Exemple #1
def getPeriodGridString(period, grid, exp=None, beginyear=None):
  ''' utility function to check period and grid and return valid and usable strings '''
  # period
  if period is None: pass
  elif isinstance(period,(int,np.integer)):
    if beginyear is None: beginyear = int(exp.begindate[0:4]) # most datasets begin in 1979
    period = (beginyear, beginyear+period)
  elif len(period) != 2 and all(isInt(period)): raise DateError
  periodstr = '{0:4d}-{1:4d}'.format(*period) if period else ''
  # grid
  gridstr = grid if grid  else ''
  # return
  return periodstr, gridstr
Exemple #2
def getPeriodGridString(period, grid, exp=None, beginyear=None):
    ''' utility function to check period and grid and return valid and usable strings '''
    # period
    if period is None: pass
    elif isinstance(period, (int, np.integer)):
        if beginyear is None:
            beginyear = int(exp.begindate[0:4])  # most datasets begin in 1979
        period = (beginyear, beginyear + period)
    elif len(period) != 2 and all(isInt(period)):
        raise DateError
    periodstr = '{0:4d}-{1:4d}'.format(*period) if period else ''
    # grid
    gridstr = grid if grid else ''
    # return
    return periodstr, gridstr
Exemple #3
def computeClimatology(experiment, filetype, domain, periods=None, offset=0, griddef=None, varlist=None, 
                       ldebug=False, loverwrite=False, lparallel=False, pidstr='', logger=None):
  ''' worker function to compute climatologies for given file parameters. '''
  # input type checks
  if not isinstance(experiment,Exp): raise TypeError
  if not isinstance(filetype,basestring): raise TypeError
  if not isinstance(domain,(np.integer,int)): raise TypeError
  if periods is not None and not (isinstance(periods,(tuple,list)) and isInt(periods)): raise TypeError
  if not isinstance(offset,(np.integer,int)): raise TypeError
  if not isinstance(loverwrite,(bool,np.bool)): raise TypeError  
  if griddef is not None and not isinstance(griddef,GridDefinition): raise TypeError
  #if pidstr == '[proc01]': raise TypeError # to test error handling

  # load source
  dataset_name = experiment.name
  fileclass = fileclasses[filetype] # used for target file name
  tsfile = fileclass.tsfile.format(domain,'')
  expfolder = experiment.avgfolder
  filepath = '{:s}/{:s}'.format(expfolder, tsfile)
  logger.info('\n\n{0:s}   ***   Processing Experiment {1:<15s}   ***   '.format(pidstr,"'{:s}'".format(dataset_name)) +
        '\n{0:s}   ***   {1:^37s}   ***   \n'.format(pidstr,"'{:s}'".format(tsfile)))
  # check file and read begin/enddates
  if not os.path.exists(filepath): 
    #raise IOError, "Source file '{:s}' does not exist!".format(filepath)
    # print message and skip
    skipmsg =  "\n{:s}   >>>   File '{:s}' in dataset '{:s}' is missing --- skipping!".format(pidstr,tsfile,dataset_name)
    skipmsg += "\n{:s}   >>>   ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr,filepath)
    # N.B.: this can cause a lot of error messages, when not all files are present
  else: # if monthly source file exists
    import netCDF4 as nc
    ncfile = nc.Dataset(filepath,mode='r')
    begintuple = ncfile.begin_date.split('-')
    endtuple = ncfile.end_date.split('-')
    # N.B.: at this point we don't want to initialize a full GDAL-enabled dataset, since we don't even
    #       know if we need it, and it creates a lot of overhead
    # determine age of source file
    if not loverwrite: sourceage = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filepath))
    # figure out start date
    filebegin = int(begintuple[0]) # first element is the year
    fileend = int(endtuple[0]) # first element is the year
    begindate = offset + filebegin
    if not ( filebegin <= begindate <= fileend ): raise DateError  
    # handle cases where the first month in the record is not January
    firstmonth = int(begintuple[1]) # second element is the month
    shift = firstmonth-1 # will be zero for January (01)
    ## loop over periods
    if periods is None: periods = [begindate-fileend]
    #   periods.sort(reverse=True) # reverse, so that largest chunk is done first
    source = None # will later be assigned to the source dataset
    for period in periods:       
      # figure out period
      enddate = begindate + period     
      if filebegin > enddate: raise DateError, 'End date earlier than begin date.'
      if enddate-1 > fileend: # if filebegin is 1979 and the simulation is 10 years, fileend will be 1988, not 1989!
        # if end date is not available, skip period
        endmsg = "\n{:s}   ---   Invalid Period for '{:s}': End Date {:4d} not in File!   ---   \n".format(pidstr,dataset_name,enddate)
        endmsg += "{:s}   ---   ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr,filepath)
      else: ## perform averaging for selected period
        # determine if sink file already exists, and what to do about it      
        periodstr = '{0:4d}-{1:4d}'.format(begindate,enddate)
        gridstr = '' if griddef is None or griddef.name is 'WRF' else '_'+griddef.name
        filename = fileclass.climfile.format(domain,gridstr,'_'+periodstr)
        if ldebug: filename = 'test_' + filename
        if lparallel: tmppfx = 'tmp_wrfavg_{:s}_'.format(pidstr[1:-1])
        else: tmppfx = 'tmp_wrfavg_'.format(pidstr[1:-1])
        tmpfilename = tmppfx + filename
        assert os.path.exists(expfolder)
        filepath = expfolder+filename
        tmpfilepath = expfolder+tmpfilename
        lskip = False # else just go ahead
        if os.path.exists(filepath): 
          if not loverwrite: 
            age = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filepath))
            # if sink file is newer than source file, skip (do not recompute)
            if age > sourceage and os.path.getsize(filepath) > 1e6: lskip = True
            # N.B.: NetCDF files smaller than 1MB are usually incomplete header fragments from a previous crash
            #print sourceage, age
          if not lskip: os.remove(filepath) 
        # depending on last modification time of file or overwrite setting, start computation, or skip
        if lskip:        
          # print message
          skipmsg =  "\n{:s}   >>>   Skipping: file '{:s}' in dataset '{:s}' already exists and is newer than source file.".format(pidstr,filename,dataset_name)
          skipmsg += "\n{:s}   >>>   ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr,filepath)
          ## begin actual computation
          beginmsg = "\n{:s}   <<<   Computing '{:s}' (d{:02d}) Climatology from {:s}".format(
          if griddef is None: beginmsg += "  >>>   \n" 
          else: beginmsg += " ('{:s}' grid)  >>>   \n".format(griddef.name)
          ## actually load datasets
          if source is None:
            source = loadWRF_TS(experiment=experiment, filetypes=[filetype], domains=domain) # comes out as a tuple... 
          if not lparallel and ldebug: logger.info('\n'+str(source)+'\n')
          # prepare sink
          if os.path.exists(tmpfilepath): os.remove(tmpfilepath) # remove old temp files
          sink = DatasetNetCDF(name='WRF Climatology', folder=expfolder, filelist=[tmpfilename], atts=source.atts.copy(), mode='w')
          sink.atts.period = periodstr 
          # initialize processing
          if griddef is None: lregrid = False
          else: lregrid = True
          CPU = CentralProcessingUnit(source, sink, varlist=varlist, tmp=lregrid, feedback=ldebug) # no need for lat/lon
          # start processing climatology
          if shift != 0: 
            logger.info('{0:s}   (shifting climatology by {1:d} month, to start with January)   \n'.format(pidstr,shift))
          CPU.Climatology(period=period, offset=offset, shift=shift, flush=False)
          # N.B.: immediate flushing should not be necessary for climatologies, since they are much smaller!
          # reproject and resample (regrid) dataset
          if lregrid:
            CPU.Regrid(griddef=griddef, flush=True)
            logger.info('%s    ---   '+str(griddef.geotansform)+'   ---   \n'%(pidstr))              
          # sync temporary storage with output dataset (sink)
          # add Geopotential Height Variance
          if 'GHT_Var' in sink and 'Z_var' not in sink:
            data_array = ( sink['GHT_Var'].data_array - sink['Z'].data_array**2 )**0.5
            atts = dict(name='Z_var',units='m',long_name='Square Root of Geopotential Height Variance')
            sink += Variable(axes=sink['Z'].axes, data=data_array, atts=atts)
          # add (relative) Vorticity Variance
          if 'Vorticity_Var' in sink and 'zeta_var' not in sink:
            data_array = ( sink['Vorticity_Var'].data_array - sink['zeta'].data_array**2 )**0.5
            atts = dict(name='zeta_var',units='1/s',long_name='Square Root of Relative Vorticity Variance')
            sink += Variable(axes=sink['zeta'].axes, data=data_array, atts=atts)
          # add names and length of months
          sink.axisAnnotation('name_of_month', name_of_month, 'time', 
                              atts=dict(name='name_of_month', units='', long_name='Name of the Month'))        
          if not sink.hasVariable('length_of_month'):
            sink += Variable(name='length_of_month', units='days', axes=(sink.time,), data=days_per_month,
                          atts=dict(name='length_of_month',units='days',long_name='Length of Month'))
          # close... and write results to file
          writemsg =  "\n{:s}   >>>   Writing to file '{:s}' in dataset {:s}".format(pidstr,filename,dataset_name)
          writemsg += "\n{:s}   >>>   ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr,filepath)
          # rename file to proper name
          if os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) # remove old file
          os.rename(tmpfilepath,filepath) # this will overwrite the old file
          # print dataset
          if not lparallel and ldebug:
          # clean up (not sure if this is necessary, but there seems to be a memory leak...   
          del sink, CPU; gc.collect() # get rid of these guys immediately
    # clean up and return
    if source is not None: source.unload(); del source
    # N.B.: source is only loaded once for all periods    

