def update_geo_path(self): if (self.waypoints and and waypoints_geo = [] for point in self.waypoints: x, y = point geo = UTMPoint(x, y,, wp = WayPoint() = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom()) wp.position = geo waypoints_geo.append(wp) segments_geo = [] last_wp = waypoints_geo[0].id for wp in waypoints_geo: seg = RouteSegment() = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom()) seg.start = last_wp seg.end = last_wp = segments_geo.append(seg) self.route_network.points = waypoints_geo self.route_network.segments = segments_geo else: rospy.logwarn('[update_geo_path] waypoints, zone, and/or band\n' + '\thas not been set/updated.\n\tIgnoring...')
def fromLatLong(lat, lon, alt=float('nan')): """Generate WayPoint from latitude, longitude and (optional) altitude. :returns: minimal WayPoint object just for test cases. """ geo_pt = GeoPoint(latitude=lat, longitude=lon, altitude=alt) return WayPoint(position=geo_pt)
def test_waypoint_match(self): p = WayPoint() put(p, 'another', 'anything') put(p, 'name', 'myself') prop = match(p, set(['name'])) self.assertNotEqual(prop, None) k, v = prop self.assertEqual(k, 'name') self.assertEqual(v, 'myself')
def main(): global queue rospy.init_node('publish_goal_fix') for line in open('config/gps_waypoints.txt').xreadlines(): latitude, longitude = [float(f) for f in line.split(",")] queue.append((latitude, longitude)) pub = rospy.Publisher('waypoint', WayPoint, queue_size=10) s = rospy.Service('next_waypoint_srv', Trigger, next_waypoint) r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg = WayPoint() current_waypoint = queue[0] msg.latitude = current_waypoint.latitude msg.longitude = current_waypoint.longitude msg.altitude = 0 pub.publish(msg) rospy.spin()
def test_three_point_set(self): # test data uuids = [ 'da7c242f-2efe-5175-9961-49cc621b80b9', '812f1c08-a34b-5a21-92b9-18b2b0cf4950', '6f0606f6-a776-5940-b5ea-5e889b32c712' ] latitudes = [30.3840168, 30.3857290, 30.3866750] longitudes = [-97.7282100, -97.7316754, -97.7270967] eastings = [622191.124, 621856.023, 622294.785] northings = [3362024.764, 3362210.790, 3362320.569] points = [] for i in range(len(uuids)): latlon = GeoPoint(latitude=latitudes[i], longitude=longitudes[i]) points.append(WayPoint(id=UniqueID(uuid=uuids[i]), position=latlon)) # test iterator wupts = WuPointSet(points) i = 0 for w in wupts: self.assertEqual(w.uuid(), uuids[i]) self.assertEqual(wupts[uuids[i]].uuid(), uuids[i]) self.assertAlmostEqual(w.utm.easting, eastings[i], places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(w.utm.northing, northings[i], places=3) point_xy = w.toPointXY() self.assertAlmostEqual(point_xy.x, eastings[i], places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(point_xy.y, northings[i], places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(point_xy.z, 0.0, places=3) i += 1 self.assertEqual(i, 3) self.assertEqual(len(wupts), 3) bogus = '00000000-c433-5c42-be2e-fbd97ddff9ac' self.assertFalse(bogus in wupts) self.assertEqual(wupts.get(bogus), None) uu = uuids[1] self.assertTrue(uu in wupts) wpt = wupts[uu] self.assertEqual(wpt.uuid(), uu) self.assertNotEqual(wupts.get(uu), None) self.assertEqual(wupts.get(uu).uuid(), uu) # test index() function for i in xrange(len(uuids)): self.assertEqual(wupts.index(uuids[i]), i) self.assertEqual(wupts.points[i].id.uuid, uuids[i])
def test_real_point(self): ll = GeoPoint(latitude=30.385315, longitude=-97.728524, altitude=209.0) msg = WayPoint(position=ll) pt = WuPoint(msg) self.assertEqual(pt.toWayPoint(), msg) self.assertEqual(str(pt.utm), 'UTM: [622159.338, 3362168.303, 209.000, 14R]') point_xyz = pt.toPoint() self.assertAlmostEqual(point_xyz.x, 622159.338, places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(point_xyz.y, 3362168.303, places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(point_xyz.z, 209.0, places=3) point_xy = pt.toPointXY() self.assertAlmostEqual(point_xy.x, 622159.338, places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(point_xy.y, 3362168.303, places=3) self.assertAlmostEqual(point_xy.z, 0.0, places=3)
def test_empty_waypoint_match(self): p = WayPoint() self.assertEqual(match(p, set(['nothing', 'defined'])), None)
def controller(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz # self.x = self.polar2cartesian([earth_radius, 41.104444, 29.026997])[0] # update self.x everytime # self.y = self.polar2cartesian([earth_radius, 41.104444, 29.026997])[1] # update self.x everytime while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # for simulating self.vx = self.twist.linear.x self.vy = self.twist.linear.y self.vth = self.twist.angular.z rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "I heard %s", self.vx) self.current_time = # We do not need this part, we are doing our own localization # compute odometry in a typical way given the velocities of the robot self.dt = (self.current_time - self.last_time).to_sec() self.delta_x = (self.vx * cos( - self.vy * sin( * self.dt self.delta_y = (self.vx * sin( + self.vy * cos( * self.dt self.delta_th = self.vth * self.dt # from GPS # self.target_location = [earth_radius, 41.103465, 29.027909] # publish to move_base_simple/goal # from magnetometer # self.yaw = 0 # X, Y = current location # th = current yaw """ self.x += self.delta_x self.y += self.delta_y += self.delta_th """ # since all odometry is 6DOF we'll need a quaternion created from yaw self.odom_quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, # first, we'll publish the transform over tf self.odom_broadcaster.sendTransform( (self.x, self.y, 0.), self.odom_quat, self.current_time, "base_link", "odom") # next, we'll publish the odometry message over ROS self.odom = Odometry() self.odom.header.stamp = self.current_time self.odom.header.frame_id = "odom" # set the position self.odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(self.x, self.y, 0.), Quaternion(*self.odom_quat)) # Write a tranform formula for calculating linear.x linear.y and angular.z speed # set the velocity self.odom.child_frame_id = "base_link" self.odom.twist.twist = Twist(Vector3(self.vx, self.vy, 0), Vector3(0, 0, self.vth)) # publish the PoseWithCovarianceStamped self.pwcs = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() self.pwcs.header.stamp = self.odom.header.stamp self.pwcs.header.frame_id = "odom" self.pwcs.pose.pose = self.odom.pose.pose self.last_time = self.current_time # publish the NavSatFix # sensor_data = SC, Pressure, Temp, Roll, Pitch , Yaw, Latitude, Longitude, Accuracy, Altitude, Speed, Battery, ITU \n self.sensor_split = [ 'SC', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'ITU' ] if self.sensor_data: self.sensor_split = self.sensor_data.split(',') self.gps_fix = NavSatFix() self.gps_fix.header.frame_id = "base_link" self.gps_fix.header.stamp = self.odom.header.stamp self.gps_fix.status.status = 0 # GPS FIXED self.gps_fix.status.service = 1 # GPS SERVICE = GPS # Buralar bizden gelecek self.gps_fix.latitude = float(self.sensor_split[6]) # 41.24600 self.gps_fix.longitude = float(self.sensor_split[7]) self.gps_fix.altitude = 0 self.gps_fix.position_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.gps_fix.position_covariance_type = 0 # publish the NavSatFix self.waypoint = WayPoint() # = [1] self.waypoint.position.latitude = 40.84600 self.waypoint.position.longitude = 29.392400 self.waypoint.position.altitude = 0 # self.waypoint.props.key = "key" # self.waypoint.props.value = "1" # publish the NavSatFix self.imuMsg = Imu() self.imuMsg.orientation_covariance = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.imuMsg.angular_velocity_covariance = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration_covariance = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] self.roll = 0 self.pitch = 0 self.yaw = float(self.sensor_split[5]) * pi / 180 # = self.yaw # Acceloremeter self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.x = 0 self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.y = 0 self.imuMsg.linear_acceleration.z = 0 # Gyro self.imuMsg.angular_velocity.x = 0 self.imuMsg.angular_velocity.y = 0 self.imuMsg.angular_velocity.z = 0 self.q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw) self.imuMsg.orientation.x = self.q[0] #magnetometer self.imuMsg.orientation.y = self.q[1] self.imuMsg.orientation.z = self.q[2] self.imuMsg.orientation.w = self.q[3] self.imuMsg.header.frame_id = "base_link" self.imuMsg.header.stamp = self.odom.header.stamp # Subscriber(s) rospy.Subscriber('/husky_velocity_controller/cmd_vel', Twist, self.callback) rospy.Subscriber('/odometry/gps', Odometry, self.gps_callback) # Publisher(s) self.odom_pub.publish(self.odom) self.odom_combined_pub.publish(self.pwcs) self.gps_pub.publish(self.gps_fix) self.waypoint_pub.publish(self.waypoint) self.imu_pub.publish(self.imuMsg) rate.sleep()
def makeWayPoint(id, lat, lon): w = WayPoint() = UniqueID(id) w.position = GeoPoint(latitude=lat, longitude=lon) return w
def get_osm(url, bounds): """Get GeographicMap from Open Street Map XML data. The latitude and longitude bounding box returned may differ from the requested bounds. :param url: Uniform Resource Locator for map. :param bounds: Desired bounding box for map (presently ignored). :returns: GeographicMap message with header not filled in. """ # parse the URL filename = '' if url.startswith('file:///'): filename = url[7:] elif url.startswith('package://'): pkg_name, slash, pkg_path = url[10:].partition('/') pkg_dir = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir(pkg_name) filename = pkg_dir + '/' + pkg_path else: raise ValueError('unsupported URL: ' + url) map = GeographicMap(id=geodesy.gen_uuid.makeUniqueID(url)) xm = None try: f = open(filename, 'r') xm = ElementTree.parse(f) except IOError: raise ValueError('unable to read ' + str(url)) except ElementTree.ParseError: raise ValueError('XML parse failed for ' + str(url)) osm = xm.getroot() # get map bounds for el in