def PointCloudCall(self,data): # 20 Hz As this function has highest frequency, good for update pointCloud_ = PointCloud2() pointCloud_ = data self.graphslam_PointCloud_pub.publish(pointCloud_) # for Graph slam self.nlosExclusionF_ = puNlosExclusion.nlosExclusion(self.calAngNNLOS) self.nlosExclusionF_.nlosExclusion_(self.posArr, self.GNSS_, 'statManu', self.excluSatLis) # statManu self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop = puGNSSPosCal.GNSSPosCal() if((len(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws) > 1) and (self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[-1].GNSS_time != self.GNSSNRAWlosDelTimeFlag)): # only if there is a change, there will conduct the calculation # print 'self.GNSSNRAWlosDel',len(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws) self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.iterPosCal(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel, 'WLSGNSS') self.GNSSNRAWlosDelTimeFlag = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[-1].GNSS_time navfix_ = NavSatFix() llh_ = [] llh_ = ecef2llh.xyz2llh(self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.ecef_) navfix_.header.stamp.secs = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[-1].GNSS_time navfix_.latitude = float(llh_[0]) navfix_.longitude = float(llh_[1]) navfix_.altitude = float(llh_[2]) self.propGNSS_Navfix_pub.publish(navfix_) # for Graph slam graphNavfix_ = NavSatFix() graphNavfix_ = navfix_ graphNavfix_.header = pointCloud_.header self.graphslam_Navfix_pub.publish(graphNavfix_) # for Graph slam geopoint = GeoPointStamped() geopoint.header = graphNavfix_.header geopoint.position.latitude = float(llh_[0]) geopoint.position.longitude = float(llh_[1]) geopoint.position.altitude = float(llh_[2]) self.graphslam_GeoPoint_pub.publish(geopoint)
def gpsCallback(self, data): gps = GeoPointStamped() gps.header = data.header gps.position.latitude = data.latitude gps.position.longitude = data.longitude gps.position.altitude = data.altitude self.position_pub.publish(gps)
def PointCloudCall( self, data ): # 20 Hz As this function has highest frequency, good for update self.pointCloud_ = PointCloud2() self.pointCloud_ = data # self.graphslam_PointCloud_pub.publish(self.pointCloud_) # for Graph slam self.nlosExclusionF_ = puNlosExclusion.nlosExclusion(self.calAngNNLOS) self.nlosExclusionF_.nlosExclusion_(self.posArr, self.GNSS_, 'statManu_ExclusionOpenLoop', self.excluSatLis) # statManu self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop = puGNSSPosCal.GNSSPosCal() if ((len(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws) > 1) and (self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[-1].GNSS_time != self.GNSSNRAWlosDelTimeFlag) ): # only if there is a change, there will conduct the calculation # print 'self.GNSSNRAWlosDel',len(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws) self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.iterPosCal(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel, 'WLSGNSS') self.GNSSNRAWlosDelTimeFlag = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[ -1].GNSS_time navfix_ = NavSatFix() llh_ = [] llh_ = ecef2llh.xyz2llh(self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.ecef_) navfix_.header.stamp.secs = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[ -1].GNSS_time navfix_.latitude = float(llh_[0]) navfix_.longitude = float(llh_[1]) navfix_.altitude = float(llh_[2]) self.propGNSS_Navfix_pub.publish(navfix_) # for Graph slam graphNavfix_ = NavSatFix() graphNavfix_ = navfix_ graphNavfix_.header = self.pointCloud_.header self.graphslam_Navfix_pub.publish(graphNavfix_) # for Graph slam geopoint = GeoPointStamped() geopoint.header = graphNavfix_.header # calculate the ENU coordiantes initialLLH enu_ = pugeomath.transformEcefToEnu(self.initialLLH, self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.ecef_) print 'enu_ ->: ', enu_ geopoint.position.latitude = float(enu_[0]) geopoint.position.longitude = float(enu_[1]) # geopoint.position.altitude = float(llh_[2]) # use this to save the covariance in altitude component geopoint.position.altitude = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[ -1].snr * self.HDOPProp # save the covariance self.graphslam_GeoPoint_pub.publish(geopoint)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('MissionManager') self.Mission = MissionPlan.missionplan.Mission() #print self.Mission; # Variable for waypoint self.waypoint = PointStamped() # Variable for current position of boat--to be set in position_callback self.currPosBoat_LatLon = GeoPointStamped() self.currPosBoat_ECEF = PointStamped() self.currPosBoat_Map = PointStamped() # Set minimum distance to waypoint self.threshold = 3.0 # Receive up-to-date UTM coordinates of boat rospy.Subscriber('/position_utm', PoseStamped, self.position_utm_callback, queue_size = 1) # Receive up-to-date lat/lon coordinates of boat rospy.Subscriber('/position', GeoPointStamped, self.position_callback, queue_size = 1) # To publish waypoint updates to MOOS self.wpt_updates = rospy.Publisher('/moos/wpt_updates', String, queue_size = 10) # TODO: # Subscribe to waypoints/behaviors from AutonomousMissionPlanner. Not sure what topic. pass
def update(self, event): if self.last_command_timestamp is None or event.current_real - self.last_command_timestamp > rospy.Duration.from_sec( 0.5 * self.time_factor): self.throttle = 0.0 self.rudder = 0.0 self.dynamics.update(self.throttle, self.rudder, event.current_real) gps = GeoPointStamped() gps.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update gps.position.latitude = math.degrees(self.dynamics.latitude) gps.position.longitude = math.degrees(self.dynamics.longitude) self.position_publisher.publish(gps) ts = TwistStamped() ts.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update # TODO should this be split in x and y components when heading != course? ts.twist.linear.x = self.dynamics.sog self.speed_publisher.publish(ts) #p.basic_position.cog = self.dynamics.cog #p.basic_position.sog = self.dynamics.sog #p.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update h = NavEulerStamped() h.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update h.orientation.heading = math.degrees(self.dynamics.heading) self.heading_publisher.publish(h)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('MissionManager') # This will be used to read mission.txt file later... self.Mission = MissionPlan.missionplan.Mission() self.missionReader = MissionReader.MissionReader() # Variable for waypoint - in map / robot coordinates self.waypoint = PointStamped() # Variable for current position of boat--to be set in position_callback self.currPosBoat_LatLon = GeoPointStamped() self.currPosBoat_ECEF = PointStamped() self.currPosBoat_Map = PointStamped() # TODO: Change depth type when we find out what it should be. self.depth = Float32 self.wptIndex = Int32 # TODO: Threshold possibly set thresholds in parameters? # Set minimum distance to waypoint self.shallowWaterDanger = False self.waypointThreshold = 3.0 self.depthThreshold = 4.0 self.shallowWaterNegativeCount = 0 self.shallowWaterPositiveCount = 0 # If ASV receives this many consecutive negative shallow warnings, # reset positive shallowWater counts self.shallowWaterNegativeCountThreshold = 5 # If ASV receives this many consecutive positive shallow warnings, # deviate path and reset negative shallowWater counts self.shallowWaterPositiveCountThreshold = 5 #self.xIndex = 1 self.moos_wptIndex_Update = False self.shallowWaterUpdate = False self.incrementedLine = False # Timer used to print status self.everyTwoSeconds = rospy.Duration(0.5) # Receive up-to-date UTM coordinates of ASV rospy.Subscriber('/position_utm', PoseStamped, self.position_utm_callback, queue_size = 1) # Receive up-to-date lat/lon coordinates of ASV rospy.Subscriber('/position', GeoPointStamped, self.position_callback, queue_size = 1) # Receive up-to-date depth rospy.Subscriber('/depth', Float32, self.depth_callback, queue_size = 1) #Receive up-to-date warnings from Don't Run Aground, Ben! behavior. rospy.Subscriber('/shallow_water_warning', String, self.shallow_water_callback, queue_size = 1) # Receive up-to-date waypoint indices rospy.Subscriber('/moos/wpt_index', Int32, self.waypoint_index_callback, queue_size = 1) # Receive up-to-date waypoint updates rospy.Subscriber('/moos/wpt_updates', String, self.waypoint_updates_callback, queue_size = 1) # To publish waypoint updates to MOOS self.wpt_index_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/moos/wpt_index', Int32, queue_size = 10) self.wpt_updates_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/moos/wpt_updates', String, queue_size = 10) self.behavior_ctrl = rospy.Publisher('/behavior_ctrl', BehaviorControl, queue_size = 10)
def latlong_to_GeoPointStamped(self,LAT,LONG): ''' Assigning the given waypoint (LAT,LONG) to a GeoPointStamped variable ''' # because the message type of the input to the service 'wgs84_to_earth' LatLongToEarth.srv is GeoPointStamp wpt_latlong = GeoPointStamped() #latlong_location.header.frame_id = 'earth' # <-- Don't need it wpt_latlong.position.latitude = LAT wpt_latlong.position.longitude = LONG #print "Given WPT - LAT,LONG :" #print wpt_latlong return wpt_latlong
def __get_point_msg(cls, data, frame): """ Deserializes a location to a message of type PointStamped. Args: data: A dictionary containing the location. frame: Frame for the point. Returns: A message of type PointStamped with the location. """ header = Header() header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() header.frame_id = frame msg = GeoPointStamped() msg.header = header msg.position.latitude = data["latitude"] msg.position.longitude = data["longitude"] return msg
def init_uav(self, arm=False, takeoff=False, verbose=False): if verbose: print("Starting init_uav(). Atm we have to manualy accept every new command, but just remove the `input()` from the code to do this faster.") res_setMode = self.setmode_srv(0,'GUIDED') if verbose: print("Res of setmode:", res_setMode) res_set_ref_mode = self.set_ref_frame_srv(1) # FRAME_BODY_NED = 8 works for velocities if verbose: print("Res of set_ref_frame", res_set_ref_mode) rospy.sleep(1) print("Waiting for ekf initialisation") origin = GeoPointStamped() origin.header = Header() origin.header.stamp = origin.position = GeoPoint() origin.position.latitude = self.OPERATION_POSITION[0] origin.position.longitude = self.OPERATION_POSITION[1] origin.position.altitude = self.OPERATION_POSITION[2] self.set_origin_pub.publish(origin) if verbose: print("Published ",origin) while(True): res = self.arm() if res.success: break rospy.sleep(1) self.disarm() # input("Ekf initialized?") #time.sleep(40) # For some reason, it does not work if we use rospy.sleep(...) if arm or takeoff: self.arm() if takeoff: self.takeoff() print("Uav is now initialized. We are done with waiting.")
def gps2navsat(filename, bag): with open(filename, 'r') as file: try: while True: data = struct.unpack('qddd', * 4)) time = data[0] local = data[1:] lat_lon_el_theta = struct.unpack('dddd', * 4)) gps_cov = struct.unpack('dddddddddddddddd', * 16)) if abs(lat_lon_el_theta[0]) < 1e-1: continue navsat = NavSatFix() navsat.header.frame_id = 'gps' navsat.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(time * 1e-6) navsat.status.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_FIX navsat.status.service = NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GPS navsat.latitude = lat_lon_el_theta[0] navsat.longitude = lat_lon_el_theta[1] navsat.altitude = lat_lon_el_theta[2] navsat.position_covariance = numpy.array(gps_cov).reshape( 4, 4)[:3, :3].flatten().tolist() navsat.position_covariance_type = NavSatFix.COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN bag.write('/gps/fix', navsat, navsat.header.stamp) geopoint = GeoPointStamped() geopoint.header = navsat.header geopoint.position.latitude = lat_lon_el_theta[0] geopoint.position.longitude = lat_lon_el_theta[1] geopoint.position.altitude = lat_lon_el_theta[2] bag.write('/gps/geopoint', geopoint, geopoint.header.stamp) except: print 'done'
