def sensor_cb(self, msg): filtered_msg = WrenchStamped() filtered_msg.header = msg.header self.fx.append(msg.wrench.force.x) self.fy.append(msg.wrench.force.y) self.fz.append(msg.wrench.force.z) self.tx.append(msg.wrench.torque.x) self.ty.append(msg.wrench.torque.y) if len(self.fx) < self.window_size: return fx = lfilter(self.b, self.a, self.fx) fy = lfilter(self.b, self.a, self.fy) fz = lfilter(self.b, self.a, self.fz) tx = lfilter(self.b, self.a, self.tx) ty = lfilter(self.b, self.a, self.ty) tz = lfilter(self.b, self.a, f_filtered = np.array([fx[-1], fy[-1], fz[-1]]) t_filtered = np.array([tx[-1], ty[-1], tz[-1]]) filtered_msg.wrench.force = Vector3(*f_filtered) filtered_msg.wrench.torque = Vector3(*t_filtered) try: self.filtered_pub.publish(filtered_msg) except: pass
def callback(self, msg): #rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_name() + ": I heard %s" % str(msg)) self.tfl.waitForTransform("base_link", "l_force_torque_link", msg.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(1.0)) trans, rot = self.tfl.lookupTransform("base_link", "l_force_torque_link", msg.header.stamp) mat = transformations.quaternion_matrix(rot) R = mat[:3, :3] / mat[3, 3] f_in = np.array( [msg.wrench.force.x, msg.wrench.force.y, msg.wrench.force.z]) t_in = np.array( [msg.wrench.torque.x, msg.wrench.torque.y, msg.wrench.torque.z]) f_est = self.m * self.g * R[2, :] t_est = self.m * self.g * self.d * np.array([0, R[2, 2], -R[2, 1]]) #print "force est: ", f_est #print "torque est: ", t_est f_out = f_in - f_est t_out = t_in - t_est out = WrenchStamped() out.header = msg.header out.wrench.force = Vector3(*f_out) out.wrench.torque = Vector3(*t_out)
def trans_wrench_cb(self, ws_old): ws_new = WrenchStamped() ws_new.header = copy.deepcopy(ws_old.header) ws_new.header.frame_id = self.target_frame vec3_stamped = Vector3Stamped() vec3_stamped.header = ws_old.header try: self.tf_list.waitForTransform(self.target_frame, ws_old.header.frame_id, ws_old.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(1.)) except Exception as e: print e rospy.logwarn( "Timeout waiting for transform from %s to target frame %s" % (ws_old.header.frame_id, self.target_frame)) return vec3_stamped.vector = ws_old.wrench.force ws_new.wrench.force = self.tf_list.transformVector3( self.target_frame, vec3_stamped).vector vec3_stamped.vector = ws_old.wrench.torque ws_new.wrench.torque = self.tf_list.transformVector3( self.target_frame, vec3_stamped).vector self.ws_pub.publish(ws_new)
def __init__(self, name, robot): # Init actionserver self._action_name = name self.robot = robot self.force_sensor = WrenchStamped() self.last_force = WrenchStamped() self.Touch_tabletop = False self.target_pose = PoseStamped() self.target_pose = PoseStamped() self.target_pose.pose.position.x = 0.95 self.target_pose.pose.position.y = -0.0 self.target_pose.pose.position.z = 0.85 self.target_height = self.target_pose.pose.position.z self.target_pose.header.frame_id = _ORIGIN_TF self.target_pose.pose.position.z += HEIGHT_OFFSET_Z self.as_result = villa_manipulation.msg.ForcePutDownResult() self.as_result.touched = False self.force_time = rospy.get_time() # self.switch = ImpedanceControlSwitch() # self.switch.inactivate() self.cli = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('/move_base/move', MoveBaseAction) self.cli.wait_for_server() jointstates_topic = 'hsrb/joint_states' rospy.Subscriber(jointstates_topic, JointState, self.joint_state_Cb) force_sensor_topic = 'hsrb/wrist_wrench/raw' rospy.Subscriber(force_sensor_topic, WrenchStamped, self.force_sensor_Cb) self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/hsrb/command_velocity', geometry_msgs.msg.Twist, queue_size=10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: self.body = self.robot.try_get('whole_body') self.gripper = self.robot.try_get('gripper') self.base = self.robot.try_get('omni_base') rospy.wait_for_service('/viewpoint_controller/stop') stop_head = rospy.ServiceProxy('/viewpoint_controller/stop', Empty) stop_head() break except (exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError, exceptions.RobotConnectionError) as e: rospy.logerr( "Failed to obtain resource: {}\nRetrying...".format(e)) self._as = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( self._action_name, villa_manipulation.msg.ForcePutDownAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._as.start()
