def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if self.image is None: continue if not self.camera_info_received: continue if self.rectify_flag: self.rectify_image() list_pose_tag = self.detect_april_tag() if not list_pose_tag: if self.encoder_conf_flag: trans_map_base_2D, theta_map_base_2D = translation_angle_from_SE2( self.pose_map_base_SE2) self.pose_map_base_SE2 = encoder_localization_client( trans_map_base_2D[0], trans_map_base_2D[1], theta_map_base_2D) self.tfs_msg_map_base.transform = self.pose2transform( SE3_from_SE2(self.pose_map_base_SE2)) self.tfs_msg_map_base.header.stamp = self.pub_tf_fused_loc.publish(self.tfs_msg_map_base) self.br_map_base.sendTransformMessage(self.tfs_msg_map_base) else: pose_dta_dtc = self.pose_inverse(list_pose_tag[0]) pose_april_cam = self.T_a_dta @ pose_dta_dtc @ self.T_dtc_c pose_map_base = self.pose_map_at @ pose_april_cam @ self.pose_cam_base quat_map_base = quaternion_from_matrix(pose_map_base) euler = euler_from_quaternion(quat_map_base) theta = euler[2] rot_map_base, translation_map_base = rotation_translation_from_SE3( pose_map_base) pose_map_base_SE2_enc = encoder_localization_client( translation_map_base[0], translation_map_base[1], theta) self.encoder_conf_flag = True self.pose_map_base_SE2 = SE2_from_xytheta( [translation_map_base[0], translation_map_base[1], theta]) self.tfs_msg_map_base.transform = self.pose2transform( SE3_from_SE2(self.pose_map_base_SE2)) self.tfs_msg_map_base.header.stamp = self.pub_tf_fused_loc.publish(self.tfs_msg_map_base) self.br_map_base.sendTransformMessage(self.tfs_msg_map_base) self.tfs_msg_map_april.header.stamp = self.image_timestamp self.static_tf_br_map_april.sendTransform( self.tfs_msg_map_april) self.tfs_msg_cam_base.header.stamp = self.image_timestamp self.static_tf_br_cam_base.sendTransform(self.tfs_msg_cam_base) self.tfs_msg_april_cam.transform = self.pose2transform( pose_april_cam) self.tfs_msg_april_cam.header.stamp = self.image_timestamp self.br_april_cam.sendTransformMessage(self.tfs_msg_april_cam)
def get_fused_pose(self, req): if req is None: pose_resp = None else: pose = SE2_from_xytheta([req.x, req.y, req.theta]) pose = self.db_kinematics.step(self.encoder_ticks_left_delta_t, self.encoder_ticks_right_delta_t, pose) trans, theta = translation_angle_from_SE2(pose) pose_resp = PoseResponse(trans[0], trans[1], theta) if not self.configure_flag: self.pose = pose self.configure_flag = True if self.configure_flag: self.pose = self.db_kinematics.step(self.encoder_ticks_left_delta_t, self.encoder_ticks_right_delta_t, self.pose) self.encoder_ticks_right_delta_t = 0 self.encoder_ticks_left_delta_t = 0 pose_SE3 = SE3_from_SE2(self.pose) rot, trans = rotation_translation_from_SE3(pose_SE3) quaternion_tf = quaternion_from_matrix(pose_SE3) quaternion = Quaternion(quaternion_tf[0], quaternion_tf[1], quaternion_tf[2], quaternion_tf[3]) translation = Vector3(trans[0], trans[1], trans[2]) trafo = Transform(translation, quaternion) self.tfs_msg.transform = trafo if self.vel_left == 0.0 and self.vel_right == 0.0: self.tfs_msg.header.stamp = else: self.tfs_msg.header.stamp = self.encoder_timestamp self.pub_tf_enc_loc.publish(self.tfs_msg) return pose_resp