  # N.B.: garbage is collected in multi-processing wrapper as well
  # return
  return 0 # so far, there is no measure of success, hence, if there is no crash...
Exemple #4
def getFigAx(subplot, name=None, title=None, figsize=None,  mpl=None, margins=None,
             sharex=None, sharey=None, AxesGrid=False, ngrids=None, direction='row',
             axes_pad = None, add_all=True, share_all=None, aspect=False,
             label_mode='L', cbar_mode=None, cbar_location='right',
             cbar_pad=None, cbar_size='5%', axes_class=None, lreduce=True): 
  # configure matplotlib
  warn('Deprecated function: use Figure or Axes class methods.')
  if mpl is None: import matplotlib as mpl
  elif isinstance(mpl,dict): mpl = loadMPL(**mpl) # there can be a mplrc, but also others
  elif not isinstance(mpl,ModuleType): raise TypeError
  from plotting.figure import MyFigure # prevent circular reference
  # figure out subplots
  if isinstance(subplot,(np.integer,int)):
    if subplot == 1: subplot = (1,1)
    elif subplot == 2: subplot = (1,2)
    elif subplot == 3: subplot = (1,3)
    elif subplot == 4: subplot = (2,2)
    elif subplot == 6: subplot = (2,3)
    elif subplot == 9: subplot = (3,3)
    else: raise NotImplementedError
  elif not (isinstance(subplot,(tuple,list)) and len(subplot) == 2) and all(isInt(subplot)): raise TypeError    
  # create figure
  if figsize is None: 
    if subplot == (1,1): figsize = (3.75,3.75)
    elif subplot == (1,2) or subplot == (1,3): figsize = (6.25,3.75)
    elif subplot == (2,1) or subplot == (3,1): figsize = (3.75,6.25)
    else: figsize = (6.25,6.25)
    #elif subplot == (2,2) or subplot == (3,3): figsize = (6.25,6.25)
    #else: raise NotImplementedError
  # figure out margins
  if margins is None:
    # N.B.: the rectangle definition is presumably left, bottom, width, height
    if subplot == (1,1): margins = (0.09,0.09,0.88,0.88)
    elif subplot == (1,2) or subplot == (1,3): margins = (0.06,0.1,0.92,0.87)
    elif subplot == (2,1) or subplot == (3,1): margins = (0.09,0.11,0.88,0.82)
    elif subplot == (2,2) or subplot == (3,3): margins = (0.055,0.055,0.925,0.925)
    else: margins = (0.09,0.11,0.88,0.82)
    #elif subplot == (2,2) or subplot == (3,3): margins = (0.09,0.11,0.88,0.82)
    #else: raise NotImplementedError    
    if title is not None: margins = margins[:3]+(margins[3]-0.03,) # make room for title
  if AxesGrid:
    if share_all is None: share_all = True
    if axes_pad is None: axes_pad = 0.05
    # create axes using the Axes Grid package
    fig = mpl.pylab.figure(facecolor='white', figsize=figsize, FigureClass=MyFigure)
    if axes_class is None:
      from plotting.axes import MyLocatableAxes  
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
    # AxesGrid: http://matplotlib.org/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid/users/overview.html
    grid = ImageGrid(fig, margins, nrows_ncols = subplot, ngrids=ngrids, direction=direction, 
                     axes_pad=axes_pad, add_all=add_all, share_all=share_all, aspect=aspect, 
                     label_mode=label_mode, cbar_mode=cbar_mode, cbar_location=cbar_location, 
                     cbar_pad=cbar_pad, cbar_size=cbar_size, axes_class=axes_class)
    # return figure and axes
    axes = tuple([ax for ax in grid]) # this is already flattened
    if lreduce and len(axes) == 1: axes = axes[0] # return a bare axes instance, if there is only one axes    
    # create axes using normal subplot routine
    if axes_pad is None: axes_pad = 0.03
    wspace = hspace = axes_pad
    if share_all: 
      sharex='all'; sharey='all'
    if sharex is True or sharex is None: sharex = 'col' # default
    if sharey is True or sharey is None: sharey = 'row'
    if sharex: hspace -= 0.015
    if sharey: wspace -= 0.015
    # create figure
    from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots    
    # GridSpec: http://matplotlib.org/users/gridspec.html 
    fig, axes = subplots(subplot[0], subplot[1], sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey,
                         squeeze=lreduce, facecolor='white', figsize=figsize, FigureClass=MyFigure)    
    # there is also a subplot_kw=dict() and fig_kw=dict()
    # just adjust margins
    margin_dict = dict(left=margins[0], bottom=margins[1], right=margins[0]+margins[2], 
                       top=margins[1]+margins[3], wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
  # add figure title
  if name is not None: fig.canvas.set_window_title(name) # window title
  if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title) # title on figure (printable)
  # return Figure/ImageGrid and tuple of axes
  #if AxesGrid: fig = grid # return ImageGrid instead of figure
  return fig, axes
Exemple #5
def getFigAx(subplot, name=None, title=None, title_font='large', figsize=None,  stylesheet=None,
             variable_plotargs=None, dataset_plotargs=None, plot_labels=None, yright=False, xtop=False,
             sharex=None, sharey=None, AxesGrid=False, ngrids=None, direction='row',
             axes_pad = None, add_all=True, share_all=None, aspect=False, margins=None,
             label_mode='L', cbar_mode=None, cbar_location='right', lreduce=True,
             cbar_pad=None, cbar_size='5%', axes_class=None, axes_args=None,
             lpresentation=False, lpublication=False, figure_class=None, **figure_args):
  # load stylesheet
  if stylesheet is not None:
    loadStyleSheet(stylesheet, lpresentation=lpresentation, lpublication=lpublication) 
    if stylesheet in ('myggplot','ggplot'):
      warn("Rewriting built-in color definitions to GG-plot defaults.")
      if dataset_plotargs is not None: dataset_plotargs = toGGcolors(dataset_plotargs) # modifies in-place!      
  # default figure class
  if figure_class is None: figure_class = MyFigure
  elif not issubclass(figure_class, Figure): raise TypeError 
  # figure out subplots
  if isinstance(subplot,(np.integer,int)):
    if subplot == 1:   subplot = (1,1)
    elif subplot == 2: subplot = (1,2)
    elif subplot == 3: subplot = (1,3)
    elif subplot == 4: subplot = (2,2)
    elif subplot == 6: subplot = (2,3)
    elif subplot == 9: subplot = (3,3)
    else: raise NotImplementedError
  elif not (isinstance(subplot,(tuple,list)) and len(subplot) == 2) and all(isInt(subplot)): raise TypeError    
  # create figure
  if figsize is None:
    if lpublication: 
      if subplot == (1,1): figsize = (3.75,3.75)
