Exemple #1
def test_capacity_sp_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978():
    length = 1000000.0  # actually a strip in
    width = 16.0
    depth = 0.0
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length=length, width=width, depth=depth)

    phi_0 = 0.0
    cohesion_0 = 50000
    unit_dry_weight_0 = 18000
    sl_0 = geofound.create_soil(phi=phi_0, cohesion=cohesion_0, unit_dry_weight=unit_dry_weight_0)
    sl_0.unit_sat_weight = 20000

    phi_1 = 25
    cohesion_1 = 0.0
    unit_dry_weight_1 = 18000
    sl_1 = geofound.create_soil(phi=phi_1, cohesion=cohesion_1, unit_dry_weight=unit_dry_weight_1)
    sl_1.unit_sat_weight = 20000
    h0 = 2.0  # m, height of the crust layer
    # c_a = 0.0
    # k=1.7

    # Case 1: GWL at surface
    gwl = 100.0
    sp = models.SoilProfile()
    sp.add_layer(0, sl_0)
    sp.add_layer(h0, sl_1)
    sp.gwl = gwl
    q_ult_meyerhof = geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl_0, fd, gwl=gwl)
    # q_ult_meyerhof_and_hanna = geofound.capacity_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sl_0, sl_1, h0, fd, gwl=gwl, verbose=0)
    geofound.capacity_sp_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sp, fd, verbose=0)
    correction_lower_layer = 1.1  # unconfirmed value, test added for v0.4.6
    expected = q_ult_meyerhof * correction_lower_layer
    assert np.isclose(expected, fd.q_ult, rtol=0.01), (expected / 1000, fd.q_ult / 1000)
Exemple #2
def test_meyerhof_and_hanna_capacity_strong_sand_over_weak_clay():
    length = 1000000.0  # actually a strip in
    width = 1.0
    depth = 0.0
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length=length, width=width, depth=depth)

    phi_0 = 34.0
    cohesion_0 = 0.0
    unit_dry_weight_0 = 17.0
    sl_0 = geofound.create_soil(phi=phi_0,

    phi_1 = 0.0
    cohesion_1 = 30.0
    unit_dry_weight_1 = 17.0
    sl_1 = geofound.create_soil(phi=phi_1,
    h0 = 1.5  # m, height of the crust layer

    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sl_0, sl_1, h0, fd, verbose=0)

    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 264.74, rtol=0.001), fd.q_ult
Exemple #3
def test_meyerhof_and_hanna_capacity_strong_clay_over_weak_sand():
    length = 1000000000.0  # actually a strip in
    width = 1.0
    depth = 0.0
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length=length, width=width, depth=depth)

    phi_0 = 0.0
    cohesion_0 = 85.0
    unit_dry_weight_0 = 16.5
    sl_0 = geofound.create_soil(phi=phi_0,

    phi_1 = 17.0
    cohesion_1 = 0.0
    unit_dry_weight_1 = 17.0
    sl_1 = geofound.create_soil(phi=phi_1,
    h0 = 1  # m, height of the crust layer

    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sl_0, sl_1, h0, fd, verbose=0)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 187.87,
                      rtol=0.001), fd.q_ult  # no independent validation
Exemple #4
def test_meyerhof_and_hanna_capacity_sand_over_sand_gwl():
    length = 1000000.0  # actually a strip in
    width = 4.0
    depth = 1.5
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length=length, width=width, depth=depth)

    phi_0 = 34.0
    cohesion_0 = 0.0
    unit_dry_weight_0 = 18000
    sl_0 = geofound.create_soil(phi=phi_0, cohesion=cohesion_0, unit_dry_weight=unit_dry_weight_0)
    sl_0.unit_sat_weight = 20000

    phi_1 = 34.0
    cohesion_1 = 0.0
    unit_dry_weight_1 = 18000
    sl_1 = geofound.create_soil(phi=phi_1, cohesion=cohesion_1, unit_dry_weight=unit_dry_weight_1)
    sl_1.unit_sat_weight = 20000
    h0 = 3.0  # m, height of the crust layer

