def __init__(self, geometric_model='affine', use_cuda=True, grid_size=20): super(CycleLoss, self).__init__() self.geometric_model = geometric_model # define virtual grid of points to be transformed axis_coords = np.linspace(-1, 1, grid_size) self.N = grid_size * grid_size # X and Y.shape: (20, 20) X, Y = np.meshgrid(axis_coords, axis_coords) # X and Y.shape: (1, 1, 400), P.shape: (1, 2, 400) X = np.reshape(X, (1, 1, self.N)) Y = np.reshape(Y, (1, 1, self.N)) P = np.concatenate((X, Y), 1) # self.P = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(P), requires_grad=False) self.P = torch.Tensor(P.astype(np.float32)) self.P.requires_grad = False self.pointTnf = PointTPS(use_cuda=use_cuda) if use_cuda: self.P = self.P.cuda()
class TransformedGridLoss(nn.Module): """ Compute loss by computing distances between (1) grid points transformed by ground-truth theta (2) grid points transformed by predicted theta_tr and theta_st """ def __init__(self, geometric_model='tps', use_cuda=True, grid_size=20): super(TransformedGridLoss, self).__init__() self.geometric_model = geometric_model # define virtual grid of points to be transformed axis_coords = np.linspace(-1, 1, grid_size) self.N = grid_size * grid_size # X and Y.shape: (20, 20) X, Y = np.meshgrid(axis_coords, axis_coords) # X and Y.shape: (1, 1, 400), P.shape: (1, 2, 400) X = np.reshape(X, (1, 1, self.N)) Y = np.reshape(Y, (1, 1, self.N)) P = np.concatenate((X, Y), 1) # self.P = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(P), requires_grad=False) self.P = torch.Tensor(P.astype(np.float32)) self.P.requires_grad = False self.pointTPS = PointTPS(use_cuda=use_cuda) self.pointTnf = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda) if use_cuda: self.P = self.P.cuda() def forward(self, theta_st, theta_tr, theta_GT): # expand grid according to batch size # theta.shape: (batch_size, 18) for tps, (batch_size, 6) for affine # theta_GT.shape: (batch_size, 18, 1, 1) for tps, (batch_size, 6) for affine batch_size = theta_st.size()[0] # P.shape: (batch_size, 2, 400) P = self.P.expand(batch_size, 2, self.N) # compute transformed grid points using estimated and GT tnfs # P_prime and P_prime_GT.shape: (batch_size, 2, 400) P_prime = self.pointTPS.tpsPointTnf( theta_tr.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3), P) P_prime = self.pointTPS.tpsPointTnf( theta_st.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3), P_prime) P_prime_GT = self.pointTnf.tpsPointTnf(theta_GT, P) # compute MSE loss on transformed grid points loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(P_prime - P_prime_GT, 2), 1) loss = torch.mean(loss) return loss
def vis_fn(vis, train_loss, val_pck, train_lr, epoch, num_epochs, dataloader, theta, thetai, results, geometric_model='tps', use_cuda=True): # Visualize watch images if geometric_model == 'tps': geoTnf = GeometricTnf(geometric_model='tps', use_cuda=use_cuda) elif geometric_model == 'affine': geoTnf = GeometricTnf(geometric_model='affine', use_cuda=use_cuda) pt = PointTPS(use_cuda=use_cuda) group_size = 3 watch_images = torch.ones(len(dataloader) * group_size, 3, 280, 240) watch_keypoints = -torch.ones(len(dataloader) * group_size, 2, 20) if use_cuda: watch_images = watch_images.cuda() watch_keypoints = watch_keypoints.cuda() num_points = np.ones(len(dataloader) * group_size).astype(np.int8) correct_index = list() image_names = list() metrics = list() # Colors for keypoints cmap = plt.get_cmap('tab20') colors = list() for c in range(20): r = cmap(c)[0] * 255 g = cmap(c)[1] * 255 b = cmap(c)[2] * 255 colors.append((b, g, r)) fnt = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX theta, thetai = swap(theta, thetai) # means for normalize of caffe resnet and vgg # pixel_means = torch.Tensor(np.array([[[[102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717]]]]).astype(np.float32)) for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader): if use_cuda: batch = batch_cuda(batch) batch['source_image'], batch['target_image'] = swap(batch['source_image'], batch['target_image']) batch['source_im_info'], batch['target_im_info'] = swap(batch['source_im_info'], batch['target_im_info']) batch['source_points'], batch['target_points'] = swap(batch['source_points'], batch['target_points']) # Theta and thetai if geometric_model == 'tps': theta_batch = theta['tps'][batch_idx].unsqueeze(0) theta_batch_inver = thetai['tps'][batch_idx].unsqueeze(0) elif geometric_model == 'affine': theta_batch = theta['aff'][batch_idx].unsqueeze(0) theta_batch_inver = thetai['aff'][batch_idx].unsqueeze(0) # Warped image warped_image = geoTnf(batch['source_image'], theta_batch) watch_images[batch_idx * group_size, :, 0:240, :] = batch['source_image'] watch_images[batch_idx * group_size + 1, :, 0:240, :] = warped_image watch_images[batch_idx * group_size + 2, :, 0:240, :] = batch['target_image'] # Warped keypoints source_im_size = batch['source_im_info'][:, 0:3] target_im_size = batch['target_im_info'][:, 0:3] source_points = batch['source_points'] target_points = batch['target_points'] source_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(P=source_points, im_size=source_im_size) target_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(P=target_points, im_size=target_im_size) if geometric_model == 'tps': warped_points_norm = pt.tpsPointTnf(theta=theta_batch_inver, points=source_points_norm) elif geometric_model == 'affine': warped_points_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_batch_inver, points=source_points_norm) warped_points = PointsToPixelCoords(P=warped_points_norm, im_size=target_im_size) _, index_correct, N_pts = pck(target_points, warped_points) watch_keypoints[batch_idx * group_size, :, :N_pts] = relocate(batch['source_points'], source_im_size)[:, :, :N_pts] watch_keypoints[batch_idx * group_size + 1, :, :N_pts] = relocate(warped_points, target_im_size)[:, :, :N_pts] watch_keypoints[batch_idx * group_size + 2, :, :N_pts] = relocate(batch['target_points'], target_im_size)[:, :, :N_pts] num_points[batch_idx * group_size:batch_idx * group_size + group_size] = N_pts correct_index.append(np.arange(N_pts)) correct_index.append(index_correct) correct_index.append(np.arange(N_pts)) image_names.append('Source') if geometric_model == 'tps': image_names.append('TPS') elif geometric_model == 'affine': image_names.append('Affine') image_names.append('Target') metrics.append('') if geometric_model == 'tps': metrics.append('PCK: {:.2%}'.format(float(results['tps']['pck'][batch_idx]))) elif geometric_model == 'affine': metrics.append('PCK: {:.2%}'.format(float(results['aff']['pck'][batch_idx]))) metrics.append('') opts = dict(jpgquality=100, title='Epoch ' + str(epoch) + ' source warped target') # Un-normalize for caffe resnet and vgg # watch_images = watch_images.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) + pixel_means # watch_images = watch_images[:, :, :, [2, 1, 0]].permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # watch_images = normalize_image(watch_images, forward=False) * 255.0 watch_images[:, :, 0:240, :] = normalize_image(watch_images[:, :, 0:240, :], forward=False) watch_images *= 255.0 watch_images = watch_images.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) watch_keypoints = watch_keypoints.cpu().numpy() for i in range(watch_images.shape[0]): pos_name = (80, 255) if (i + 1) % group_size == 1 or (i + 1) % group_size == 0: pos_pck = (0, 0) else: pos_pck = (70, 275) cv2.putText(watch_images[i], image_names[i], pos_name, fnt, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1) cv2.putText(watch_images[i], metrics[i], pos_pck, fnt, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1) if (i + 1) % group_size == 0: for j in range(num_points[i]): cv2.drawMarker(watch_images[i], (watch_keypoints[i, 0, j], watch_keypoints[i, 1, j]), colors[j], cv2.MARKER_CROSS, 12, 2, cv2.LINE_AA) else: for j in correct_index[i]: cv2.drawMarker(watch_images[i], (watch_keypoints[i, 0, j], watch_keypoints[i, 1, j]), colors[j], cv2.MARKER_DIAMOND, 12, 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.drawMarker(watch_images[i], (watch_keypoints[i + (group_size - 1) - (i % group_size), 0, j], watch_keypoints[i + (group_size - 1) - (i % group_size), 1, j]), colors[j], cv2.MARKER_CROSS, 12, 2, cv2.LINE_AA) watch_images = torch.Tensor(watch_images.astype(np.float32)) watch_images = watch_images.