))
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.ff_or_zero = stream.read_ints((10))
        if self.context.version >= 47:
            self.ff_or_zero = stream.read_ints((8))
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.bounds_min_repeat = stream.read_type(
                Vector3, (self.context, None, None))
            self.bounds_max_repeat = stream.read_type(
                Vector3, (self.context, None, None))
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.tri_flags_count = stream.read_uint()
            self.count_bits = stream.read_ushort()
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.stuff = stream.read_ushorts((9))
            self.collision_bits.read(stream, MeshCollisionBit, self.count_bits,
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.zeros = stream.read_uints((4))
        self.vertices = stream.read_floats((self.vertex_count, 3))
        self.triangles = stream.read_ushorts((self.tri_count, 3))
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.const = stream.read_uint()
        if self.context.version <= 32 and self.const:
            self.triangle_flags = stream.read_uints((self.tri_flags_count))
        self.zero_end = stream.read_uint()

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def write(self, stream):
        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        if self.context.version <= 32:
        if self.context.version >= 47:
        if self.context.version <= 32:
        if self.context.version <= 32:
        if self.context.version <= 32:
            self.collision_bits.write(stream, MeshCollisionBit,
                                      self.count_bits, None)
        if self.context.version <= 32:
        if self.context.version <= 32:
        if self.context.version <= 32 and self.const:

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def get_info_str(self):
        return f'MeshCollision [Size: {self.io_size}, Address: {self.io_start}] {self.name}'

    def get_fields_str(self):
        s = ''
        s += f'\n	* rotation = {self.rotation.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* offset = {self.offset.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unk_1 = {self.unk_1.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* vertex_count = {self.vertex_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* tri_count = {self.tri_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* bounds_min = {self.bounds_min.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* bounds_max = {self.bounds_max.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* ones_or_zeros = {self.ones_or_zeros.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* ff_or_zero = {self.ff_or_zero.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* bounds_min_repeat = {self.bounds_min_repeat.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* bounds_max_repeat = {self.bounds_max_repeat.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* tri_flags_count = {self.tri_flags_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* count_bits = {self.count_bits.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* stuff = {self.stuff.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* collision_bits = {self.collision_bits.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* zeros = {self.zeros.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* vertices = {self.vertices.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* triangles = {self.triangles.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* const = {self.const.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* triangle_flags = {self.triangle_flags.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* zero_end = {self.zero_end.__repr__()}'
        return s

    def __repr__(self):
        s = self.get_info_str()
        s += self.get_fields_str()
        s += '\n'
        return s
Exemple #9
class JointDataNasuto:

	def __init__(self, arg=None, template=None):
		self.name = ''
		self.arg = arg
		self.template = template
		self.io_size = 0
		self.io_start = 0

		# variable
		self.joint_count = 0

		# 0
		self.unknown_1 = 0

		# 0
		self.unknown_2 = 0

		# 0
		self.unknown_3 = 0

		# usually fairly big nr, 500ish
		self.unknown_4 = 0
		self.unknown_list = Array()

		# 0
		self.zero = 0

		# small number
		self.count_0 = 0

		# small number
		self.count_1 = 0
		self.joint_compound = JointCompound()
		self.unknown_lista = Array()
		self.unknown_listb = Array()
		self.unknown_listc = Array()

		# 3
		self.d = 0

		# 2
		self.e = 0

		# velo01male
		self.undecoded_floats = Array()

		# index
		self.indices = Array()

		# index or -1
		self.indices_2 = Array()
		self.joint_names = ZStringBuffer()
		self.joint_names_padding = Array()
		self.joint_info_list = Array()

	def read(self, stream):

