def add_cutout(self,
        import copy
        c1 = copy.copy(corner_1)
        c2 = copy.copy(corner_2)
        # Change signs so positive relative movements go into the side
        if 'n' in bb_inner:
            c1.y = -corner_1.y
            c2.y = -corner_2.y
        if 'e' in bb_inner:
            c1.x = -corner_1.x
            c2.x = -corner_2.x

        if flipxy:
            c1 = Point(c1.y, c1.x)
            c2 = Point(c2.y, c2.x)

        bb = self.inner_bounding_box[bb_inner]
        c1 = c1.relative_to(bb)
        c2 = c2.relative_to(bb)
        c1.rotate(rotate, bb)
        c2.rotate(rotate, bb)
        self.cutouts.append((kind, name, c1, c2))
Exemple #2
    def _scale(self, point, rel, reverse, ratio):
        width = float(self.shape.bounds.width)
        height = float(self.shape.bounds.height)

        if ratio:
            old_r = self.grabbed_stamp.scale[1] / self.grabbed_stamp.scale[0]
            if old_r != ratio:
                self.grabbed_stamp.scale = (self.grabbed_stamp.scale[0], ratio *  self.grabbed_stamp.scale[0])
                print 'ratio:', self.grabbed_stamp.scale[1] / self.grabbed_stamp.scale[0]
        if reverse:
            anchor = Point(width/2 * self.grabbed_stamp.scale[0],
                           height/2 * self.grabbed_stamp.scale[1])
            anchor = Point(-width/2 * self.grabbed_stamp.scale[0],
                           -height/2 * self.grabbed_stamp.scale[1])
        anchor = Point.rotate(anchor, self.grabbed_stamp.angle)
        anchor.x += self.grabbed_stamp.pos.x
        anchor.y += self.grabbed_stamp.pos.y
        rel = Point(point.x - anchor.x, point.y - anchor.y)
        rel = Point.rotate(rel, -self.grabbed_stamp.angle)
        if ratio != None:
            a = self.grabbed_stamp.scale[0] > 0
            b = rel.x < rel.y
            c = reverse
            # No, this is not pretty. But I didn't like the alternative much
            # either. This reassigns either the x or y value such that
            # rel.y / rel.x = ratio, while also indirectly keeding the anchor
            # 'within' rel. This creates the expeceted behavior while resizing
            # and keeping the ratio, even when mirrored and flipped.
            if ((a and b and c) or (a and not b and not c) or
                (not a and b and not c) or (not a and not b and c)):
                rel.y = ratio * rel.x
            elif ((a and b and not c) or (a and not b and c) or
                  (not a and b and c) or (not a and not b and not c)):
                rel.x = 1 / ratio * rel.y

        dx = rel.x
        dy = rel.y
        if reverse:
            dx = -dx
            dy = -dy
        old_scale_x = self.grabbed_stamp.scale[0]
        old_scale_y = self.grabbed_stamp.scale[1]
        old_dx = width - old_scale_x * width
        old_dy = height - old_scale_y * height
        new_dx = old_dx + dx
        new_dy = old_dy + dy
        new_scale_x = (width - new_dx) / width
        new_scale_y = (height - new_dy) / height
        if abs(new_scale_x) > 0.1 and abs(new_scale_y) > 0.1:
            self.grabbed_stamp.scale = (new_scale_x, new_scale_y)
            if reverse:
                dx = -dx
                dy = -dy
            p = Point.rotate(Point(dx, dy), self.grabbed_stamp.angle)
            self.grabbed_stamp.pos.x += p.x / 2.0
            self.grabbed_stamp.pos.y += p.y / 2.0
Exemple #3
 def pointWithin(self, point, size):
     point = point.copy()
     point.x -= self.pos.x
     point.y -= self.pos.y
     point = Point.rotate(point, -self.angle)
     # Must shift coordinates back
     point.x += self.pos.x
     point.y += self.pos.y
     half_width = size[0] * self.scale[0] / 2.0
     half_height = size[1] * self.scale[1] / 2.0
     # For mirrored position the control points are mirrored as well.
     hw = half_width
     hh = half_height
     half_width = abs(half_width)
     half_height = abs(half_height)
     left = self.pos.x - half_width
     right = self.pos.x + half_width
     top = self.pos.y - half_height
     bottom = self.pos.y + half_height
     if left <= point.x <= right and top <= point.y <= bottom:
         if left <= point.x <= left + self.control_size:
             if top <= point.y <= top + self.control_size:
                 if hw >= 0:
                     if hh >= 0:
                         return self.SCALE_TL
                         return self.ROTATE_BL
                     if hh >= 0:
                         return self.ROTATE_TR
                         return self.SCALE_BR
             elif bottom - self.control_size <= point.y <= bottom:
                 if hw >= 0:
                     if hh >= 0:
                         return self.ROTATE_BL
                         return self.SCALE_TL
                     if hh >= 0:
                         return self.SCALE_BR
                         return self.ROTATE_TR
         elif right - self.control_size <= point.x <= right:
             if top <= point.y <= top + self.control_size:
                 if hw >= 0:
                     if hh >= 0:
                         return self.ROTATE_TR
                         return self.SCALE_BR
                     if hh >= 0:
                         return self.SCALE_TL
                         return self.ROTATE_BL
             elif bottom - self.control_size <= point.y <= bottom:
                 if hw >= 0:
                     if hh >= 0:
                         return self.SCALE_BR
                         return self.ROTATE_TR
                     if hh >= 0:
                         return self.ROTATE_BL
                         return self.SCALE_TL
             # There is probably a better way to do that, but I'm not going to worry about it :)
         return self.TRANSLATE
         return None
 def rotate_position(self, position, angle):
     rotated_point = Point.rotate(position, -angle)
     return tuple(rotated_point)