def deal_with_one_scene(scene, desc_name, timestr, num_keypts):
    calculate the relative repeatability under {num_keypts} settings for {scene}
    pcdpath = f"../data/3DMatch/fragments/{scene}/"
    keyptspath = f"../geometric_registration/{desc_name}_{timestr}/keypoints/{scene}"
    gtpath = f'../geometric_registration/gt_result/{scene}-evaluation/'
    gtLog = loadlog(gtpath)

    # register each pair
    num_frag = len([filename for filename in os.listdir(pcdpath) if filename.endswith('ply')])
    num_repeat_list = []
    for id1 in range(num_frag):
        for id2 in range(id1 + 1, num_frag):
            cloud_bin_s = f'cloud_bin_{id1}'
            cloud_bin_t = f'cloud_bin_{id2}'
            key = f'{cloud_bin_s.split("_")[-1]}_{cloud_bin_t.split("_")[-1]}'
            if key not in gtLog.keys():
            source_keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, cloud_bin_s)
            target_keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, cloud_bin_t)
            source_keypts = source_keypts[-num_keypts:, :]
            target_keypts = target_keypts[-num_keypts:, :]
            gtTrans = gtLog[key]
            pcd = open3d.PointCloud()
            pcd.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(target_keypts)
            target_keypts = np.asarray(pcd.points)
            distance = cdist(source_keypts, target_keypts, metric='euclidean')
            num_repeat = np.sum(distance.min(axis=0) < 0.1)
            num_repeat_list.append(num_repeat * 1.0 / num_keypts)
    # print(f"Scene {scene} repeatability: {sum(num_repeat_list) / len(num_repeat_list)}")
    return sum(num_repeat_list) / len(num_repeat_list)
def register2Fragments(id1,
    cloud_bin_s = f'cloud_bin_{id1}'
    cloud_bin_t = f'cloud_bin_{id2}'
    write_file = f'{cloud_bin_s}_{cloud_bin_t}.rt.txt'
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(resultpath, write_file)):
        #      print(f"{write_file} already exists.")
        return 0, 0, 0
    source_keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, cloud_bin_s)
    target_keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, cloud_bin_t)
    # print(source_keypts.shape)
    source_desc = get_desc(descpath, cloud_bin_s, desc_name=desc_name)
    target_desc = get_desc(descpath, cloud_bin_t, desc_name=desc_name)
    source_desc = np.nan_to_num(source_desc)
    target_desc = np.nan_to_num(target_desc)

    key = f'{cloud_bin_s.split("_")[-1]}_{cloud_bin_t.split("_")[-1]}'
    if key not in gtLog.keys():
        num_inliers = 0
        inlier_ratio = 0
        gt_flag = 0
        # find mutually cloest point.
        corr = calculate_M(source_desc, target_desc)

        gtTrans = gtLog[key]
        frag1 = source_keypts[corr[:, 0]]
        frag2_pc = open3d.PointCloud()
        frag2_pc.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(target_keypts[corr[:,
        frag2 = np.asarray(frag2_pc.points)
        distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(frag1 - frag2, 2), axis=1))
        num_inliers = np.sum(distance < 0.1)
        inlier_ratio = num_inliers / len(distance)
        gt_flag = 1
    s = f"{cloud_bin_s}\t{cloud_bin_t}\t{num_inliers}\t{inlier_ratio:.8f}\t{gt_flag}"
    with open(os.path.join(resultpath, f'{cloud_bin_s}_{cloud_bin_t}.rt.txt'),
              'w+') as f:
    return num_inliers, inlier_ratio, gt_flag
Exemple #3
def register2Fragments(id1, id2, pcdpath, keyptspath, descpath, desc_name='ppf'):
    cloud_bin_s = f'cloud_bin_{id1}'
    cloud_bin_t = f'cloud_bin_{id2}'
    # 1. load point cloud, keypoints, descriptors
    original_source_pc = get_pcd(pcdpath, cloud_bin_s)
    original_target_pc = get_pcd(pcdpath, cloud_bin_t)
    print("original source:", original_source_pc)
    print("original target:", original_target_pc)
    # downsample and estimate the normals
    voxel_size = 0.02
    source_pc = open3d.geometry.voxel_down_sample(original_source_pc, voxel_size)
    open3d.geometry.estimate_normals(source_pc, open3d.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=voxel_size * 2, max_nn=30))
    target_pc = open3d.geometry.voxel_down_sample(original_target_pc, voxel_size)
    open3d.geometry.estimate_normals(target_pc, open3d.KDTreeSearchParamHybrid(radius=voxel_size * 2, max_nn=30))
    print("downsampled source:", source_pc)
    print("downsampled target:", target_pc)
    # load keypoints and descriptors
    source_keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, cloud_bin_s)
    target_keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, cloud_bin_t)
    # print(source_keypts.shape)
    source_desc = get_desc(descpath, cloud_bin_s, desc_name=desc_name)
    target_desc = get_desc(descpath, cloud_bin_t, desc_name=desc_name)