		self.io_start = stream.tell()
		self.joint_count = stream.read_uint()
		self.unknown_1 = stream.read_uint()
		self.unknown_2 = stream.read_uint()
		self.unknown_3 = stream.read_uint()
		self.unknown_4 = stream.read_uint()
		self.unknown_list.read(stream, NasutoJointEntry, self.joint_count, None)
		self.zero = stream.read_uint()
		self.count_0 = stream.read_uint()
		self.count_1 = stream.read_uint()
		self.joint_compound = stream.read_type(JointCompound)
		self.unknown_lista.read(stream, JointEntry, self.arg, None)
		self.unknown_listb = stream.read_uint64s((self.arg))
		self.unknown_listc.read(stream, ListCEntry, self.arg, None)
		self.d = stream.read_ushort()
		self.e = stream.read_ushort()
		self.undecoded_floats = stream.read_floats((917))
		self.indices = stream.read_uints((self.arg))
		self.indices_2 = stream.read_ints((self.joint_compound.unknown_8))
		self.joint_names = stream.read_type(ZStringBuffer, (self.joint_compound.namespace_length,))
		self.joint_names_padding = stream.read_bytes(((8 - (self.joint_compound.namespace_length % 8)) % 8))
		self.joint_info_list.read(stream, JointInfo, self.arg, None)

		self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

	def write(self, stream):

		self.io_start = stream.tell()
		self.unknown_list.write(stream, NasutoJointEntry, self.joint_count, None)
		self.unknown_lista.write(stream, JointEntry, self.arg, None)
		self.unknown_listc.write(stream, ListCEntry, self.arg, None)
		self.joint_info_list.write(stream, JointInfo, self.arg, None)

		self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

	def get_info_str(self):
		return f'JointDataNasuto [Size: {self.io_size}, Address: {self.io_start}] {self.name}'

	def get_fields_str(self):
		s = ''
		s += f'\n	* joint_count = {self.joint_count.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* unknown_1 = {self.unknown_1.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* unknown_2 = {self.unknown_2.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* unknown_3 = {self.unknown_3.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* unknown_4 = {self.unknown_4.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* unknown_list = {self.unknown_list.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* zero = {self.zero.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* count_0 = {self.count_0.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* count_1 = {self.count_1.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* joint_compound = {self.joint_compound.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* unknown_lista = {self.unknown_lista.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* unknown_listb = {self.unknown_listb.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* unknown_listc = {self.unknown_listc.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* d = {self.d.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* e = {self.e.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* undecoded_floats = {self.undecoded_floats.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* indices = {self.indices.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* indices_2 = {self.indices_2.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* joint_names = {self.joint_names.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* joint_names_padding = {self.joint_names_padding.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* joint_info_list = {self.joint_info_list.__repr__()}'
		return s

	def __repr__(self):
		s = self.get_info_str()
		s += self.get_fields_str()
		s += '\n'
		return s
Exemple #10
class ManiBlock:

    context = ContextReference()

    def __init__(self, context, arg=None, template=None):
        self.name = ''
        self._context = context
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0
        self.ref = Empty(self.context, None, None)
        self.indices_c_0 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ushort')
        self.indices_c_0 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='uint')
        self.indices_c_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ushort')
        self.indices_c_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='uint')
        self.indices_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ushort')
        self.indices_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='uint')
        self.indices_e_2 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ushort')
        self.indices_e_2 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='uint')
        self.p_indices_c_0 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        self.p_indices_c_0 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        self.p_indices_c_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        self.p_indices_c_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        self.p_indices_0_b = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        self.p_indices_0_c = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')

        # ?
        self.pad = PadAlign(self.context, self.ref, 4)

        # these are likely a scale reference or factor
        self.floatsa = numpy.zeros((), dtype='float')

        # ?
        self.pad_2 = SmartPadding(self.context, None, None)

        # likely
        self.frame_count = 0
        self.c_1 = 0
        self.e = 0

        # fixed
        self.zeros_19 = numpy.zeros((19), dtype='uint')
        self.count = 0

        # usually / always 420
        self.four_and_twenty = 0
        self.ref_2 = Empty(self.context, None, None)
        self.zeros = numpy.zeros((self.c_1), dtype='ubyte')