      elif subplot == (1,2) or subplot == (1,3): figsize = (6.25,3.75)
      elif subplot == (2,1) or subplot == (3,1): figsize = (3.75,7)
      else: figsize = (6.25,6.25)
    elif lpresentation: 
      if subplot == (1,2) or subplot == (1,3): figsize = (5,3)
      elif subplot == (2,1) or subplot == (3,1): figsize = (3,5)
      else: figsize = (5,5)
      if subplot == (1,1): figsize = (5,5)
      elif subplot == (1,2) or subplot == (1,3): figsize = (9,5)
      elif subplot == (2,1) or subplot == (3,1): figsize = (5,9)
      else: figsize = (9,9)
  # figure out margins
  if margins is None:
    # N.B.: the rectangle definition is presumably left, bottom, width, height
    if subplot == (1,1): margins = (0.1,0.1,0.85,0.85)
    elif subplot == (1,2) or subplot == (1,3): margins = (0.06,0.1,0.92,0.87)
    elif subplot == (2,1) or subplot == (3,1): margins = (0.09,0.11,0.88,0.82)
    elif subplot == (2,2) or subplot == (3,3): margins = (0.06,0.08,0.92,0.92)
    else: margins = (0.09,0.11,0.88,0.82)
    #elif subplot == (2,2) or subplot == (3,3): margins = (0.09,0.11,0.88,0.82)
    #else: raise NotImplementedError
    title_height = getattr(figure_class, 'title_height', 0.05) # use default from figure
    if title is not None: margins = margins[:3]+(margins[3]-title_height,) # make room for title
#   # some style sheets have different label sizes
#   if stylesheet.lower() in ('myggplot','ggplot'):
#     margins = list(margins)
#     margins[0] += 0.015; margins[1] -= 0.01 # left, bottom
#     margins[2] += 0.02; margins[3] += 0.02 # width, height
  if AxesGrid:
    if share_all is None: share_all = True
    if axes_pad is None: axes_pad = 0.05
    # adjust margins for ignored label pads
    margins = list(margins)
    margins[0] += 0.005; margins[1] -= 0.02 # left, bottom
    margins[2] -= 0.005; margins[3] -= 0.00 # width, height
    # create axes using the Axes Grid package
    if axes_class is None: axes_class=MyLocatableAxes
    fig = mpl.pylab.figure(facecolor='white', figsize=figsize, axes_class=axes_class, 
                           FigureClass=MyFigure, **figure_args)
    if axes_args is None: axes_class = (axes_class,{})
    elif isinstance(axes_args,dict): axes_class = (axes_class,axes_args)
    else: raise TypeError
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
    # AxesGrid: http://matplotlib.org/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid/users/overview.html
    grid = ImageGrid(fig, margins, nrows_ncols = subplot, ngrids=ngrids, direction=direction, 
                     axes_pad=axes_pad, add_all=add_all, share_all=share_all, aspect=aspect, 
                     label_mode=label_mode, cbar_mode=cbar_mode, cbar_location=cbar_location, 
                     cbar_pad=cbar_pad, cbar_size=cbar_size, axes_class=axes_class)
    # return figure and axes
    axes = np.asarray(grid).reshape(subplot) # don't want flattened array
    #axes = tuple([ax for ax in grid]) # this is already flattened
    if lreduce and len(axes) == 1: axes = axes[0] # return a bare axes instance, if there is only one axes    
    # create axes using normal subplot routine
    if axes_pad is None: axes_pad = 0.03
    wspace = hspace = axes_pad
    if share_all: 
      sharex='all'; sharey='all'
    if sharex is True or sharex is None: sharex = 'col' # default
    if sharey is True or sharey is None: sharey = 'row'
    if sharex: hspace -= 0.015
    if sharey: wspace -= 0.015
    # other axes arguments
    if axes_class is None: axes_class=MyAxes
    if axes_args is not None and not isinstance(axes_args,dict): raise TypeError
    # create figure
    from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots    
    # GridSpec: http://matplotlib.org/users/gridspec.html 
    fig, axes = subplots(subplot[0], subplot[1], sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey,squeeze=lreduce, 
                         facecolor='white', figsize=figsize, FigureClass=MyFigure, 
                         subplot_kw=axes_args, axes_class=axes_class, **figure_args)    
    # there is also a subplot_kw=dict() and fig_kw=dict()
    # just adjust margins
    margin_dict = dict(left=margins[0], bottom=margins[1], right=margins[0]+margins[2], 
                       top=margins[1]+margins[3], wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
  ## set label positions
  # X-/Y-labels and -ticks
  yright = not sharey and subplot[0]==2 if yright is None else yright
  xtop = not sharex and subplot[1]==2 if xtop is None else xtop
  if isinstance(axes, Axes): 
    axes.yright = yright
    axes.xtop = xtop
    if axes.ndim == 1:
      if subplot[0] == 2: axes[-1].yright = yright # right panel
      if subplot[1] == 2: axes[0].xtop = xtop # top panel
    elif axes.ndim == 2:
      for ax in axes[:,-1]: ax.yright = yright # right column
      for ax in axes[0,:]: ax.xtop = xtop # top row
    else: raise ValueError
  # add figure title
  if name is None: name = title
  if name is not None: fig.canvas.set_window_title(name) # window title
  if isinstance(title_font,basestring): title_font = dict(fontsize=title_font)
  if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title, **title_font) # title on figure (printable)
  # add default line styles for variables and datasets to axes (figure doesn't need to know)
  if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray):
    for ax in axes.ravel(): 
      ax.variable_plotargs = variable_plotargs
      ax.dataset_plotargs = dataset_plotargs
      ax.plot_labels = plot_labels
    axes.variable_plotargs = variable_plotargs
    axes.dataset_plotargs = dataset_plotargs
    axes.plot_labels = plot_labels
  # return Figure/ImageGrid and tuple of axes
  #if AxesGrid: fig = grid # return ImageGrid instead of figure
  return fig, axes
Exemple #6
def computeClimatology(experiment,
    ''' worker function to compute climatologies for given file parameters. '''
    # input type checks
    if not isinstance(experiment, Exp): raise TypeError
    if not isinstance(filetype, basestring): raise TypeError
    if not isinstance(domain, (np.integer, int)): raise TypeError
    if periods is not None and not (isinstance(periods, (tuple, list))
                                    and isInt(periods)):
        raise TypeError
    if not isinstance(offset, (np.integer, int)): raise TypeError
    if not isinstance(loverwrite, (bool, np.bool)): raise TypeError
    if griddef is not None and not isinstance(griddef, GridDefinition):
        raise TypeError