def test_poses_SE2(self): from vehicles_dynamics import SE2Dynamics dynamics = SE2Dynamics(max_linear_velocity=[1, 1], max_angular_velocity=1) dt = 0.1 M = 1 # max Z = 0 # zero m = -1 # min tests = [ # format ( (start_xy, start_theta), commands, # (final_xy, final_theta)) (([0, 0], 0), [Z, Z, Z], ([0, 0], 0)), (([1, 2], 3), [Z, Z, Z], ([1, 2], 3)), (([0, 0], 0), [M, Z, Z], ([dt, 0], 0)), (([0, 0], 0), [m, Z, Z], ([-dt, 0], 0)), (([0, 0], 0), [Z, M, Z], ([0, dt], 0)), (([0, 0], 0), [Z, m, Z], ([0, -dt], 0)), (([0, 0], 0), [Z, Z, M], ([0, 0], dt)), (([0, 0], 0), [Z, Z, m], ([0, 0], -dt)), (([0, 0], np.radians(90)), [M, Z, Z], ([0, dt], np.radians(90))), (([0, 0], np.radians(90)), [Z, M, Z], ([-dt, 0], np.radians(90))) # TODO: add some more tests with non-zero initial rotation ] for initial, commands, final in tests: start_pose = SE2_from_translation_angle(*initial) final_pose = SE2_from_translation_angle(*final) start_state = dynamics.pose2state(SE3_from_SE2(start_pose)) final_state = dynamics.pose2state(SE3_from_SE2(final_pose)) commands = np.array(commands) print( '%s -> [%s] -> %s' % (SE2.friendly(start_pose), commands, SE2.friendly(final_pose))) actual, dummy = dynamics.integrate(start_state, +commands, dt) SE2.assert_close(actual, final_pose) start2, dummy = dynamics.integrate(final_state, -commands, dt) SE2.assert_close(start_pose, start2)
def new_episode(self): ''' Returns an episode tuple. By default it just samples a random pose for the robot. ''' p = self.start_pose x = p[0] y = p[1] th = np.deg2rad(p[2]) vehicle_state = SE3_from_SE2(SE2_from_xytheta([x, y, th])) id_episode = unique_timestamp_string() return World.Episode(id_episode, vehicle_state)
def instance_vehicle_spec(entry): from ..simulation import Vehicle from ..interfaces import VehicleSensor, Dynamics from vehicles.configuration.master import get_conftools_dynamics, \ get_conftools_sensors check_valid_vehicle_config(entry) try: master = get_conftools_dynamics() if 'id_dynamics' in entry: id_dynamics = entry['id_dynamics'] dynamics = master.instance(id_dynamics) else: id_dynamics = entry['dynamics']['id'] dynamics = master.instance_spec(entry['dynamics']) assert isinstance(dynamics, Dynamics) sensors = entry['sensors'] radius = entry['radius'] extra = entry.get('extra', {}) vehicle = Vehicle(radius=radius, extra=extra) vehicle.add_dynamics(id_dynamics, dynamics) master = get_conftools_sensors() for sensor in sensors: if 'id_sensor' in sensor: id_sensor = sensor['id_sensor'] sensor_instance = master.instance(id_sensor) else: id_sensor = sensor['sensor']['id'] sensor_instance = master.instance_spec(sensor['sensor']) assert isinstance(sensor_instance, VehicleSensor) # TODO: document this x, y, theta_deg = sensor.get('pose', [0, 0, 0]) theta = np.radians(theta_deg) pose = SE2_from_translation_angle([x, y], theta) pose = SE3_from_SE2(pose) joint = sensor.get('joint', 0) extra = sensor.get('extra', {}) vehicle.add_sensor(id_sensor=id_sensor, sensor=sensor_instance, pose=pose, joint=joint, extra=extra) return vehicle except: logger.error('Error while trying to instantiate vehicle. Entry:\n%s' % (pformat(entry))) raise
def pose2state(self, pose): ''' Returns the state that best approximates the given pose (in SE3). ''' # random_angle = SO2.convert_to(SE3, SO2.sample_uniform()) # XXX # random_angle = SE3_from_SE2(SE2_from_SO2(SO2.sample_uniform())) # angle = BaseTopDynamics.last_turret_angle angle = np.random.rand() * np.pi * 2 turret_pose = SE3_from_SE2(SE2_from_translation_angle([0, 0], angle)) # print('Starting at %s deg ' % np.rad2deg(angle)) return self.compose_state(base=self.base.pose2state(pose),
def run(self, event=None): self.pose = self.db_kinematics.step(self.encoder_ticks_left_delta_t, self.encoder_ticks_right_delta_t, self.pose) self.encoder_ticks_right_delta_t = 0 self.encoder_ticks_left_delta_t = 0 pose_SE3 = SE3_from_SE2(self.pose) rot, trans = rotation_translation_from_SE3(pose_SE3) quaternion_tf = quaternion_from_matrix(pose_SE3) quaternion = Quaternion(quaternion_tf[0], quaternion_tf[1], quaternion_tf[2], quaternion_tf[3]) translation = Vector3(trans[0], trans[1], trans[2]) trafo = Transform(translation, quaternion) self.tfs_msg.transform = trafo if self.vel_left == 0.0 and self.vel_right == 0.0: self.tfs_msg.header.stamp = else: self.tfs_msg.header.stamp = self.encoder_timestamp self.pub_tf_enc_loc.publish(self.tfs_msg)