    # Case 1: GWL at surface
    gwl = 0.0
    q_ult_meyerhof = geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl_0, fd, gwl=gwl)
    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sl_0, sl_1, h0, fd, gwl=gwl, verbose=0)
    correction = 1.07
    corrected_2layer = fd.q_ult * correction
    assert np.isclose(corrected_2layer, q_ult_meyerhof, rtol=0.01), (corrected_2layer, q_ult_meyerhof / 1000)

    # Case 2: GWL at between foundation depth and surface
    gwl = 0.5
    q_ult_meyerhof = geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl_0, fd, gwl=gwl)
    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sl_0, sl_1, h0, fd, gwl=gwl, verbose=0)
    correction = 1.07
    corrected_2layer = fd.q_ult * correction
    assert np.isclose(corrected_2layer, q_ult_meyerhof, rtol=0.01), (corrected_2layer, q_ult_meyerhof / 1000)

    # Case 3: GWL at between foundation depth and foundation depth plus width, and GWL < layer 1 depth
    gwl = 1.8
    q_ult_meyerhof = geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl_0, fd, gwl=gwl)
    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sl_0, sl_1, h0, fd, gwl=gwl, verbose=0)
    correction = 1.07
    corrected_2layer = fd.q_ult * correction
    assert np.isclose(corrected_2layer, q_ult_meyerhof, rtol=0.01), (corrected_2layer, q_ult_meyerhof / 1000)

    # Case 4: GWL at between foundation depth and foundation depth plus width, and GWL > layer 1 depth
    gwl = 4.8
    q_ult_meyerhof = geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl_0, fd, gwl=gwl)
    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sl_0, sl_1, h0, fd, gwl=gwl, verbose=0)
    correction = 1.03
    corrected_2layer = fd.q_ult * correction
    assert np.isclose(corrected_2layer, q_ult_meyerhof, rtol=0.01), (corrected_2layer, q_ult_meyerhof / 1000)

    # Case 5: GWL beyond foundation depth plus width
    gwl = 20.
    q_ult_meyerhof = geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl_0, fd, gwl=gwl)
    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_and_hanna_1978(sl_0, sl_1, h0, fd, gwl=gwl, verbose=0)
    correction = 1.07
    corrected_2layer = fd.q_ult * correction
    assert np.isclose(corrected_2layer, q_ult_meyerhof, rtol=0.01), (corrected_2layer, q_ult_meyerhof/1000)
Exemple #5
def test_nzs_vm4_load_case_3():
    values from: NZ Building code Clause B1 VM4 example in Appendix C
    -Retain wall example load case 3
    length = 10000  # Actually should be a strip
    width = 2.65
    depth = 0.4
    phi = 0
    cohesion = 75.0  # kPa
    unit_dry_weight = 18  # kN/m3
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    h_b = 93.27 * length
    vertical_load = 154.87 * length
    h_eff_b = 1.78
    loc_v_b = 0.854
    assert np.isclose(fd.nc_factor, 5.14, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 1.0, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 0.0, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 301.68, rtol=0.001)
Exemple #6
def test_nzs_vm4_load_case_5():
    values from: NZ Building code Clause B1 VM4 example in Appendix C
    -Retain wall example load case 5
    ***looks like there is an error in the calculation of d_c
    ***small discrepancy between Nc, i_c and i_q
    length = 10000  # Actually should be a strip
    width = 2.65
    depth = 0.4
    phi = 25.0
    cohesion = 12.5  # kPa
    unit_dry_weight = 8.2  # kN/m3
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    h_b = 70.45 * length
    vertical_load = 144.48 * length
    h_eff_b = 1.44
    loc_v_b = 0.813