    #if pidstr == '[proc01]': raise TypeError # to test error handling

    # load source
    dataset_name = experiment.name
    fileclass = fileclasses[filetype]  # used for target file name
    tsfile = fileclass.tsfile.format(domain, '')
    expfolder = experiment.avgfolder
    filepath = '{:s}/{:s}'.format(expfolder, tsfile)
    logger.info('\n\n{0:s}   ***   Processing Experiment {1:<15s}   ***   '.
                format(pidstr, "'{:s}'".format(dataset_name)) +
                '\n{0:s}   ***   {1:^37s}   ***   \n'.format(
                    pidstr, "'{:s}'".format(tsfile)))

    # check file and read begin/enddates
    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        #raise IOError, "Source file '{:s}' does not exist!".format(filepath)
        # print message and skip
        skipmsg = "\n{:s}   >>>   File '{:s}' in dataset '{:s}' is missing --- skipping!".format(
            pidstr, tsfile, dataset_name)
        skipmsg += "\n{:s}   >>>   ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr, filepath)
        # N.B.: this can cause a lot of error messages, when not all files are present
    else:  # if monthly source file exists
        import netCDF4 as nc
        ncfile = nc.Dataset(filepath, mode='r')
        begintuple = ncfile.begin_date.split('-')
        endtuple = ncfile.end_date.split('-')
        # N.B.: at this point we don't want to initialize a full GDAL-enabled dataset, since we don't even
        #       know if we need it, and it creates a lot of overhead

        # determine age of source file
        if not loverwrite:
            sourceage = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filepath))

        # figure out start date
        filebegin = int(begintuple[0])  # first element is the year
        fileend = int(endtuple[0])  # first element is the year
        begindate = offset + filebegin
        if not (filebegin <= begindate <= fileend): raise DateError
        # handle cases where the first month in the record is not January
        firstmonth = int(begintuple[1])  # second element is the month
        shift = firstmonth - 1  # will be zero for January (01)

        ## loop over periods
        if periods is None: periods = [begindate - fileend]
        #   periods.sort(reverse=True) # reverse, so that largest chunk is done first
        source = None  # will later be assigned to the source dataset
        for period in periods:

            # figure out period
            enddate = begindate + period
            if filebegin > enddate:
                raise DateError, 'End date earlier than begin date.'
            if enddate - 1 > fileend:  # if filebegin is 1979 and the simulation is 10 years, fileend will be 1988, not 1989!
                # if end date is not available, skip period
                endmsg = "\n{:s}   ---   Invalid Period for '{:s}': End Date {:4d} not in File!   ---   \n".format(
                    pidstr, dataset_name, enddate)
                endmsg += "{:s}   ---   ('{:s}')\n".format(pidstr, filepath)

            else:  ## perform averaging for selected period

                # determine if sink file already exists, and what to do about it
                periodstr = '{0:4d}-{1:4d}'.format(begindate, enddate)
                gridstr = '' if griddef is None or griddef.name is 'WRF' else '_' + griddef.name
                filename = fileclass.climfile.format(domain, gridstr,
                                                     '_' + periodstr)
                if ldebug: filename = 'test_' + filename
                if lparallel: tmppfx = 'tmp_wrfavg_{:s}_'.format(pidstr[1:-1])
                else: tmppfx = 'tmp_wrfavg_'.format(pidstr[1:-1])
                tmpfilename = tmppfx + filename
                assert os.path.exists(expfolder)
                filepath = expfolder + filename
                tmpfilepath = expfolder + tmpfilename
                lskip = False  # else just go ahead
                if os.path.exists(filepath):
                    if not loverwrite:
                        age = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                        # if sink file is newer than source file, skip (do not recompute)
                        if age > sourceage and os.path.getsize(filepath) > 1e6:
                            lskip = True
                        # N.B.: NetCDF files smaller than 1MB are usually incomplete header fragments from a previous crash
                        #print sourceage, age
                    if not lskip: os.remove(filepath)

                # depending on last modification time of file or overwrite setting, start computation, or skip
                if lskip:
                    # print message
                    skipmsg = "\n{:s}   >>>   Skipping: file '{:s}' in dataset '{:s}' already exists and is newer than source file.".format(
                        pidstr, filename, dataset_name)
                    skipmsg += "\n{:s}   >>>   ('{:s}')\n".format(
                        pidstr, filepath)

                    if griddef is None: lregrid = False
                    else: lregrid = True

                    ## begin actual computation
                    beginmsg = "\n{:s}   <<<   Computing '{:s}' (d{:02d}) Climatology from {:s}".format(
                        pidstr, dataset_name, domain, periodstr)
                    if not lregrid: beginmsg += "  >>>   \n"
                        beginmsg += " ('{:s}' grid)  >>>   \n".format(

                    ## actually load datasets
                    if source is None:
                        source = loadWRF_TS(
                            domains=domain)  # comes out as a tuple...
                    if not lparallel and ldebug:
                        logger.info('\n' + str(source) + '\n')

                    # prepare sink
                    if os.path.exists(tmpfilepath):
                        os.remove(tmpfilepath)  # remove old temp files
                    sink = DatasetNetCDF(name='WRF Climatology',
                    sink.atts.period = periodstr
                    #           if lregrid: addGDALtoDataset(sink, griddef=griddef)

                    # initialize processing
                    CPU = CentralProcessingUnit(
                        feedback=ldebug)  # no need for lat/lon

                    # start processing climatology
                    if shift != 0:
                            '{0:s}   (shifting climatology by {1:d} month, to start with January)   \n'
                            .format(pidstr, shift))
                    # N.B.: immediate flushing should not be necessary for climatologies, since they are much smaller!