    # 2. ransac
    # ransac_result = ransac_based_on_correspondence(source_keypts, target_keypts, source_desc, target_desc)
    ransac_result = ransac_based_on_feature_matching(source_keypts, target_keypts, source_desc, target_desc)
    print("RANSAC Correspondence_set:", len(ransac_result.correspondence_set))

    # 3. refine with ICP
    icp_result = icp_refine(source_pc, target_pc, ransac_result.transformation, voxel_size * 0.4)
    print("ICP Correspondence_set:", len(ransac_result.correspondence_set))

    # 4. transform the target_pc, so that source and target are in the same coordinates.

    # 5. compute the alignment
    start_time = time.time()
    align = cal_alignment(original_source_pc, original_target_pc, 0.05)
    print(time.time() - start_time)

    print("align:", align)
    print("trans:", icp_result.transformation)
Exemple #4
def prepare_ppf_input(pcdpath, ppfpath, keyptspath):
    num_frag = len(os.listdir(pcdpath))
    num_ppf = len(os.listdir(ppfpath))
    if num_frag == num_ppf:
        print("PPF already prepared.")
    for i in range(num_frag):
        filename = 'cloud_bin_' + str(i)
        pcd = get_pcd(pcdpath, filename)
        keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, filename)
        local_patches = build_ppf_input(pcd, keypts)  # [num_keypts, 1024, 4] + filename + ".ppf.bin",
        print("save", filename + '.ppf.bin')
Exemple #5
def register2Fragments(id1, id2, keyptspath, descpath, resultpath, logpath, gtLog, desc_name, inlier_ratio, distance_threshold):
    Register point cloud {id1} and {id2} using the keypts location and descriptors.
    cloud_bin_s = f'cloud_bin_{id1}'
    cloud_bin_t = f'cloud_bin_{id2}'
    write_file = f'{cloud_bin_s}_{cloud_bin_t}.rt.txt'
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(resultpath, write_file)):
        return 0, 0, 0
    source_keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, cloud_bin_s)
    target_keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, cloud_bin_t)
    source_desc = get_desc(descpath, cloud_bin_s, desc_name)
    target_desc = get_desc(descpath, cloud_bin_t, desc_name)
    source_desc = np.nan_to_num(source_desc)
    target_desc = np.nan_to_num(target_desc)
    # Select {num_keypts} points based on the scores. The descriptors and keypts are already sorted based on the detection score.
    num_keypts = 250
    source_keypts = source_keypts[-num_keypts:, :]
    source_desc = source_desc[-num_keypts:, :]
    target_keypts = target_keypts[-num_keypts:, :]
    target_desc = target_desc[-num_keypts:, :]
    # Select {num_keypts} points randomly.
    # num_keypts = 250
    # source_indices = np.random.choice(range(source_keypts.shape[0]), num_keypts)
    # target_indices = np.random.choice(range(target_keypts.shape[0]), num_keypts)
    # source_keypts = source_keypts[source_indices, :]
    # source_desc = source_desc[source_indices, :]
    # target_keypts = target_keypts[target_indices, :]
    # target_desc = target_desc[target_indices, :]
    key = f'{cloud_bin_s.split("_")[-1]}_{cloud_bin_t.split("_")[-1]}'
    if key not in gtLog.keys():
        # skip the pairs that have less than 30% overlap.
        num_inliers = 0
        inlier_ratio = 0
        gt_flag = 0
        # build correspondence set in feature space.
        corr = build_correspondence(source_desc, target_desc)

        # calculate the inlier ratio, this is for Feature Matching Recall.
        gt_trans = gtLog[key]
        frag1 = source_keypts[corr[:, 0]]
        frag2_pc = open3d.PointCloud()
        frag2_pc.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(target_keypts[corr[:, 1]])
        frag2 = np.asarray(frag2_pc.points)
        distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(frag1 - frag2, 2), axis=1))
        num_inliers = np.sum(distance < distance_threshold)
        if num_inliers / len(distance) < inlier_ratio:
            print("num_corr:", len(corr), "inlier_ratio:", num_inliers / len(distance))
        inlier_ratio = num_inliers / len(distance)
        gt_flag = 1

        # calculate the transformation matrix using RANSAC, this is for Registration Recall.
        source_pcd = open3d.PointCloud()
        source_pcd.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(source_keypts)
        target_pcd = open3d.PointCloud()
        target_pcd.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(target_keypts)
        s_desc = open3d.registration.Feature() = source_desc.T
        t_desc = open3d.registration.Feature() = target_desc.T
        result = open3d.registration_ransac_based_on_feature_matching(
            source_pcd, target_pcd, s_desc, t_desc,
            open3d.TransformationEstimationPointToPoint(False), 3,
            open3d.RANSACConvergenceCriteria(50000, 1000))

