Exemple #1
 def distance_poi_building(self, poi_node, building):
     """ Returns the distance between a point of interest and a building 
     @type poi_node: L{geo.osm_import.Node}
     @param poi_node: OSM Node object
     @type building: L{geo.osm_import.Way}
     @param building: OSM Way object that is a building
     @returns: the distance in meters
     @rtype: C{float}
     min_dist = 1e400
     bnodes = building.nodes
     for i in range(len(bnodes) - 1):
         distance = distance_point_line(bnodes[i], bnodes[i + 1], poi_node)
         if distance < min_dist:
             min_dist = distance
     return min_dist
def douglas_peucker(way_segment, tolerance):
    Performes the Douglas Peucker line generalization algorithm for a given way segment
    @param way_segment: List of L{geo.osm_import.Node} objects that represent the way segment
    @param tolerance: The tolerance value for the generlization in meters
    @return: A list of L{geo.osm_import.Node} objects that represents the generalized way segment
    @rtype: C{list} of L{geo.osm_import.Node}
    @see: the algorithm is adapted from the following public domain sources:
    	- U{http://www.cse.hut.fi/en/research/SVG/TRAKLA2/exercises/DouglasPeucker-212.html}
    	- U{http://www.mappinghacks.com/code/PolyLineReduction/}
    	- U{http://mappinghacks.com/code/dp.py.txt}

    # the algorithm is adapted from:
    # http://www.cse.hut.fi/en/research/SVG/TRAKLA2/exercises/DouglasPeucker-212.html
    # http://www.mappinghacks.com/code/PolyLineReduction/
    # http://mappinghacks.com/code/dp.py.txt

    new_way = []
    stack = []
    anchor = 0
    floater = len(way_segment)-1
    while stack:
        max_distance = 0.0
        farthest = floater
        for i in range(anchor + 1, floater):
            distance = distance_point_line(way_segment[anchor], way_segment[floater], way_segment[i])
            if distance > max_distance:
                max_distance = distance
                farthest = i
        if max_distance < tolerance:
            anchor = floater
            if stack:
                floater = stack[-1]
            floater = farthest
    return new_way