def do_transform_wrench(wrench, transform): force = Vector3Stamped() torque = Vector3Stamped() force.vector = wrench.wrench.force torque.vector = wrench.wrench.torque res = WrenchStamped() res.wrench.force = do_transform_vector3(force, transform).vector res.wrench.torque = do_transform_vector3(torque, transform).vector res.header = transform.header return res
def publishWrench(data, hand): wr = data.estimated_external_wrench wrench_msg = Wrench() wrench_msg.force = Vector3(wr.x, wr.y, wr.z) wrench_msg.torque = Vector3(wr.c, wr.b, wr.a) wrench_stamped_msg = WrenchStamped() wrench_stamped_msg.wrench = wrench_msg wrench_stamped_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) wrench_stamped_msg.header.frame_id = hand_to_frame[hand] hand_wrench_pub[hand].publish(wrench_stamped_msg)
def callback_ft(data): global pub_ft global listener wrench = WrenchStamped() wrench.wrench.force.x = data.wrench.force.x wrench.wrench.force.y = data.wrench.force.y wrench.wrench.force.z = data.wrench.force.z wrench.wrench.torque.x = data.wrench.torque.x wrench.wrench.torque.y = data.wrench.torque.y wrench.wrench.torque.z = data.wrench.torque.z wrench.header = data.header pub_ft.publish(wrench)
def run(self): while not self._isEnd: if self._isRunning: = rospy.Publisher(self._topic, WrenchStamped, queue_size=10) while self._isRunning: msg = WrenchStamped() msg.header.stamp = self._lock.acquire() msg.wrench = self._wrench msg.header.frame_id = self._frameId self._lock.release() self._rate.sleep() rospy.sleep(0.1) print "Thread ended"
def main(): global model, initialising_ft, offset_ft_data model = BumperModel() pub_compliance_svr = rospy.Publisher('qolo/compliance/svr', WrenchStamped, queue_size=1) dat_compliance_svr = WrenchStamped() # ---- Starting ROS Node ---- rospy.init_node('bumper_prediction', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(200) # ---- Suscribe to raw ft sensor ---- ftsub = rospy.Subscriber("/rokubi_node_front/ft_sensor_measurements", WrenchStamped, ft_sensor_callback, queue_size=1) initialising_ft = True rospy.loginfo('Waiting for FT Sensor Offset: 5 sec') time.sleep(5) initialising_ft = False offset_ft_data = np.array([ np.mean(init_ft_data['Fx']), np.mean(init_ft_data['Fy']), np.mean(init_ft_data['Fz']), np.mean(init_ft_data['Mx']), np.mean(init_ft_data['My']), np.mean(init_ft_data['Mz']), ]) print(colored(":" * 80, "green")) print(colored("Bumper Prediction Initialization... done", "green")) print(colored(":" * 80, "green")) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): svr_data = model.predict(np.reshape(ft_data, (1, -1))) dat_compliance_svr.header = make_header("tf_ft_front") dat_compliance_svr.wrench.force.x = svr_data[0] dat_compliance_svr.wrench.force.y = svr_data[1] dat_compliance_svr.wrench.torque.z = svr_data[2] pub_compliance_svr.publish(dat_compliance_svr) logger.log('bumper_prediction', *svr_data) rate.sleep()
def callback_B_field(data): """Callback triggered by new Message on Magnetic field topic. Method updates the B-field for the magnetorquer, computes the new torque based on the field and publishes the torque. Args: data (geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3Stamped): Magnetic field message """ B_field_vector = np.zeros(3) B_field_vector[0] = data.vector.x B_field_vector[1] = data.vector.y B_field_vector[2] = data.vector.z torquer.set_B_field(B_field_vector) torque = torquer.get_torque() msg = WrenchStamped() msg.header.stamp = data.header.stamp msg.wrench.force.x = 0.0 msg.wrench.force.y = 0.0 msg.wrench.force.z = 0.0 msg.wrench.torque.x = torque[0] msg.wrench.torque.y = torque[1] msg.wrench.torque.z = torque[2] pubTorque.publish(msg)