        # ?
        self.anoth_pad = SmartPadding(self.context, None, None)

        # these are likely a scale reference or factor
        self.floatsb = numpy.zeros((6), dtype='float')

        # ?
        self.unk = 0

        # this seems to be vaguely related, but not always there?
        self.unk_for_e_2 = 0
        self.repeats = Array(self.context)

    def set_defaults(self):
        self.ref = Empty(self.context, None, None)
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.indices_c_0 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ushort')
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
            self.indices_c_0 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='uint')
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.indices_c_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ushort')
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
            self.indices_c_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='uint')
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.indices_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ushort')
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
            self.indices_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='uint')
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.indices_e_2 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ushort')
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
            self.indices_e_2 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='uint')
        self.p_indices_c_0 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.p_indices_c_0 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        self.p_indices_c_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.p_indices_c_1 = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        self.p_indices_0_b = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        self.p_indices_0_c = numpy.zeros((), dtype='ubyte')
        self.pad = PadAlign(self.context, self.ref, 4)
        self.floatsa = numpy.zeros((), dtype='float')
        self.pad_2 = SmartPadding(self.context, None, None)
        self.frame_count = 0
        self.c_1 = 0
        self.e = 0
        self.zeros_19 = numpy.zeros((19), dtype='uint')
        self.count = 0
        self.four_and_twenty = 0
        self.ref_2 = Empty(self.context, None, None)
        self.zeros = numpy.zeros((self.c_1), dtype='ubyte')
        self.anoth_pad = SmartPadding(self.context, None, None)
        self.floatsb = numpy.zeros((6), dtype='float')
        self.unk = 0
        if self.arg.e_2:
            self.unk_for_e_2 = 0
        self.repeats = Array(self.context)

    def read(self, stream):
        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.ref = stream.read_type(Empty, (self.context, None, None))
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.indices_c_0 = stream.read_ushorts((self.arg.c_0))
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
            self.indices_c_0 = stream.read_uints((self.arg.c_0))
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.indices_c_1 = stream.read_ushorts((self.arg.c_1))
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
            self.indices_c_1 = stream.read_uints((self.arg.c_1))
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.indices_1 = stream.read_ushorts((self.arg.name_count))
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
            self.indices_1 = stream.read_uints((self.arg.name_count))
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.indices_e_2 = stream.read_ushorts((self.arg.e_2))
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
            self.indices_e_2 = stream.read_uints((self.arg.e_2))
        self.p_indices_c_0 = stream.read_ubytes((self.arg.c_0))
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.p_indices_c_0 = stream.read_ubytes((self.arg.c_0))
        self.p_indices_c_1 = stream.read_ubytes((self.arg.c_1))
        if self.context.version == 18:
            self.p_indices_c_1 = stream.read_ubytes((self.arg.c_1))
        self.p_indices_0_b = stream.read_ubytes(
            ((self.arg.p_indices_c_0_max - self.arg.p_indices_c_0_min) + 1))
        self.p_indices_0_c = stream.read_ubytes(
            ((self.arg.p_indices_c_1_max - self.arg.p_indices_c_1_min) + 1))
        self.pad = stream.read_type(PadAlign, (self.context, self.ref, 4))
        self.floatsa = stream.read_floats((self.arg.frame_count, self.arg.e_2))
        self.pad_2 = stream.read_type(SmartPadding, (self.context, None, None))
        self.frame_count = stream.read_uint()
        self.c_1 = stream.read_uint()
        self.e = stream.read_uint()
        self.zeros_19 = stream.read_uints((19))
        self.count = stream.read_ushort()
        self.four_and_twenty = stream.read_ushort()
        self.ref_2 = stream.read_type(Empty, (self.context, None, None))
        self.zeros = stream.read_ubytes((self.c_1))
        self.anoth_pad = stream.read_type(SmartPadding,
                                          (self.context, None, None))
        self.floatsb = stream.read_floats((6))
        self.unk = stream.read_uint()
        if self.arg.e_2:
            self.unk_for_e_2 = stream.read_uint64()
        self.repeats.read(stream, Repeat, self.count, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def write(self, stream):
        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        if self.context.version == 18:
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
        if self.context.version == 18:
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
        if self.context.version == 18:
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
        if self.context.version == 18:
        if not (self.context.version == 18):
        if self.context.version == 18:
        if self.context.version == 18:
        if self.arg.e_2:
        self.repeats.write(stream, Repeat, self.count, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def get_info_str(self):
        return f'ManiBlock [Size: {self.io_size}, Address: {self.io_start}] {self.name}'