def extractPosition(self, wpt): '''Helper method to retrieve position from input mission file''' position = GeoPointStamped() position.position.latitude = wpt["nav"]["position"]["latitude"] position.position.longitude = wpt["nav"]["position"]["longitude"] # Altitude may be "None" -- GeoPointStamped requires float if type(wpt["nav"]["position"]["altitude"]) is float: position.position.altitude = wpt["nav"]["position"]["altitude"] # Return GeoPointStamped message return position
def gps2navsat(filename, bag): with open(filename, 'r') as file: try: while True: data = struct.unpack('qddd',*4)) time = data[0] local = data[1:] lat_lon_el_theta = struct.unpack('dddd',*4)) gps_cov = struct.unpack('dddddddddddddddd',*16)) if abs(lat_lon_el_theta[0]) < 1e-1: continue navsat = NavSatFix() navsat.header.frame_id = 'gps' navsat.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(time * 1e-6) navsat.status.status = NavSatStatus.STATUS_FIX navsat.status.service = NavSatStatus.SERVICE_GPS navsat.latitude = lat_lon_el_theta[0] navsat.longitude = lat_lon_el_theta[1] navsat.altitude = lat_lon_el_theta[2] navsat.position_covariance = numpy.array(gps_cov).reshape(4, 4)[:3, :3].flatten().tolist() navsat.position_covariance_type = NavSatFix.COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN bag.write('/gps/fix', navsat, navsat.header.stamp) geopoint = GeoPointStamped() geopoint.header = navsat.header geopoint.position.latitude = lat_lon_el_theta[0] geopoint.position.longitude = lat_lon_el_theta[1] geopoint.position.altitude = lat_lon_el_theta[2] bag.write('/gps/geopoint', geopoint, geopoint.header.stamp) except: print 'done'
def setEKFOrigin(self): gp_origin_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/mavros/global_position/set_gp_origin', GeoPointStamped, queue_size=1, latch=True) global_origin = GeoPointStamped() global_origin.header.stamp = global_origin.header.seq = 0 global_origin.header.frame_id = '' global_origin.position.latitude = 13.736444 global_origin.position.longitude = 100.533986 global_origin.position.altitude = 0 gp_origin_pub.publish(global_origin)
def run(self): rospy.init_node('zboat_gps') sog_pub = rospy.Publisher('/sog', TwistStamped, queue_size=5) h_pub = rospy.Publisher('/heading', NavEulerStamped, queue_size=5) pos_pub = rospy.Publisher('/position', GeoPointStamped, queue_size=5) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): line = #print line if line and line.startswith('$GPVTG'): parts = line.split(',') #print parts if len(parts) >= 8: ms = float(parts[7]) * 1000 / 3600.0 #print ms ts = TwistStamped() ts.twist.linear.x = ms sog_pub.publish(ts) if line and line.startswith('$GPHDT'): parts = line.split(',') if len(parts) >= 1: h = float(parts[1]) #*2*3.14/360.0 nes = NavEulerStamped() nes.orientation.heading = h h_pub.publish(nes) if line and line.startswith('$GPGGA'): parts = line.split(',') if len(parts) >= 6: lat = float(parts[2][:2]) + float(parts[2][2:]) / 60.0 if parts[3] == 'S': lat = -lat lon = float(parts[4][:3]) + float(parts[4][3:]) / 60.0 if parts[5] == 'W': lon = -lon gps = GeoPointStamped() gps.position.latitude = lat gps.position.longitude = lon pos_pub.publish(gps)
def update(self, event): if self.last_command_timestamp is None or event.current_real - self.last_command_timestamp > rospy.Duration.from_sec( 0.5 * self.time_factor): self.throttle = 0.0 self.rudder = 0.0 diag = self.dynamics.update(self.throttle, self.rudder, event.current_real) gps = GeoPointStamped() gps.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update gps.position.latitude = math.degrees(self.dynamics.latitude) gps.position.longitude = math.degrees(self.dynamics.longitude) self.position_publisher.publish(gps) ts = TwistStamped() ts.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update # TODO should this be split in x and y components when heading != course? ts.twist.linear.x = self.dynamics.sog self.speed_publisher.publish(ts) #p.basic_position.cog = self.dynamics.cog #p.basic_position.sog = self.dynamics.sog #p.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update h = NavEulerStamped() h.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update h.orientation.heading = math.degrees(self.dynamics.heading) self.heading_publisher.publish(h) for key, value in diag.items(): if not key in self.diag_publishers: self.diag_publishers[key] = rospy.Publisher( '/asv_sim/diagnostics/' + key, Float64, queue_size=5) self.diag_publishers[key].publish(value)