                    # reproject and resample (regrid) dataset
                    if lregrid:
                        CPU.Regrid(griddef=griddef, flush=True)
                        logger.info('{:s}   ---   {:s}   ---   \n'.format(
                            pidstr, griddef.name))
                        logger.debug('{:s}   ---   {:s}   ---   \n'.format(
                            pidstr, str(griddef)))

                    # sync temporary storage with output dataset (sink)

                    # add Geopotential Height Variance
                    if 'GHT_Var' in sink and 'Z_var' not in sink:
                        data_array = (sink['GHT_Var'].data_array -
                        atts = dict(
                            'Square Root of Geopotential Height Variance')
                        sink += Variable(axes=sink['Z'].axes,

                    # add (relative) Vorticity Variance
                    if 'Vorticity_Var' in sink and 'zeta_var' not in sink:
                        data_array = (sink['Vorticity_Var'].data_array -
                        atts = dict(
                            'Square Root of Relative Vorticity Variance')
                        sink += Variable(axes=sink['zeta'].axes,

                    # add names and length of months
                                            long_name='Name of the Month'))
                    if not sink.hasVariable('length_of_month'):
                        sink += Variable(name='length_of_month',
                                         axes=(sink.time, ),
                                             long_name='Length of Month'))

                    # close... and write results to file
                    writemsg = "\n{:s}   >>>   Writing to file '{:s}' in dataset {:s}".format(
                        pidstr, filename, dataset_name)
                    writemsg += "\n{:s}   >>>   ('{:s}')\n".format(
                        pidstr, filepath)
                    # rename file to proper name
                    if os.path.exists(filepath):
                        os.remove(filepath)  # remove old file
                              filepath)  # this will overwrite the old file

                    # print dataset
                    if not lparallel and ldebug:
                        logger.info('\n' + str(sink) + '\n')

                    # clean up (not sure if this is necessary, but there seems to be a memory leak...
                    del sink, CPU
                    gc.collect()  # get rid of these guys immediately

        # clean up and return
        if source is not None:
            del source
        # N.B.: source is only loaded once for all periods

