def dump(list_data, data, filename, geometry='route'): with open(filename, 'w') as jfile: rnd_color = RandomColor() colors = rnd_color.generate(count=len(list_data)) features = [] index = 1 features.append(gs.MultiPoint(list(data.geo_data.values()))) for item in list_data: color = colors.pop() terminal = [item[0], item[-1]] # get route coords by road if geometry == 'graph': # graph geometry RP = data.indexToCoord(item) else: # osrm geometry RP = item.route() coords = gs.Feature(geometry=gs.LineString(RP), properties={'label': 'Route #{}'.format(index+1), 'color': color}) term = gs.Feature(geometry=gs.MultiPoint(data.indexToCoord(terminal)), properties={'label': 'Terminal #{}'.format(index+1), 'color': color}) index += 1 features.append(coords) features.append(term) feature_r = gs.FeatureCollection([features]) gs.dump(features, jfile)
def __to_geojson(coordinates, geojson_properties={}): coordinatePoints = geojson.MultiPoint(coordinates) dump = geojson.dumps( geojson.Feature(geometry=coordinatePoints, properties=geojson_properties) ) # can add properties and id to feature (perhaps trip/section id?) return dump
def create_isochrones_hulls(graph, start, time, PandaV, partitions_sec=partitions_sec, palette=palette): arrayT = graph.isochrones(start, time, partitions_sec) XY = PandaV[["stop_lat", "stop_lon"]] T = pandas.Series(arrayT, name="time", dtype=int) XYT = pandas.concat([XY, T], axis=1) grouped_by_time = XYT.groupby("time") Feature_list = [] for t, group in grouped_by_time: if t < len(partitions_min): Poly = geojson.MultiPoint([(group["stop_lon"][i], group["stop_lat"][i]) for i in group.index]) Prop = {} if t < len(partitions_sec): Prop["isochrone"] = "< " + seconds_to_hours(partitions_sec[t]) else: Prop["isochrone"] = "> " + seconds_to_hours(partitions_sec[-1]) Prop["color"] = palette[t % len(palette)] Prop["type"] = "stop" Feature_list.append(geojson.Feature(geometry=Poly, properties=Prop)) Feature_list.reverse() Feature_list.append( geojson.Feature(geometry=geojson.Point( (PandaV["stop_lon"][start], PandaV["stop_lat"][start])), properties={ "centre": PandaV["station_name"][start], "type": "center" })) return geojson.FeatureCollection(Feature_list)
def __init__(self, list_of_tuples): if not list_of_tuples: raise ValueError("A MultiPoint cannot be empty") for t in list_of_tuples: assert_is_lon(t[0]) assert_is_lat(t[1]) self._geom = geojson.MultiPoint(list_of_tuples)
def test_nested_constructors(self): a = [5, 6] b = [9, 10] c = [-5, 12] mp = geojson.MultiPoint([geojson.Point(a), b]) self.assertEqual(mp.coordinates, [a, b]) mls = geojson.MultiLineString([geojson.LineString([a, b]), [a, c]]) self.assertEqual(mls.coordinates, [[a, b], [a, c]]) outer = [a, b, c, a] poly = geojson.Polygon(geojson.MultiPoint(outer)) other = [[1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1], [1, 1]] poly2 = geojson.Polygon([outer, other]) self.assertEqual(geojson.MultiPolygon([poly, poly2]).coordinates, [[outer], [outer, other]])
def to_geojson( self, draw_points=False, write_to=None, linestring_props=None, multipoint_props=None, ): geometry = geojson.Feature( geometry=geojson.LineString(self.to_lng_lat_tuples()), properties=linestring_props, ) features = geojson.FeatureCollection([geometry]) if draw_points: points = geojson.Feature( geometry=geojson.MultiPoint([(p.lng, for p in self.coords]), properties=multipoint_props, ) features = geojson.FeatureCollection([geometry, points]) if write_to: with open(write_to, "w") as f: f.write(geojson.dumps(features)) else: return features