def joint_state(self, state, joint=0): car_state = self.car_state_from_big_state(state) steering = self.steering_from_big_state(state) car_position =, joint=0) if joint == 0: return car_position elif joint == 1: p = [,] elif joint == 2: p = [,] else: raise ValueError('Invalid joint ID %r' % joint) pose, vel = car_position rel_pose = SE3_from_SE2(SE2_from_translation_angle(p, steering)) wpose = SE3.multiply(pose, rel_pose) return wpose, vel # XXX: vel
def __init__(self, node_name): # Initialize the DTROS parent class super(EncoderLocalizationNode, self).__init__(node_name=node_name,node_type=NodeType.GENERIC) self.veh_name = rospy.get_namespace().strip("/") self.radius = rospy.get_param(f'/{self.veh_name}/kinematics_node/radius', 100) self.baseline = 0.0968 x_init = rospy.get_param(f'/{self.veh_name}/{node_name}/x_init', 100) self.pose = SE2_from_xytheta([x_init, 0, np.pi]) self.db_kinematics = DuckiebotKinematics(radius=self.radius, baseline=self.baseline) self.vel_left = 0.0 self.vel_right = 0.0 self.encoder_ticks_left_total = 0 self.encoder_ticks_left_delta_t = 0 self.encoder_ticks_right_total = 0 self.encoder_ticks_right_delta_t = 0 self.encoder_timestamp = self.max_number_ticks = 135 init_pose_SE3 = SE3_from_SE2(self.pose) rot, trans = rotation_translation_from_SE3(init_pose_SE3) quaternion_tf = quaternion_from_matrix(init_pose_SE3) quaternion = Quaternion(quaternion_tf[0], quaternion_tf[1], quaternion_tf[2], quaternion_tf[3]) translation = Vector3(trans[0], trans[1], trans[2]) trafo = Transform(translation, quaternion) self.tfs_msg = TransformStamped() self.tfs_msg.header.frame_id = 'map' self.tfs_msg.header.stamp = self.encoder_timestamp self.tfs_msg.child_frame_id = 'encoder_baselink' self.tfs_msg.transform = trafo = tf.TransformBroadcaster() self.sub_executed_commands = rospy.Subscriber(f'/{self.veh_name}/wheels_driver_node/wheels_cmd_executed', WheelsCmdStamped, self.cb_executed_commands) self.sub_encoder_ticks_left = rospy.Subscriber(f'/{self.veh_name}/left_wheel_encoder_node/tick', WheelEncoderStamped, self.callback_left) self.sub_encoder_ticks_right = rospy.Subscriber(f'/{self.veh_name}/right_wheel_encoder_node/tick', WheelEncoderStamped, self.callback_right) self.pub_tf_enc_loc = rospy.Publisher(f'/{self.veh_name}/{node_name}/transform_stamped', TransformStamped, queue_size=10)
def new_episode(self): ''' Returns an episode tuple. By default it just samples a random pose for the robot. ''' if self.start_poses is None: x = np.random.uniform(self.bounds[0][0], self.bounds[0][1]) y = np.random.uniform(self.bounds[1][0], self.bounds[1][1]) th = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi * 2) else: nposes = len(self.start_poses) if self.cur_pose is None: self.cur_pose = np.random.randint(nposes) else: self.cur_pose = (self.cur_pose + 1) % nposes p = self.start_poses[self.cur_pose] x = p[0] y = p[1] th = np.deg2rad(p[2]) vehicle_state = SE3_from_SE2(SE2_from_xytheta([x, y, th])) id_episode = unique_timestamp_string() return World.Episode(id_episode, vehicle_state)
def export_gltf(dm: DuckietownMap, outdir: str, background: bool = True): gltf = GLTF() # setattr(gltf, 'md52PV', {}) scene_index = add_scene(gltf, Scene(nodes=[])) map_nodes = [] it: IterateByTestResult tiles = list(iterate_by_class(dm, Tile)) if not tiles: raise ZValueError("no tiles?") for it in tiles: tile = cast(Tile, it.object) name = it.fqn[-1] fn = tile.fn fn_normal = tile.fn_normal fn_emissive = tile.fn_emissive fn_metallic_roughness = tile.fn_metallic_roughness fn_occlusion = tile.fn_occlusion material_index = make_material( gltf, doubleSided=False, baseColorFactor=[1, 