    # N.B.: garbage is collected in multi-processing wrapper as well
    # return
    return 0  # so far, there is no measure of success, hence, if there is no crash...
Exemple #7
def getMetaData(dataset, mode, dataargs):
    ''' determine dataset type and meta data, as well as path to main source file '''
    # determine dataset mode
    lclim = False
    lts = False
    if mode == 'climatology': lclim = True
    elif mode == 'time-series': lts = True
    else: raise NotImplementedError, "Unrecognized Mode: '{:s}'".format(mode)
    # defaults for specific variables
    obs_res = None
    domain = None
    filetype = None
    varlist = dataargs.get('varlist', None)
    # determine meta data based on dataset type
    if dataset == 'WRF':
        # WRF datasets
        module = import_module('datasets.WRF')
        exp = dataargs['experiment']
        dataset_name = exp.name
        domain = dataargs['domain']
        grid = dataargs.get('grid', None)
        # figure out period
        period = dataargs['period']
        if period is None: pass
        elif isinstance(period, (int, np.integer)):
            beginyear = int(exp.begindate[0:4])
            period = (beginyear, beginyear + period)
        elif len(period) != 2 and all(isInt(period)):
            raise DateError
        if period is None: periodstr = ''
        else: periodstr = '{0:4d}-{1:4d}'.format(*period)
        gridstr = grid if grid is not None else ''
        # identify file and domain
        if len(dataargs['filetypes']) > 1:
            raise DatasetError  # process only one file at a time
        filetype = dataargs['filetypes'][0]
        if isinstance(domain, (list, tuple)): domain = domain[0]
        if not isinstance(domain, (np.integer, int)): raise DatasetError
        datamsgstr = "Processing WRF '{:s}'-file from Experiment '{:s}' (d{:02d})".format(
            filetype, dataset_name, domain)
        # assemble filename to check modification dates (should be only one file)
        fileclass = module.fileclasses[
            filetype]  # avoid WRF & CESM name collision
        pstr = '_' + periodstr if periodstr else ''
        gstr = '_' + gridstr if gridstr else ''
        if lclim:
            filename = fileclass.climfile.format(
                domain, gstr, pstr)  # insert domain number, grid, and period
        elif lts:
            filename = fileclass.tsfile.format(
                domain, gstr)  # insert domain number, and grid
        avgfolder = exp.avgfolder
        # load source data
        if lclim:
            loadfct = functools.partial(
                lconst=True)  # still want topography...
        elif lts:
            loadfct = functools.partial(
                lconst=True)  # still want topography...
        filepath = '{:s}/{:s}'.format(avgfolder, filename)
    elif dataset == 'CESM':
        # CESM datasets
        module = import_module('datasets.CESM')
        exp = dataargs['experiment']
        dataset_name = exp.name
        # figure out period
        period = dataargs['period']
        if period is None: pass
        elif isinstance(period, (int, np.integer)):
            beginyear = int(exp.begindate[0:4])
            period = (beginyear, beginyear + period)
        elif len(period) != 2 and all(isInt(period)):
            raise DateError
        # identify file
        if len(dataargs['filetypes']) > 1:
            raise DatasetError  # process only one file at a time
        filetype = dataargs['filetypes'][0]
        # check period
        if period is None: periodstr = ''
        else: periodstr = '{0:4d}-{1:4d}'.format(*period)
        datamsgstr = "Processing CESM '{:s}'-file from Experiment '{:s}'".format(
            filetype, dataset_name)
        # assemble filename to check modification dates (should be only one file)
        fileclass = module.fileclasses[
            filetype]  # avoid WRF & CESM name collision
        pstr = '_' + periodstr if periodstr else ''
        if lclim:
            filename = fileclass.climfile.format(
                '', pstr)  # insert domain number, grid, and period
        elif lts:
            filename = fileclass.tsfile.format(
                '')  # insert domain number, and grid
        avgfolder = exp.avgfolder
        # load source data
        load3D = dataargs.pop(
            'load3D', None)  # if 3D fields should be loaded (default: False)
        if lclim:
            loadfct = functools.partial(loadCESM,
        elif lts:
            loadfct = functools.partial(loadCESM_TS,
        filepath = '{:s}/{:s}'.format(avgfolder, filename)
    elif dataset == dataset.upper() or dataset == 'Unity':
        # observational datasets
        module = import_module('datasets.{0:s}'.format(dataset))
        dataset_name = module.dataset_name
        resolution = dataargs['resolution']
        if resolution: obs_res = '{0:s}_{1:s}'.format(dataset_name, resolution)
        else: obs_res = dataset_name
        # figure out period
        period = dataargs['period']
        if period is None: pass
        elif isinstance(period, (int, np.integer)):
            period = (1979, 1979 + period)  # they all begin in 1979
        elif len(period) != 2 and not all(isInt(period)):
            raise DateError
        datamsgstr = "Processing Dataset '{:s}'".format(dataset_name)
        # check period
        if period is None:
            if mode == 'climatology': periodstr = 'Long-Term Mean'
            else: periodstr = ''
        else: periodstr = '{0:4d}-{1:4d}'.format(*period)
        # assemble filename to check modification dates (should be only one file)
        filename = getFileName(grid=None,
        avgfolder = module.avgfolder
        # load pre-processed climatology
        if lclim:
            loadfct = functools.partial(module.loadClimatology,
        elif lts:
            loadfct = functools.partial(module.loadTimeSeries,
        # check if the source file is actually correct
        filepath = '{:s}/{:s}'.format(avgfolder, filename)
        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
            source = loadfct(
            )  # no varlist - obs don't have many variables anyways
            filepath = source.filelist[0]
            # N.B.: it would be nice to print a message, but then we would have to make the logger available,
            #       which would be too much trouble
        raise DatasetError, "Dataset '{:s}' not found!".format(dataset)
    ## assemble and return meta data
    if not os.path.exists(filepath):
        raise IOError, "Source file '{:s}' does not exist!".format(filepath)
    dataargs = namedTuple(dataset_name=dataset_name,
    # return meta data
    return module, dataargs, loadfct, filepath, datamsgstr
Exemple #8
def getFigAx(subplot, name=None, title=None, figsize=None,  mpl=None, margins=None,
             sharex=None, sharey=None, AxesGrid=False, ngrids=None, direction='row',
             axes_pad = None, add_all=True, share_all=None, aspect=False,