    def get_fields_str(self):
        s = ''
        s += f'\n	* ref = {self.ref.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* indices_c_0 = {self.indices_c_0.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* indices_c_1 = {self.indices_c_1.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* indices_1 = {self.indices_1.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* indices_e_2 = {self.indices_e_2.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* p_indices_c_0 = {self.p_indices_c_0.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* p_indices_c_1 = {self.p_indices_c_1.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* p_indices_0_b = {self.p_indices_0_b.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* p_indices_0_c = {self.p_indices_0_c.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* pad = {self.pad.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* floatsa = {self.floatsa.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* pad_2 = {self.pad_2.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* frame_count = {self.frame_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* c_1 = {self.c_1.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* e = {self.e.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* zeros_19 = {self.zeros_19.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* count = {self.count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* four_and_twenty = {self.four_and_twenty.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* ref_2 = {self.ref_2.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* zeros = {self.zeros.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* anoth_pad = {self.anoth_pad.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* floatsb = {self.floatsb.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unk = {self.unk.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* unk_for_e_2 = {self.unk_for_e_2.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* repeats = {self.repeats.__repr__()}'
        return s

    def __repr__(self):
        s = self.get_info_str()
        s += self.get_fields_str()
        s += '\n'
        return s
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, context, arg=None, template=None):
        self.name = ''
        self._context = context
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0
        self.rotation = Matrix33(self.context, None, None)

        # offset of mesh
        self.offset = Vector3(self.context, None, None)

        # not floats, maybe 6 ushorts, shared among (all?) redwoods
        self.unk_1 = numpy.zeros((3, 2), dtype='ushort')

        # vertices (3 float)
        self.vertex_count = 0

        # tris?, counts the 25s at the end
        self.tri_count = 0

        # the smallest coordinates across all axes
        self.bounds_min = Vector3(self.context, None, None)

        # the biggest coordinates across all axes
        self.bounds_max = Vector3(self.context, None, None)

        # seemingly fixed
        self.ones_or_zeros = numpy.zeros((7), dtype='uint64')

        # seemingly fixed
        self.ff_or_zero = numpy.zeros((10), dtype='int')

        # seemingly fixed
        self.ff_or_zero = numpy.zeros((8), dtype='int')

        # verbatim
        self.bounds_min_repeat = Vector3(self.context, None, None)

        # verbatim
        self.bounds_max_repeat = Vector3(self.context, None, None)

        # seems to repeat tri_count
        self.tri_flags_count = 0

        # counts MeshCollisionBit
        self.count_bits = 0

        # ?
        self.stuff = numpy.zeros((9), dtype='ushort')

        # ?
        self.collision_bits = Array(self.context)

        # always 25
        self.zeros = numpy.zeros((4), dtype='uint')

        # array of vertices
        self.vertices = numpy.zeros((self.vertex_count, 3), dtype='float')

        # triangle indices into vertex list
        self.triangles = numpy.zeros((self.tri_count, 3), dtype='ushort')

        # ?
        self.const = 0

        # always 25
        self.triangle_flags = numpy.zeros((self.tri_flags_count), dtype='uint')

        # might be padding!
        self.zero_end = 0
Exemple #12
class TexInfoHeader(GenericHeader):

	def __init__(self, context, arg=None, template=None):
		self.name = ''
		super().__init__(context, arg, template)
		self.arg = arg
		self.template = template
		self.io_size = 0
		self.io_start = 0
		self.tex_info = TexHeader(self.context, None, None)
		self.frag_01 = Array(self.context)
		self.frag_01 = Array(self.context)
		self.frag_11 = Header7Data1(self.context, None, None)

		# pad whole frag_11 struct to 320 bytes
		self.padding = numpy.zeros((320 - self.frag_11.io_size), dtype='ubyte')

		# pad whole frag_11 struct to 320 bytes
		self.padding = numpy.zeros((384 - self.frag_11.io_size), dtype='ubyte')

	def set_defaults(self):
		self.tex_info = TexHeader(self.context, None, None)
		if 17 <= self.context.version <= 18:
			self.frag_01 = Array(self.context)
		if self.context.version >= 19:
			self.frag_01 = Array(self.context)
		if self.context.version >= 19:
			self.frag_11 = Header7Data1(self.context, None, None)
		if ((not self.context.user_version.is_jwe) and (self.context.version == 20)) or (((not self.context.user_version.is_jwe) and (self.context.version >= 19)) or (self.context.user_version.is_jwe and (self.context.version == 20))):
			self.padding = numpy.zeros((320 - self.frag_11.io_size), dtype='ubyte')
		if self.context.user_version.is_jwe and (self.context.version == 19):
			self.padding = numpy.zeros((384 - self.frag_11.io_size), dtype='ubyte')