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) vis.image(torchvision.utils.make_grid(watch_images, nrow=6, padding=3), opts=opts) if epoch == num_epochs: if geometric_model == 'affine': sub_str = 'Affine' elif geometric_model == 'tps': sub_str = 'TPS' epochs = np.arange(1, num_epochs+1) # Visualize train loss opts_loss = dict(xlabel='Epoch', ylabel='Loss', title='GM ResNet101 ' + sub_str + ' Training Loss', legend=['Loss'], width=2000) vis.line(train_loss, epochs, opts=opts_loss) # Visualize val pck opts_pck = dict(xlabel='Epoch', ylabel='Val PCK', title='GM ResNet101 ' + sub_str + ' Val PCK', legend=['PCK'], width=2000) vis.line(val_pck, epochs, opts=opts_pck) # Visualize train lr opts_lr = dict(xlabel='Epoch', ylabel='Learning Rate', title='GM ResNet101 ' + sub_str + ' Training Learning Rate', legend=['LR'], width=2000) vis.line(train_lr, epochs, opts=opts_lr)
def flow_metrics(batch, batch_start_idx, theta_det, theta_aff, theta_tps, theta_afftps, results, args): result_path = args.flow_output_dir do_det = theta_det is not None do_aff = theta_aff is not None do_tps = theta_tps is not None do_aff_tps = theta_afftps is not None pt = PointTPS(use_cuda=args.cuda) batch_size = batch['source_im_info'].size(0) for b in range(batch_size): # Get H, W of source and target image h_src = int(batch['source_im_info'][b, 0].cpu().numpy()) w_src = int(batch['source_im_info'][b, 1].cpu().numpy()) h_tgt = int(batch['target_im_info'][b, 0].cpu().numpy()) w_tgt = int(batch['target_im_info'][b, 1].cpu().numpy()) # Generate grid for warping grid_X, grid_Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, w_tgt), np.linspace(-1, 1, h_tgt)) # grid_X, grid_Y.shape: (1, h_tgt, w_tgt, 1) grid_X = torch.Tensor(grid_X).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(3) grid_Y = torch.Tensor(grid_Y).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(3) grid_X.requires_grad = False grid_Y.requires_grad = False if args.cuda: grid_X = grid_X.cuda() grid_Y = grid_Y.cuda() # Reshape to vector, grid_X_vec, grid_Y_vec.shape: (1, 1, h_tgt * w_tgt) grid_X_vec = grid_X.view(1, 1, -1) grid_Y_vec = grid_Y.view(1, 1, -1) # grid_XY_vec.shape: (1, 2, h_tgt * w_tgt) grid_XY_vec =, grid_Y_vec), 1) # Transform vector of points to grid def pointsToGrid(x, h_tgt=h_tgt, w_tgt=w_tgt): return x.contiguous().view(1, 2, h_tgt, w_tgt).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) idx = batch_start_idx + b if do_det: grid_det = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_det[b,:].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec)) flow_det = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_det, h_src=h_src, w_src=w_src) flow_det_path = os.path.join(result_path, 'det', batch['flow_path'][b]) # create_file_path(flow_det_path) # write_flo_file(flow_det, flow_det_path) if do_aff: if do_det: key = 'det_aff' grid_aff = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_det[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_aff[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec))) else: key = 'aff' grid_aff = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_aff[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec)) flow_aff = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_aff, h_src=h_src, w_src=w_src) flow_aff_path = os.path.join(result_path, key, batch['flow_path'][b]) # create_file_path(flow_aff_path) # write_flo_file(flow_aff, flow_aff_path) if do_tps: # vis = Visdom() # flow_gt = batch['flow_gt'][b] # vis.heatmap(flow_gt.cpu().numpy()[:, ::-1, 0]) # vis.heatmap(flow_gt.cpu().numpy()[:, ::-1, 1]) # flow_gt_img = visualize_flow(flow_gt.cpu().numpy()) # vis.image(flow_gt_img.transpose((2, 0, 1))) # vis.mesh(grid_XY_vec.squeeze().transpose(0, 