def __init__(self): self.pose_ref_pub_ = rospy.Publisher( '/uav/impedance_control/pose_stamped_ref_input', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.force_torque_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/uav/impedance_control/force_torque_ref_input', WrenchStamped, queue_size=1) # Services for requesting trajectory interpolation rospy.sleep(5.) self.force_setpoint_flag = [False] self.pose_setpoint_flag = [False] self.force_setpoint = [WrenchStamped()] self.pose_setpoint = [PoseStamped()] self.pose_setpoint[0].header.stamp = self.pose_setpoint[0].pose.position.x = 1.00 self.pose_setpoint[0].pose.position.y = 0 self.pose_setpoint[0].pose.position.z = 1 self.pose_setpoint[0].pose.orientation.x = 0 self.pose_setpoint[0].pose.orientation.y = 0 self.pose_setpoint[0].pose.orientation.z = 0 self.pose_setpoint[0].pose.orientation.w = 1 self.force_setpoint[0].wrench.force.x = 1.0 self.ramp_velocity = 0.05 self.up = False self.time = 30
def publish_control_wrench(self, force): """Publish the thruster manager control set-point. > *Input arguments* * `force` (*type:* `numpy.array`): 6 DoF control set-point wrench vector """ if not self.odom_is_init: return # Apply saturation for i in range(6): if force[i] < -self._control_saturation: force[i] = -self._control_saturation elif force[i] > self._control_saturation: force[i] = self._control_saturation if not self.thrusters_only: surge_speed = self._vehicle_model.vel[0] self.publish_auv_command(surge_speed, force) return force_msg = WrenchStamped() force_msg.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg() force_msg.header.frame_id = '%s/%s' % (self._namespace, self._vehicle_model.body_frame_id) force_msg.wrench.force.x = force[0] force_msg.wrench.force.y = force[1] force_msg.wrench.force.z = force[2] force_msg.wrench.torque.x = force[3] force_msg.wrench.torque.y = force[4] force_msg.wrench.torque.z = force[5] self._thrust_pub.publish(force_msg)
def process_wrench(self, msg): cur_wrench = np.mat([ msg.wrench.force.x, msg.wrench.force.y, msg.wrench.force.z, msg.wrench.torque.x, msg.wrench.torque.y, msg.wrench.torque.z ]).T try: (ft_pos, ft_quat) = self.tf_list.lookupTransform(self.gravity_frame, self.netft_frame, rospy.Time(0)) except: return rot_mat = np.mat(tf_trans.quaternion_matrix(ft_quat))[:3, :3] z_grav = self.react_mult * rot_mat.T * np.mat([0, 0, -1.]).T force_grav = np.mat(np.zeros((6, 1))) force_grav[:3, 0] = self.mass * g * z_grav torque_grav = np.mat(np.zeros((6, 1))) torque_grav[3:, 0] = np.mat( np.cross(self.com_pos.T.A[0], force_grav[:3, 0].T.A[0])).T zeroing_wrench = force_grav + torque_grav + self.wrench_zero zeroed_wrench = self.react_mult * (cur_wrench - zeroing_wrench) if not self.got_zero: self.wrench_zero = (cur_wrench - (force_grav + torque_grav)) self.got_zero = True tf_zeroed_wrench = self.transform_wrench(zeroed_wrench) if tf_zeroed_wrench is None: return zero_msg = WrenchStamped( msg.header, Wrench(Vector3(*tf_zeroed_wrench[:3, 0]), Vector3(*tf_zeroed_wrench[3:, 0]))) self.zero_pub.publish(zero_msg) self.visualize_wrench(tf_zeroed_wrench)
def set_body_wrench(self, force, torque, duration, starting_time): ns = rospy.get_namespace().replace('/', '') body_name = '%s/base_link' % ns self._body_force = np.array( [self._body_force[i] + force[i] for i in range(3)]) self._body_torque = np.array( [self._body_torque[i] + torque[i] for i in range(3)]) self._body_wrench_msg = WrenchStamped() self._body_wrench_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time().now() self._body_wrench_msg.header.frame_id = 'world' self._body_wrench_msg.wrench.force = Vector3(*self._body_force) self._body_wrench_msg.wrench.torque = Vector3(*self._body_torque) success = self._service_cb['wrench'](body_name, 'world', Point(0, 0, 0), self._body_wrench_msg.wrench, rospy.Time(secs=starting_time), rospy.Duration(duration)) if success: 'Body wrench perturbation applied!, body_name=%s, t=%.2f s' % (body_name, rospy.get_time())) else: self._logger.error( 'Failed to apply body wrench!, body_name=%s, t=%.2f s' % (body_name, rospy.get_time()))
