Exemple #1
    def handle_noargs(self, **options):
        up = os.path.dirname
        appDir = up(up(up(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
        print 'appDir:', appDir
        builder = Builder()

        # render svg to png
        if settings.GEOCAM_LENS_RENDER_SVG_ICONS:
            svgGlob = '%s/media_src/icons/*.svg' % appDir
            svgOutput = '%s/build/media/geocamLens/icons/map/' % appDir
            logging.debug('svgIcons %s %s' % (svgGlob, svgOutput))
            for imPath in glob(svgGlob):
                svg.buildIcon(builder, imPath, outputDir=svgOutput)

        # link static stuff into build/media
        inst = Installer(builder)
        inst.installRecurseGlob('%s/static/*' % appDir,
                                '%s/build/media' % appDir)

        # rotate pngs
        rotGlob = '%s/build/media/geocamLens/icons/map/*Point.png' % appDir
        rotOutput = '%s/build/media/geocamLens/icons/mapr' % appDir
        logging.debug('rotateIcons %s %s' % (rotGlob, rotOutput))
        for imPath in glob(rotGlob):
            rotate.buildAllDirections(builder, imPath, outputDir=rotOutput)
Exemple #2
    def handle_noargs(self, **options):
        up = os.path.dirname
        appDir = up(up(up(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
        print 'appDir:', appDir
        builder = Builder()

        # render svg to png
        if settings.GEOCAM_LENS_RENDER_SVG_ICONS:
            svgGlob = '%s/media_src/icons/*.svg' % appDir
            svgOutput = '%s/build/media/geocamLens/icons/map/' % appDir
            logging.debug('svgIcons %s %s' % (svgGlob, svgOutput))
            for imPath in glob(svgGlob):
                svg.buildIcon(builder, imPath, outputDir=svgOutput)

        # link static stuff into build/media
        inst = Installer(builder)
        inst.installRecurseGlob('%s/static/*' % appDir,
                                '%s/build/media' % appDir)

        # rotate pngs
        rotGlob = '%s/build/media/geocamLens/icons/map/*Point.png' % appDir
        rotOutput = '%s/build/media/geocamLens/icons/mapr' % appDir
        logging.debug('rotateIcons %s %s' % (rotGlob, rotOutput))
        for imPath in glob(rotGlob):
            rotate.buildAllDirections(builder, imPath, outputDir=rotOutput)
Exemple #3
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        up = os.path.dirname
        appDir = up(up(up(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
        print 'appDir:', appDir
        builder = Builder()

        # render svg to png
        svgOutput = '%s/build/static/geocamLens/icons/map/' % appDir
        if settings.GEOCAM_LENS_RENDER_SVG_ICONS:
            svgGlob = '%s/media_src/icons/*.svg' % appDir
            logging.debug('svgIcons %s %s', svgGlob, svgOutput)
            for imPath in glob(svgGlob):
                svg.buildIcon(builder, imPath, outputDir=svgOutput)

        # link static stuff into build/media
        inst = Installer(builder)
        inst.installRecurseGlob('%s/static/*' % appDir,
                                '%s/build/static' % appDir)

        # make highlighted versions of icons
        dstGlob = svgOutput + '*.png'
        logging.debug('highlightIcons %s', dstGlob)
        for dst in glob(dstGlob):
            if 'Highlighted' in dst:
            dstHighlighted = os.path.splitext(dst)[0] + 'Highlighted.png'
            halo.addHalo(builder, dst, dstHighlighted)

        # rotate pngs
        rotGlob = '%s/build/static/geocamLens/icons/map/*Point*.png' % appDir
        rotOutput = '%s/build/static/geocamLens/icons/mapr' % appDir
        logging.debug('rotateIcons %s %s', rotGlob, rotOutput)
        for imPath in glob(rotGlob):
            rotate.buildAllDirections(builder, imPath, outputDir=rotOutput)
Exemple #4
    def handleImportPaths(self, impPaths, options):
        inst = Installer()
        siteDir = commandUtil.getSiteDir()

        # make new-style static and media setup
        staticRoot = getattr(settings, 'STATIC_ROOT', '%sbuild/static' % siteDir)
        if not os.path.exists(staticRoot):
        #if not os.path.exists(settings.MEDIA_ROOT):
        #    mediaRootNoTrailingSlash = re.sub('/$', '', settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
        #    os.symlink(staticRoot, mediaRootNoTrailingSlash)

        # install admin media
        djangoDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(django.__file__))
        adminMediaDir = os.path.join(djangoDir, 'contrib', 'admin', 'media')
        inst.installRecurse(adminMediaDir, os.path.join(staticRoot, 'admin'))

        for impPath in impPaths:
            logging.debug('collectmedia app %s', impPath)
            appMod = __import__(impPath, fromlist=['dummy'])
            appPath = os.path.dirname(appMod.__file__)
            tryMediaPaths = ['%s/build/static' % appPath,
                             '%s/build/media' % appPath,  # legacy support
                             '%s/static' % appPath]
            for mediaPath in tryMediaPaths:
                logging.debug('collectmedia app %s: checking for media in %s', impPath, mediaPath)
                if os.path.exists(mediaPath):
                    inst.installRecurseGlob('%s/*' % mediaPath, '%sbuild/static' % siteDir)
Exemple #5
 def handleImportPaths(self, impPaths, options):
     for impPath in impPaths:
         logging.debug('collectbinaries app %s', impPath)
         appMod = __import__(impPath, fromlist=['dummy'])
         appPath = os.path.dirname(appMod.__file__)
         binPath = '%s/bin' % appPath
         logging.debug('collectbinaries app %s: checking for binaries in %s', impPath, binPath)
         if os.path.exists(binPath):
             siteDir = commandUtil.getSiteDir()
             inst = Installer()
             inst.installRecurseGlob('%s/*' % binPath, '%sbuild/bin' % siteDir)
 def handleImportPaths(self, impPaths, options):
     for impPath in impPaths:
         logging.debug('collectbinaries app %s', impPath)
         appMod = __import__(impPath, fromlist=['dummy'])
         appPath = os.path.dirname(appMod.__file__)
         binPath = '%s/bin' % appPath
         logging.debug('collectbinaries app %s: checking for binaries in %s', impPath, binPath)
         if os.path.exists(binPath):
             siteDir = commandUtil.getSiteDir()
             inst = Installer()
             inst.installRecurseGlob('%s/*' % binPath, '%sbuild/bin' % siteDir)
Exemple #7
    def handle_noargs(self, **options):
        up = os.path.dirname
        appDir = up(up(up(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
        builder = Builder()