1), opts=dict(opacity=0.3)) # vis.mesh(pt.tpsPointTnf(theta=theta_tps[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec).squeeze().transpose(0, 1), opts=dict(opacity=0.3)) # grid_XY = pointsToGrid(grid_XY_vec).squeeze(0) # in_bound_mask = (grid_XY[:, :, 0] > -1) & (grid_XY[:, :, 0] < 1) & (grid_XY[:, :, 1] > -1) & (grid_XY[:, :, 1] < 1) # vis.heatmap(in_bound_mask) # Get sampling grid with predicted TPS parameters, grid_tps.shape: (1, h_tgt, w_tgt, 2) grid_tps = pointsToGrid(pt.tpsPointTnf(theta=theta_tps[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec)) # Transform sampling grid to flow flow_tps = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_tps, h_src=h_src, w_src=w_src) flow_tps_path = os.path.join(result_path, 'tps', batch['flow_path'][b]) # create_file_path(flow_tps_path) # write_flo_file(flow_tps, flow_tps_path) if do_aff_tps: if do_det: key = 'det_aff_tps' grid_aff_tps = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_det[b,:].unsqueeze(0), points=pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_aff[b,:].unsqueeze(0), points=pt.tpsPointTnf(theta=theta_afftps[b,:].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec)))) else: key = 'afftps' grid_aff_tps = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_aff[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=pt.tpsPointTnf(theta=theta_afftps[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec))) flow_aff_tps = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_aff_tps,h_src=h_src,w_src=w_src) flow_aff_tps_path = os.path.join(result_path, key, batch['flow_path'][b]) # create_file_path(flow_aff_tps_path) # write_flo_file(flow_aff_tps, flow_aff_tps_path) idx = batch_start_idx+b return results
def area_metrics(batch, batch_start_idx, theta_det, theta_aff, theta_tps, theta_afftps, results, args): do_det = theta_det is not None do_aff = theta_aff is not None do_tps = theta_tps is not None do_aff_tps = theta_afftps is not None batch_size = batch['source_im_info'].size(0) pt = PointTPS(use_cuda=args.cuda) for b in range(batch_size): # Get H, W of source and target image h_src = int(batch['source_im_info'][b, 0].cpu().numpy()) w_src = int(batch['source_im_info'][b, 1].cpu().numpy()) h_tgt = int(batch['target_im_info'][b, 0].cpu().numpy()) w_tgt = int(batch['target_im_info'][b, 1].cpu().numpy()) # Transform annotated polygon to mask using given coordinates of key points # target_mask_np.shape: (h_tgt, w_tgt), target_mask.shape: (1, 1, h_tgt, w_tgt) target_mask_np, target_mask = poly_str_to_mask(poly_x_str=batch['target_polygon'][0][b], poly_y_str=batch['target_polygon'][1][b], out_h=h_tgt, out_w=w_tgt, use_cuda=args.cuda) source_mask_np, source_mask = poly_str_to_mask(poly_x_str=batch['source_polygon'][0][b], poly_y_str=batch['source_polygon'][1][b], out_h=h_src, out_w=w_src, use_cuda=args.cuda) # Generate grid for warping grid_X, grid_Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, w_tgt), np.linspace(-1, 1, h_tgt)) # grid_X, grid_Y.shape: (1, h_tgt, w_tgt, 1) grid_X = torch.Tensor(grid_X.astype(np.float32)).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(3) grid_Y = torch.Tensor(grid_Y.astype(np.float32)).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(3) grid_X.requires_grad = False grid_Y.requires_grad = False if args.cuda: grid_X = grid_X.cuda() grid_Y = grid_Y.cuda() # Reshape to vector, grid_X_vec, grid_Y_vec.shape: (1, 1, h_tgt * w_tgt) grid_X_vec = grid_X.view(1, 1, -1) grid_Y_vec = grid_Y.view(1, 1, -1) # grid_XY_vec.shape: (1, 2, h_tgt * w_tgt) grid_XY_vec =, grid_Y_vec), 1) # Transform vector of points to grid def pointsToGrid(x, h_tgt=h_tgt, w_tgt=w_tgt): return x.contiguous().view(1, 2, h_tgt, w_tgt).