Exemple #1
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
     """Invoke the Controller"""
     # WSGIController.__call__ dispatches to the Controller method
     # the request is routed to. This routing information is
     # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']
         return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Exemple #2
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
     """Invoke the Controller"""
     # WSGIController.__call__ dispatches to the Controller method
     # the request is routed to. This routing information is
     # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']
         return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Exemple #3
def setup_app(command, conf, vars):
    """Place any commands to setup georegistry here"""
    # If we are not in a testing environment,
    if not pylons.test.pylonsapp:
        load_environment(conf.global_conf, conf.local_conf)
    # Create the tables if they don't already exist
    # If we are not in a testing environment and users do not exist,
    if not pylons.test.pylonsapp and not Session.query(model.Person).all():
        # Show feedback
        print 'Please create an administrator account.'
        # Prepare
        passwordDefault = store.makeRandomString(parameter.PASSWORD_LENGTH_AVERAGE)
        # Create
        person = model.Person(raw_input('Username (administrator): ') or 'administrator', model.hashString(getpass.getpass('Password (%s): ' % passwordDefault) or passwordDefault), raw_input('Nickname (Administrator): ') or u'Administrator', raw_input('Email ([email protected]): ') or '*****@*****.**')
        person.is_super = True
Exemple #4
def validateSRID(srid):
    'Make sure we have a valid SRID'
    if not srid:
        raise GeoRegistryError('Must specify spatial reference srid')
        srid = int(srid)
    except ValueError:
        raise GeoRegistryError('Could not parse srid=%s as an integer' % srid)
    result = Session.execute('SELECT proj4text FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid=:srid', dict(srid=srid)).fetchone()
    if not result:
        raise GeoRegistryError('Could not recognize srid=%s' % srid)
    return result[0]
def getPersonIDViaKey():
    'Try to get personID via key; otherwise, try to get personID via session'
    # Load key
    key = request.params.get('key', '').strip()
    # If we have a key,
    if key:
        # Load person
        person = Session.query(model.Person).filter_by(key=key).first()
        # If the person exists,
        if person:
            # Return personID via key
            return person.id
    # Return personID via session
    return getPersonID()
Exemple #6
def getWritableFeatures(featureIDs, personID):
    'Raise GeoRegistryError if personID does not have write access to the featureIDs'
    # Validate featureIDs
        featureIDs = [int(x) for x in featureIDs if x is not None]
    except ValueError:
        raise GeoRegistryError('Could not parse featureIDs=%s as integers' % featureIDs)
    # If we have no featureIDs,
    if not featureIDs:
        return []
    # Load
    features = Session.query(Feature).filter(Feature.id.in_(featureIDs)).all()
    # Validate missingIDs
    missingIDs = list(set(featureIDs).difference(x.id for x in features))
    if missingIDs:
        raise GeoRegistryError('Cannot modify featureIDs=%s that do not exist' % missingIDs)
    # Validate blockedIDs
    blockedIDs = [x.id for x in features if x.owner_id != personID]
    if blockedIDs:
        raise GeoRegistryError('Cannot modify featureIDs=%s because you are not the owner' % blockedIDs)
    # Return
    return features
Exemple #7
def getTags(string, addMissing=False):
    'Return corresponding tags'
    # Load tagTexts and discard empty lines
    tagTexts = filter(lambda x: x, (x.strip() for x in string.splitlines()))
    if not tagTexts:
        raise GeoRegistryError('Must specify at least one tag in tags')
    # Check whether tagTexts are too long
    longTagTexts = filter(lambda x: len(x) > parameter.TAG_LENGTH_MAXIMUM, tagTexts)
    if longTagTexts:
        raise GeoRegistryError('Cannot add the following tags because they are too long:\n%s' % '\n'.join(longTagTexts))
    # Check whether tags exist
    missingTagTexts = list(set(tagTexts).difference(tag.text for tag in Session.query(Tag).filter(Tag.text.in_(tagTexts))))
    if missingTagTexts:
        # If we are not supposed to add missing tags,
        if not addMissing:
            raise GeoRegistryError('Cannot match the following tags: %s' % missingTagTexts)
        # Add tags that don't exist
        Session.execute(tags_table.insert(), [{
            'text': x,
        } for x in missingTagTexts])
        # Commit
    # Return
    return Session.query(Tag).filter(Tag.text.in_(tagTexts)).all()
Exemple #8
def init_model(engine):
    'Call me before using any of the tables or classes in the model'