        # write the transformation matrix into .log file for evaluation.
        with open(os.path.join(logpath, f'{desc_name}_{timestr}.log'), 'a+') as f:
            trans = result.transformation
            trans = np.linalg.inv(trans)
            s1 = f'{id1}\t {id2}\t  37\n'
            f.write(f"{trans[0,0]}\t {trans[0,1]}\t {trans[0,2]}\t {trans[0,3]}\t \n")
            f.write(f"{trans[1,0]}\t {trans[1,1]}\t {trans[1,2]}\t {trans[1,3]}\t \n")
            f.write(f"{trans[2,0]}\t {trans[2,1]}\t {trans[2,2]}\t {trans[2,3]}\t \n")
            f.write(f"{trans[3,0]}\t {trans[3,1]}\t {trans[3,2]}\t {trans[3,3]}\t \n")

    # write the result into resultpath so that it can be re-shown.
    s = f"{cloud_bin_s}\t{cloud_bin_t}\t{num_inliers}\t{inlier_ratio:.8f}\t{gt_flag}"
    with open(os.path.join(resultpath, f'{cloud_bin_s}_{cloud_bin_t}.rt.txt'), 'w+') as f:
    return num_inliers, inlier_ratio, gt_flag
Exemple #6
def register2Fragments(id1, id2, keyptspath, descpath, resultpath, gtLog,
                       desc_name, inlier_ratio, distance_threshold):
    Register point cloud {id1} and {id2} using the keypts location and descriptors.
    # cloud_bin_s = f'Hokuyo_{id1}'
    # cloud_bin_t = f'Hokuyo_{id2}'
    cloud_bin_s = f'cloud_bin_{id1}'
    cloud_bin_t = f'cloud_bin_{id2}'
    write_file = f'{cloud_bin_s}_{cloud_bin_t}.rt.txt'
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(resultpath, write_file)):
        return 0, 0, 0
    source_keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, cloud_bin_s)
    target_keypts = get_keypts(keyptspath, cloud_bin_t)
    source_desc = get_desc(descpath, cloud_bin_s, desc_name)
    target_desc = get_desc(descpath, cloud_bin_t, desc_name)
    source_desc = np.nan_to_num(source_desc)
    target_desc = np.nan_to_num(target_desc)
    # Select {num_keypts} points based on the scores. The descriptors and keypts are already sorted based on the detection score.
    num_keypts = 250
    source_keypts = source_keypts[-num_keypts:, :]
    source_desc = source_desc[-num_keypts:, :]
    target_keypts = target_keypts[-num_keypts:, :]
    target_desc = target_desc[-num_keypts:, :]
    # Select {num_keypts} points randomly.
    # num_keypts = 250
    # source_indices = np.random.choice(range(source_keypts.shape[0]), num_keypts)
    # target_indices = np.random.choice(range(target_keypts.shape[0]), num_keypts)
    # source_keypts = source_keypts[source_indices, :]
    # source_desc = source_desc[source_indices, :]
    # target_keypts = target_keypts[target_indices, :]
    # target_desc = target_desc[target_indices, :]
    key = f'{cloud_bin_s.split("_")[-1]}_{cloud_bin_t.split("_")[-1]}'
    if key not in gtLog.keys():
        # skip the pairs that have less than 30% overlap.
        num_inliers = 0
        inlier_ratio = 0
        gt_flag = 0
        # find mutually cloest point.
        corr = build_correspondence(source_desc, target_desc)

        gtTrans = gtLog[key]
        frag1 = source_keypts[corr[:, 0]]
        frag2_pc = open3d.PointCloud()
        frag2_pc.points = open3d.utility.Vector3dVector(target_keypts[corr[:,
        frag2 = np.asarray(frag2_pc.points)
        distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(frag1 - frag2, 2), axis=1))
        num_inliers = np.sum(distance < distance_threshold)
        if num_inliers / len(distance) < inlier_ratio:
            print("num_corr:", len(corr), "inlier_ratio:",
                  num_inliers / len(distance))
        inlier_ratio = num_inliers / len(distance)
        gt_flag = 1

    # write the result into resultpath so that it can be re-shown.
    s = f"{cloud_bin_s}\t{cloud_bin_t}\t{num_inliers}\t{inlier_ratio:.8f}\t{gt_flag}"
    with open(os.path.join(resultpath, f'{cloud_bin_s}_{cloud_bin_t}.rt.txt'),
              'w+') as f:
    return num_inliers, inlier_ratio, gt_flag