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) idx = batch_start_idx + b if do_det: grid_det = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_det[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec)) warped_mask_det = F.grid_sample(source_mask, grid_det) flow_det = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_det, h_src=h_src, w_src=w_src) results['det']['intersection_over_union'][idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask=warped_mask_det, target_mask=target_mask) results['det']['label_transfer_accuracy'][idx] = label_transfer_accuracy(warped_mask=warped_mask_det, target_mask=target_mask) results['det']['localization_error'][idx] = localization_error(source_mask_np=source_mask_np, target_mask_np=target_mask_np, flow_np=flow_det) if do_aff: if do_det: key = 'det_aff' grid_aff = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_det[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_aff[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec))) else: key = 'aff' grid_aff = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_aff[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec)) warped_mask_aff = F.grid_sample(source_mask, grid_aff) flow_aff = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_aff, h_src=h_src, w_src=w_src) results[key]['intersection_over_union'][idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask=warped_mask_aff, target_mask=target_mask) results[key]['label_transfer_accuracy'][idx] = label_transfer_accuracy(warped_mask=warped_mask_aff, target_mask=target_mask) results[key]['localization_error'][idx] = localization_error(source_mask_np=source_mask_np, target_mask_np=target_mask_np, flow_np=flow_aff) if do_tps: # Get sampling grid with predicted TPS parameters, grid_tps.shape: (1, h_tgt, w_tgt, 2) grid_tps = pointsToGrid(pt.tpsPointTnf(theta=theta_tps[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec)) warped_mask_tps = F.grid_sample(source_mask, grid_tps) # Sampling source_mask with warped grid # Transform sampling grid to flow flow_tps = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_tps, h_src=h_src, w_src=w_src) results['tps']['intersection_over_union'][idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask=warped_mask_tps, target_mask=target_mask) results['tps']['label_transfer_accuracy'][idx] = label_transfer_accuracy(warped_mask=warped_mask_tps, target_mask=target_mask) results['tps']['localization_error'][idx] = localization_error(source_mask_np=source_mask_np, target_mask_np=target_mask_np, flow_np=flow_tps) if do_aff_tps: if do_det: key = 'det_aff_tps' grid_aff_tps = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_det[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_aff[b,:].unsqueeze(0), points=pt.tpsPointTnf(theta=theta_afftps[b,:].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec)))) else: key = 'afftps' grid_aff_tps = pointsToGrid(pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_aff[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=pt.tpsPointTnf(theta=theta_afftps[b, :].unsqueeze(0), points=grid_XY_vec))) warped_mask_aff_tps = F.grid_sample(source_mask, grid_aff_tps) flow_aff_tps = th_sampling_grid_to_np_flow(source_grid=grid_aff_tps, h_src=h_src, w_src=w_src) results[key]['intersection_over_union'][idx] = intersection_over_union(warped_mask=warped_mask_aff_tps, target_mask=target_mask) results[key]['label_transfer_accuracy'][idx] = label_transfer_accuracy(warped_mask=warped_mask_aff_tps, target_mask=target_mask) results[key]['localization_error'][idx] = localization_error(source_mask_np=source_mask_np, target_mask_np=target_mask_np, flow_np=flow_aff_tps) return results
def pck_metric(batch, batch_start_idx, theta_det, theta_aff, theta_tps, theta_afftps, results, args): alpha = args.pck_alpha do_det = theta_det is not None do_aff = theta_aff is not None do_tps = theta_tps is not None do_aff_tps = theta_afftps is not None source_im_size = batch['source_im_info'][:, 0:3] target_im_size = batch['target_im_info'][:, 0:3] source_points = batch['source_points'] target_points = batch['target_points'] # Instantiate point transformer pt = PointTPS(use_cuda=args.cuda, tps_reg_factor=args.tps_reg_factor) # pt = PointTPS(use_cuda=args.cuda) # warp points with estimated transformations target_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(P=target_points, im_size=target_im_size) if do_det: # Affine transformation only based on object detection warped_points_det_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_det, points=target_points_norm) warped_points_det = PointsToPixelCoords(P=warped_points_det_norm, im_size=source_im_size) if do_aff: # do affine only warped_points_aff_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_aff, points=target_points_norm) if do_det: warped_points_aff_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_det, points=warped_points_aff_norm) warped_points_aff = PointsToPixelCoords(P=warped_points_aff_norm, im_size=source_im_size) if do_tps: # do tps only warped_points_tps_norm = pt.tpsPointTnf(theta=theta_tps, points=target_points_norm) warped_points_tps = PointsToPixelCoords(P=warped_points_tps_norm, im_size=source_im_size) if do_aff_tps: # do tps+affine warped_points_aff_tps_norm = pt.tpsPointTnf(theta=theta_afftps, points=target_points_norm) warped_points_aff_tps_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_aff, points=warped_points_aff_tps_norm) if do_det: warped_points_aff_tps_norm = pt.affPointTnf(theta=theta_det, points=warped_points_aff_tps_norm) warped_points_aff_tps = PointsToPixelCoords(P=warped_points_aff_tps_norm, im_size=source_im_size) L_pck = batch['L_pck'] current_batch_size = batch['source_im_info'].size(0) indices = range(batch_start_idx, batch_start_idx + current_batch_size) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if do_det: pck_det = pck(source_points, warped_points_det, L_pck, alpha) if do_aff: pck_aff = pck(source_points, warped_points_aff, L_pck, alpha) if do_tps: pck_tps = pck(source_points, warped_points_tps, L_pck, alpha) if do_aff_tps: pck_aff_tps = pck(source_points, warped_points_aff_tps, L_pck, alpha) if do_det: results['det']['pck'][indices] = pck_det.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy() if do_aff: if do_det: key = 'det_aff' else: key = 'aff' results[key]['pck'][indices] = pck_aff.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy() if do_tps: results['tps']['pck'][indices] = pck_tps.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy() if do_aff_tps: if do_det: key = 'det_aff_tps' else: key = 'afftps' results[key]['pck'][indices] = pck_aff_tps.unsqueeze(1).cpu().numpy() return results
def vis_pf(vis, dataloader, theta_1, theta_2, theta_inver_1, theta_inver_2, results_1, results_2, dataset_name, use_cuda=True): # Visualize watch images tpsTnf_1 = GeometricTnf(geometric_model='tps', use_cuda=use_cuda) tpsTnf_2 = GeometricTnf2(geometric_model='tps', use_cuda=use_cuda) pt_1 = PointTnf(use_cuda=use_cuda) pt_2 = PointTPS(use_cuda=use_cuda) group_size = 4 watch_images = torch.ones(len(dataloader) * group_size, 3, 280, 240) watch_keypoints = -torch.ones(len(dataloader) * group_size, 2, 20) if use_cuda: watch_images = watch_images.cuda() watch_keypoints = watch_keypoints.cuda() num_points = np.ones(len(dataloader) * 6).astype(np.int8) correct_index = list() image_names = list() metrics = list() # Colors for keypoints cmap = plt.get_cmap('tab20') colors = list() for c in range(20): r = cmap(c)[0] * 255 g = cmap(c)[1] * 255 b = cmap(c)[2] * 255 colors.append((b, g, r)) fnt = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX # means for normalize of caffe resnet and vgg # pixel_means = torch.Tensor(np.array([[[[102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717]]]]).astype(np.float32)) for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(dataloader): if use_cuda: batch = batch_cuda(batch) # Theta and theta_inver theta_tps_1 = theta_1['tps'][batch_idx].unsqueeze(0) theta_tps_2 = theta_2['tps'][batch_idx].unsqueeze(0) thetai_tps_1 = theta_inver_1['tps'][batch_idx].unsqueeze(0) thetai_tps_2 = theta_inver_2['tps'][batch_idx].unsqueeze(0) # Warped image warped_tps_1 = tpsTnf_1(batch['source_image'], theta_tps_1) warped_tps_2 = tpsTnf_2(batch['source_image'], theta_tps_2) watch_images[batch_idx * group_size, :, 