def __init__(self): """ Initialize OptoforceDriver object """ port = rospy.get_param("~port", "/dev/ttyACM0") sensor_type = rospy.get_param("~type", "m-ch/3-axis") starting_index = rospy.get_param("~starting_index", 0) scaling_factors = rospy.get_param("~scale") # Initialize optoforce driver try: self._driver = optoforce.OptoforceDriver(port, sensor_type, scaling_factors, starting_index) except serial.SerialException as e: rospy.logfatal("Cannot connect to the sensor " + port + (e.message if e.message else '')) rospy.signal_shutdown("Serial connection failure") raise # Create and advertise publishers for each connected sensor self._publishers = [] self._wrenches = [] topic_basename = "optoforce_" for i in range(self._driver.nb_sensors()): self._publishers.append(rospy.Publisher(topic_basename + str(starting_index + i), WrenchStamped, queue_size=100)) wrench = WrenchStamped() wrench.header.frame_id = topic_basename + str(starting_index + i) self._wrenches.append(wrench)
def reset(self): ''' Used to reset the state of the controller. Sometimes when it disconnects then comes back online, the settings are all out of wack. ''' self.last_change_mode = False self.last_station_hold_state = False self.last_kill = False self.last_rc = False self.last_auto = False self.start_count = 0 self.last_joy = None = False self.killed = False # self.docking = False wrench = WrenchStamped() wrench.header.frame_id = "/base_link" wrench.wrench.force.x = 0 wrench.wrench.force.y = 0 wrench.wrench.torque.z = 0 self.wrench_pub.publish(wrench)
def update_callback(event): global desired_state, desired_state_dot, state, stat_dot, state_dot_body, previous_error, enable lock.acquire() #print 'desired state', desired_state #print 'current_state', state def smallest_coterminal_angle(x): return (x + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi # sub pd-controller sans rise e = numpy.concatenate([ desired_state[0:3] - state[0:3], map(smallest_coterminal_angle, desired_state[3:6] - state[3:6]) ]) # e_1 in paper vbd = _jacobian_inv(state).dot( + desired_state_dot) e2 = vbd - state_dot_body output = #print 'output',output lock.release() if (not (odom_active)): output = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] if (enable): controller_wrench.publish( WrenchStamped(header=Header(, frame_id="/base_link", ), wrench=Wrench( force=Vector3(x=output[0], y=output[1], z=0), torque=Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=output[5]), )))
def wrenchCallback(self, wrench_com_msg): tau=[] tau.append(wrench_com_msg.wrench.force.x) tau.append(wrench_com_msg.wrench.force.y) tau.append(wrench_com_msg.wrench.torque.z) #update the required tau self.tau_com=np.array(tau) #organise into QP standard form q,h,A,b = self.update() #recover saved variables n = self.n f0 = self.f0 a0 = self.a0 l = self.l try: #solve for x = [df,da,s] x = quadprog_solve_qp(self.P,q,self.G,h,A,b) except ValueError: #TODO publish error rospy.logwarn("No good solution, reverting to previous good solution") #set x to be all zeros (previous timestep thrusts conserved) x = np.zeros(3*n) #get change in thrusts df = x[0:n] #update thrusts f = f0+df #get change in angles da = x[n:2*n] #update angles a = a0+da #constrain angles to -pi<=a<pi a[a>pi]=-pi-(a[a>pi]-pi) a[a<=-pi]=pi+(pi+a[a<=-pi]) self.f0 = f self.a0 = a self.da = da #get the solved wrench (really for debugging) T = np.cos(a) T = np.vstack((T,np.sin(a))) temp = np.multiply(l[0,:],np.sin(a))-np.multiply(l[1,:],np.cos(a)) T = np.vstack((T,temp)) self.tau_sol = mul(T,f.T) #publish the achieved wrench tsol = WrenchStamped() tsol.wrench.force.x = self.tau_sol[0] tsol.wrench.force.y = self.tau_sol[1] tsol.wrench.torque.z = self.tau_sol[2] tsol.header.frame_id = 'base_link' tsol.header.stamp = self.tsol_pub.publish(tsol) #publish the new joint states joint_states = JointState() joint_states.header.stamp = = self.names joint_states.position = self.a0 joint_states.velocity = self.da joint_states.effort = self.f0 self.thrusters_pub.publish(joint_states)