    assert np.isclose(fd.nc_factor, 20.72, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 10.66, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 9.01, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 145.02, rtol=0.001)  # 152.70?
Exemple #7
def calc_norm_stiff_of_rect_via_gazetas_1991(loop_o_lip):
    """lob=length in-plane divided by length out-of-plane"""
    length = 1
    width = loop_o_lip
    depth = 0.0
    sl = gf.create_soil()
    sl.g_mod = 30e6
    sl.poissons_ratio = 0.3
    fd = gf.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    ip_axis = 'length'
    k_rot = calc_rot_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis)
    k_vert = calc_vert_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd)
    n_rat = k_rot / k_vert / fd.length**2
    return n_rat
Exemple #8
def test_rotation():
    length = 3
    width = 2
    depth = 0.0
    sl = geofound.create_soil()
    sl.g_mod = 30e6
    sl.poissons_ratio = 0.3
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    i_ll = width ** 3 * length / 12
    i_ww = length ** 3 * width / 12
    assert geofound.isclose(fd.i_ll, i_ll, rel_tol=0.001)
    assert geofound.isclose(fd.i_ww, i_ww, rel_tol=0.001)
    assert geofound.isclose(geofound.rotational_stiffness(sl, fd, axis="length"), 218027424.1324, rel_tol=0.01)
    assert geofound.isclose(geofound.rotational_stiffness(sl, fd, axis="width"), 422150729.0333, rel_tol=0.01)
Exemple #9
def test_hansen():
    length = 2
    width = 2
    depth = 2
    phi = 15
    cohesion = 20.0  # kPa
    unit_dry_weight = 17  # kN/m3
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    geofound.capacity_hansen_1970(sl, fd, verbose=0)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nc_factor, 10.97, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 3.94, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 1.18, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 648.0, rtol=0.001)
Exemple #10
def test_from_encn452_2013():
    Values from HW#7 crib ENCN452 course 2013
    length = 6.0  # actually a strip in
    width = 3.0
    depth = 1.5
    phi = 0.0
    cohesion = 40.0
    unit_dry_weight = 18.0
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    geofound.capacity_terzaghi_1943(sl, fd, verbose=0)
    geofound.capacity_vesics_1975(sl, fd, verbose=0)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 298.0, rtol=0.001)
Exemple #11
def test_calc_crit_length():
    length = 6.0  # actually a strip in
    width = 3.0
    depth = 1.5
    phi = 0.0
    cohesion = 40.0
    unit_dry_weight = 18.0
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    # vload = 3000.0
    q_ult = geofound.capacity_vesic_1975(sl, fd)
    vload = 0.5 * q_ult * fd.area
    crit_len = geofound.capacity.calc_crit_span(sl, fd, vload, ip_axis='length')

    assert np.isclose(crit_len, 2.765625, rtol=0.001), crit_len
Exemple #12
def test_meyerhof():
    length = 2
    width = 2
    depth = 2
    phi = 15
    cohesion = 20.0  # kPa
    unit_dry_weight = 17  # kN/m3
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl, fd, gwl=1000, verbose=0)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nc_factor, 10.97, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 3.94, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 1.13, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 573.3, rtol=0.001)
Exemple #13
def test_size_foundations():
    phi = 32
    cohesion = 0
    unit_dry_weight = 20
    fos_values = [3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0]
    vertical_loads = [500., 800., 1000.]
    methods = geofound.available_methods
    for fos in fos_values:
        for vertical_load in vertical_loads:
            for method in methods:
                sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
                fd = geofound.size_footing_for_capacity(sl, vertical_load=vertical_load, fos=fos, method=method,
                f_capacity = fd.length * fd.width * fd.q_ult
                actual_fos = f_capacity / vertical_load
                assert np.isclose(actual_fos, fos, rtol=0.11), (fos, vertical_load, method)
Exemple #14
def test_very_short_foundation_w_vesics():
    length = 0.265  # actually a strip in
    width = 4.7
    depth = 2.24
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    width = 0.265
    length = 4.7
    fdo = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    phi = 32.0
    cohesion = 0.0
    unit_dry_weight = 14943.15
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)