	def read(self, stream):
		self.io_start = stream.tell()
		self.tex_info = stream.read_type(TexHeader, (self.context, None, None))
		if 17 <= self.context.version <= 18:
			self.frag_01.read(stream, TexBufferPc, self.tex_info.stream_count, None)
		if self.context.version >= 19:
			self.frag_01.read(stream, TexBuffer, self.tex_info.stream_count, None)
			self.frag_11 = stream.read_type(Header7Data1, (self.context, None, None))
		if ((not self.context.user_version.is_jwe) and (self.context.version == 20)) or (((not self.context.user_version.is_jwe) and (self.context.version >= 19)) or (self.context.user_version.is_jwe and (self.context.version == 20))):
			self.padding = stream.read_ubytes((320 - self.frag_11.io_size))
		if self.context.user_version.is_jwe and (self.context.version == 19):
			self.padding = stream.read_ubytes((384 - self.frag_11.io_size))

		self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

	def write(self, stream):
		self.io_start = stream.tell()
		if 17 <= self.context.version <= 18:
			self.frag_01.write(stream, TexBufferPc, self.tex_info.stream_count, None)
		if self.context.version >= 19:
			self.frag_01.write(stream, TexBuffer, self.tex_info.stream_count, None)
		if ((not self.context.user_version.is_jwe) and (self.context.version == 20)) or (((not self.context.user_version.is_jwe) and (self.context.version >= 19)) or (self.context.user_version.is_jwe and (self.context.version == 20))):
		if self.context.user_version.is_jwe and (self.context.version == 19):

		self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

	def get_info_str(self):
		return f'TexInfoHeader [Size: {self.io_size}, Address: {self.io_start}] {self.name}'

	def get_fields_str(self):
		s = ''
		s += super().get_fields_str()
		s += f'\n	* tex_info = {self.tex_info.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* frag_01 = {self.frag_01.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* frag_11 = {self.frag_11.__repr__()}'
		s += f'\n	* padding = {self.padding.__repr__()}'
		return s

	def __repr__(self):
		s = self.get_info_str()
		s += self.get_fields_str()
		s += '\n'
		return s
 def set_defaults(self):
     self.weird_padding = SmartPadding(self.context, None, None)
     self.unks = Array(self.context)
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, arg=None, template=None):
        self.name = ''
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0

        # 'FRES'
        self.fres = FixedString()

        # if 0x08 then 64bit, differentiates between ED and JWE, 0x08 for ED and PC
        self.version_flag = 0

        # 0x12 = PC, 0x13 = JWE, PZ
        self.version = 0

        # endianness?, usually zero
        self.bitswap = 0

        # always = 1
        self.seventh_byte = 1

        # determines compression format (none, zlib or oodle) and apparently type of data (additional fields)
        self.user_version = VersionInfo()

        # always = 0
        self.zero = 0

        # length of the Names block below, including 00 bytes
        self.len_names = 0

        # always = 0
        self.zero_2 = 0

        # count of external aux files, ie audio banks
        self.num_aux_entries = 0

        # count of directories
        self.num_dirs = 0

        # count of file mime types, aka. extensions with metadata
        self.num_mimes = 0

        # count of files
        self.num_files = 0

        # repeat count of files ??
        self.num_files_2 = 0

        # count of parts
        self.num_textures = 0

        # number of archives
        self.num_archives = 0

        # number of header types across all archives
        self.num_header_types = 0

        # number of headers of all types across all archives
        self.num_headers = 0

        # number of DataEntries across all archives
        self.num_datas = 0

        # number of BufferEntries across all archives
        self.num_buffers = 0

        # number of files in external OVS archive
        self.num_files_ovs = 0

        # used in ZTUAC elephants
        self.ztuac_unknowns = Array()

        # length of archive names
        self.len_archive_names = 0

        # another Num Files
        self.num_files_3 = 0

        # length of the type names portion insideNames block (usually at the start), not counting 00 bytes
        self.len_type_names = 0