def __on_packet(self, buf): global last_joint_states, last_joint_states_lock now = rospy.get_rostime() stateRT = RobotStateRT.unpack(buf) self.last_stateRT = stateRT msg = JointState() msg.header.stamp = now msg.header.frame_id = "From real-time state data" = joint_names msg.position = [0.0] * 6 for i, q in enumerate(stateRT.q_actual): msg.position[i] = q + joint_offsets.get(joint_names[i], 0.0) msg.velocity = stateRT.qd_actual msg.effort = [0] * 6 pub_joint_states.publish(msg) with last_joint_states_lock: last_joint_states = msg wrench_msg = WrenchStamped() wrench_msg.header.stamp = now wrench_msg.wrench.force.x = stateRT.tcp_force[0] wrench_msg.wrench.force.y = stateRT.tcp_force[1] wrench_msg.wrench.force.z = stateRT.tcp_force[2] wrench_msg.wrench.torque.x = stateRT.tcp_force[3] wrench_msg.wrench.torque.y = stateRT.tcp_force[4] wrench_msg.wrench.torque.z = stateRT.tcp_force[5] pub_wrench.publish(wrench_msg)
def __init__(self): self.vehicule = USV_char(config['characteristics'], config['simulated_characteristics'], config['actuators'], environnement['environnement']) # Definitions des messages self.msgPose = Msg(PoseStamped) self.msgTwist = Msg(TwistStamped) self.msgAccel = Msg(AccelStamped) self.constraints = { 'wind': WrenchStamped(), 'current': WrenchStamped() }
def control_update(self, timer_event): failsafe = False if self.eta is None or self.v is None: rospy.logwarn_throttle_identical(3, 'Odometry not yet received: Controller waiting...') failsafe = True if self.last_updated is None or - self.last_updated > self.timeout_duration: failsafe = True rospy.logwarn_throttle_identical(3, 'No controller command received recently: entering failsafe mode!') if not failsafe: eta = self.eta v = self.v ta = self.target_acc ty = self.target_yaw_acc roll_error = self.target_roll - eta[3] pitch_error = self.target_pitch - eta[4] # Limit error to [-pi, pi] to ensure that the robot rotates the least amount # to hit the target roll/pitch: if roll_error > np.pi: roll_error -= 2*np.pi if roll_error < -np.pi: roll_error += 2 * np.pi if pitch_error > np.pi: pitch_error -= 2*np.pi if pitch_error < -np.pi: pitch_error += 2 * np.pi # Compute efforts from PID: roll_effort = self.roll_pid(-roll_error) pitch_effort = self.pitch_pid(-pitch_error) # Build the accel in world space: vd_pid = [0, 0, 0, roll_effort, pitch_effort, 0] # Convert worldspace accel to body frame: R = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', eta[3:6]).inv() target_acc_body = R.apply(ta) target_yaw_body = R.apply([0, 0, ty]) vd_command = np.hstack((target_acc_body, target_yaw_body)) vd = np.array(vd_pid) + np.array(vd_command) # Compute force required for target acceleration and current velocity: # (Inverse dynamics) tau = self.dyn.compute_tau(eta, v, vd) else: tau = [0] * 6 # Build and publish control wrench: wrench = WrenchStamped() wrench.header.stamp = wrench.header.frame_id = self.base_link wrench.wrench.force = Vector3(tau[0], -tau[1], -tau[2]) wrench.wrench.torque = Vector3(tau[3], -tau[4], -tau[5]) self.pub_wrench.publish(wrench)
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('pd_controller') self.current_joint_state = JointState() self.current_ft_state = WrenchStamped() # record current state # self.train_data_msg = TrainningData() # self.lin_ds_out = DsOutput() self.ctrl_freq = 200 #achieve the cmd in 0.1 sec self.joint_names = [ "iiwa_joint_1", "iiwa_joint_2", "iiwa_joint_3", "iiwa_joint_4", "iiwa_joint_5", "iiwa_joint_6", "iiwa_joint_7" ] #self.next_joint_state.joint_names = joint_names # self.train_data_pub = rospy.Publisher('/train_data', numpy_msg(TrainningData),queue_size=10) joint_state_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/iiwa/joint_states', numpy_msg(JointState)) ft_state_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/ft_sensor/netft_data', numpy_msg(WrenchStamped)) self.times_sync = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer( [joint_state_sub, ft_state_sub], 1000, slop=0.003) #self.lin_ds_out_pub = rospy.Publisher('/lin_ds_out', numpy_msg(DsOutput),queue_size=10) self.joint_cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/iiwa/PositionController/command', numpy_msg(Float64MultiArray), queue_size=10) #topic important
