Exemple #1

# The VMC sets the fields using the "/mcDet/setIsLocalMagField true" option in "gconfig/g4config.in"
import geomGeant4
# geomGeant4.setMagnetField() # replaced by VMC, only has effect if /mcDet/setIsLocalMagField  false

# Define extra VMC B fields not already set by the geometry definitions, e.g. a global field,
# any field maps, or defining if any volumes feel only the local or local+global field.
# For now, just keep the fields already defined by the C++ code, i.e comment out the fieldMaker
if charm == 0:  # charm and muflux testbeam not yet updated for using the new bfield interface
    if hasattr(ship_geo.Bfield, "fieldMap"):
        fieldMaker = geomGeant4.addVMCFields(ship_geo, '', True)

# Print VMC fields and associated geometry objects
if debug > 0:
    geomGeant4.printWeightsandFields(onlyWithField = True,\
# Plot the field example
#fieldMaker.plotField(1, ROOT.TVector3(-9000.0, 6000.0, 50.0), ROOT.TVector3(-300.0, 300.0, 6.0), 'Bzx.png')
#fieldMaker.plotField(2, ROOT.TVector3(-9000.0, 6000.0, 50.0), ROOT.TVector3(-400.0, 400.0, 6.0), 'Bzy.png')

if inactivateMuonProcesses:
    ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine('#include "Geant4/G4ProcessTable.hh"')
    mygMC = ROOT.TGeant4.GetMC()
    mygMC.ProcessGeantCommand("/process/inactivate muPairProd")
    mygMC.ProcessGeantCommand("/process/inactivate muBrems")
    mygMC.ProcessGeantCommand("/process/inactivate muIoni")
    mygMC.ProcessGeantCommand("/process/inactivate muonNuclear")
    mygMC.ProcessGeantCommand("/particle/select mu+")
Exemple #2
  trajFilter.SetEnergyCut(0., 400.*u.GeV)

# The VMC sets the fields using the "/mcDet/setIsLocalMagField true" option in "gconfig/g4config.in"
import geomGeant4
# geomGeant4.setMagnetField() # replaced by VMC, only has effect if /mcDet/setIsLocalMagField  false

# Define extra VMC B fields not already set by the geometry definitions, e.g. a global field,
# any field maps, or defining if any volumes feel only the local or local+global field.
# For now, just keep the fields already defined by the C++ code, i.e comment out the fieldMaker
#fieldMaker = geomGeant4.addVMCFields('field/ExampleBFieldSetup.txt', False)
# Print VMC fields and associated geometry objects
if debug > 0:
 geomGeant4.printWeightsandFields(onlyWithField = True,\
# Plot the field example
#fieldMaker.plotField(1, ROOT.TVector3(-9000.0, 6000.0, 50.0), ROOT.TVector3(-300.0, 300.0, 6.0), 'Bzx.png')
#fieldMaker.plotField(2, ROOT.TVector3(-9000.0, 6000.0, 50.0), ROOT.TVector3(-400.0, 400.0, 6.0), 'Bzy.png')

if inactivateMuonProcesses :
 ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine('#include "Geant4/G4ProcessTable.hh"')
 mygMC = ROOT.TGeant4.GetMC()
 mygMC.ProcessGeantCommand("/process/inactivate muPairProd")
 mygMC.ProcessGeantCommand("/process/inactivate muBrems")
 mygMC.ProcessGeantCommand("/process/inactivate muIoni")
 mygMC.ProcessGeantCommand("/particle/select mu+")
 gProcessTable = ROOT.G4ProcessTable.GetProcessTable()