Exemple #1
 def GetCorrectCameraXandYFactors(self, position, poi):
     cameraZ = geo2.Vec3Normalize(geo2.Subtract(position, poi))
     cameraX = geo2.Vec3Cross(cameraZ, (0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
     cameraY = geo2.Vec3Cross(cameraZ, cameraX)
     cameraMatrix = ((cameraX[0], cameraY[0], cameraZ[0],
                      0.0), (cameraX[1], cameraY[1], cameraZ[1], 0.0),
                     (cameraX[2], cameraY[2], cameraZ[2], 0.0), (0.0, 0.0,
                                                                 0.0, 1.0))
     offset = geo2.Subtract(self.focus, poi)
     res = geo2.Vec3Transform(offset, cameraMatrix)
     return (res[0], res[1])
 def _EnforceMinMaxZoom(self, eyePos):
     vEye = geo2.Subtract(eyePos, self.atPosition)
     vMaxZoom = geo2.Scale(self.GetZAxis(), self.maxZoom)
     vEyeToMaxZoom = geo2.Subtract(vEye, vMaxZoom)
     if geo2.Vec3Dot(vEyeToMaxZoom, vMaxZoom) < 0:
         eyePos = geo2.Add(self.atPosition, vMaxZoom)
         self.zoomTarget = None
     vMinZoom = geo2.Scale(self.GetZAxis(), self.minZoom)
     vEyeToMinZoom = geo2.Subtract(vEye, vMinZoom)
     if geo2.Vec3Dot(vEyeToMinZoom, vMinZoom) > 0:
         eyePos = geo2.Add(self.atPosition, vMinZoom)
         self.zoomTarget = None
     return eyePos
Exemple #3
 def Zoom(self, val):
     dev = trinity.device
     pos = self.GetPosition()
     target = self.GetPointOfInterest()
     view = geo2.Vec3Normalize(geo2.Subtract(pos, target))
     length = geo2.Vec3Length(geo2.Subtract(pos, target))
     nextPos = geo2.Vec3Add(pos, geo2.Vec3Scale(view, length * val))
     nextLength = geo2.Vec3Length(geo2.Vec3Subtract(nextPos, target))
     if nextLength < self.minZoomDistance:
         nextPos = geo2.Vec3Add(target, geo2.Vec3Scale(view, self.minZoomDistance))
     elif nextLength > self.maxZoomDistance:
         nextPos = geo2.Vec3Add(target, geo2.Vec3Scale(view, self.maxZoomDistance))
 def PickObject(self, x, y):
     if self.sceneManager.GetActiveScene() != self.renderScene:
     rescale = 1.0 / 10000.0
     projection = trinity.TriProjection()
     view = trinity.TriView()
     view.transform = trinity.GetViewTransform()
     scaling, rotation, translation = geo2.MatrixDecompose(
     pZ = geo2.Vec3Transform((0, 0, 1), self.transform.worldTransform)
     surfaceNormal = geo2.Subtract(pZ, translation)
     cameraZ = geo2.Vector(view.transform[0][2], view.transform[1][2],
     if geo2.Vec3Dot(surfaceNormal, cameraZ) < 0:
     self.renderObject.translation = geo2.Vec3Scale(translation, rescale)
     self.renderObject.rotation = rotation
     self.renderObject.scaling = geo2.Vec3Scale(scaling, rescale)
     scaling, rotation, translation = geo2.MatrixDecompose(view.transform)
     translation = geo2.Vec3Scale(translation, rescale)
     view.transform = geo2.MatrixTransformation(None, None, scaling, None,
                                                rotation, translation)
     return self.renderObject.PickObject(x, y, projection, view,
Exemple #5
 def OverridePick(self, x, y):
     overrideObject = None
     entityID = self._PickObject(x, y)
     if entityID:
         entity = sm.GetService('entityClient').FindEntityByID(entityID)
         if entity:
             camera = self.cameraClient.GetActiveCamera()
             startPoint, endPoint = camera.GetRay(x, y)
             direction = geo2.Subtract(endPoint, startPoint)
             uvSvc = sm.GetService('uvPickingClient')
             if entity.HasComponent('UIDesktopComponent'
                                    ) and entity.HasComponent('uvPicking'):
                 uv = uvSvc.PickEntity(entity, startPoint, direction)
                 if not uv:
                 desktopComponent = entity.GetComponent(
                 desktop = desktopComponent.uiDesktop
                 u = int(uv[1][0] * desktop.width)
                 v = int(uv[1][1] * desktop.height)
                 triobj = desktopComponent.uiDesktop.renderObject.PickObject(
                     u, v, None, None, None)
                 if triobj:
                     overrideObject = uicore.uilib.GetPyObjectFromRenderObject(
     return overrideObject
Exemple #6
 def Orbit(self, yaw, pitch):
     dev = trinity.device
     up = geo2.Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
     t = geo2.Vector(self.localViewMatrix[1][0], self.localViewMatrix[1][1], self.localViewMatrix[1][2])
     if geo2.Vec3Dot(t, up) <= 0.0:
         pitch = -pitch
         yaw = -yaw
     pos = self.GetPosition()
     target = self.pointOfInterest
     view = geo2.Subtract(pos, target)
     view = geo2.Vec3Normalize(view)
     right = geo2.Vec3Cross(view, up)
     mat = self.localViewMatrix
     ipmat = geo2.MatrixTranslation(-target[0], -target[1], -target[2])
     pmat = geo2.MatrixTranslation(target[0], target[1], target[2])
     mat = geo2.MatrixInverse(mat)
     yrotMat = geo2.MatrixRotationAxis(up, yaw)
     rrotMat = geo2.MatrixRotationAxis(right, pitch)
     yrotMat = geo2.MatrixMultiply(yrotMat, rrotMat)
     mat = geo2.MatrixMultiply(mat, ipmat)
     mat = geo2.MatrixMultiply(mat, yrotMat)
     mat = geo2.MatrixMultiply(mat, pmat)
     self._position = geo2.MatrixDecompose(mat)[2]
     mat = geo2.MatrixInverse(mat)
     self.localViewMatrix = mat
Exemple #7
 def OverridePick(self, x, y):
     Called by the uilib when it is updating mouseover. Here we get a chance to see
     if we should route events into any of the ingame UI desktops.
