def context_factory(self):
     """ Return the type of context we are testing.
     data_context = DataContext()
     context = AdaptedDataContext(context=data_context)
     name = self.key_name()
     getitem_units = {name: meters / second}
     adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units=getitem_units)
     return context
 def context_factory(self):
     """ Return the type of context we are testing.
     context = AdaptedDataContext(context=data_context)
     name = self.key_name()
     getitem_units = {name:meters/second}
     adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units=getitem_units)
     return context
Exemple #3
    def setUp(self):


        # Set up data for the contexts
        depth = linspace(0.0, 100.0, 11)
        lith = array(['sand'] * len(depth), dtype=object)

        # Create the contexts
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())
        self.raw_context = self.context.context

        # Add data (before creating the adapter)
        self.context.update(depth=depth, lith=lith)

        # Add an adapter
        self.mask = (20.0 <= depth) & (depth <= 50.0)
        self.adapter = MaskingAdapter(mask=self.mask)
Exemple #4
    def setUp(self):

        # Put unit adapters on either side of a masking adapter to see if they
        # cooperate. Store meters in the raw context, push fathoms through the
        # mask, and expose feet to the outside world.
        self.units = units = { 'in':meters, 'mid':fathom, 'out':feet }

        # Set up data for the contexts
        depth = Log(linspace(0.0, 100.0, 11), units=units['in'])
        lith = array(['sand']*len(depth), dtype=object)

        # Create the contexts
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())
        self.raw_context = self.context.context

        # Add data (before creating the adapters)
        self.context.update(depth=depth, lith=lith)

        # (This simplifies creating UnitConversionAdapters)
        def always(value):
            class C(dict):
                def get(self, key, default=None):
                    return value
                def __repr__(self):
                    return '{*:%r}' % value
            return C()

        # Layer multiple adapters
        self.mask = (15.0 < depth) & (depth < 55.0)
        self.convert_out = lambda x: convert(x, units['in'], units['out'])
        self.convert_in = lambda x: convert(x, units['out'], units['in'])
        #    UnitConversionAdapter(setitem_units=always(units['in']),
        #                          getitem_units=always(units['mid'])))
        #    UnitConversionAdapter(setitem_units=always(units['mid']),
    def setUp(self):


        # Set up data for the contexts
        depth = linspace(0.0, 100.0, 11)
        lith = array(["sand"] * len(depth), dtype=object)

        # Create the contexts
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())
        self.raw_context = self.context.context

        # Add data (before creating the adapter)
        self.context.update(depth=depth, lith=lith)

        # Add an adapter
        self.mask = (20.0 <= depth) & (depth <= 50.0)
        self.adapter = MaskingAdapter(mask=self.mask)
    def setUp(self):

        # Put unit adapters on either side of a masking adapter to see if they
        # cooperate. Store meters in the raw context, push fathoms through the
        # mask, and expose feet to the outside world.
        self.units = units = { 'in':meters, 'mid':fathom, 'out':feet }

        # Set up data for the contexts
        depth = Log(linspace(0.0, 100.0, 11), units=units['in'])
        lith = array(['sand']*len(depth), dtype=object)

        # Create the contexts
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())
        self.raw_context = self.context.context

        # Add data (before creating the adapters)
        self.context.update(depth=depth, lith=lith)

        # (This simplifies creating UnitConversionAdapters)
        def always(value):
            class C(dict):
                def get(self, key, default=None):
                    return value
                def __repr__(self):
                    return '{*:%r}' % value
            return C()

        # Layer multiple adapters
        self.mask = (15.0 < depth) & (depth < 55.0)
        self.convert_out = lambda x: convert(x, units['in'], units['out'])
        self.convert_in = lambda x: convert(x, units['out'], units['in'])
        #    UnitConversionAdapter(setitem_units=always(units['in']),
        #                          getitem_units=always(units['mid'])))
        #    UnitConversionAdapter(setitem_units=always(units['mid']),
class AdaptedDataContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    # TestCase interface

    def setUp(self):

        # Put unit adapters on either side of a masking adapter to see if they
        # cooperate. Store meters in the raw context, push fathoms through the
        # mask, and expose feet to the outside world.
        self.units = units = { 'in':meters, 'mid':fathom, 'out':feet }