        # 52 bytes zeros
        self.zeros_2 = Array()

        # Name buffer for assets and file mime types.
        self.names = ZStringBuffer()

        # Array of MimeEntry objects that represent a mime type (file extension) each.
        self.mimes = Array()

        # Array of FileEntry objects.
        self.files = Array()

        # Name buffer for archives, usually will be STATIC followed by any OVS names
        self.archive_names = ZStringBuffer()

        # Array of ArchiveEntry objects.
        self.archives = Array()

        # Array of DirEntry objects.
        self.dirs = Array()

        # Array of TextureEntry objects.
        self.textures = Array()

        # Array of AuxEntry objects.
        self.aux_entries = Array()

        # Array of UnknownEntry objects.
        self.unknowns = Array()

        # repeats by archive count
        self.zlibs = Array()
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, context, arg=None, template=None):
        self.name = ''
        self._context = context
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0

        # counts the names
        self.name_count = 0

        # this is always FFFF for now
        self.knownff = 0

        # this is always 0000 for now
        self.zero_0 = 0
        self.unknown_0_c = 0

        # almost always 4, 1 for male african lion
        self.unk_count = 0

        # seems to match bone count
        self.bind_matrix_count = 0
        self.zeros = numpy.zeros((3), dtype='uint64')
        self.bone_count = 0
        self.unknown_40 = 0
        self.parents_count = 0

        # not PC, JWE1
        self.extra_zero = 0
        self.enum_count = 0

        # usually zero
        self.unknown_58 = 0

        # always 1
        self.one = 0

        # this counts the weird padding at the end, usually == bone count, 0 in PZ aardvark
        self.zeros_count = 0

        # matches the other count on dino entertainer, but count7 is not present
        self.unk_pc_count = 0

        # index count 7
        self.count_7 = 0

        # joint count
        self.joint_count = 0

        # zero
        self.unk_78_count = 0

        # zero
        self.unk_extra = 0

        # zero
        self.unk_extra_jwe = 0

        # index into ms2 string table for bones used here
        self.name_indices = numpy.zeros((self.name_count), dtype='uint')

        # index into ms2 string table for bones used here
        self.name_indices = numpy.zeros((self.name_count), dtype='ushort')

        # zeros. One index occupies 4 bytes; pad to multiples of 16 bytes.
        self.name_padding = numpy.zeros(
            ((16 - ((self.name_count * 4) % 16)) % 16), dtype='byte')

        # zeros. One index occupies 4 bytes; pad to multiples of 16 bytes.
        self.name_padding = numpy.zeros(
            ((16 - ((self.name_count * 2) % 16)) % 16), dtype='byte')

        # used for skinning
        self.inverse_bind_matrices = Array(self.context)
        self.bones = Array(self.context)

        # 255 = root, index in this list is the current bone index, value is the bone's parent index
        self.parents = numpy.zeros((self.parents_count), dtype='ubyte')

        # zeros
        self.parents_padding = numpy.zeros(
            ((8 - (self.parents_count % 8)) % 8), dtype='byte')

        # enumerates all bone indices, 4 may be flags
        self.enumeration = numpy.zeros((self.enum_count, 2), dtype='uint')

        # enumerates all bone indices, 4 may be flags
        self.enumeration = numpy.zeros((self.enum_count), dtype='ubyte')

        # zeros
        self.zt_weirdness = numpy.zeros((10), dtype='short')

        # weird zeros
        self.zeros_padding = ZerosPadding(self.context, self.zeros_count, None)

        # weird -1s
        self.minus_padding = MinusPadding(self.context, self.zeros_count, None)

        # ragdoll links?
        self.struct_7 = Struct7(self.context, None, None)

        # joints
        self.joints = JointData(self.context, None, None)
Exemple #16
	def __init__(self, arg=None, template=None):
		self.name = ''
		self.arg = arg
		self.template = template
		self.io_size = 0
		self.io_start = 0

