Exemple #1
    def create_dictionary(self):
        Utility method to generate gensim-style Dictionary directly from
        the corpus and vocabulary data.
        dictionary = Dictionary()

        # replace dfs with defaultdict to avoid downstream KeyErrors
        # uci vocabularies may contain terms that are not used in the document data
        dictionary.dfs = defaultdict(int)

        dictionary.id2token = self.id2word
        dictionary.token2id = dict((v, k) for k, v in iteritems(self.id2word))

        dictionary.num_docs = self.num_docs
        dictionary.num_nnz = self.num_nnz

        for docno, doc in enumerate(self):
            if docno % 10000 == 0:
                logger.info('PROGRESS: processing document %i of %i' % (docno, self.num_docs))

            for word, count in doc:
                dictionary.dfs[word] += 1
                dictionary.num_pos += count

        return dictionary
Exemple #2
    def create_dictionary(self):
        Utility method to generate gensim-style Dictionary directly from
        the corpus and vocabulary data.
        dictionary = Dictionary()

        # replace dfs with defaultdict to avoid downstream KeyErrors
        # uci vocabularies may contain terms that are not used in the document data
        dictionary.dfs = defaultdict(int)

        dictionary.id2token = self.id2word
        dictionary.token2id = dict((v, k) for k, v in iteritems(self.id2word))

        dictionary.num_docs = self.num_docs
        dictionary.num_nnz = self.num_nnz

        for docno, doc in enumerate(self):
            if docno % 10000 == 0:
                logger.info('PROGRESS: processing document %i of %i' %
                            (docno, self.num_docs))

            for word, count in doc:
                dictionary.dfs[word] += 1
                dictionary.num_pos += count

        return dictionary
    def create_dictionary(self):
        """Generate :class:`gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary` directly from the corpus and vocabulary data.

            Dictionary, based on corpus.


        .. sourcecode:: pycon

            >>> from gensim.corpora.ucicorpus import UciCorpus
            >>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath
            >>> ucc = UciCorpus(datapath('testcorpus.uci'))
            >>> dictionary = ucc.create_dictionary()

        dictionary = Dictionary()

        # replace dfs with defaultdict to avoid downstream KeyErrors
        # uci vocabularies may contain terms that are not used in the document data
        dictionary.dfs = defaultdict(int)

        dictionary.id2token = self.id2word
        dictionary.token2id = utils.revdict(self.id2word)

        dictionary.num_docs = self.num_docs
        dictionary.num_nnz = self.num_nnz

        for docno, doc in enumerate(self):
            if docno % 10000 == 0:
                logger.info('PROGRESS: processing document %i of %i', docno,

            for word, count in doc:
                dictionary.dfs[word] += 1
                dictionary.num_pos += count

        return dictionary
    def create_dictionary(self):
        """Generate :class:`gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary` directly from the corpus and vocabulary data.

            Dictionary, based on corpus.


        .. sourcecode:: pycon

            >>> from gensim.corpora.ucicorpus import UciCorpus
            >>> from gensim.test.utils import datapath
            >>> ucc = UciCorpus(datapath('testcorpus.uci'))
            >>> dictionary = ucc.create_dictionary()

        dictionary = Dictionary()

        # replace dfs with defaultdict to avoid downstream KeyErrors
        # uci vocabularies may contain terms that are not used in the document data
        dictionary.dfs = defaultdict(int)

        dictionary.id2token = self.id2word
        dictionary.token2id = utils.revdict(self.id2word)

        dictionary.num_docs = self.num_docs
        dictionary.num_nnz = self.num_nnz

        for docno, doc in enumerate(self):
            if docno % 10000 == 0:
                logger.info('PROGRESS: processing document %i of %i', docno, self.num_docs)

            for word, count in doc:
                dictionary.dfs[word] += 1
                dictionary.num_pos += count

        return dictionary
Exemple #5
    if os.path.exists(
        word_dic = Dictionary.load(
        #char_dic = Dictionary.load(os.path.join(config_dic.get("vocab_dir"), f"{args.config}.char.dic"))
        sw_dicts = {}
        for sp_key, sp in sps.items():
            sw_dicts[sp_key] = Dictionary.load(
        special_token_dict = {PADDING: 0, UNKNOWN: 1, START: 2, END: 3}
        word_dic = Dictionary()
        word_dic.token2id = special_token_dict
        #char_dic = Dictionary()
        #char_dic.token2id = special_token_dict
        sw_dicts = {}
        for sp_key, sp in sps.items():
            _dic = Dictionary()
            _dic.token2id = special_token_dict
            sw_dicts[sp_key] = _dic
    label_dic = Dictionary(train_label_documents)
    label_dic.patch_with_special_tokens({PADDING: 0})
    label_dic.id2token = {
        _id: label
        for label, _id in label_dic.token2id.items()

    # add vocabulary
Exemple #6
## Vectorize the corpus
cv = CountVectorizer(stop_words="english",
                     ngram_range=(1, 1))
dtm = cv.fit_transform(corpus)

features = np.array(cv.get_feature_names())
id2token = dict(zip(range(len(features)), features))
token2id = dict(zip(features, range(len(features))))

## Create a gensim dictionary
dictionary = Dictionary()
dictionary.id2token = id2token
dictionary.token2id = token2id

## Train LDA models with different count of topics
topic_counts = [20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 100, 120, 150]

def get_topn_words(lda_model, features, topn=20):
    topics = lda_model.components_
    topic_words = []
    for topic_num, topic_weights in enumerate(topics):
        top_words = topic_weights.argsort()[::-1][:topn]
    return topic_words

def get_coherence_lda_models(topic_counts, dtm, features, corpus, dictionary):