    q_ult = geofound.capacity_vesics_1975(sl, fd)
    q_ulto = geofound.capacity_vesics_1975(sl, fdo)
    assert np.isclose(q_ult, q_ulto, rtol=0.001)
Exemple #15
def test_vesics():
    values from: Gunaratne, Manjriker. 2006. "Spread Footings: Analysis and Design."
    length = 2
    width = 2
    depth = 1
    phi = 35
    cohesion = 0
    unit_dry_weight = 17
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    geofound.capacity_vesics_1975(sl, fd, verbose=0)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nc_factor, 46.1, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 33.3, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 48.0, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 1574.8, rtol=0.001)
Exemple #16
def test_stiffness_ratio_formula():
    length = 3
    width = 2
    depth = 0.0
    sl = geofound.create_soil()
    sl.g_mod = 30e6
    sl.poissons_ratio = 0.3
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    ip_axis = 'length'
    k_rot = geofound.stiffness.calc_rot_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis)
    k_vert = geofound.stiffness.calc_vert_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd)
    n_rat = k_rot / k_vert / fd.length ** 2
    loop_o_lip = fd.width / fd.length
    loop_o_lip = 1. / loop_o_lip
    k1 = 1.24 / loop_o_lip * (1 + 5 * loop_o_lip) / (0.73 + 1.55 / loop_o_lip ** 0.75)
    k2 = 7.44 * loop_o_lip ** 0.6 / (0.73 + 1.55 * loop_o_lip ** 0.75)
    n_rat1 = geofound.stiffness.calc_norm_stiff_of_rect_via_gazetas_1991(loop_o_lip=fd.width / fd.length)
    assert np.isclose(n_rat, n_rat1), (n_rat, n_rat1)
Exemple #17
def test_terzaghi_again():
    values from: Gunaratne, Manjriker. 2006. "Spread Footings: Analysis and Design."
    length = 2
    width = 2
    depth = 2
    phi = 15
    cohesion = 20.0  # kPa
    unit_dry_weight = 17  # kN/m3
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    geofound.capacity_terzaghi_1943(sl, fd, verbose=0)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nc_factor, 12.86, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 4.45, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 2.168, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 515.0, rtol=0.001)
Exemple #18
def test_meyerhof_using_fabrizio_problem1():


    length = 100000
    width = 4.
    depth = 1.5
    phi = 0.0
    cohesion = 90000  # Pa
    unit_dry_weight = 19000.  # N/m3
    unit_sat_weight = 19000.
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    sl.unit_sat_weight = unit_sat_weight
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl, fd, verbose=0)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 526000., rtol=0.001), fd.q_ult
Exemple #19
def test_terzaghi():
    values from: Gunaratne, Manjriker. 2006. "Spread Footings: Analysis and Design."
    - except qult was not validated
    length = 2
    width = 2
    depth = 1
    phi = 35
    cohesion = 0
    unit_dry_weight = 17
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    geofound.capacity_terzaghi_1943(sl, fd, verbose=0)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nc_factor, 57.8, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 41.4, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 47.3, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 1347.0, rtol=0.001)
Exemple #20
def show_example():
    length = 1.5
    width = 1.5
    depth = 0.0
    sl = gf.create_soil()
    sl.g_mod = 30e6
    sl.poissons_ratio = 0.3
    fd = gf.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    i_ll = width**3 * length / 12
    i_ww = length**3 * width / 12
    k_rot = calc_rot_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width')
    k_strip = calc_rot_strip_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width')
    print(k_strip / k_rot)
    k_vert = calc_vert_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd)
    k_strip = calc_vert_strip_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width')
    print(k_strip / k_vert)
    k_horz = calc_horz_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width')
    k_strip = calc_horz_strip_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width')
    print(k_strip / k_horz)
Exemple #21
def test_meyerhof_using_fabrizio_problem2():


    length = 100000
    width = 4.
    depth = 1.5
    phi = 34.0
    cohesion = 0.0  # kPa
    unit_dry_weight = 18.  # kN/m3
    unit_sat_weight = 20.
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight, pw=9.8)

    sl.unit_sat_weight = unit_sat_weight
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)