		# variable
		self.joint_count = 0

		# 0
		self.unknown_1 = 0

		# 0
		self.unknown_2 = 0

		# 0
		self.unknown_3 = 0

		# usually fairly big nr, 500ish
		self.unknown_4 = 0
		self.unknown_list = Array()

		# 0
		self.zero = 0

		# small number
		self.count_0 = 0

		# small number
		self.count_1 = 0
		self.joint_compound = JointCompound()
		self.unknown_lista = Array()
		self.unknown_listb = Array()
		self.unknown_listc = Array()

		# 3
		self.d = 0

		# 2
		self.e = 0

		# velo01male
		self.undecoded_floats = Array()

		# index
		self.indices = Array()

		# index or -1
		self.indices_2 = Array()
		self.joint_names = ZStringBuffer()
		self.joint_names_padding = Array()
		self.joint_info_list = Array()
Exemple #17
class OvsHeader:
	Description of one archive's content
    def __init__(self, arg=None, template=None):
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0
        self.header_types = Array()
        self.header_entries = Array()
        self.data_entries = Array()
        self.buffer_entries = Array()
        self.sized_str_entries = Array()
        self.fragments = Array()

    def read(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.header_types = [
            for _ in range(self.arg.num_header_types)
        num_headers = sum(header_type.num_headers
                          for header_type in self.header_types)
        self.header_entries = [
            stream.read_type(HeaderEntry) for _ in range(num_headers)
        self.data_entries = [
            stream.read_type(DataEntry) for _ in range(self.arg.num_datas)
        self.buffer_entries = [
            stream.read_type(BufferEntry) for _ in range(self.arg.num_buffers)
        self.sized_str_entries = [
            for _ in range(self.arg.num_files)
        self.fragments = [
            stream.read_type(Fragment) for _ in range(self.arg.num_fragments)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def write(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        for item in self.header_types:
        for item in self.header_entries:
        for item in self.data_entries:
        for item in self.buffer_entries:
        for item in self.sized_str_entries:
        for item in self.fragments:

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def __repr__(self):
        s = 'OvsHeader [Size: ' + str(self.io_size) + ', Address:' + str(
            self.io_start) + ']'
        s += '\n	* header_types = ' + self.header_types.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* header_entries = ' + self.header_entries.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* data_entries = ' + self.data_entries.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* buffer_entries = ' + self.buffer_entries.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* sized_str_entries = ' + self.sized_str_entries.__repr__()
        s += '\n	* fragments = ' + self.fragments.__repr__()
        s += '\n'
        return s
Exemple #18
class SetHeader:
	defines amount of sets and assets
	(not a struct in barbasol)
    def __init__(self, arg=None, template=None):
        self.name = ''
        self.arg = arg
        self.template = template
        self.io_size = 0
        self.io_start = 0
        self.set_count = 0
        self.asset_count = 0

        # must be 1065336831
        self.sig_a = 1065336831

        # must be 16909320
        self.sig_b = 16909320
        self.sets = Array()
        self.assets = Array()

    def read(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.set_count = stream.read_uint()
        self.asset_count = stream.read_uint()
        self.sig_a = stream.read_uint()
        self.sig_b = stream.read_uint()
        self.sets.read(stream, SetEntry, self.set_count, None)
        self.assets.read(stream, AssetEntry, self.asset_count, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def write(self, stream):

        self.io_start = stream.tell()
        self.sets.write(stream, SetEntry, self.set_count, None)
        self.assets.write(stream, AssetEntry, self.asset_count, None)

        self.io_size = stream.tell() - self.io_start

    def get_info_str(self):
        return f'SetHeader [Size: {self.io_size}, Address: {self.io_start}] {self.name}'

    def get_fields_str(self):
        s = ''
        s += f'\n	* set_count = {self.set_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* asset_count = {self.asset_count.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* sig_a = {self.sig_a.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* sig_b = {self.sig_b.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* sets = {self.sets.__repr__()}'
        s += f'\n	* assets = {self.assets.__repr__()}'
        return s

    def __repr__(self):
        s = self.get_info_str()
        s += self.get_fields_str()
        s += '\n'
        return s