def interpolate_measure(measure, alpha):
    R = measure.R
    t = measure.t
    q = g.SE3_from_rotation_translation(R, t)
    vel = g.SE3.algebra_from_group(q)

    rel = g.SE3.group_from_algebra(vel * alpha)
    newR, newt = g.rotation_translation_from_SE3(rel)
    return g2o.Isometry3d(newR, newt)
    def interpolate(self, old_time_stamp, new_time_stamp, measure):
        """Given a timestamp new_time_stamp at which an odometry message was
           received and the timestamp old_time_stamp of the last odometry
           message previously received, it might be the case that other
           messages, of non-odometry type, have been received in the time
           interval between these two timestamps. For instance, a Duckiebot
           might be seen by a watchtower at two timestamps time_stamp1 and
           time_stamp2 s.t. old_time_stamp < time_stamp1 < time_stamp2 <
           new_time_stamp. This function creates edges in the graph between each
           pair of vertices at consecutive timestamps (e.g.
           old_time_stamp-->time_stamp1, time_stamp1-->time_stamp2,
           time_stamp2-->new_time_stamp). The relative transform between each
           pair of vertices is assigned by performing a linear interpolation in
           the Lie algebra, based on the transform between old_time_stamp and
           new_time_stamp (contained in the odometry message) and on the
           relative time difference (e.g. time_stamp2 - time_stamp1).

               old_time_stamp: Timestamp of the last odometry message that was
                               received before the current odometry message, for
                               the node of type node_type and ID node_id.
               new_time_stamp: Timestamp of the current odometry message.
               node_type: Type of the node.
               node_id: ID of the node.
               measure: Transform contained in the current odometry message,
                        between timestamp old_time_stamp and time_stamp
        # Timestamps for which the interpolation should be performed. Note: also
        # old_time_stamp and new_time_stamp are included.
        with self.node_lock:
            to_interpolate = {
                for time_stamp in self.time_stamps_to_indices if
                (time_stamp >= old_time_stamp and time_stamp <= new_time_stamp)
        # Sort the time stamps.
        sorted_time_stamps = sorted(to_interpolate)
        # print("perfoming interpolation on %d nodes" % len(sorted_time_stamps))
        # Find the total time (time between the last and the first timestamp).
        total_delta_t = float(sorted_time_stamps[-1] - sorted_time_stamps[0])
        if (total_delta_t == 0.0):
            print("in interpolate, delta t is 0.0, with %s and list is:" %
            print("new_time_stamp is %f and old time stamp is %f" %
                  (old_time_stamp, new_time_stamp))
        # Perform a linear interpolation in the Lie algebra associated to SE3
        # group defined by the transform.
        R = measure.R
        t = measure.t
        q = g.SE3_from_rotation_translation(R, t)
        vel = g.SE3.algebra_from_group(q)
        cumulative_alpha = 0.0
        interpolation_list = []
        for i in range(0, len(sorted_time_stamps) - 1):
            # Find the time interval between each timestamp and the subsequent
            # one and linearly interpolate accordingly in the algebra.
            partial_delta_t = float(sorted_time_stamps[i + 1] -
            alpha = partial_delta_t / total_delta_t
            cumulative_alpha += alpha
            rel = g.SE3.group_from_algebra(vel * alpha)
            newR, newt = g.rotation_translation_from_SE3(rel)
            interpolated_measure = g2o.Isometry3d(newR, newt)

            vertex0_index = self.get_g2o_index(sorted_time_stamps[i])
            vertex1_index = self.get_g2o_index(sorted_time_stamps[i + 1])

            # Add an edge to the graph, connecting each timestamp to the one
            # following it and using the relative transform obtained by
            # interpolation.
                (vertex0_index, vertex1_index, interpolated_measure, 0.1))
        if (cumulative_alpha != 1.0):
        for args in interpolation_list: