def getProperAlt(origin, destination, course):
    start = str(origin.latlon)
    end = str(destination.latlon)
    path = start + "|" + end
    elevations = getElevation(path, chartSize="700x200")
    # get the maximum altitude
    maxAlt = max(elevations)
    # for hemispheric rule for cruising altitudes
    start_lat = start.split(", ")[0]
    start_lon = start.split(", ")[1]
    mag_hdg = mag_heading(float(course[1]), float(start_lat),
                          float(start_lon))  # Get the magnetic heading

    cruise_alt = roundthousand(maxAlt * meters_to_feet)
    thousands = int(cruise_alt / 1000)

    if mag_hdg >= 0 and mag_hdg <= 179:
        if (thousands % 2 == 0):
            cruise_alt += 1000
        if not thousands % 2 == 0:
            cruise_alt += 1000

    # for all VFR flights
    cruise_alt += 500
    if (cruise_alt < 1500):
        cruise_alt += 2000

    pathMap = getChart(elevations)

    return (cruise_alt, pathMap)
Exemple #2
def get_bearing(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
    Calculate the bearing between two coordinates
    :param a pair of lat,lon coordinates:
    :return: bearing in degrees
    waypoint_1 = xyz(lat1, lon1)
    waypoint_2 = xyz(lat2, lon2)
    true_north = great_circle_angle(waypoint_2, waypoint_1, geographic_northpole)
    bearing = geomag.mag_heading(true_north, dlat=lat1, dlon=lon1)

    return bearing
Exemple #3
	def update_data(self):
		if self.start_pos==None or self.dest_pos==None: return

		self.data_dist.set_text("Distance: %f km" % (geo.distance(self.start_pos,self.dest_pos)/1000.))

		if not self.start_pos==self.dest_pos:
				true_north = geo.great_circle_angle(self.dest_pos,self.start_pos,geo.geographic_northpole)
				angle = geomag.mag_heading(true_north,dlat=self.start_lat,dlon=self.start_lon)
				angle = geo.great_circle_angle(self.dest_pos,self.start_pos,geo.magnetic_northpole)
			self.data_dir.set_text("Direction: %f\xc2\xb0 from north (%s)" % (angle, geo.direction_name(angle)))
			self.data_dir.set_text("Start point and destination is the same!")	
 def magCorrect(self):
     self.mag_hdg = mag_heading(
         float(self.true_hdg), float(,
         float(self.from_poi.lon))  # Get the magnetic heading
     self.mag_var = float("{0:.2f}".format(
         getHeadingDiff(self.true_hdg, self.mag_hdg)))
Exemple #5
def radial_dme(lat,
    # Read the list of NAVAIDs
    # PATH needs to be replaced by generic
    navaid_file = os.path.join(MSUI_CONFIG_PATH, 'plugins',
    navaid = open(navaid_file, encoding='utf-8-sig')
    csvreader = csv.reader(navaid)
    header = next(csvreader)
    ix = header.index('X')
    iy = header.index('Y')
    itype = header.index('TYPE_CODE')
    iident = header.index('IDENT')
    locations = []
    navidents = []
    for row in csvreader:
        # Find the ones that are useful to the pilots (types 6, 7, or 8)
        type_code = int(row[itype])
        if type_code == 6 or type_code == 7 or type_code == 8:
            navlon = float(row[ix])
            navlat = float(row[iy])
            locations.append((navlat, navlon))

    # Determine nearest NAVAID to the lat/lon point in nautical miles.
    position = (lat, lon)
    dist = [geodesic(position, i).nm for i in locations]
    minpos = dist.index(min(dist))
    navident = navidents[minpos]
    navlat = locations[minpos][0]
    navlon = locations[minpos][1]

    # Calculate the true heading to the nearest NAVAID
    # Uses WGS84 ellipsoid for the earth
    true_bear = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(navlat, navlon, lat, lon)['azi1']

    # Convert to magnetic heading (note: elevation converted to feet)
    mag_bear = geomag.mag_heading(true_bear,
                                  h=elev * 3280.8399,

    # Round to whole numbers
    az = round(mag_bear)
    rng = round(dist[minpos])

    # Print and return values
    lonx = np.mod((lon + 180), 360) - 180
    hemx = 'E'
    if lonx < 0:
        hemx = 'W'
    hemy = 'N'
    if lat < 0:
        hemy = 'S'

    lonx = np.abs(lonx)
    latx = np.abs(lat)
    latdeg = int(np.floor(latx))
    londeg = int(np.floor(lonx))
    latmin = int(round((latx - np.floor(latx)) * 60.))
    lonmin = int(round((lonx - np.floor(lonx)) * 60.))

    if rng > maxdist:
        wpt_str = '{:02d}{:02d}{}{:03d}{:02d}{}'.format(
            latdeg, latmin, hemy, londeg, lonmin, hemx)
        wpt_str = '{}{:03d}{:03d}'.format(navident, az, rng)
    if rng <= 1:
        wpt_str = navident
    return wpt_str