def getpoiResult(): data = json.loads(request.form['json']) rs = [] for line in data: rs.append((line['lng'], line['lat'])) with open('POI.geojson', 'wt') as f: f.write(json.dumps(geojson.MultiPoint(rs))) return send_file('POI.geojson', as_attachment=True)
def _make_multipoint(self, vehicle, coords): return geojson.Feature( geometry=geojson.MultiPoint(coords), properties={ "lineId": vehicle, "marker-color": "#{}".format(self.gtfs.routes[vehicle]['route_color']), })
def __to_geojson_point(s_geo: icp_model.Geometry): coordinates = [] for point in s_geo.points: coordinates.append([point.x, point.y]) if len(coordinates) == 1: geo = geojson.Point(coordinates=coordinates[0]) else: geo = geojson.MultiPoint(coordinates=coordinates) return geo
def create_feature(geometry, geo_type, val, feature_id=None, color=(255, 0, 0), weight=10, opacity=1.0, props={}): """ :param geometry: Geometry structure that creates geojson string. Options are: Point: (lng, lat) as tuple MultiPoint: [Point, Point] as array of points Line(string): [Point, Point, Point] as array of points Multiline(string): [Line, Line] as array of lines Polygon without holes: [Point1, Point, Point, Point1] as array of points, first and last point in array are the same point (example makes a triangle). Polygon with hole: [[Point1, Point, Point, Point1], [Point2, Point, Point, Point2]] as array of polygons, second polygon is the hole. Multipolygon: [Polygon, Polygon] as array of polygons (must confirm...?) :param geo_type: string indicating the geometry type, must match id strings from class geojson_geometry :param val: value to put into properties.value for mapping and style color matching :param feature_id: id for the geojson string :param color: a 3 value tuple containing an rgb value :param weight: for lines/polygons, line width; for points, point size :param opacity: opacity of layer in leaflet, 1.0 = 100%, 0 = 0% :returns: dictionary with geojson feature string and a leaflet style created from input parameters """ try: if geo_type == GeojsonGeometry.point: geo = geojson.Point(geometry) elif geo_type == GeojsonGeometry.multipoint: geo = geojson.MultiPoint(geometry) elif geo_type == GeojsonGeometry.line: geo = geojson.LineString(geometry) elif geo_type == GeojsonGeometry.multiline: geo = geojson.MultiLineString(geometry) elif geo_type == GeojsonGeometry.polygon: geo = geojson.Polygon(geometry) elif geo_type == GeojsonGeometry.multipolygon: geo = geojson.MultiPolygon(geometry) else: print("Unsupported geometry type: " + geo_type) return except Exception as e: print(e, "\n probably wrong input data structure for " + geo_type) return style = None # leaflet_style_creator() props['value'] = val geo = geojson.Feature(id=feature_id, geometry=geo, properties=props) ret = {'geojson': geo, 'style': style} return ret
def main(src, dest, key="POP10"): """ Open *src* with fiona Filter out features with no population Run points_in_feature on each feature Write each point as a new Point feature to *dest* """ # crs = from_epsg(4326) # schema = {"geometry": "MultiPoint", "properties": {}} with as source, open(dest, "w") as sink: features = filter(lambda f: f["properties"][key] > 0, iter(source)) for feature in features: points = points_in_feature(feature, key) multipoint = geojson.MultiPoint(map(list, points)) f = geojson.Feature(geometry=multipoint) sink.write(geojson.dumps(f) + "\n")
def make_geo_coll(vehicle_id, limit): docs = get_vehicle_positions(vehicle_id, limit) coords = [] for d in docs: coords.append(tuple(d['location']['coordinates'])) gc = gj.GeometryCollection([gj.LineString(coords), gj.MultiPoint(coords)]) start = arrow.get(docs[0]['timestamp']).to('America/Chicago').isoformat() end = arrow.get(docs[-1]['timestamp']).to('America/Chicago').isoformat() fname = 'GC_{vid}@{start}<-->{end}.geojson'.format(vid=vehicle_id, start=start, end=end) with open(fname, 'w') as f: gj.dump(gc, f)