        # Set up data for the contexts
        depth = Log(linspace(0.0, 100.0, 11), units=units['in'])
        lith = array(['sand']*len(depth), dtype=object)

        # Create the contexts
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())
        self.raw_context = self.context.context

        # Add data (before creating the adapters)
        self.context.update(depth=depth, lith=lith)

        # (This simplifies creating UnitConversionAdapters)
        def always(value):
            class C(dict):
                def get(self, key, default=None):
                    return value
                def __repr__(self):
                    return '{*:%r}' % value
            return C()

        # Layer multiple adapters
        self.mask = (15.0 < depth) & (depth < 55.0)
        self.convert_out = lambda x: convert(x, units['in'], units['out'])
        self.convert_in = lambda x: convert(x, units['out'], units['in'])
        #    UnitConversionAdapter(setitem_units=always(units['in']),
        #                          getitem_units=always(units['mid'])))
        #    UnitConversionAdapter(setitem_units=always(units['mid']),

        # TODO Nest masking adapters (broken)
        # TODO Allow unit adapters on either side of masking adapters (broken)

    # AdaptedDataContextTestCase interface

    def test_getitem(self):
        """ Is getitem adapted correctly?
        value = self.context['depth']
        desired = self.convert_out(array((20., 30., 40., 50.)))

        self.assertEqual(len(value), 4)
        self.assertTrue(allclose(value, desired))

    def test_setitem_existing_value(self):
        """ Is setitem adapted correctly for existing values?
        new_values = self.convert_out(array((30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)))

        desired = self.raw_context['depth'].copy()
        desired[self.mask] = self.convert_in(new_values)

        self.context['depth'] = Log(new_values, units=self.units['out'])
        value = self.raw_context['depth']

        self.assertEqual(len(value), len(desired))
        self.assertTrue(allclose(value, desired))

    def test_setitem_non_existing_value(self):
        """ Is setitem adapted correctly for non-existing values?
        new_values = self.convert_out(array((30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)))
        dummy = 12345.67

        desired = self.raw_context['depth'].copy()
        desired[self.mask] = self.convert_in(new_values)
        desired[~self.mask] = dummy

        self.context['foo'] = Log(new_values, units=self.units['out'])
        value = self.raw_context['foo']
        value[isnan(value)] = dummy

        self.assertEqual(len(value), len(desired))
        self.assertTrue(allclose(value, desired))
Exemple #8
class AdaptedDataContextTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    # TestCase interface

    def setUp(self):

        # Put unit adapters on either side of a masking adapter to see if they
        # cooperate. Store meters in the raw context, push fathoms through the
        # mask, and expose feet to the outside world.
        self.units = units = { 'in':meters, 'mid':fathom, 'out':feet }

        # Set up data for the contexts
        depth = Log(linspace(0.0, 100.0, 11), units=units['in'])
        lith = array(['sand']*len(depth), dtype=object)

        # Create the contexts
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())
        self.raw_context = self.context.context

        # Add data (before creating the adapters)
        self.context.update(depth=depth, lith=lith)

        # (This simplifies creating UnitConversionAdapters)
        def always(value):
            class C(dict):
                def get(self, key, default=None):
                    return value
                def __repr__(self):
                    return '{*:%r}' % value
            return C()

        # Layer multiple adapters
        self.mask = (15.0 < depth) & (depth < 55.0)
        self.convert_out = lambda x: convert(x, units['in'], units['out'])
        self.convert_in = lambda x: convert(x, units['out'], units['in'])
        #    UnitConversionAdapter(setitem_units=always(units['in']),
        #                          getitem_units=always(units['mid'])))
        #    UnitConversionAdapter(setitem_units=always(units['mid']),

        # TODO Nest masking adapters (broken)
        # TODO Allow unit adapters on either side of masking adapters (broken)

    # AdaptedDataContextTestCase interface

    def test_getitem(self):
        """ Is getitem adapted correctly?
        value = self.context['depth']
        desired = self.convert_out(array((20., 30., 40., 50.)))