def update(self, event): if self.last_command_timestamp is None or event.current_real - self.last_command_timestamp > rospy.Duration.from_sec( 0.5 * self.time_factor): self.throttle = 0.0 self.rudder = 0.0 self.dynamics.update(self.throttle, self.rudder, event.current_real) gps = GeoPointStamped() gps.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update gps.position.latitude = math.degrees(self.dynamics.latitude) gps.position.longitude = math.degrees(self.dynamics.longitude) self.position_publisher.publish(gps) #p.basic_position.cog = self.dynamics.cog #p.basic_position.sog = self.dynamics.sog #p.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update h = NavEulerStamped() h.header.stamp = self.dynamics.last_update h.orientation.heading = math.degrees(self.dynamics.heading) self.heading_publisher.publish(h)
def __init__(self): # Create instance of missionplan # Used to read mission.txt file or /mission_plan subscriber... # And store mission plan. self.Mission = MissionPlan.missionplan.Mission() self.missionPlanData = False # Array to contain waypoints and behaviors. self.waypointBehaviorArray = [] # Variable for waypoint - in map / robot coordinates #self.waypoint = PointStamped() # Variable for current position of boat--to be set in position_callback self.currPosBoat_LatLon = GeoPointStamped() self.currPosBoat_ECEF = PointStamped() self.currPosBoat_Map = PointStamped() # Receive up-to-date mission from Autonomous Mission Planner rospy.Subscriber('/mission_plan', String, self.mission_plan_callback, queue_size=1)
def run_test(self, filename): lines = [] index = 0 obstacles = [] map_file = "" start = [] self.stats["time_limit"] = self.default_time_limit parameter_file_names = [] try: with open(filename, "r") as testfile: for line in testfile: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("line"): lines.append([float(f) for f in line.split(" ")[1:]]) print("Read line ", lines[-1]) assert len(lines[-1] ) == 4 # should be startX startY endX endY elif line.startswith("start"): start = [float(f) for f in line.split(" ")[1:]] start[2] = math.radians(start[2]) # assert len(start) == 4 # x y heading speed # assume speed is zero? elif line.startswith("obstacle"): obs = [float(f) for f in line.split(" ")[1:]] if len(obs) == 4: obs.append(5) obs.append(20) obstacles.append(obs) # ignore test-defined time limit (deprecated) # elif line.startswith("time_limit"): # self.stats["time_limit"] = float(line[10:]) elif line.startswith("map_file"): map_file = line[8:].strip() elif line.startswith("parameter_file"): parameter_file_names.append(line[15:]) except IOError as err: print("Couldn't find file: " + filename) return try: # Convert to lat long lines = [self.convert_line(line) for line in lines] except rospy.ServiceException as exc: print("Map to LatLong service did not process request: " + str(exc)) # # wait until clock is initialized # while rospy.get_time() == 0: # pass if rospy.get_time() == 0: print("Simulation does not appear to be running yet. Exiting.") return # load parameters and update dynamic reconfigure self.load_parameters(parameter_file_names) # load map file, if any if map_file: current_path = os.getcwd() self.path_planner_parameter_client.update_configuration( {"planner_geotiff_map": current_path + "/" + map_file}) else: self.path_planner_parameter_client.update_configuration( {"planner_geotiff_map": ""}) self.test_name = filename # create results directory now = results_dir_path = "../results/" + now.strftime("%Y_%m_%d/%H:%M:%S_" + self.test_name) if not os.path.exists(results_dir_path): os.makedirs(results_dir_path) # initialize bag self.bag_lock.acquire() self.bag = rosbag.Bag(results_dir_path + "/logs.bag", 'w') self.bag_lock.release() self.piloting_mode_publisher.publish("autonomous") # Set