def get_map_for_coordinates(coordinates): ACCESS_TOKEN = os.getenv("MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN") USERNAME = os.getenv("MAPBOX_STYLE_USER") STYLE_ID = os.getenv("MAPBOX_STYLE_ID") service = StaticStyle() multipoint = geojson.MultiPoint(coordinates) feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=multipoint) print(feature) response = service.image(username=USERNAME, style_id=STYLE_ID, features=[feature], width=1200, height=1200, retina=True) print(response.status_code) with open( + '/_map.png', 'wb') as output: _ = output.write(response.content)
def convert_json_data_to_geodataframe(json_data, spatial_reference='4326'): """Convert raw JSON objects from EDDM to a GeoDataFrame.""" features = [] for feature in json_data: new_feature = {} # Assume the feature is a LineString object. try: new_feature['geometry'] = shapely.geometry.shape( geojson.MultiLineString(feature['geometry']['paths'])) # If the feature is not a LineString, maybe it is a MultiPoint. except KeyError: new_feature['geometry'] = shapely.geometry.shape( geojson.MultiPoint(feature['geometry']['points'])) new_feature['properties'] = feature['attributes'] features.append(new_feature) return gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(features, crs=spatial_reference)
def dship2geojson(filename, data, lonkey, latkey, attributes=None): """ Writes a geojson file from a parsed dship dataset. Required a the key for latitude and longitude attributes: 'all',None """ #data[s]['data'].append(ttmp) crs = { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } } # Reference coordinate system nrecords = len(data[lonkey]['data']) if True: features = [] points = [] for i in range(nrecords): lon = data[lonkey]['data'][i] lat = data[latkey]['data'][i] p = geojson.Point((lon, lat)) points.append((lon, lat)) prop = {} for o in data.keys(): dat = data[o]['data'][i] if (type(dat) == datetime.datetime): dat = datetime.datetime.strftime(dat, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') elif (np.isnan(dat)): dat = -9999 prop[o] = dat feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=p, properties=prop) features.append(feature) mpoints = geojson.MultiPoint(points, crs=crs) featurecol = geojson.FeatureCollection(features, name='dship', crs=crs) with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: if (attributes == None): geojson.dump(mpoints, outfile) elif (attributes == 'all'): geojson.dump(featurecol, outfile) outfile.close()
def export(cls, folder, h5_file): with tables.open_file(h5_file, mode="r") as h5: table = h5.root.trajectories.model_results particles = sorted(list(set([ x["particle"] for x in table.iterrows() ]))) features = [] for puid in particles: points = [ (x["time"], (x['longitude'], x['latitude'])) for x in table.where("""particle == %s""" % puid) if x["latitude"] and x["longitude"] ] geo_mp = geojson.MultiPoint( [ x[1] for x in points ] ) times = [ x[0] for x in points ] feat = geojson.Feature(geometry=geo_mp, id=puid, properties={ "particle" : puid, "time" : times }) features.append(feat) fc = geojson.FeatureCollection(features) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) filepath = os.path.join(folder, "particle_multipoint.geojson") with open(filepath, "wb") as r: r.write(geojson.dumps(fc).encode('utf-8'))