     overrideObject = None
     entityID = self._PickObject(x, y)
     if entityID:
         entity = sm.GetService('entityClient').FindEntityByID(entityID)
         if entity:
             camera = self.cameraClient.GetActiveCamera()
             startPoint, endPoint = camera.GetRay(x, y)
             direction = geo2.Subtract(endPoint, startPoint)
             uvSvc = sm.GetService('uvPickingClient')
             if entity.HasComponent('UIDesktopComponent'
                                    ) and entity.HasComponent('uvPicking'):
                 uv = uvSvc.PickEntity(entity, startPoint, direction)
                 if not uv:
                 desktopComponent = entity.GetComponent(
                 desktop = desktopComponent.uiDesktop
                 u = int(uv[1][0] * desktop.width)
                 v = int(uv[1][1] * desktop.height)
                 triobj = desktopComponent.uiDesktop.renderObject.PickObject(
                     u, v, None, None, None)
                 if triobj:
                     overrideObject = uicore.uilib.GetPyObjectFromRenderObject(
     return overrideObject
    def OrbitUpdateThread(self):
            while True:
                if self.orbitTarget is None:
                vLookAt = self.GetLookAtDirection()
                currPitch = self.GetAngleLookAtToUpDirection()
                self.eyePosition = geo2.Subtract(self.eyePosition, self.atPosition)
                yawLeft = self.orbitTarget[0]
                if yawLeft:
                    yaw = self.kOrbitSpeed * yawLeft / blue.os.fps
                    if math.fabs(yawLeft) < self.kOrbitStopAngle:
                        yaw = yawLeft
                    rotYaw = geo2.MatrixRotationAxis(self.upDirection, yaw)
                    self.eyePosition = geo2.Vec3Transform(self.eyePosition, rotYaw)
                    self.orbitTarget[0] -= yaw
                targetPitch = self.orbitTarget[1]
                pitchLeft = currPitch - targetPitch
                if pitchLeft:
                    pitch = self.kOrbitSpeed * pitchLeft / blue.os.fps
                    if math.fabs(pitchLeft) < self.kOrbitStopAngle:
                        pitch = pitchLeft
                    axis = geo2.Vec3Cross(vLookAt, self.upDirection)
                    rotPitch = geo2.MatrixRotationAxis(axis, pitch)
                    self.eyePosition = geo2.Vec3Transform(self.eyePosition, rotPitch)
                self.eyePosition = geo2.Add(self.eyePosition, self.atPosition)
                if not pitchLeft and not yawLeft:

            self.orbitUpdateThread = None
            self.orbitTarget = None
Exemple #9
def ProjectPointTowardsFrontPlane(point, dist=7.0):
    ppos = point
    viewMat = trinity.GetViewTransform()
    cpos = geo2.Vector(*trinity.GetViewPosition())
    dir = geo2.Vec3Normalize(geo2.Subtract(cpos, ppos))
    lookat = geo2.Vector(viewMat[0][2], viewMat[1][2], viewMat[2][2])
    point = cpos + lookat * dist
    return RayToPlaneIntersection(ppos, dir, point, lookat)
Exemple #10
 def Zoom(self, val):
         Move the camera towards the point of interest
         val - the percentage of the distance between the camera and the target point
     dev = trinity.device
     pos = self.GetPosition()
     target = self.GetPointOfInterest()
     view = geo2.Vec3Normalize(geo2.Subtract(pos, target))
     length = geo2.Vec3Length(geo2.Subtract(pos, target))
     nextPos = geo2.Vec3Add(pos, geo2.Vec3Scale(view, length * val))
     nextLength = geo2.Vec3Length(geo2.Vec3Subtract(nextPos, target))
     if nextLength < self.minZoomDistance:
         nextPos = geo2.Vec3Add(target, geo2.Vec3Scale(view, self.minZoomDistance))
     elif nextLength > self.maxZoomDistance:
         nextPos = geo2.Vec3Add(target, geo2.Vec3Scale(view, self.maxZoomDistance))
 def Rotate(self, x = 0, y = 0):
     xAxis = self.GetXAxis()
     yAxis = self.GetYAxis()