0:240, :] = batch['source_image'] watch_images[batch_idx * group_size + 1, :, 0:240, :] = warped_tps_1 watch_images[batch_idx * group_size + 2, :, 0:240, :] = warped_tps_2 watch_images[batch_idx * group_size + 3, :, 0:240, :] = batch['target_image'] # Warped keypoints source_im_size = batch['source_im_info'][:, 0:3] target_im_size = batch['target_im_info'][:, 0:3] source_points = batch['source_points'] target_points = batch['target_points'] source_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(P=source_points, im_size=source_im_size) target_points_norm = PointsToUnitCoords(P=target_points, im_size=target_im_size) warped_points_tps_norm_1 = pt_1.tpsPointTnf(theta=thetai_tps_1, points=source_points_norm) warped_points_tps_1 = PointsToPixelCoords(P=warped_points_tps_norm_1, im_size=target_im_size) pck_tps_1, index_tps_1, N_pts = pck(target_points, warped_points_tps_1, dataset_name) warped_points_tps_1 = relocate(warped_points_tps_1, target_im_size) warped_points_tps_norm_2 = pt_2.tpsPointTnf(theta=thetai_tps_2, points=source_points_norm) warped_points_tps_2 = PointsToPixelCoords(P=warped_points_tps_norm_2, im_size=target_im_size) pck_tps_2, index_tps_2, _ = pck(target_points, warped_points_tps_2, dataset_name) warped_points_tps_2 = relocate(warped_points_tps_2, target_im_size) watch_keypoints[batch_idx * group_size, :, :N_pts] = relocate( batch['source_points'], source_im_size)[:, :, :N_pts] watch_keypoints[batch_idx * group_size + 1, :, :N_pts] = warped_points_tps_1[:, :, :N_pts] watch_keypoints[batch_idx * group_size + 2, :, :N_pts] = warped_points_tps_2[:, :, :N_pts] watch_keypoints[batch_idx * group_size + 3, :, :N_pts] = relocate( batch['target_points'], target_im_size)[:, :, :N_pts] num_points[batch_idx * group_size:batch_idx * group_size + group_size] = N_pts correct_index.append(np.arange(N_pts)) correct_index.append(index_tps_1) correct_index.append(index_tps_2) correct_index.append(np.arange(N_pts)) image_names.append('Source') image_names.append('TPS') image_names.append('TPS_Jitter') image_names.append('Target') metrics.append('') metrics.append('PCK: {:.2%}'.format(pck_tps_1)) metrics.append('PCK: {:.2%}'.format(pck_tps_2)) metrics.append('') opts = dict(jpgquality=100, title=dataset_name) # Un-normalize for caffe resnet and vgg # watch_images = watch_images.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) + pixel_means # watch_images = watch_images[:, :, :, [2, 1, 0]].permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # watch_images = normalize_image(watch_images, forward=False) * 255.0 watch_images[:, :, 0:240, :] = normalize_image(watch_images[:, :, 0:240, :], forward=False) watch_images *= 255.0 watch_images = watch_images.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) watch_keypoints = watch_keypoints.cpu().numpy() for i in range(watch_images.shape[0]): pos_name = (80, 255) if (i + 1) % group_size == 1 or (i + 1) % group_size == 0: pos_pck = (0, 0) else: pos_pck = (70, 275) cv2.putText(watch_images[i], image_names[i], pos_name, fnt, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1) cv2.putText(watch_images[i], metrics[i], pos_pck, fnt, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), 1) if (i + 1) % group_size == 0: for j in range(num_points[i]): cv2.drawMarker( watch_images[i], (watch_keypoints[i, 0, j], watch_keypoints[i, 1, j]), colors[j], cv2.MARKER_DIAMOND, 12, 2, cv2.LINE_AA) else: for j in correct_index[i]: cv2.drawMarker( watch_images[i], (watch_keypoints[i, 0, j], watch_keypoints[i, 1, j]), colors[j], cv2.MARKER_CROSS, 12, 2, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.drawMarker(watch_images[i], (watch_keypoints[i + (group_size - 1) - (i % group_size), 0, j], watch_keypoints[i + (group_size - 1) - (i % group_size), 1, j]), colors[j], cv2.MARKER_DIAMOND, 12, 2, cv2.LINE_AA) watch_images = torch.Tensor(watch_images.astype(np.float32)) watch_images = watch_images.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) vis.image(torchvision.utils.make_grid(watch_images, nrow=4, padding=5), opts=opts)