osm.iterfind('bounds'): map.bounds.min_latitude = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'minlat')) map.bounds.min_longitude = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'minlon')) map.bounds.max_latitude = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'maxlat')) map.bounds.max_longitude = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'maxlon')) # get map way-point nodes for el in osm.iterfind('node'): way = WayPoint() id = el.get('id') if id == None: raise ValueError('node id missing') = makeOsmUniqueID('node', id) way.position.latitude = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'lat')) way.position.longitude = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'lon')) way.position.altitude = float(el.get('ele', float('nan'))) for tag_list in el.iterfind('tag'): kv = get_tag(tag_list) if kv != None: way.props.append(kv) map.points.append(way) # get map paths for el in osm.iterfind('way'): feature = MapFeature() id = el.get('id') if id == None: raise ValueError('way id missing') = makeOsmUniqueID('way', id) for nd in el.iterfind('nd'): way_id = get_required_attribute(nd, 'ref') feature.components.append(makeOsmUniqueID('node', way_id)) for tag_list in el.iterfind('tag'): kv = get_tag(tag_list) if kv != None: feature.props.append(kv) map.features.append(feature) # get relations for el in osm.iterfind('relation'): feature = MapFeature() id = el.get('id') if id == None: raise ValueError('relation id missing') = makeOsmUniqueID('relation', id) for mbr in el.iterfind('member'): mbr_type = get_required_attribute(mbr, 'type') if mbr_type in set(['node', 'way', 'relation']): mbr_id = get_required_attribute(mbr, 'ref') feature.components.append(makeOsmUniqueID(mbr_type, mbr_id)) else: print('unknown relation member type: ' + mbr_type) for tag_list in el.iterfind('tag'): kv = get_tag(tag_list) if kv != None: feature.props.append(kv) map.features.append(feature) return map
def get_osm(url, bounds): """Get `geographic_msgs/GeographicMap`_ from Open Street Map XML data. The latitude and longitude of the bounding box returned may differ from the requested bounds. :param url: Uniform Resource Locator for map. :param bounds: Desired `geographic_msgs/BoundingBox`_ for map (presently ignored). :returns: `geographic_msgs/GeographicMap`_ message (header not filled in). """ # parse the URL filename = '' if url.startswith('file:///'): filename = url[7:] elif url.startswith('package://'): pkg_name, slash, pkg_path = url[10:].partition('/') pkg_dir = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir(pkg_name) filename = pkg_dir + '/' + pkg_path else: raise ValueError('unsupported URL: ' + url) gmap = GeographicMap(id = geodesy.gen_uuid.makeUniqueID(url)) xm = None try: f = open(filename, 'r') xm = ElementTree.parse(f) except IOError: raise ValueError('unable to read ' + str(url)) except ElementTree.ParseError: raise ValueError('XML parse failed for ' + str(url)) osm = xm.getroot() # get map bounds for el in osm.iterfind('bounds'): minlat = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'minlat')) minlon = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'minlon')) maxlat = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'maxlat')) maxlon = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'maxlon')) gmap.bounds = bounding_box.makeBounds2D(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon) # get map way-point nodes for el in osm.iterfind('node'): way = WayPoint() el_id = el.get('id') if el_id is None: raise ValueError('node id missing') = makeOsmUniqueID('node', el_id) way.position.latitude = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'lat')) way.position.longitude = float(get_required_attribute(el, 'lon')) way.position.altitude = float(el.get('ele', float('nan'))) for tag_list in el.iterfind('tag'): kv = get_tag(tag_list) if kv != None: way.props.append(kv) gmap.points.append(way) # get map paths for el in osm.iterfind('way'): feature = MapFeature() el_id = el.get('id') if el_id is None: raise ValueError('way id missing') = makeOsmUniqueID('way', el_id) for nd in el.iterfind('nd'): way_id = get_required_attribute(nd, 'ref') feature.components.append(makeOsmUniqueID('node', way_id)) for tag_list in el.iterfind('tag'): kv = get_tag(tag_list) if kv != None: feature.props.append(kv) gmap.features.append(feature) # get relations for el in osm.iterfind('relation'): feature = MapFeature() el_id = el.get('id') if el_id is None: raise ValueError('relation id missing') = makeOsmUniqueID('relation', el_id) for mbr in el.iterfind('member'): mbr_type = get_required_attribute(mbr, 'type') if mbr_type in set(['node', 'way', 'relation']): mbr_id = get_required_attribute(mbr, 'ref') feature.components.append(makeOsmUniqueID(mbr_type, mbr_id)) else: print('unknown relation member type: ' + mbr_type) for tag_list in el.iterfind('tag'): kv = get_tag(tag_list) if kv != None: feature.props.append(kv) gmap.features.append(feature) return gmap