Exemple #1
def approximate_geo_to_world(coords_geo_rad, coords_world):
    geo_origin = coords.GeodeticCoordinate(*np.mean(coords_geo_rad, axis=0))
    lat2m, lon2m = approximate_geo_to_meter_NED(geo_origin, coords_geo_rad)
    coords_ned = transform_geo_to_meter(geo_origin, lat2m, lon2m, coords_geo_rad)
    world_angle = estimate_rotation(coords_world[:,:2], coords_ned[:,:2])
    coords_world_parallel = transform3d(rotation3d_z(world_angle), coords_ned)
    world_offset = np.mean(coords_world - coords_world_parallel,axis=0)
    return geo_origin, lat2m, lon2m, world_angle, world_offset
Exemple #2
def tf_world_geo(origin, lat2m, lon2m, world_angle, world_offset):
    Transformation matrix transforming from geo coordinates to metric world coordinates.
    :param      origin:        The geo origin
    :param      lat2m:         The latitude to meter conversion factor
    :param      lon2m:         The longitude to meter conversion factor
    :param      world_angle:   The world angle
    :param      world_offset:  The world offset
    :type       origin:        coords.GeodeticCoordinate
    :type       lat2m:         number
    :type       lon2m:         number
    :type       world_angle:   number [radian]
    :type       world_offset:  number [meter]
    :returns:   Transformation matrix
    :rtype:     np.ndarray with shape [4,4]
    rotation = rotation3d_z(world_angle)
    translation = translation3d(*world_offset)
    return translation @ rotation @ tf_meter_geo(origin, lat2m, lon2m)
Exemple #3
def tf_map_geo(origin, lat2m, lon2m, world_angle, world_offset, map_origin_in_world):
    Transformation matrix transforming from geo coordinates to metric map coordinates.
    :param      origin:               The geo origin
    :param      lat2m:                The latitude to meter conversion factor
    :param      lon2m:                The longitude to meter conversion factor
    :param      world_angle:          The world angle
    :param      world_offset:         The world offset
    :param      map_origin_in_world:  The map origin in the world
    :type       origin:               coords.GeodeticCoordinate
    :type       lat2m:                number
    :type       lon2m:                number
    :type       world_angle:          number
    :type       world_offset:         np.ndarray with shape(3,)
    :type       map_origin_in_world:  np.ndarray with shape(3,)
    :returns:   Transformation matrix
    :rtype:     np.ndarray with shape [4,4]
    rotation = rotation3d_z(world_angle)
    translation = translation3d(*(world_offset-map_origin_in_world))
    return translation @ rotation @ tf_meter_geo(origin, lat2m, lon2m)