        self.assertEqual(len(value), 4)
        self.assertTrue(allclose(value, desired))

    def test_setitem_existing_value(self):
        """ Is setitem adapted correctly for existing values?
        new_values = self.convert_out(array((30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)))

        desired = self.raw_context['depth'].copy()
        desired[self.mask] = self.convert_in(new_values)

        self.context['depth'] = Log(new_values, units=self.units['out'])
        value = self.raw_context['depth']

        self.assertEqual(len(value), len(desired))
        self.assertTrue(allclose(value, desired))

    def test_setitem_non_existing_value(self):
        """ Is setitem adapted correctly for non-existing values?
        new_values = self.convert_out(array((30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)))
        dummy = 12345.67

        desired = self.raw_context['depth'].copy()
        desired[self.mask] = self.convert_in(new_values)
        desired[~self.mask] = dummy

        self.context['foo'] = Log(new_values, units=self.units['out'])
        value = self.raw_context['foo']
        value[isnan(value)] = dummy

        self.assertEqual(len(value), len(desired))
        self.assertTrue(allclose(value, desired))
 def setUp(self):
     self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())
class UnitConversionContextAdapterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Other tests for UnitConversionContextAdapater

    # TestCase interface

    def setUp(self):
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())

    # UnitConversionContextAdapterTestCase interface

    def test_getitem_converts_correctly(self):
        """ Does getitem convert units correctly?
        getitem_units = {"depth": feet}
        adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units=getitem_units)

        old_log = Log((1, 2, 3), units=meters)

        self.context["depth"] = old_log

        new_log = self.context["depth"]

        # Did the values get converted correctly?
        self.assert_(all(new_log == old_log.as_units(feet)))

        # Are the units assigned correctly?
        self.assert_(new_log.units == feet)


    def test_setitem_converts_correctly(self):
        """ Does setitem convert units correctly?

        old_log = Log((1, 2, 3), units=meters)
        getitem_units = {"depth": feet}
        adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units=getitem_units)


        # pass the log into the conversion adapter as meters
        self.context["depth"] = old_log

        # Now retreive the log from the underlying context.
        new_log = self.context["depth"]

        # Did the values get converted correctly?
        self.assert_(all(new_log == old_log.as_units(feet)))

        # Are the units assigned correctly?
        self.assert_(new_log.units == feet)


    # TODO Should this override DataContextTestCase.test_eval_is_not_slow?
    # TODO Re-enable when we start watching efficiency
    def HIDE_test_exec_is_not_slow(self):
        """ Compare exec with Adapter to the speed of a dict. (slowdown < 2.0)

            This test compares the costs of unit converting 1000 data points
            using pure python and then using our adapater code.  A factor of
            2.0 is pretty lousy I'd say, so we don't want to do this much.
            At the edge of function boundaries is OK.

        ### Parameters ########################################################

        # Slowdown we will allow compared to standard python evaluation
        allowed_slowdown = 2.0

        # Number of timer iterations.
        N = 1

        ### Standard execution ################################################
        setup = (
            "from numpy import arange\n"
            "from enthought.units.length import meters, feet\n"
            "from enthought import units\n"
            "depth_meters = arange(1000)\n"
        code = (
            "depth_feet = units.convert(depth_meters, meters, feet)\n"
            "depth2_feet = depth_feet + depth_feet\n"
            "depth2_meters = units.convert(depth2_feet, feet, meters)\n"
        std = timeit.Timer(code, setup)
        std_res = std.timeit(N)

        ### Adapter execution #################################################
        # Adapter is set up to convert depth meters->feet and
        # depth2 feet->meters
        setup = (
            "from numpy import arange\n"
            "from enthought.units.length import meters, feet\n"
            "from geo.context.api import DataContext, AdaptedDataContext\n"
            "from geo.log import Log\n"
            "from geo.context.api import UnitConversionAdapter\n"
            "data_context = DataContext()\n"
            "context = AdaptedDataContext(context=data_context)\n"
            "adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units={'depth':feet, 'depth2':meters})\n"
            "context['depth'] = Log(arange(1000),units=meters)\n"
            "compiled = compile('depth2 = depth + depth','foo','exec')\n"

        code = "exec compiled in globals(), context\n"
        adp = timeit.Timer(code, setup)
        adp_res = adp.timeit(N)

        slowdown = adp_res / std_res
        msg = "actual slowdown, time: %f" % slowdown, adp_res / N
        print "[actual slowdown=%3.2f]  " % slowdown,
        assert slowdown < allowed_slowdown, msg
Exemple #11
class MaskingAdapterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    # TestCase interface

    def setUp(self):