up set_pose request if start: gps = GeoPointStamped() gps.position = self.convert_point(start[0], start[1]) h = NavEulerStamped() h.orientation.heading = start[2] self.set_pose(gps, h) else: print("Warning: no start state read; using default start state") self.reset_publisher.publish(True) rospy.sleep(0.2) # Let simulator reset # finish setting up obstacles for o in obstacles: o.append(rospy.get_time()) o[2] = math.radians(o[2]) self.start_time = rospy.get_time() self.end_time = self.start_time + self.stats["time_limit"] # set up both path_planner goal and display for lines goal = path_planner.msg.path_plannerGoal() goal.path.header.stamp = display_item = GeoVizItem() = "current_path" for line in lines: # now sending all lines at once, so points are to be read in pairs display_points = GeoVizPointList() display_points.color.r = 1.0 display_points.color.a = 1.0 display_points.size = 5.0 for p in line: pose = GeoPoseStamped() pose.pose.position = p goal.path.poses.append(pose) display_points.points.append(p) # TODO! -- goal.speed? display_item.lines.append(display_points) self.display_publisher.publish(display_item) self.test_running = True self.path_planner_client.wait_for_server() self.path_planner_client.send_goal(goal, self.done_callback, self.active_callback, self.feedback_callback) # Spin and publish obstacle updates every 0.5s self.spin_until_done(obstacles) print("Test %s complete in %s seconds." % (self.test_name, (rospy.get_time() - self.start_time))) # remove line from display if display_item: display_item.lines = [] self.display_publisher.publish(display_item) self.piloting_mode_publisher.publish("standby") # reporting self.write_results(results_dir_path) self.reset_stats() self.bag_lock.acquire() self.bag.close() self.bag = None self.bag_lock.release()
########## Define Subscribers state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(mavros.get_topic('state'), State, state_cb) local_pos_sub = rospy.Subscriber(mavros.get_topic('local_position', 'pose'), PoseStamped, position_cb) alt_sub = rospy.Subscriber(mavros.get_topic('altitude'), Altitude, alt_cb) imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber(mavros.get_topic('imu', 'data'), Imu, imu_cb) input_sub = rospy.Subscriber('UserInput', String, input_cb) laser_sub = rospy.Subscriber('scan', LaserScan, rplidar_cb) CVA_sub = rospy.Subscriber('command_info_topic', command_info, command_info_cb) ########## Define Services arming_client = rospy.ServiceProxy(mavros.get_topic('cmd', 'arming'), CommandBool) set_mode_client = rospy.ServiceProxy(mavros.get_topic('set_mode'), SetMode) targetHeight = 0.8 # Fly 1 meter high geo_pos = GeoPointStamped() geo_pos.position.latitude = 0 geo_pos.position.longitude = 0 geo_pos.position.altitude = 0 initial_pose = PoseStamped() initial_pose.pose.position.x = 0 initial_pose.pose.position.y = 0 initial_pose.pose.position.z = 0 danger_zone = 1.0 # Dangerous Obstacle Distance input_str = "ready" # Initialize input command os.system('clear') # Clear screen print('Connecting...')
def main(): # Load File folder_path = '/home/dank-engine/3d_ws/json2_merger/' path = list(pathlib.Path(folder_path).glob('*.json')) id = 0 k = 0 num = 20 arr_rx = np.zeros(num) arr_ry = np.zeros(num) arr_lx = np.zeros(num) arr_ly = np.zeros(num) arr_cx = np.zeros(num) arr_cy = np.zeros(num) for i in range(100, 552): filename = folder_path + '{i:0{width}}'.format(i=i + 1, width=4) + '.json' with open(filename, 'r') as f: print(filename) data = json.load(f) # GPS Topic gps_coor = GeoPointStamped() gps_map = NavSatFix() gps_pub = rospy.Publisher('/gps', GeoPointStamped, queue_size=10) gps_map_pub = rospy.Publisher('/gps/fix', NavSatFix, queue_size=10) #IMU Topic imu_coor = Imu() imu_pub = rospy.Publisher('/imu', Imu, queue_size=10) #PointCloud Topic cloud = PointCloud2() pc_data = rospy.Publisher('/velodyne_points', PointCloud2, queue_size=32) rospy.init_node('converter') # Publish GPS Data in ROS gps_coor.header.frame_id = "gps" gps_coor.position.latitude = data["INS_SWIFT"]["Latitude"] gps_coor.position.longitude = data["INS_SWIFT"]["Longitude"] gps_coor.position.altitude = float('nan') gps_map.header.frame_id = "base_link" gps_map.latitude = data["INS_SWIFT"]["Latitude"] gps_map.longitude = data["INS_SWIFT"]["Longitude"] gps_map.altitude = data["INS_SWIFT"]["Altitude"] gps_pub.publish(gps_coor) gps_map_pub.publish(gps_map) # Publish IMU Data in ROS roll = data["INS_SWIFT"]["Roll"] pitch = data["INS_SWIFT"]["Pitch"] yaw = data["INS_SWIFT"]["Yaw"] quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( roll, pitch, yaw) imu_coor.header.frame_id = "imu" imu_coor.