             label_mode='L', cbar_mode=None, cbar_location='right',
             cbar_pad=None, cbar_size='5%', axes_class=None, lreduce=True): 
  # configure matplotlib
  warn('Deprecated function: use Figure or Axes class methods.')
  if mpl is None: import matplotlib as mpl
  elif isinstance(mpl,dict): mpl = loadMPL(**mpl) # there can be a mplrc, but also others
  elif not isinstance(mpl,ModuleType): raise TypeError
  from plotting.figure import MyFigure # prevent circular reference
  # figure out subplots
  if isinstance(subplot,(np.integer,int)):
    if subplot == 1: subplot = (1,1)
    elif subplot == 2: subplot = (1,2)
    elif subplot == 3: subplot = (1,3)
    elif subplot == 4: subplot = (2,2)
    elif subplot == 6: subplot = (2,3)
    elif subplot == 9: subplot = (3,3)
    else: raise NotImplementedError
  elif not (isinstance(subplot,(tuple,list)) and len(subplot) == 2) and all(isInt(subplot)): raise TypeError    
  # create figure
  if figsize is None: 
    if subplot == (1,1): figsize = (3.75,3.75)
    elif subplot == (1,2) or subplot == (1,3): figsize = (6.25,3.75)
    elif subplot == (2,1) or subplot == (3,1): figsize = (3.75,6.25)
    else: figsize = (6.25,6.25)
    #elif subplot == (2,2) or subplot == (3,3): figsize = (6.25,6.25)
    #else: raise NotImplementedError
  # figure out margins
  if margins is None:
    # N.B.: the rectangle definition is presumably left, bottom, width, height
    if subplot == (1,1): margins = (0.09,0.09,0.88,0.88)
    elif subplot == (1,2) or subplot == (1,3): margins = (0.06,0.1,0.92,0.87)
    elif subplot == (2,1) or subplot == (3,1): margins = (0.09,0.11,0.88,0.82)
    elif subplot == (2,2) or subplot == (3,3): margins = (0.055,0.055,0.925,0.925)
    else: margins = (0.09,0.11,0.88,0.82)
    #elif subplot == (2,2) or subplot == (3,3): margins = (0.09,0.11,0.88,0.82)
    #else: raise NotImplementedError    
    if title is not None: margins = margins[:3]+(margins[3]-0.03,) # make room for title
  if AxesGrid:
    if share_all is None: share_all = True
    if axes_pad is None: axes_pad = 0.05
    # create axes using the Axes Grid package
    fig = mpl.pylab.figure(facecolor='white', figsize=figsize, FigureClass=MyFigure)
    if axes_class is None:
      from plotting.axes import MyLocatableAxes  
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
    # AxesGrid: http://matplotlib.org/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid/users/overview.html
    grid = ImageGrid(fig, margins, nrows_ncols = subplot, ngrids=ngrids, direction=direction, 
                     axes_pad=axes_pad, add_all=add_all, share_all=share_all, aspect=aspect, 
                     label_mode=label_mode, cbar_mode=cbar_mode, cbar_location=cbar_location, 
                     cbar_pad=cbar_pad, cbar_size=cbar_size, axes_class=axes_class)
    # return figure and axes
    axes = tuple([ax for ax in grid]) # this is already flattened
    if lreduce and len(axes) == 1: axes = axes[0] # return a bare axes instance, if there is only one axes    
    # create axes using normal subplot routine
    if axes_pad is None: axes_pad = 0.03
    wspace = hspace = axes_pad
    if share_all: 
      sharex='all'; sharey='all'
    if sharex is True or sharex is None: sharex = 'col' # default
    if sharey is True or sharey is None: sharey = 'row'
    if sharex: hspace -= 0.015
    if sharey: wspace -= 0.015
    # create figure
    from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots    
    # GridSpec: http://matplotlib.org/users/gridspec.html 
    fig, axes = subplots(subplot[0], subplot[1], sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey,
                         squeeze=lreduce, facecolor='white', figsize=figsize, FigureClass=MyFigure)    
    # there is also a subplot_kw=dict() and fig_kw=dict()
    # just adjust margins
    margin_dict = dict(left=margins[0], bottom=margins[1], right=margins[0]+margins[2], 
                       top=margins[1]+margins[3], wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace)
  # add figure title
  if name is not None: fig.canvas.set_window_title(name) # window title
  if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title) # title on figure (printable)
  # return Figure/ImageGrid and tuple of axes
  #if AxesGrid: fig = grid # return ImageGrid instead of figure
  return fig, axes
Exemple #9
def getFigAx(subplot,
    # load stylesheet
    if stylesheet is not None:
        if stylesheet in ('myggplot', 'ggplot'):
            warn("Rewriting built-in color definitions to GG-plot defaults.")
            if dataset_plotargs is not None:
                dataset_plotargs = toGGcolors(
                    dataset_plotargs)  # modifies in-place!
    # default figure class
    if figure_class is None: figure_class = MyFigure
    elif not issubclass(figure_class, Figure): raise TypeError
    # figure out subplots
    if isinstance(subplot, (np.integer, int)):
        if subplot == 1: subplot = (1, 1)
        elif subplot == 2: subplot = (1, 2)
        elif subplot == 3: subplot = (1, 3)
        elif subplot == 4: subplot = (2, 2)
        elif subplot == 6: subplot = (2, 3)
        elif subplot == 9: subplot = (3, 3)
        else: raise NotImplementedError
    elif not (isinstance(subplot,
                         (tuple, list)) and len(subplot) == 2) and all(
        raise TypeError
    # create figure
    if figsize is None:
        if lpublication:
            if subplot == (1, 1): figsize = (3.75, 3.75)
            elif subplot == (1, 2) or subplot == (1, 3): figsize = (6.25, 3.75)
            elif subplot == (2, 1) or subplot == (3, 1): figsize = (3.75, 7)
            else: figsize = (6.25, 6.25)
        elif lpresentation:
            if subplot == (1, 2) or subplot == (1, 3): figsize = (5, 3)
            elif subplot == (2, 1) or subplot == (3, 1): figsize = (3, 5)
            else: figsize = (5, 5)
            if subplot == (1, 1): figsize = (5, 5)
            elif subplot == (1, 2) or subplot == (1, 3): figsize = (9, 5)
            elif subplot == (2, 1) or subplot == (3, 1): figsize = (5, 9)
            else: figsize = (9, 9)
    # figure out margins
    if margins is None:
        # N.B.: the rectangle definition is presumably left, bottom, width, height
        if subplot == (1, 1): margins = (0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.85)
        elif subplot == (1, 2) or subplot == (1, 3):
            margins = (0.06, 0.1, 0.92, 0.87)
        elif subplot == (2, 1) or subplot == (3, 1):
            margins = (0.09, 0.11, 0.88, 0.82)
        elif subplot == (2, 2) or subplot == (3, 3):
            margins = (0.06, 0.08, 0.92, 0.92)
            margins = (0.09, 0.11, 0.88, 0.82)
        if title_height is None:
            title_height = getattr(figure_class, 'title_height',
                                   0.05)  # use default from figure
        if title is not None:
            margins = margins[:3] + (margins[3] - title_height,
                                     )  # make room for title