1, 1, 1.0], fn=fn, fn_normals=fn_normal, fn_emissive=fn_emissive, fn_metallic_roughness=fn_metallic_roughness, fn_occlusion=fn_occlusion, ) mi = get_square() mesh_index = add_polygon( gltf, name + "-mesh", vertices=mi.vertices, texture=mi.textures, colors=mi.color, normals=mi.normals, material=material_index, ) node1_index = add_node(gltf, Node(mesh=mesh_index)) i, j = ij_from_tilename(name) c = (i + j) % 2 color = [1, 0, 0, 1.0] if c else [0, 1, 0, 1.0] add_back = False if add_back: material_back = make_material(gltf, doubleSided=False, baseColorFactor=color) back_mesh_index = add_polygon( gltf, name + "-mesh", vertices=mi.vertices, texture=mi.textures, colors=mi.color, normals=mi.normals, material=material_back, ) flip = np.diag([1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0]) flip[2, 3] = -0.01 back_index = add_node(gltf, Node(mesh=back_mesh_index, matrix=gm(flip))) else: back_index = None tile_transform = it.transform_sequence tile_matrix2d = tile_transform.asmatrix2d().m s = dm.tile_size scale = np.diag([s, s, s, 1]) tile_matrix = SE3_from_SE2(tile_matrix2d) tile_matrix = tile_matrix @ scale @ SE3_rotz(-np.pi / 2) tile_matrix_float = list(tile_matrix.T.flatten()) if back_index is not None: children = [node1_index, back_index] else: children = [node1_index] tile_node = Node(name=name, matrix=tile_matrix_float, children=children) tile_node_index = add_node(gltf, tile_node) map_nodes.append(tile_node_index) if background: bg_index = add_background(gltf) add_node_to_scene(gltf, scene_index, bg_index) exports = { "Sign": export_sign, # XXX: the tree model is crewed up "Tree": export_tree, # "Tree": None, "Duckie": export_duckie, "DB18": export_DB18, # "Bus": export_bus, # "Truck": export_truck, # "House": export_house, "TileMap": None, "TrafficLight": export_trafficlight, "LaneSegment": None, "PlacedObject": None, "DuckietownMap": None, "Tile": None, } for it in iterate_by_class(dm, PlacedObject): ob = it.object K = type(ob).__name__ if isinstance(ob, Sign): K = "Sign" if K not in exports: logger.warn(f"cannot convert {type(ob).__name__}") continue f = exports[K] if f is None: continue thing_index = f(gltf, it.fqn[-1], ob) tile_transform = it.transform_sequence tile_matrix2d = tile_transform.asmatrix2d().m tile_matrix = SE3_from_SE2(tile_matrix2d) @ SE3_rotz(np.pi / 2) sign_node_index = add_node(gltf, Node(children=[thing_index])) tile_matrix_float = list(tile_matrix.T.flatten()) tile_node = Node(name=it.fqn[-1], matrix=tile_matrix_float, children=[sign_node_index]) tile_node_index = add_node(gltf, tile_node) map_nodes.append(tile_node_index) mapnode = Node(name="tiles", children=map_nodes) map_index = add_node(gltf, mapnode) add_node_to_scene(gltf, scene_index, map_index) # add_node_to_scene(model, scene_index, node1_index) yfov = np.deg2rad(60) camera = Camera( name="perpcamera", type="perspective", perspective=PerspectiveCameraInfo(aspectRatio=4 / 3, yfov=yfov, znear=0.01, zfar=1000), ) gltf.model.cameras.append(camera) t = np.array([2, 2, 0.15]) matrix = look_at(pos=t, target=np.array([0, 2, 0])) cam_index = add_node(gltf, Node(name="cameranode", camera=0, matrix=list(matrix.T.flatten()))) add_node_to_scene(gltf, scene_index, cam_index) cleanup_model(gltf) fn = os.path.join(outdir, "main.gltf") make_sure_dir_exists(fn)"writing to {fn}") gltf.export(fn) if True: data = read_ustring_from_utf8_file(fn) j = json.loads(data) data2 = json.dumps(j, indent=2) write_ustring_to_utf8_file(data2, fn) fnb = os.path.join(outdir, "main.glb")"writing to {fnb}") gltf.export(fnb) verify_trimesh = False if verify_trimesh: res = trimesh.load(fn) # camera_pose, _ = res.graph['cameranode'] # import pyrender scene = pyrender.Scene.from_trimesh_scene(res)