def query(self): geo = f"{self.latlng[0]},{self.latlng[1]},20mi" query ='*', lang='en', rpp=10, count=20, geocode=geo) for quer in query['statuses']: coord = {'screen_name': '', 'location': [], 'text': ''} coord['screen_name'] = quer['user']['screen_name'] loc =['user']['location']) loc = loc.latlng if loc == None: loc = self.latlng coord['location'].append(loc[0]) coord['location'].append(loc[1]) coord['text'] = (quer['text']) self.user_info.append( geojson.Feature(geometry=geojson.MultiPoint(coord['location']), properties={ 'screen_name': coord['screen_name'], 'message': coord['text'] })) return self.user_info
def load_taxi_data(querystr): print 'AJAX load data: {0}'.format(querystr) data = None taxi_df = appdata['taxi_df'] uber_df = appdata['uber_df'] hotspots_df = appdata['hotspots_df'] queryitems = {} for p_pair in querystr.split('&'): p_key, p_value = p_pair.split('=') queryitems[p_key] = p_value # fix sampling rate for varius time duration sample_scale = 1 if (queryitems['hour'] != 'all'): sample_scale = 24 if (queryitems['weekday'] == 'weekday'): sample_scale *= (7 / 5.0) if (queryitems['weekday'] == 'weekend'): sample_scale *= (7 / 2.0) # sample the data uberslice = uber_df.sample(n=1250 * sample_scale) dataslice = taxi_df.sample(n=4500 * sample_scale) # slice the hotspots according to the density # used when day and time = all hotspotsslice_1 = hotspots_df[800 < hotspots_df['items']] hotspotsslice_2 = hotspots_df[400 < hotspots_df['items']] hotspotsslice_3 = hotspots_df[200 < hotspots_df['items']] hotspotsslice_4 = hotspots_df[100 < hotspots_df['items']] # slice the trip data according to distance selected dataslice = { 'all': dataslice, 'long': dataslice[dataslice.trip_distance > 1.90], 'short': dataslice[dataslice.trip_distance <= 1.90] }[queryitems['tripdist']] # slice on driver income df_hf = appdata['hack_fare_df'] hacks = { 'all': set(df_hf['hack_license']), 'low': set(df_hf[:10000]['hack_license']), 'high': set(df_hf[-10000:]['hack_license']) }[queryitems['income']] print '{0} drivers selected'.format(len(hacks)) dataslice = dataslice[dataslice.hack_license.isin(hacks)] # slice on day and time if ((queryitems['weekday'] != 'all') or (queryitems['hour'] != 'all')): # set filter values weekday_filter = { 'weekday': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], # 0 - Monday, 6 - Sunday 'weekend': [5, 6], 'all': range(7) }[queryitems['weekday']] hotspot_dow_filter = { 'weekday': [1], 'weekend': [0], 'all': [0, 1] }[queryitems['weekday']] time_filter = { '0000': [0, 1], '0200': [2, 3], '0400': [4, 5], '0600': [6, 7], '0800': [8, 9], '1000': [10, 11], '1200': [12, 13], '1400': [14, 15], '1600': [16, 17], '1800': [18, 19], '2000': [20, 21], '2200': [22, 23], 'peak': [8, 9, 16, 17], 'night': [20, 21, 22, 23], 'late': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'all': range(24) }[queryitems['hour']] # do the slicing for trip data dataslice = dataslice[dataslice.pickup_datetime.dt.dayofweek.isin(weekday_filter) &\ dataslice.pickup_datetime.dt.hour.isin(time_filter)] uberslice = uberslice[uberslice['datetime'].dt.dayofweek.isin(weekday_filter) &\ uberslice['datetime'].dt.hour.isin(time_filter)] # slicing for hotspot data hotspotsslice_1 = hotspots_df[hotspots_df['weekdays'].isin(hotspot_dow_filter) &\ hotspots_df['hour'].isin(time_filter) & (300 <= hotspots_df['items'])] hotspotsslice_2 = hotspots_df[hotspots_df['weekdays'].isin(hotspot_dow_filter) &\ hotspots_df['hour'].isin(time_filter) & (100 <= hotspots_df['items']) & (hotspots_df['items'] < 300)] hotspotsslice_3 = hotspots_df[hotspots_df['weekdays'].isin(hotspot_dow_filter) &\ hotspots_df['hour'].isin(time_filter) & (30 <= hotspots_df['items']) & (hotspots_df['items'] < 100)] hotspotsslice_4 = hotspots_df[hotspots_df['weekdays'].isin(hotspot_dow_filter) &\ hotspots_df['hour'].isin(time_filter) & (10 <= hotspots_df['items']) & (hotspots_df['items'] < 30)] # debug uses - print the statistics on server side print dataslice.describe() print uberslice.describe() print hotspotsslice_1.describe() print hotspotsslice_2.describe() print hotspotsslice_3.describe() print hotspotsslice_4.describe() # prepare geojson data pickup_points = geojson.MultiPoint([(x, y) for x, y in zip( dataslice['pickup_longitude'], dataslice['pickup_latitude'])]) dropoff_points = geojson.MultiPoint([(x, y) for x, y in zip( dataslice['dropoff_longitude'], dataslice['dropoff_latitude'])]) uber_points = geojson.MultiPoint([ (x, y) for x, y in zip(uberslice['longitude'], uberslice['latitude']) ]) hotspots_1_points = geojson.MultiPoint([ (x, y) for x, y in zip(hotspotsslice_1['lng'], hotspotsslice_1['lat']) ]) hotspots_2_points = geojson.MultiPoint([ (x, y) for x, y in zip(hotspotsslice_2['lng'], hotspotsslice_2['lat']) ]) hotspots_3_points = geojson.MultiPoint([ (x, y) for x, y in zip(hotspotsslice_3['lng'], hotspotsslice_3['lat']) ]) hotspots_4_points = geojson.MultiPoint([ (x, y) for x, y in zip(hotspotsslice_4['lng'], hotspotsslice_4['lat']) ]) # pack geojson data as features pickup_feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=pickup_points, properties={\ 'status':'pickup', 'radius':2.5, 'color': '#ff7800'}) dropoff_feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=dropoff_points, properties={\ 'status':'dropoff', 'radius':2.5, 'color': '#006799'}) uber_feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=uber_points, properties={\ 'status':'uber', 'radius':2.5, 'color': '#449933'}) hotspots_1_feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=hotspots_1_points, properties={\ 'status':'hotspots', 'hotspots':1, 'radius':25, 'color': '#dc143c'}) hotspots_2_feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=hotspots_2_points, properties={\ 'status':'hotspots', 'hotspots':1, 'radius':15, 'color': '#dc143c'}) hotspots_3_feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=hotspots_3_points, properties={\ 'status':'hotspots', 'hotspots':1, 'radius':8.5, 'color': '#dc143c'}) hotspots_4_feature = geojson.Feature(geometry=hotspots_4_points, properties={\ 'status':'hotspots', 'hotspots':1, 'radius':5, 'color': '#dc143c'}) # pack into geojson FeatureCollection and send to webpage data = geojson.FeatureCollection([pickup_feature, dropoff_feature, uber_feature,\ hotspots_1_feature, hotspots_2_feature, hotspots_3_feature, hotspots_4_feature]) return geojson.dumps(data)
def build_snapped_feature(way_id, snapped_points, indices): return geojson.Feature(geometry=geojson.MultiPoint( [snapped_points[i] for i in indices]), properties={'way_id': way_id})
def test_not_sequence(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: geojson.MultiPoint([5], validate=True) self.assertIn('each position must be a list', str(cm.exception))
def test_valid_multipoint_with_elevation(self): mpoint = geojson.MultiPoint([(10, 20, 30), (30, 40, 50)]) self.assertEqual(is_valid(mpoint)['valid'], YES)
def test_valid_multipoint(self): mpoint = geojson.MultiPoint([(10, 20), (30, 40)]) self.assertEqual(is_valid(mpoint)['valid'], YES)
def test_invalid_multipoint(self): mpoint = geojson.MultiPoint([(3.5887, ), (3.5887, 10.44558), (2.5555, 3.887, 4.56), (2.44, 3.44, 2.555, 4.56)]) self.assertEqual(is_valid(mpoint)['valid'], NO)
def test_not_number(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm: geojson.MultiPoint([[1, '?']], validate=False) self.assertIn('is not a JSON compliant number', str(cm.exception))
def e2feature(graph, e, e_id, transport, e2layout, mask=DEFAULT_LAYER2MASK[DEFAULT_LAYER]): root = graph.getRoot() layout = root[VIEW_LAYOUT] s, t = graph.source(e), xy = lambda n: (layout[n].getX(), layout[n].getY()) wh = lambda n: (root[VIEW_SIZE][n].getW() / 2, root[VIEW_SIZE][n].getH() / 2) e_lo = layout[e] while e_lo and xy(s) == [e_lo[0][0], e_lo[0][1]]: e_lo = e_lo[1:] while e_lo and xy(t) == [e_lo[-1][0], e_lo[-1][1]]: e_lo = e_lo[:-1] s_x, s_y = get_border_coord(xy(s), (e_lo[0][0], e_lo[0][1]) if e_lo else xy(t), wh(s), root[TYPE][s]) t_x, t_y = get_border_coord(xy(t), (e_lo[-1][0], e_lo[-1][1]) if e_lo else xy(s), wh(t), root[TYPE][t]) while e_lo and [s_x, s_y] == [e_lo[0][0], e_lo[0][1]]: e_lo = e_lo[1:] while e_lo and [t_x, t_y] == [e_lo[-1][0], e_lo[-1][1]]: e_lo = e_lo[:-1] e2layout[e_id] = [[s_x, s_y]] + [[it[0], it[1]] for it in e_lo] + [[t_x, t_y]] geom = geojson.MultiPoint(e2layout[e_id]) generalized = graph.isMetaNode(s) or graph.isMetaNode(t) real_e = e while root.isMetaEdge(real_e): real_e = next((ee for ee in root[VIEW_META_GRAPH][real_e] if not root[UBIQUITOUS][ee]), next(iter(root[VIEW_META_GRAPH][real_e]))) ubiquitous = root[UBIQUITOUS][real_e] color = triplet(root[VIEW_COLOR][real_e]) props = {WIDTH: get_e_size(root, e).getW(), TYPE: TYPE_EDGE, STOICHIOMETRY: graph[STOICHIOMETRY][e], COLOR: get_edge_color(ubiquitous, generalized, transport, color), LAYER: mask} if not transport: props[COMPARTMENT_ID] = root[COMPARTMENT_ID][s] else: props[LAYER] |= TRANSPORT_MASK if ubiquitous: props[LAYER] |= UBIQUITOUS_MASK features = [geojson.Feature(id=e_id, geometry=geom, properties=props)] # Draw an arrow if it's a edge between a reaction and a product or between a reversible reaction and a reactant t_reaction = if TYPE_REACTION == root[TYPE][] else None s_reaction = root.source(real_e) if TYPE_REACTION == root[TYPE][root.source(real_e)] else None p_x, p_y = None, None st_x, st_y = None, None if t_reaction and root[REVERSIBLE][t_reaction]: p_x, p_y = s_x, s_y st_x, st_y = (e_lo[0][0], e_lo[0][1]) if e_lo else (t_x, t_y) elif s_reaction: p_x, p_y = t_x, t_y st_x, st_y = (e_lo[-1][0], e_lo[-1][1]) if e_lo else (s_x, s_y) if p_x is not None and p_y is not None: alpha = atan2(p_y - st_y, p_x - st_x) if not math.isnan(alpha): l = .4 # point (l, 0) # rotate alpha +- beta # move p_x, p_y up_x_y = [p_x + l * cos(alpha + BETA_UP), p_y + l * sin(alpha + BETA_UP)] down_x_y = [p_x + l * cos(alpha + BETA_DOWN), p_y + l * sin(alpha + BETA_DOWN)] arrow_up = geojson.Feature(id=e_id + "_up", geometry=geojson.MultiPoint([[p_x, p_y], up_x_y]), properties=props.copy()) arrow_down = geojson.Feature(id=e_id + "_down", geometry=geojson.MultiPoint([[p_x, p_y], down_x_y]), properties=props.copy()) features.append(arrow_down) features.append(arrow_up) return features
def build_and_save_GeoJson(routes, routesNodesIds, nodesTab, fileName): flipLocationsRoutes = [] flipLocationSegments = [] routesNodesLocation = [] routeNodesLocation = [] i = 1 for segments in routes: for segment in segments: flipLocationSegments.append([(sub[1], sub[0]) for sub in segment]) flipLocationsRoutes.append(flipLocationSegments) flipLocationSegments = [] features = [] for flipLocations in flipLocationsRoutes: flipLocations = gjson.MultiLineString(flipLocations) features.append(gjson.Feature(geometry=flipLocations)) geoJson = gjson.FeatureCollection(features) with open(fileName + str(i) + ".geojson", 'w') as f: gjson.dump(geoJson, f) i = i + 1 features = [] for route in routesNodesIds: for nodeId in route: for i in range(len( if[i].id == nodeId: index = i routeNodesLocation.append( ([index].lon,[index].lat)) routesNodesLocation.append(routeNodesLocation) routeNodesLocation = [] depot = [] i = 1 for nodesLocation in routesNodesLocation: if (nodesLocation[0] not in depot): depot.append(nodesLocation.pop(0)) nodesLocation.pop(-1) else: nodesLocation.pop(-1) nodesLocation.pop(0) index = 1 with open(fileName + "_route_" + str(i) + "_points.csv", mode='w') as myFile: csv_writer = csv.writer(myFile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) csv_writer.writerow(["lon", "lat", "id"]) for node in nodesLocation: csv_writer.writerow( [node[0], node[1], routesNodesIds[i - 1][index]]) index = index + 1 i = i + 1 geojsonPoints = gjson.MultiPoint(nodesLocation) features.append(gjson.Feature(geometry=geojsonPoints)) geoJson = gjson.FeatureCollection(features) with open(fileName + "_points.geojson", 'w') as f: gjson.dump(geoJson, f) features = [] depotGeojsonPoints = gjson.MultiPoint(depot) features.append(gjson.Feature(geometry=depotGeojsonPoints)) geoJson = gjson.FeatureCollection(features) with open(fileName + "_depot.geojson", 'w') as f: gjson.dump(geoJson, f)
def test_valid_multipoint(self): mpoint = geojson.MultiPoint([(10, 20), (30, 40)]) self.assertEqual(mpoint.is_valid, True)
[100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0], ], [ [100.8, 0.8], [100.8, 0.2], [100.2, 0.2], [100.2, 0.8], [100.8, 0.8], ], ] ) ) _multipoint = geojson.MultiPoint([[100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0]]) def test_MultiPoint_valid(): roax.geo.MultiPoint().validate(_multipoint) def test_MultiPoint_str_bin(): _test_str_bin(roax.geo.MultiPoint(), _multipoint) _multilinestring = geojson.MultiLineString( [[[100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0]], [[102.0, 2.0], [103.0, 3.0]]] )
db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cur = db.cursor() cur2 = db.cursor() cur3 = db.cursor() features = [] cur.execute("select route_id from route") for i in cur: cur2.execute("select route_seq from route_path where route_id = '" + str(i[0]) + "'") rowresult = cur2.fetchone() if rowresult is None: continue obj_feature = geojson.Feature()['title'] = str(i[0])['icon'] = 'crosshair' obj_point = geojson.MultiPoint() obj_point.coordinates = [] for k in rowresult[0].split(','): cur3.execute("select stop_lat, stop_lon from stop where stop_id = " + k) stoploc = cur3.fetchone() if stoploc is None: stoploc = [0, 0] obj_point.coordinates.append((stoploc[1], stoploc[0])) obj_feature.geometry = obj_point features.append(obj_feature) obj_featurecollection = geojson.FeatureCollection(features) cur.close() cur2.close() cur3.close() db.close()
# Polygons geo_polygon = geojson.Polygon([[(2.38, 57.322), (23.194, -20.28), (-120.43, 19.15), (2.38, 57.322)]]) wkt_polygon = 'POLYGON ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10))' # Polygons with holes geo_polygon_with_hole = geojson.Polygon([[(2.38, 57.322), (23.194, -20.28), (-120.43, 19.15), (2.38, 57.322)], [(-5.21, 23.51), (15.21, -10.81), (-20.51, 1.51), (-5.21, 23.51)]]) wkt_polygon_with_hole = ('POLYGON ((35 10, 45 45, 15 40, 10 20, 35 10),' ' (20 30, 35 35, 30 20, 20 30))') # MultiPoints geo_multipoint = geojson.MultiPoint([(-155.52, 19.61), (-156.22, 20.74), (-157.97, 21.46)]) wkt_multipoint = 'MULTIPOINT (10 40, 40 30, 20 20, 30 10)' wkt_multipoint_alternate = 'MULTIPOINT ((10 40), (40 30), (20 20), (30 10))' # MultiLineStrings geo_multilinestring = geojson.MultiLineString([[(3.75, 9.25), (-130.95, 1.52)], [(23.15, -34.25), (-1.35, -4.65), (3.45, 77.95)]]) wkt_multilinestring = ('MULTILINESTRING ((10 10, 20 20, 10 40),' ' (40 40, 30 30, 40 20, 30 10))') # MultiPolygons geo_multipolygon = geojson.MultiPolygon([[([(30, 20), (45, 40), (10, 40), (30, 20)]), ([(15, 5), (40, 10), (10, 20),