def publish_control_wrench(self, force): if not self.odom_is_init: return # Apply saturation for i in range(6): if force[i] < -self._control_saturation: force[i] = -self._control_saturation elif force[i] > self._control_saturation: force[i] = self._control_saturation if not self.thrusters_only: surge_speed = self._vehicle_model.vel[0] self.publish_auv_command(surge_speed, force) return force_msg = WrenchStamped() force_msg.header.stamp = force_msg.header.frame_id = '%s/%s' % (self._namespace, self._vehicle_model.body_frame_id) force_msg.wrench.force.x = force[0] force_msg.wrench.force.y = force[1] force_msg.wrench.force.z = force[2] force_msg.wrench.torque.x = force[3] force_msg.wrench.torque.y = force[4] force_msg.wrench.torque.z = force[5] self._thrust_pub.publish(force_msg)
def find_bouyancy( self, choice ): # Initial function used to upward force of buoyancy (used in determining drag in Z axis) down_force = -.5 # Applies initial downward force in z axis pub = rospy.Publisher('/wrench', WrenchStamped, queue_size=30) rospy.init_node('move_sub', anonymous=False) force_msg = WrenchStamped() force_msg.wrench.force.z = self.applied_force_down pub.publish(force_msg) # publish wrench with force rospy.loginfo('Moving sub down...') rospy.sleep(self.time_of_apllied_force_down ) # node sleeps for some amount of time before continuing force_msg.wrench.force.z = 0 # Applies 0 force which stops downward force pub.publish(force_msg) while not (rospy.is_shutdown()): rospy.Subscriber("/odom", Odometry, self.get_velocity, choice) rospy.sleep(1) if self.velocity > 0.0: rospy.loginfo('Appling a force down to calculate the bouyancy') while not (rospy.is_shutdown()): force_msg.wrench.force.z = down_force pub.publish(force_msg) down_force = down_force - .001 rospy.sleep(.01) if self.velocity < 0.0: break rospy.loginfo('bouyancy found!') break self.bouyancy = abs(down_force) rospy.loginfo('Bouyancy: {}'.format(self.bouyancy))
def __init__(self, frequency): self.FEEDBACK_TIMEOUT = 2.0 self.wrench_input = WrenchStamped() self.setpoint_valid = False self.feedback_received = False self.enabled = False self.last_feedback = Range() self.enable_server = rospy.Service('~enable', auv_control_msgs.srv.EnableControl, self.enable) = Pid(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # the right constants will self.k_f = 0.0 # be set through dynamic reconfigure self.server = dynamic_reconfigure.server.Server( AltitudeControllerConfig, self.reconfigure) = rospy.Publisher('~wrench_output', WrenchStamped) rospy.Subscriber('~wrench_input', WrenchStamped, self.wrenchInputCallback) rospy.Subscriber('~altitude_request', Float32, self.setpointCallback) period = rospy.rostime.Duration.from_sec(1.0 / frequency) self.timer = rospy.Timer(period, self.updateOutput) rospy.Subscriber('altitude', Range, self.altitudeCallback) rospy.loginfo( 'Listening for altitude feedback to be published on ' '%s...', rospy.resolve_name('altitude')) rospy.loginfo('Waiting for setpoint to be published on ' '%s...', rospy.resolve_name('~altitude_request'))
def pub_force_node(): # 运行话题 rospy.init_node('force_sensor_node') pub = rospy.Publisher("/ft_sensor_topic", WrenchStamped, queue_size=100) #建立线程接收六维力 t1 = threading.Thread(target=tcp_connect) t1.start() time.sleep(2) #求取偏置 F_offset = np.zeros(6) for i in range(10): F_offset = F_offset + F time.sleep(0.01) F_offset = F_offset / 10.0 # 发送关节角度 rate = rospy.Rate(100) k = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): F1 = F - F_offset command_force = WrenchStamped() command_force.wrench.force.x = F1[0] command_force.wrench.force.y = F1[1] command_force.wrench.force.z = F1[2] command_force.wrench.torque.x = F1[3] command_force.wrench.torque.y = F1[4] command_force.wrench.torque.z = F1[5] pub.publish(command_force) k = k + 1 #if(k/10==0): print "六维力:", np.around(F1, 3) rate.sleep()