        # minify javascript files into geocamAwareMin.js
        srcDir = '%s/static/' % appDir
        srcPairs = [(srcDir + suffix, doMinify)
                    for suffix, doMinify in JS_MODULES]
                 '%s/build/static/geocamAware/js/geocamAwareMin.js' % appDir,

        # link static stuff into build/static
        inst = Installer(builder)
        inst.installRecurseGlob('%s/static/*' % appDir,
                                '%s/build/static' % appDir)
Exemple #8
    def generateNotebookDir(self, builder, appDir):
        assert settings.GEOCAM_UTIL_INSTALLER_USE_SYMLINKS, \
            'generateNotebookDir: very error-prone if not using symlinks'
        notebookDir = os.path.join(appDir, 'notebook')

        jupyterDir = os.path.join(notebookDir, 'jupyter')
        if not os.path.exists(jupyterDir):

        ipythonDir = os.path.join(notebookDir, 'ipython')
        ipythonProfileDir = os.path.join(ipythonDir, 'profile_default')
        if not os.path.exists(ipythonProfileDir):

        # generate initial non-shared config files if not already present
        jupyterConfig = os.path.join(jupyterDir, 'jupyter_notebook_config.py')
        if not os.path.exists(jupyterConfig):
            jupyterConfigTemplate = os.path.join(appDir, 'management', 'templates',
            shutil.copyfile(jupyterConfigTemplate, jupyterConfig)
        ipythonConfig = os.path.join(ipythonProfileDir, 'ipython_config.py')
        if not os.path.exists(ipythonConfig):
            ipythonConfigTemplate = os.path.join(appDir, 'management', 'templates',
            shutil.copyfile(ipythonConfigTemplate, ipythonConfig)

        # symlink the contents of the notebook directory under the <site>/var directory
        installer = Installer(builder)
        varNotebookDir = os.path.join(settings.VAR_ROOT, 'notebook')
        installer.installRecurse(notebookDir, varNotebookDir)

        # make the directory to hold notebook files, if it doesn't already exist
        dataDir = os.path.join(settings.DATA_ROOT, 'notebook')
        if not os.path.exists(dataDir):

        # symlink extra startup files (these files will be site-specific, not part of
        # the xgds_plot app)
        startupDir = os.path.join(varNotebookDir, 'ipython', 'profile_default',
        for f in settings.XGDS_PLOT_NOTEBOOK_STARTUP_FILES:
            installer.installFile(f, startupDir)
Exemple #9
    def handleImportPaths(self, impPaths, options):
        inst = Installer()
        siteDir = commandUtil.getSiteDir()

        # make new-style static and media setup
        staticRoot = getattr(settings, 'STATIC_ROOT',
                             '%sbuild/static' % siteDir)
        if not os.path.exists(staticRoot):
        #if not os.path.exists(settings.MEDIA_ROOT):
        #    mediaRootNoTrailingSlash = re.sub('/$', '', settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
        #    os.symlink(staticRoot, mediaRootNoTrailingSlash)

        # install admin media
        djangoDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(django.__file__))
        adminMediaDir = os.path.join(djangoDir, 'contrib', 'admin', 'media')
        inst.installRecurse(adminMediaDir, os.path.join(staticRoot, 'admin'))

        for impPath in impPaths:
            logging.debug('collectmedia app %s', impPath)
            appMod = __import__(impPath, fromlist=['dummy'])
            appPath = os.path.dirname(appMod.__file__)
            tryMediaPaths = [
                '%s/build/static' % appPath,
                '%s/build/media' % appPath,  # legacy support
                '%s/static' % appPath
            for mediaPath in tryMediaPaths:
                logging.debug('collectmedia app %s: checking for media in %s',
                              impPath, mediaPath)
                if os.path.exists(mediaPath):
                    inst.installRecurseGlob('%s/*' % mediaPath,
                                            '%sbuild/static' % siteDir)
Exemple #10
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        from django.db import models
        if args:
            # user specified apps to prep
            impPaths = args
            # user did not specify, default to all apps in INSTALLED_APPS
            from django.conf import settings
            impPaths = settings.INSTALLED_APPS

        for impPath in impPaths:
            logging.debug('collectmedia app %s' % impPath)
            appMod = __import__(impPath, fromlist=['dummy'])
            appPath = os.path.dirname(appMod.__file__)
            tryMediaPaths = ['%s/build/media' % appPath,
                             '%s/static' % appPath]
            for mediaPath in tryMediaPaths:
                logging.debug('collectmedia app %s: checking for media in %s' % (impPath, mediaPath))
                if os.path.exists(mediaPath):
                    siteDir = commandUtil.getSiteDir()
                    inst = Installer()
                    inst.installRecurseGlob('%s/*' % mediaPath, '%sbuild/media' % siteDir)