        # Set up data for the contexts
        depth = linspace(0.0, 100.0, 11)
        lith = array(['sand'] * len(depth), dtype=object)

        # Create the contexts
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())
        self.raw_context = self.context.context

        # Add data (before creating the adapter)
        self.context.update(depth=depth, lith=lith)

        # Add an adapter
        self.mask = (20.0 <= depth) & (depth <= 50.0)
        self.adapter = MaskingAdapter(mask=self.mask)

    def tearDown(self):

    # MaskingAdapterTestCase interface

    def test_getitem(self):
        """ Does adapter mask values correctly?
        name, value = self.adapter.adapt_getitem(self.raw_context, 'depth',
        self.assertEqual(len(value), 4)
        self.assertTrue(all(value == (20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0)))

    def test_setitem_existing_value(self):
        """ Does setitem on existing data only change the masked values?
        new_values = (30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)

        desired = self.raw_context['depth'].copy()
        desired[self.mask] = new_values

        name, value = self.adapter.adapt_setitem(self.raw_context, 'depth',
        self.assertEqual(len(value), 11)
        self.assertTrue(all(value == desired))

    def test_setitem_non_existing_value(self):
        """ Does setitem on non-existing data expand to depth's shape?
        new_values = (30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)

        desired = self.raw_context['depth'].copy()
        desired[self.mask] = new_values
        desired[~self.mask] = nan

        name, value = self.adapter.adapt_setitem(self.raw_context, 'foo',

        self.assertEqual(len(value), len(desired))
            all((value == desired) | (isnan(value) == isnan(desired))))

    def test_context_getitem(self):
        """ Are the returned values from context masked correctly?
        depth = self.context['depth']
        self.assertEqual(len(depth), 4)
        self.assertTrue(all(depth == (20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0)))

    def test_context_setitem_existing(self):
        """ Are the returned values from context masked correctly?
        new_values = (30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)
        self.context['depth'] = new_values

        # Grab the values from the underlying context, skipping the mask.
        depth = self.raw_context['depth']

        desired = self.raw_context['depth'].copy()
        desired[self.mask] = new_values
        self.assertTrue(all(depth == desired))
 def setUp(self):
     self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())
class UnitConversionContextAdapterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Other tests for UnitConversionContextAdapater

    # TestCase interface

    def setUp(self):
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())

    # UnitConversionContextAdapterTestCase interface

    def test_getitem_converts_correctly(self):
        """ Does getitem convert units correctly?
        getitem_units = {'depth':feet}
        adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units=getitem_units)

        old_log = Log((1,2,3),units=meters)

        self.context['depth'] = old_log

        new_log = self.context['depth']

        # Did the values get converted correctly?

        # Are the units assigned correctly?


    def test_setitem_converts_correctly(self):
        """ Does setitem convert units correctly?

        old_log = Log((1,2,3),units=meters)
        getitem_units = {'depth':feet}
        adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units=getitem_units)


        # pass the log into the conversion adapter as meters
        self.context['depth'] = old_log

        # Now retreive the log from the underlying context.
        new_log = self.context['depth']

        # Did the values get converted correctly?

        # Are the units assigned correctly?


    # TODO Should this override DataContextTestCase.test_eval_is_not_slow?
    # TODO Re-enable when we start watching efficiency
    def HIDE_test_exec_is_not_slow(self):
        """ Compare exec with Adapter to the speed of a dict. (slowdown < 2.0)

            This test compares the costs of unit converting 1000 data points
            using pure python and then using our adapater code.  A factor of
            2.0 is pretty lousy I'd say, so we don't want to do this much.
            At the edge of function boundaries is OK.