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() imu_coor.orientation.x = quaternion[0] imu_coor.orientation.y = quaternion[1] imu_coor.orientation.z = quaternion[2] imu_coor.orientation.w = quaternion[3] imu_coor.orientation_covariance = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] imu_pub.publish(imu_coor) # Publish Point Cloud Data point = [] scan = data["PointCloud"] for i in range(len(scan)): if (scan[i]["x"] != None): xyzi = (scan[i]["x"], scan[i]["y"], scan[i]["z"], scan[i]["intensity"]) point.append(xyzi) else: xyzi = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 0) point.append(xyzi) cloud = xyzi_array_to_pointcloud2(point, rospy.get_rostime(), "velodyne") pc_data.publish(cloud) lane_mark = rospy.Publisher('/marker_lane', Marker, queue_size=100) marker_l = Marker() marker_l.header.frame_id = "base_link" marker_l.type = marker_l.TEXT_VIEW_FACING marker_l.action = marker_l.ADD marker_l.scale.x = 5 marker_l.scale.y = 5 marker_l.scale.z = 5 marker_l.color.a = 1.0 marker_l.color.r = 1.0 marker_l.color.g = 1.0 marker_l.color.b = 0.0 marker_l.pose.position.x = 0 marker_l.pose.position.y = 30 marker_l.pose.position.z = 1 marker_l.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 marker_l.text = "Lanes: " + str( data["Lanes"]) + '\n' + "Width: " + str( data["Width"]) + '\n' + "Slope_Hoizontal: " + str( data["Slope"]["Slope_Hoizontal"]) = 0 lane_mark.publish(marker_l) try: r = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz lane_r = data["Right_Marker"] lane_l = data["Left_Marker"] lane_c = data["Center_Marker"] publisher = rospy.Publisher('/drive_region', MarkerArray, queue_size=100) arr_rx[k % num] = lane_r["x"] arr_ry[k % num] = lane_r["y"] arr_lx[k % num] = lane_l["x"] arr_ly[k % num] = lane_l["y"] arr_cx[k % num] = lane_c["x"] arr_cy[k % num] = lane_c["y"] # if k == 10: markerArray = MarkerArray() marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "base_link" marker.type = marker.SPHERE marker.action = marker.ADD marker.scale.x = 2 marker.scale.y = 2 marker.scale.z = 2 marker.color.a = 1.0 marker.color.r = 1.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 marker.color.b = 0.0 marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 marker.pose.position.x = np.average(arr_rx) marker.pose.position.y = np.average(arr_ry) marker.pose.position.z = 0 marker1 = Marker() marker1.header.frame_id = "base_link" marker1.type = marker.SPHERE marker1.action = marker.ADD marker1.scale.x = 2 marker1.scale.y = 2 marker1.scale.z = 2 marker1.color.a = 1.0 marker1.color.r = 1.0 marker1.color.g = 1.0 marker1.color.b = 0.0 marker1.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 marker1.pose.position.x = np.average(arr_lx) marker1.pose.position.y = np.average(arr_ly) marker1.pose.position.z = 0 marker2 = Marker() marker2.header.frame_id = "base_link" marker2.type = marker.SPHERE marker2.action = marker.ADD marker2.scale.x = 2 marker2.scale.y = 2 marker2.scale.z = 2 marker2.color.a = 1.0 marker2.color.r = 0.0 marker2.color.g = 0.0 marker2.color.b = 1.0 marker2.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 marker2.pose.position.x = np.average(arr_cx) marker2.pose.position.y = np.average(arr_cy) marker2.pose.position.z = 0 markerArray.markers.append(marker) markerArray.markers.append(marker1) markerArray.markers.append(marker2) # Renumber the marker IDs for m in markerArray.markers: = id id += 1 # Publish the MarkerArray publisher.publish(markerArray) # k = 0 k = k + 1 r.sleep() except KeyError: r = rospy.Rate(1) # 10hz r.sleep()