Exemple #1
def get_records( genome,gff,verbose ):
    """Return list of records from genome with
    annotations from annotation file.
    GFF is 1-base; inclusive so
    start-1, end the same
    if verbose:
        sys.stderr.write( "Generating annotations for genome...\n" )
    #load annotation
    if gff.endswith(".gff"):
        contig2coding,trans2exon = load_sgd_gff( gff )
        contig2coding,trans2exon = parse_gtf( gff )
    records = []
    for r in SeqIO.parse( open(genome),"fasta" ):
        t = "CDS"
        if r.id in contig2coding:
            for s,e,name,stnd,score in contig2coding[r.id]:
                strand = 1
                if stnd == "-":
                    strand = -1
                r.features.append( SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(s-1,e),type=t,strand=strand,id=name ) )
        elif verbose:
            sys.stderr.write( " Warning: no annotation for %s\n" % r.id )
        #add to list
        records.append( r )
    return records
Exemple #2
def get_records( genome,gff,verbose ):
    """Return list of records from genome with
    annotations from annotation file.
    GFF is 1-base; inclusive so
    start-1, end the same
    if verbose:
        sys.stderr.write( "Generating annotations for genome...\n" )
    #load annotation
    if gff.endswith(".gff"):
        contig2coding,trans2exon = load_sgd_gff( gff )
        contig2coding,trans2exon = parse_gtf( gff )
    records = []
    for r in SeqIO.parse( open(genome),"fasta" ):
        t = "CDS"
        if r.id in contig2coding:
            for s,e,name,stnd,score in contig2coding[r.id]:
                strand = 1
                if stnd == "-":
                    strand = -1
                r.features.append( SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(s-1,e),type=t,strand=strand,id=name ) )
        elif verbose:
            sys.stderr.write( " Warning: no annotation for %s\n" % r.id )
        #add to list
        records.append( r )
    return records