     self.atPosition = geo2.Subtract(self.atPosition, self.eyePosition)
     rotY = geo2.MatrixRotationAxis(xAxis, y)
     self.atPosition = geo2.Vec3Transform(self.atPosition, rotY)
     rotX = geo2.MatrixRotationAxis(yAxis, x)
     self.atPosition = geo2.Vec3Transform(self.atPosition, rotX)
     self.atPosition = geo2.Add(self.atPosition, self.eyePosition)
Exemple #12
 def SetViewVector(self, viewVector):
     atPosition = self.GetAtPosition()
     eyePosition = self.GetEyePosition()
     eyePositionLocal = geo2.Subtract(atPosition, eyePosition)
     eyeDistance = geo2.Vec3Length(eyePositionLocal)
     newEyePosition = geo2.Vec3Scale(viewVector, eyeDistance)
     self.eyePosition = geo2.Vec3Add(newEyePosition, atPosition)
     if not self.isActive:
 def Orbit(self, dx = 0, dy = 0):
     diff = geo2.Subtract(self.eyePosition, self.atPosition)
     if not self.orbitTarget:
         self.orbitTarget = (0, self.GetAngleLookAtToUpDirection())
     yaw = self.orbitTarget[0] - dx
     pitch = self.orbitTarget[1] - dy / 2.0
     pitch = max(self.kMinPitch, min(pitch, self.kMaxPitch))
     self.orbitTarget = [yaw, pitch]
     if not self.orbitUpdateThread:
         self.orbitUpdateThread = uthread.new(self.OrbitUpdateThread)
Exemple #14
 def PlacePortraitCamera(self, pos, poi):
     direction = geo2.Subtract(pos, poi)
     self.distance = geo2.Vec3Length(direction)
     direction = geo2.Vec3Normalize(direction)
     self.yaw = math.acos(direction[0])
     self.pitch = math.asin(direction[1]) + math.pi / 2.0
     right = self.GetBonePosition('fj_eyeballRight')
     left = self.GetBonePosition('fj_eyeballLeft')
     self.focus = geo2.Add(right, left)
     self.focus = geo2.Vector(*self.focus) * 0.5
     xFactor, yFactor = self.GetCorrectCameraXandYFactors(pos, poi)
     self.xFactor = xFactor
     self.yFactor = yFactor
 def LookAt(self, position, duration = None, followWithEye = True, eyePos = None):
     if duration:
         uicore.animations.MorphVector3(self, 'atPosition', self.atPosition, position, duration=duration)
         self.atPosition = position
     if followWithEye:
         if not eyePos:
             eyePos = geo2.Subtract(self.eyePosition, self.atPosition)
             eyePos = geo2.Add(eyePos, position)
         if duration:
             uicore.animations.MorphVector3(self, 'eyePosition', self.eyePosition, eyePos, duration=duration)
             self.eyePosition = eyePos
 def PlacePortraitCamera(self, pos, poi):
     """ This method takes in pos and poi and places the camera with correct 
     yaw and pitch, distance, xFactor, yFactor and focus."""
     direction = geo2.Subtract(pos, poi)
     self.distance = geo2.Vec3Length(direction)
     direction = geo2.Vec3Normalize(direction)
     self.yaw = math.acos(direction[0])
     self.pitch = math.asin(direction[1]) + math.pi / 2.0
     right = self.GetBonePosition('fj_eyeballRight')
     left = self.GetBonePosition('fj_eyeballLeft')
     self.focus = geo2.Add(right, left)
     self.focus = geo2.Vector(*self.focus) * 0.5
     xFactor, yFactor = self.GetCorrectCameraXandYFactors(pos, poi)
     self.xFactor = xFactor
     self.yFactor = yFactor
Exemple #17
    def OrbitUpdateThread(self):
            while True:
                if self.orbitTarget is None:
                vLookAt = self.GetLookAtDirectionWithOffset()
                currPitch = self.GetAngleLookAtToUpDirection()
                offset = self.GetOrbitPoint()
                self.eyePosition = geo2.Subtract(self._eyePosition, offset)
                yawRemaining = self._UpdateYaw()
                pitchRemaining = self._UpdatePitch(currPitch, vLookAt)
                self.SetEyePosition(geo2.Add(self._eyePosition, offset))
                if not pitchRemaining and not yawRemaining:

            self.orbitUpdateThread = None
            self.orbitTarget = None