def __init__(self): self.VACUUM_GROUP = "kuka_vacuum_gripper" self.CAMERA_GROUP = "kuka_camera" self.IMPACT_GROUP = "kuka_impact_wrench" self.VACUUM_EF_LINK = "kuka_vacuum_ef" self.CAMERA_EF_LINK = "kuka_camera_ef" self.IMPACT_EF_LINK = "kuka_impact_ef" self.___PLANNING_JOINT_NAMES = [ "kuka_joint_a1", "kuka_joint_a2", "kuka_joint_a3", "kuka_joint_a4", "kuka_joint_a5", "kuka_joint_a6", "kuka_joint_a7" ] self.__FORCE_SENSOR_TOPIC = "/kuka_force_topic" self.__VACUUM_STATUS_TOPIC = "/kuka_vacuum_topic" # create move group commander self.__vacuum_group_commander = MoveGroupCommander(self.VACUUM_GROUP) self.__camera_group_commander = MoveGroupCommander(self.CAMERA_GROUP) self.__impact_group_commander = MoveGroupCommander(self.IMPACT_GROUP) # initialize vacuum services self.__vacuum_on_service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/on", Empty) self.__vacuum_off_service = rospy.ServiceProxy("/off", Empty) # initialize feedback variables self.__vacuum_status = Bool() self.__force_sensor_value = WrenchStamped()
def set_link_wrench(self, force, torque, duration, starting_time): ns = self.get_namespace().replace('/', '') body_name = '%s/base_link' % ns req = ApplyLinkWrench.Request() self._body_force = np.array([float(self._body_force[i]) + force[i] for i in range(3)]) self._body_torque = np.array([float(self._body_torque[i]) + torque[i] for i in range(3)]) self._body_wrench_msg = WrenchStamped() self._body_wrench_msg.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg() self._body_wrench_msg.header.frame_id = 'world' self._body_wrench_msg.wrench.force = Vector3(x=self._body_force[0], y=self._body_force[1], z=self._body_force[2]) self._body_wrench_msg.wrench.torque = Vector3(x=self._body_torque[0], y=self._body_torque[1], z=self._body_torque[2]) (secs, nsecs) = float_sec_to_int_sec_nano(starting_time) (d_secs, d_nsecs) = float_sec_to_int_sec_nano(duration) req.link_name = body_name req.reference_frame = 'world' req.reference_point = Point(x=0., y=0., z=0.) req.wrench = self._body_wrench_msg.wrench req.start_time = rclpy.time.Time(seconds=secs, nanoseconds=nsecs).to_msg() req.duration = rclpy.time.Duration(seconds=d_secs, nanoseconds=d_nsecs).to_msg() future = self._service_cb['wrench'].call_async(req) self.wait_for_service_completion( future, 'Link wrench perturbation applied!, body_name=%s, t=%.2f s' % (body_name, time_in_float_sec(self.get_clock().now())), 'Failed to apply link wrench!, body_name=%s, t=%.2f s' % (body_name, time_in_float_sec(self.get_clock().now())))
def got_joy_msg(joy_msg): # 6 start, 7 stop if joy_msg.buttons[6]: pass elif joy_msg.buttons[7]: pass if joy_msg.buttons[1]: pass elif joy_msg.buttons[3]: pass axes = list(joy_msg.axes) if np.fabs(axes[1]) < 0.1: axes[1] = 0.0 if np.fabs(axes[0]) < 0.1: axes[0] = 0.0 if np.fabs(axes[3]) < 0.1: axes[3] = 0.0 for i in range(len(axes)): axes[i] = np.round(axes[i], 2) linear_x = axes[1] * max_x_force linear_y = axes[0] * max_y_force angular_z = axes[3] * -max_z_torque seq = joy_msg.header.seq wrench = WrenchStamped() wrench.wrench = Wrench() wrench.wrench.force = Vector3() wrench.wrench.torque = Vector3() wrench.wrench.force.x = linear_x wrench.wrench.force.y = linear_y wrench.wrench.force.z = 0 wrench.wrench.torque.x = 0 wrench.wrench.torque.y = 0 wrench.wrench.torque.z = angular_z wrench.header.seq = seq wrench.header.frame_id = '/robot' wrench.header.stamp = joy_msg.header.stamp pub.publish(wrench)
def force_cb(self, msg): # start_crawling_time = time.time() force_raw = np.array([ msg.wrench.force.x, msg.wrench.force.y, msg.wrench.force.z, msg.wrench.torque.x, msg.wrench.torque.y, msg.wrench.torque.z ], dtype=np.float32) force_tmp = force_raw - self.force_offset if self.force_data_dimension == 6: # Kalman filter predict self.kf.predict() # Kalman filter update self.kf.update(force_tmp) force_filtered = self.kf.x.reshape((self.force_data_dimension, )) output_msg = WrenchStamped() output_msg.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id output_msg.wrench.force = Vector3(x=force_filtered[0], y=force_filtered[1], z=force_filtered[2]) output_msg.wrench.torque = Vector3(x=force_filtered[3], y=force_filtered[4], z=force_filtered[5]) output_msg.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp self.pub_force.publish(output_msg) elif self.force_data_dimension == 2: force_tmp = np.array([force_tmp[1], force_tmp[5]], dtype=np.float32) # Kalman filter predict self.kf.predict() # Kalman filter update self.kf.update(force_tmp) force_filtered = self.kf.x.reshape((self.force_data_dimension, )) output_msg = WrenchStamped() output_msg.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id output_msg.wrench.force = Vector3(x=0, y=force_filtered[0], z=0) output_msg.wrench.torque = Vector3(x=0, y=0, z=force_filtered[1]) output_msg.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp self.pub_force.publish(output_msg) else: rospy.logerr("Undefined filter data dimension")