    # problem 2) a)

    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl, fd, gwl=20.0, verbose=0)
    # # assert np.isclose(fd.nc_factor, 10.97, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 29.4, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 31.1, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 2056, rtol=0.01)

    # problem 2) b)
    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl, fd, gwl=1.5, verbose=0)
    # assert np.isclose(fd.nc_factor, 10.97, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 29.4, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 31.1, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 1521, rtol=0.01), fd.q_ult

    # problem 2) c)
    geofound.capacity_meyerhof_1963(sl, fd, gwl=0.5, verbose=0)
    # assert np.isclose(fd.nc_factor, 10.97, rtol=0.001)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 29.4, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 31.1, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_ult, 1252, rtol=0.03), fd.q_ult
Exemple #22
def test_salgado_2008():
    length = 3
    width = 2
    depth = 0.75
    phi = 36.1
    cohesion = 0.0  # kPa
    unit_dry_weight = 20.0  # kN/m3
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    geofound.capacity_salgado_2008(sl, fd, gwl=1000, verbose=0, save_factors=1)
    assert np.isclose(fd.nq_factor, 38.3, rtol=0.01)  # page 446
    assert np.isclose(fd.ng_factor, 40.9, rtol=0.01)
    assert np.isclose(fd.q_d, 15.0, rtol=0.001), fd.qd
    assert np.isclose(fd.s_q, 1.935, rtol=0.01), getattr(fd, 's_q')
    assert np.isclose(fd.s_g, 1.12, rtol=0.01), fd.s_g
    assert np.isclose(fd.d_q, 1.68, rtol=0.01), fd.d_q
    assert np.isclose(fd.d_g, 1.0, rtol=0.01), fd.d_g

    assert np.isclose(
        fd.q_ult, 2780.0, rtol=0.001
    ), fd.q_ult  # Note: differs from text due to rounding in the text
Exemple #23
def test_schmertmann():
    Checks settlement value against that from HW#7 crib ENCN452 course 2013
    dry_unit_dry_weight = 18.0
    length = 2.5
    width = 2.5
    depth = 0.8
    phi = 0.0
    cohesion = 20
    unit_dry_weight = 17
    sl = geofound.create_soil(phi, cohesion, unit_dry_weight)
    fd = geofound.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    load = 1000 + (23.5 * 0.5 +
                   dry_unit_dry_weight * 0.3) * length * width  # kN
    youngs_modulus_soil = 3 * 6e3  # kPa
    sett = geofound.settlement_schmertmann(sl,

    assert geofound.isclose(sett, 0.017, rel_tol=0.01)
Exemple #24
def show_example():
    import geofound as gf

    sl = gf.create_soil()
    sl.g_mod = 30e6
    sl.poissons_ratio = 0.3
    sl.unit_dry_weight = 16.0e3

    lens = [0.5, 1.5, 10]
    length = 1.5
    width = 1.5
    depth = 0.0
    fd = gf.create_foundation(length, width, depth)
    a0 = 1
    c_rot = calc_rot_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width', a0=a0)
    c_strip = calc_rot_strip_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width', a0=a0)
    print(c_strip / c_rot * fd.length)
    c_vert = calc_vert_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, a0=a0)
    c_strip = calc_vert_strip_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width', a0=a0)
    print(c_strip / c_vert * fd.length)
    c_horz = calc_horz_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width', a0=a0)
    c_strip = calc_horz_strip_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width', a0=a0)
    print(c_strip / c_horz * fd.length)
    calc_rot_via_gazetas_1991(sl, fd, ip_axis='width', a0=0.5)