def test_mappings():
    """This is a simple inclusion test for genome -> proteme mutation mappings.

    Knowing the data, we demand the items from the right side (of test data)
    to be in the results of queries specified on the left side.

    test_data = (
        # (chrom, dna_pos, dna_ref, dna_alt), (name, pos, ref, alt)
        (('17', '7572934', 'G', 'A'), ('TP53', 353, 'S', 'L')),
        (('17', '19282215', 't', 'a'), ('MAPK7', 1, 'M', 'K')),
        (('21', '40547520', 'g', 'a'), ('PSMG1', 283, 'T', 'I')),
        (('9', '125616157', 't', 'a'), ('RC3H2', 1064, 'Y', 'F')),
        (('11', '120198175', 'g', 'a'), ('TMEM136', 31, 'V', 'M')),
        (('10', '81838457', 't', 'a'), ('TMEM254', 1, 'M', 'K')),
        (('13', '111267940', 't', 'a'), ('CARKD', 1, 'M', 'K')),
        (('6', '30539266', 't', 'a'), ('ABCF1', 1, 'M', 'K')),
        (('6', '36765430', 'g', 'a'), ('CPNE5', 140, 'L', 'F')),
        (('12', '123464753', 't', 'a'), ('ARL6IP4', 1, 'M', 'K')),

    for genomic_data, protein_data in test_data:

        snv = make_snv_key(*genomic_data)

        items = [decode_csv(item) for item in bdb[snv]]

        for item in items:
            retrieved_data = (Protein.query.get(item['protein_id']),
                              item['pos'], item['ref'], item['alt'])
            if retrieved_data == protein_data:
            raise Exception(retrieved_data, protein_data)
Exemple #2
def test_decode_csv():
    keys = ('strand', 'ref', 'alt', 'pos', 'cdna_pos', 'exon', 'protein_id', 'is_ptm')
    test_data = (
        ('+RH0cc:exon1:7b', ('+', 'R', 'H', 68, 204, 'exon1', 123, False)),
        ('-RH1cc:exon1:7b', ('-', 'R', 'H', 68, 204, 'exon1', 123, True)),
    for encoded_csv, correct_result in test_data:
        result = genomic_mappings.decode_csv(encoded_csv)
        assert result == dict(zip(keys, correct_result))