        ### Parameters ########################################################

        # Slowdown we will allow compared to standard python evaluation
        allowed_slowdown = 2.0

        # Number of timer iterations.
        N = 1

        ### Standard execution ################################################
        setup = "from numpy import arange\n" \
                "from scimath.units.length import meters, feet\n" \
                "from scimath import units\n" \
                "depth_meters = arange(1000)\n"
        code = "depth_feet = units.convert(depth_meters, meters, feet)\n" \
               "depth2_feet = depth_feet + depth_feet\n" \
               "depth2_meters = units.convert(depth2_feet, feet, meters)\n"
        std = timeit.Timer(code, setup)
        std_res = std.timeit(N)

        ### Adapter execution #################################################
        # Adapter is set up to convert depth meters->feet and
        # depth2 feet->meters
        setup = "from numpy import arange\n" \
                "from scimath.units.length import meters, feet\n" \
                "from geo.context.api import DataContext, AdaptedDataContext\n" \
                "from geo.log import Log\n" \
                "from geo.context.api import UnitConversionAdapter\n" \
                "data_context = DataContext()\n" \
                "context = AdaptedDataContext(context=data_context)\n" \
                "adapter = UnitConversionAdapter(getitem_units={'depth':feet, 'depth2':meters})\n" \
                "context.push_adapter(adapter)\n" \
                "context['depth'] = Log(arange(1000),units=meters)\n" \
                "compiled = compile('depth2 = depth + depth','foo','exec')\n"

        code = "exec compiled in globals(), context\n"
        adp = timeit.Timer(code, setup)
        adp_res = adp.timeit(N)

        slowdown = adp_res/std_res
        msg = 'actual slowdown, time: %f' % slowdown, adp_res/N
        print "[actual slowdown=%3.2f]  " % slowdown,
        assert slowdown < allowed_slowdown, msg
class MaskingAdapterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    # TestCase interface

    def setUp(self):


        # Set up data for the contexts
        depth = linspace(0.0, 100.0, 11)
        lith = array(["sand"] * len(depth), dtype=object)

        # Create the contexts
        self.context = AdaptedDataContext(context=DataContext())
        self.raw_context = self.context.context

        # Add data (before creating the adapter)
        self.context.update(depth=depth, lith=lith)

        # Add an adapter
        self.mask = (20.0 <= depth) & (depth <= 50.0)
        self.adapter = MaskingAdapter(mask=self.mask)

    def tearDown(self):

    # MaskingAdapterTestCase interface

    def test_getitem(self):
        """ Does adapter mask values correctly?
        name, value = self.adapter.adapt_getitem(self.raw_context, "depth", self.raw_context["depth"])
        self.assertEqual(len(value), 4)
        self.assertTrue(all(value == (20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0)))

    def test_setitem_existing_value(self):
        """ Does setitem on existing data only change the masked values?
        new_values = (30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)

        desired = self.raw_context["depth"].copy()
        desired[self.mask] = new_values

        name, value = self.adapter.adapt_setitem(self.raw_context, "depth", new_values)
        self.assertEqual(len(value), 11)
        self.assertTrue(all(value == desired))

    def test_setitem_non_existing_value(self):
        """ Does setitem on non-existing data expand to depth's shape?
        new_values = (30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)

        desired = self.raw_context["depth"].copy()
        desired[self.mask] = new_values
        desired[~self.mask] = nan

        name, value = self.adapter.adapt_setitem(self.raw_context, "foo", new_values)

        self.assertEqual(len(value), len(desired))
        self.assertTrue(all((value == desired) | (isnan(value) == isnan(desired))))

    def test_context_getitem(self):
        """ Are the returned values from context masked correctly?
        depth = self.context["depth"]
        self.assertEqual(len(depth), 4)
        self.assertTrue(all(depth == (20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0)))

    def test_context_setitem_existing(self):
        """ Are the returned values from context masked correctly?
        new_values = (30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0)
        self.context["depth"] = new_values

        # Grab the values from the underlying context, skipping the mask.
        depth = self.raw_context["depth"]

        desired = self.raw_context["depth"].copy()
        desired[self.mask] = new_values
        self.assertTrue(all(depth == desired))