Exemple #1
def get_minimized_fitness( genome ):
    infomsg( "getting minimized genome for", genome )

    if not os.path.exists( genome + ".min" ):
        record.time( "minimize.py", check_call, [
            os.path.join( root, "bin", "minimize.py" ), genprog, config,
                "--genome-file", genome,
                "--cache", genome + ".cache",
                "--save-binary", genome + ".bin",
                "--save-source", genome + ".src",
                "--save-genome", genome + ".min"
        ] )

    if options.regenerate is not None:
        cfg = Config()
        cfg.load( config )
        cmd = cfg[ "--test-command" ]
        cmd = cmd.replace( "__EXE_NAME__", genome + ".bin" )
        if options.regenerate == "wall":
            cmd += " -j 1 --wall --repeat 100 --no-limit"

        with record.context( "fitness eval" ):
            fitnesses = list()
            for i in range( options.rows ):
                with mktemp() as fitnessfile:
                    # use call instead of check_call because test scripts always
                    # return non-zero status

                    tmp = cmd.replace( "__FITNESS_FILE__", fitnessfile )
                    call( [ "sh", "-c", tmp ] )
                    with open( fitnessfile ) as fh:
                        for line in fh:
                            value = float( line.split()[ 0 ] )
                            infomsg( "   ", value )
                            fitnesses.append( value )
                                "ERROR: no fitness for", genome + ".bin",
                                file = sys.stderr
                            exit( 2 )
            return fitnesses
        with open( genome + ".min" ) as fh:
            key = " ".join( fh.readlines() )
        key = " ".join( key.split() )

        d = shelve.open( genome + ".cache" )
        return d[ key ]
Exemple #2
def get_localized_results( localfile, index ):
    storage = get_storage_dir( index )
    fitness_log = "fitness%s.csv" % index

    cfg = Config()
    cfg.load( config )

    run_search = False
    if os.path.isdir( storage ):
        if not os.path.exists( os.path.join( storage, fitness_log ) ):
            infomsg( "no such file:", os.path.join( storage, fitness_log ) )
            run_search = True
    elif not os.path.exists( fitness_log ):
        infomsg( "no such file:", fitness_log )
        run_search = True

    if run_search:
        cmd = [
            genprog, config,
                "--max-evals", str( options.max_evals ),
                "--fitness-log", fitness_log
        if localfile is not None:
            cmd += [
                "--fix-scheme", "line",
                "--fix-file", localfile,
                "--fault-scheme", "line",
                "--fault-file", localfile,
        record.time( "GenProg", check_call, cmd )

    def get_repair_log( d ):
        if "--seed" in cfg:
            return os.path.join( d, "repair.debug.%s" % cfg[ "--seed" ] )
        logs = glob( os.path.join( d, "repair.debug.*" ) )
        if len( logs ) == 1:
            return logs[ 0 ]
        infomsg( "ERROR: could not determine repair log", file = sys.stderr )
        exit( 2 )

    if not os.path.isdir( storage ):
        repairlog = get_repair_log( "." )
        os.makedirs( storage )
        sources = [ fitness_log, "multi.cache", "repair.cache", repairlog ]
        check_call( [ "mv" ] + sources + [ storage ] )
        repairlog = os.path.join( storage, repairlog )
        repairlog = get_repair_log( storage )
    return repairlog
Exemple #3
 def __init__( self, configfile ):
     config = Config()
     config.load( configfile )
     lex = shlex.shlex( config[ "--test-command" ], configfile, True )
     lex.whitespace_split = True
     args = list( lex )
     if not "__FITNESS_FILE__" in args:
         raise ValueError(
             "no __FITNESS_FILE__ in " + config[ "--test-command" ] +
             ": cannot identify test"
     i = args.index( "__FITNESS_FILE__" ) - 1
     self.prefix = map( quote, args[ :i ] )
     self.input_arg = args[ i ]
     self.suffix = map( quote, args[ (i+1): ] )
                for num, line in enumerate( fh, 1 ):
                    if label.match( line ):
                        print( line.rstrip(), file = out )
                    m = directive.match( line )
                    if not m or m.group( 1 ) not in [ "file", "loc" ]:
                        print( '\t.loc 1 %d 0' % num, file = out )
                        print( line.rstrip(), file = out )

        if len( fnames ) > 1:
            with renumber_files( fnames[ 1: ] ):

config = Config()
config.load( args[ 0 ] )
if options.compiler_command is not None:
    config[ "--compiler-command" ] = options.compiler_command
if options.test_command is not None:
    config[ "--test-command" ] = options.test_command

if options.pin_root is not None:
    os.environ[ "PIN_ROOT" ] = options.pin_root
if not "PIN_ROOT" in os.environ:
    print( "ERROR: you must use --pin-root or set PIN_ROOT", file = sys.stderr )
    exit( 1 )
pin = os.path.join( os.environ[ "PIN_ROOT" ], "pin" )

check_call( [ "make", "-C", os.path.join( root, "pintool" ) ] )
Exemple #5
        exit( status )

check_path( configfile )
check_path( srcdir )

infomsg( "checking that est-energy.py works..." )
check_path( est_energy )
check_cmd( [ est_energy, "-o", "/dev/null", "--", "true" ] )
infomsg( "pass" )

infomsg( "checking that limit command works..." )
check_path( limit )
check_cmd( [ limit, "1", "true" ] )
infomsg( "pass" )

config = Config()
config.load( configfile )

with mktemp( dir = "." ) as exe:
    infomsg( "checking that we can compile the program..." )

    compile_cmd = config[ "--compiler-command" ]
    compile_cmd = compile_cmd.replace( "__SOURCE_NAME__", "src/000000.s" )
    compile_cmd = compile_cmd.replace( "__EXE_NAME__", exe )

    status = call( [ "sh", "-c", compile_cmd ] )
    if status != 0:
        infomsg( "ERROR: compile command failed!", file = sys.stderr )
        infomsg( "ERROR:", compile_cmd, file = sys.stderr )
        exit( status )
    infomsg( "pass" )