def resend_data(msg): global count global Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz global mean_pub,dev_pub global publish_each # filtering val_fx = Fx.add(msg.wrench.force.x) val_fy = Fy.add(msg.wrench.force.y) val_fz = Fz.add(msg.wrench.force.z) val_tx = Tx.add(msg.wrench.torque.x) val_ty = Ty.add(msg.wrench.torque.y) val_tz = Tz.add(msg.wrench.torque.z) if count == publish_each: mean_wr = WrenchStamped() dev_wr = WrenchStamped() # copying acquired msg header to new msg mean_wr.header = msg.header dev_wr.header = msg.header # copying force data X mean_wr.wrench.force.x = val_fx[0] dev_wr.wrench.force.x = val_fx[1] # copying force data Y mean_wr.wrench.force.y = val_fy[0] dev_wr.wrench.force.y = val_fy[1] # copying force data Z mean_wr.wrench.force.z = val_fz[0] dev_wr.wrench.force.z = val_fz[1] # copying torque data X mean_wr.wrench.torque.x = val_tx[0] dev_wr.wrench.torque.x = val_tx[1] # copying torque data Y mean_wr.wrench.torque.y = val_ty[0] dev_wr.wrench.torque.y = val_ty[1] # copying torque data Z mean_wr.wrench.torque.z = val_tz[0] dev_wr.wrench.torque.z = val_tz[1] # publishing mean_pub.publish(mean_wr) dev_pub.publish(dev_wr) real_pub.publish(msg) count = -1 count += 1
def publish_wrench(fx, fy, tau): wrench = WrenchStamped() wrench.wrench = Wrench() wrench.wrench.force = Vector3() wrench.wrench.torque = Vector3() wrench.wrench.force.x = fx wrench.wrench.force.y = fy wrench.wrench.force.z = 0 wrench.wrench.torque.x = 0 wrench.wrench.torque.y = 0 wrench.wrench.torque.z = tau wrench.header.seq = 0 wrench.header.frame_id = '/base_link' wrench.header.stamp = wrench_pub.publish(wrench)
def resend_data(msg): global count global Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz global mean_pub,dev_pub global publish_each global orig_f,mean_f,std_f # filtering val_fx = Fx.add(msg.wrench.force.x) val_fy = Fy.add(msg.wrench.force.y) val_fz = Fz.add(msg.wrench.force.z) val_tx = Tx.add(msg.wrench.torque.x) val_ty = Ty.add(msg.wrench.torque.y) val_tz = Tz.add(msg.wrench.torque.z) # writing data to files orig_f.write("%15.5f" % msg.header.stamp.to_sec() + ";") mean_f.write("%15.5f" % msg.header.stamp.to_sec() + ";") std_f.write("%15.5f" % msg.header.stamp.to_sec() + ";") orig_f.write(str(msg.wrench.force.x) + ";") orig_f.write(str(msg.wrench.force.y) + ";") orig_f.write(str(msg.wrench.force.z) + ";") orig_f.write(str(msg.wrench.torque.x) + ";") orig_f.write(str(msg.wrench.torque.y) + ";") orig_f.write(str(msg.wrench.torque.z) + ";\n") mean_f.write(str(val_fx[0]) + ";") mean_f.write(str(val_fy[0]) + ";") mean_f.write(str(val_fz[0]) + ";") mean_f.write(str(val_tx[0]) + ";") mean_f.write(str(val_ty[0]) + ";") mean_f.write(str(val_tz[0]) + ";\n") std_f.write(str(val_fx[1]) + ";") std_f.write(str(val_fy[1]) + ";") std_f.write(str(val_fz[1]) + ";") std_f.write(str(val_tx[1]) + ";") std_f.write(str(val_ty[1]) + ";") std_f.write(str(val_tz[1]) + ";\n") if count == publish_each: mean_wr = WrenchStamped() dev_wr = WrenchStamped() # copying acquired msg header to new msg mean_wr.header = msg.header dev_wr.header = msg.header # copying force data X mean_wr.wrench.force.x = val_fx[0] dev_wr.wrench.force.x = val_fx[1] # copying force data Y mean_wr.wrench.force.y = val_fy[0] dev_wr.wrench.force.y = val_fy[1] # copying force data Z mean_wr.wrench.force.z = val_fz[0] dev_wr.wrench.force.z = val_fz[1] # copying torque data X mean_wr.wrench.torque.x = val_tx[0] dev_wr.wrench.torque.x = val_tx[1] # copying torque data Y mean_wr.wrench.torque.y = val_ty[0] dev_wr.wrench.torque.y = val_ty[1] # copying torque data Z mean_wr.wrench.torque.z = val_tz[0] dev_wr.wrench.torque.z = val_tz[1] # publishing mean_pub.publish(mean_wr) dev_pub.publish(dev_wr) real_pub.publish(msg) count = -1 count += 1