#   # some style sheets have different label sizes
#   if stylesheet.lower() in ('myggplot','ggplot'):
#     margins = list(margins)
#     margins[0] += 0.015; margins[1] -= 0.01 # left, bottom
#     margins[2] += 0.02; margins[3] += 0.02 # width, height
# handle special TaylorPlot axes
    if lTaylor:
        if not lPolarAxes: lPolarAxes = True
        if not axes_class: axes_class = TaylorAxes
    # handle mixed Polar/Axes
    if isinstance(axes_class, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        for i, axcls in enumerate(axes_class):
            if axcls is None:
                if lTaylor: axes_class[i] = TaylorAxes
                elif lPolarAxes: axes_class[i] = MyPolarAxes
                else: axes_class[i] = MyAxes
            elif axcls.lower() == 'taylor': axes_class[i] = TaylorAxes
            elif axcls.lower() == 'polar': axes_class[i] = MyPolarAxes
            elif axcls.lower() in ('regular', 'default'):
                axes_class[i] = MyAxes
            if not issubclass(axcls, Axes): raise TypeError(axcls)
    # create axes
    if lAxesGrid:
        if share_all is None: share_all = True
        if axes_pad is None: axes_pad = 0.05
        # adjust margins for ignored label pads
        margins = list(margins)
        margins[0] += 0.005
        margins[1] -= 0.02  # left, bottom
        margins[2] -= 0.005
        margins[3] -= 0.00  # width, height
        # create axes using the Axes Grid package
        if axes_class is None: axes_class = MyLocatableAxes
        fig = mpl.pylab.figure(facecolor='white',
        if axes_args is None: axes_class = (axes_class, {})
        elif isinstance(axes_args, dict): axes_class = (axes_class, axes_args)
        else: raise TypeError
        from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
        # AxesGrid: http://matplotlib.org/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid/users/overview.html
        grid = ImageGrid(fig,
        # return figure and axes
        axes = np.asarray(grid).reshape(subplot)  # don't want flattened array
        #axes = tuple([ax for ax in grid]) # this is already flattened
    elif isinstance(axes_class, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        # PolarAxes can't share axes and by default don't have labels
        if figure_args is None: figure_args = dict()
        fig = figure(facecolor='white',
        # now create list of axes
        if axes_args is None: axes_args = dict()
        axes = np.empty(subplot, dtype=object)
        n = 0
        for i in range(subplot[0]):
            for j in range(subplot[1]):
                n += 1
                axes[i, j] = fig.add_subplot(subplot[0],
                                             axes_class=axes_class[n - 1],
        # just adjust margins
        if axes_pad is None: axes_pad = 0.03
        wspace = hspace = 0.1
        margin_dict = dict(left=margins[0],
                           right=margins[0] + margins[2],
                           top=margins[1] + margins[3],
        # select default axes based on other arguments
        if axes_class is None:
            if lPolarAxes:
                axes_class = MyPolarAxes
                share_all = sharex = sharey = False
                # N.B.: PolarAxes does not support sharing of axes, and
                #       default behavior is to hide labels
                axes_class = MyAxes
        # create axes using normal subplot routine
        if axes_pad is None: axes_pad = 0.03
        wspace = hspace = axes_pad
        if share_all:
            sharex = 'all'
            sharey = 'all'
        if sharex is True or sharex is None: sharex = 'col'  # default
        if sharey is True or sharey is None: sharey = 'row'
        if sharex: hspace -= 0.015
        if sharey: wspace -= 0.015
        # other axes arguments
        if axes_args is not None and not isinstance(axes_args, dict):
            raise TypeError
        # create figure
        from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots
        # GridSpec: http://matplotlib.org/users/gridspec.html
        fig, axes = subplots(subplot[0],
        # there is also a subplot_kw=dict() and fig_kw=dict()
        # just adjust margins
        margin_dict = dict(left=margins[0],
                           right=margins[0] + margins[2],
                           top=margins[1] + margins[3],
    # apply reduction
    if lreduce:
        if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray):
            axes = axes.squeeze()  # remove singleton dimensions
            if axes.ndim == 0: axes = axes.item()
        if isinstance(axes, (list, tuple)) and len(axes) == 1:
            axes = axes[
                0]  # return a bare axes instance, if there is only one axes
    ## set label positions
    if not lPolarAxes:
        # X-/Y-labels and -ticks
        yright = not sharey and subplot[0] == 2 if yright is None else yright
        xtop = not sharex and subplot[1] == 2 if xtop is None else xtop
        if isinstance(axes, Axes):
            axes.yright = yright
            axes.xtop = xtop
            if axes.ndim == 1:
                if subplot[0] == 2: axes[-1].yright = yright  # right panel
                if subplot[1] == 2: axes[0].xtop = xtop  # top panel
            elif axes.ndim == 2:
                for ax in axes[:, -1]:
                    ax.yright = yright  # right column
                for ax in axes[0, :]:
                    ax.xtop = xtop  # top row
                raise ValueError
    # add figure title
    if name is None: name = title
    if name is not None: fig.canvas.set_window_title(name)  # window title
    if title is not None:
        y = 1. - (title_height / (5. if 'x' in title_font else 8.)
                  )  # smaller title closer to the top
        if isinstance(title_font, basestring):
            title_font = dict(fontsize=title_font, y=y)
        fig.suptitle(title, **title_font)  # title on figure (printable)
    fig.title_height = title_height  # save value
    # add default line styles for variables and datasets to axes (figure doesn't need to know)
    if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray):
        for ax in axes.ravel():
            ax.variable_plotargs = variable_plotargs
            ax.dataset_plotargs = dataset_plotargs
            ax.plot_labels = plot_labels
        axes.variable_plotargs = variable_plotargs
        axes.dataset_plotargs = dataset_plotargs
        axes.plot_labels = plot_labels
    # return Figure/ImageGrid and tuple of axes
    #if AxesGrid: fig = grid # return ImageGrid instead of figure
    return fig, axes
Exemple #10
def getMetaData(dataset, mode, dataargs):
  ''' determine dataset type and meta data, as well as path to main source file '''
  # determine dataset mode
  lclim = False; lts = False
  if mode == 'climatology': lclim = True
  elif mode == 'time-series': lts = True
  else: raise NotImplementedError, "Unrecognized Mode: '{:s}'".format(mode)
  # defaults for specific variables
  obs_res = None; domain = None; filetype = None
  varlist = dataargs.get('varlist',None)
  # determine meta data based on dataset type
  if dataset == 'WRF': 
    # WRF datasets
    module = import_module('datasets.WRF')
    exp = dataargs['experiment']    
    dataset_name = exp.name
    domain = dataargs['domain']
    grid = dataargs.get('grid',None)
    # figure out period
    period = dataargs['period']
    if period is None: pass
    elif isinstance(period,(int,np.integer)):
      beginyear = int(exp.begindate[0:4])
      period = (beginyear, beginyear+period)
    elif len(period) != 2 and all(isInt(period)): raise DateError
    if period is None: periodstr = '' 
    else: periodstr = '{0:4d}-{1:4d}'.format(*period)
    gridstr = grid if grid is not None else ''      
    # identify file and domain
    if len(dataargs['filetypes']) > 1: raise DatasetError # process only one file at a time
    filetype = dataargs['filetypes'][0]
    if isinstance(domain,(list,tuple)): domain = domain[0]
    if not isinstance(domain, (np.integer,int)): raise DatasetError    
    datamsgstr = "Processing WRF '{:s}'-file from Experiment '{:s}' (d{:02d})".format(filetype, dataset_name, domain)
    # assemble filename to check modification dates (should be only one file)    
    fileclass = module.fileclasses[filetype] # avoid WRF & CESM name collision
    pstr = '_'+periodstr if periodstr else ''
    gstr = '_'+gridstr if gridstr else ''
    if lclim: filename = fileclass.climfile.format(domain,gstr,pstr) # insert domain number, grid, and period
    elif lts: filename = fileclass.tsfile.format(domain,gstr) # insert domain number, and grid
    avgfolder = exp.avgfolder
    # load source data
    if lclim:
      loadfct = functools.partial(loadWRF, experiment=exp, name=None, domains=domain, grid=None, varlist=varlist,
                                  period=period, filetypes=[filetype], varatts=None, lconst=True) # still want topography...
    elif lts:
      loadfct = functools.partial(loadWRF_TS, experiment=exp, name=None, domains=domain, grid=None, varlist=varlist,
                                  filetypes=[filetype], varatts=None, lconst=True) # still want topography...
    filepath = '{:s}/{:s}'.format(avgfolder,filename)
  elif dataset == 'CESM': 
    # CESM datasets
    module = import_module('datasets.CESM')
    exp = dataargs['experiment']    
    dataset_name = exp.name
    # figure out period
    period = dataargs['period']
    if period is None: pass
    elif isinstance(period,(int,np.integer)):
      beginyear = int(exp.begindate[0:4])
      period = (beginyear, beginyear+period)
    elif len(period) != 2 and all(isInt(period)): raise DateError
    # identify file
    if len(dataargs['filetypes']) > 1: raise DatasetError # process only one file at a time
    filetype = dataargs['filetypes'][0]        
    # check period
    if period is None: periodstr = ''
    else: periodstr = '{0:4d}-{1:4d}'.format(*period)
    datamsgstr = "Processing CESM '{:s}'-file from Experiment '{:s}'".format(filetype, dataset_name) 
    # assemble filename to check modification dates (should be only one file)    
    fileclass = module.fileclasses[filetype] # avoid WRF & CESM name collision
    pstr = '_'+periodstr if periodstr else ''
    if lclim: filename = fileclass.climfile.format('',pstr) # insert domain number, grid, and period
    elif lts: filename = fileclass.tsfile.format('') # insert domain number, and grid
    avgfolder = exp.avgfolder
    # load source data 
    load3D = dataargs.pop('load3D',None) # if 3D fields should be loaded (default: False)
    if lclim:
      loadfct = functools.partial(loadCESM, experiment=exp, name=None, grid=None, period=period, varlist=varlist, 
                                  filetypes=[filetype], varatts=None, load3D=load3D, translateVars=None)
    elif lts:
      loadfct = functools.partial(loadCESM_TS, experiment=exp, name=None, grid=None, varlist=varlist,
                                  filetypes=[filetype], varatts=None, load3D=load3D, translateVars=None)     
    filepath = '{:s}/{:s}'.format(avgfolder,filename)
  elif dataset == dataset.upper() or dataset == 'Unity':
    # observational datasets
    module = import_module('datasets.{0:s}'.format(dataset))      
    dataset_name = module.dataset_name
    resolution = dataargs['resolution']
    if resolution: obs_res = '{0:s}_{1:s}'.format(dataset_name,resolution)
    else: obs_res = dataset_name   
    # figure out period
    period = dataargs['period']    
    if period is None: pass
    elif isinstance(period,(int,np.integer)):
      period = (1979, 1979+period) # they all begin in 1979
    elif len(period) != 2 and not all(isInt(period)): raise DateError
    datamsgstr = "Processing Dataset '{:s}'".format(dataset_name)
    # check period
    if period is None: 
      if mode == 'climatology': periodstr = 'Long-Term Mean'
      else: periodstr = ''
    else: periodstr = '{0:4d}-{1:4d}'.format(*period)
    # assemble filename to check modification dates (should be only one file)    
    filename = getFileName(grid=None, period=period, name=obs_res, filetype=mode)
    avgfolder = module.avgfolder
    # load pre-processed climatology
    if lclim:
      loadfct = functools.partial(module.loadClimatology, name=dataset_name, period=period, grid=None, varlist=varlist,
                                  resolution=resolution, varatts=None, folder=module.avgfolder, filelist=None)
    elif lts:
      loadfct = functools.partial(module.loadTimeSeries, name=dataset_name, grid=None, varlist=varlist,
                                  resolution=resolution, varatts=None, folder=None, filelist=None)
    # check if the source file is actually correct
    filepath = '{:s}/{:s}'.format(avgfolder,filename)
    if not os.path.exists(filepath): 
      source = loadfct() # no varlist - obs don't have many variables anyways
      filepath = source.filelist[0]
      # N.B.: it would be nice to print a message, but then we would have to make the logger available,
      #       which would be too much trouble
    raise DatasetError, "Dataset '{:s}' not found!".format(dataset)
  ## assemble and return meta data
  if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise IOError, "Source file '{:s}' does not exist!".format(filepath)        
  dataargs = namedTuple(dataset_name=dataset_name, period=period, periodstr=periodstr, avgfolder=avgfolder, 
                        filetype=filetype, domain=domain, obs_res=obs_res, varlist=varlist) 
  # return meta data
  return module, dataargs, loadfct, filepath, datamsgstr