Exemple #1
    def get_plane_relief_surface_info(self, plane):
        Get relief surface parameters for a plane.

        :param plane:   plane number or plane name
        :returns:       relief surface properties
        :rtype:         :class:`geosoft.gxpy.view.PlaneReliefSurfaceInfo`

                .. versionadded::9.2

        if isinstance(plane, str):
            plane = self.plane_number(plane)

        surface_grid_name = gxapi.str_ref()
        sample = gxapi.int_ref()
        base = gxapi.float_ref()
        scale = gxapi.float_ref()
        min_ref = gxapi.float_ref()
        max_ref = gxapi.float_ref()
        self.gxview.get_plane_surface(plane, surface_grid_name)
        self.gxview.get_plane_surf_info(plane, sample, base, scale, min_ref, max_ref)

        refine = 1 + int(sample.value / 16)

        min_val = None if min_ref.value == gxapi.rDUMMY else min_ref.value
        max_val = None if max_ref.value == gxapi.rDUMMY else max_ref.value

        return PlaneReliefSurfaceInfo(surface_grid_name.value, refine,
                                      base.value, scale.value, min_val, max_val)
Exemple #2
 def map_to_view(self, x, y):
     xr = gxapi.float_ref()
     xr.value = x * 1000.0
     yr = gxapi.float_ref()
     yr.value = y * 1000.0
     self.gxview.plot_to_view(xr, yr)
     return xr.value, yr.value
Exemple #3
 def _extent(self, what):
     xmin = gxapi.float_ref()
     ymin = gxapi.float_ref()
     xmax = gxapi.float_ref()
     ymax = gxapi.float_ref()
     self.gxview.extent(what, UNIT_VIEW, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
     return xmin.value, ymin.value, xmax.value, ymax.value
Exemple #4
    def extent_group(self, group, unit=UNIT_VIEW):
        Extent of a group

        :param group:   group name
        :param unit:    units:



        :returns: extent as (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)

        .. versionadded: 9.2
        xmin = gxapi.float_ref()
        ymin = gxapi.float_ref()
        xmax = gxapi.float_ref()
        ymax = gxapi.float_ref()
        self.gxview.get_group_extent(group, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, unit)
        if unit == UNIT_MAP:
            xmin.value *= 0.1
            xmax.value *= 0.1
            ymin.value *= 0.1
            ymax.value *= 0.1
        return xmin.value, ymin.value, xmax.value, ymax.value
Exemple #5
 def view_to_map(self, x, y):
     xr = gxapi.float_ref()
     xr.value = x
     yr = gxapi.float_ref()
     yr.value = y
     self.gxview.view_to_plot(xr, yr)
     return xr.value / 10.0, yr.value / 10.0
Exemple #6
 def extent(self, extent=EXTENT_VIEW):
     xmin = gxapi.float_ref()
     ymin = gxapi.float_ref()
     xmax = gxapi.float_ref()
     ymax = gxapi.float_ref()
     self.gxview.extent(EXTENT_VIEW, UNIT_VIEW, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
     if extent == EXTENT_MAP:
         xmin.value, ymin.value = self.view_to_map(xmin.value, ymin.value)
         xmax.value, ymax.value = self.view_to_map(xmax.value, ymax.value)
     return xmin.value, ymin.value, xmax.value, ymax.value
Exemple #7
    def current_map_state(self):
        Return the state of the current map.
        :returns: dict of the current map state, {} if no current map.
            =============== =========================================================
            'current_view'  name of the current view
            'display_area'  (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y) in units of the current view
            '3d_view_name'  if a 3D view, name of the view
            'point'         (x, y) of the current selection point
            'cursor'        (x, y) of the current cursor location
            =============== =========================================================
        .. versionadded:: 9.2

        smap = {}
        if self.current_map:

            fx = gxapi.float_ref()
            fy = gxapi.float_ref()
            fx2 = gxapi.float_ref()
            fy2 = gxapi.float_ref()
            s = gxapi.str_ref()

            smap = {}
            emap = gxapi.GXEMAP.current_no_activate()

            smap['current_view'] = s.value

            emap.get_display_area(fx, fy, fx2, fy2)
            smap['display_area'] = (fx.value, fy.value, fx2.value, fy2.value)

            if emap.is_3d_view():

                smap['3d_view'] = s.value

                # 2D

                emap.get_cur_point(fx, fy)
                smap["point"] = (fx.value, fy.value, None)
                emap.get_cursor(fx, fy)
                smap["cursor"] = (fx.value, fy.value, None)

            return smap
Exemple #8
    def min_max(self):
        Return the minimum and maximum values as doubles.  Strings are converted if possible.

        :return: (minimum, maximum), or if all dummy, (None, None)

        .. versionadded:: 9.3.1

        rmin = gxapi.float_ref()
        rmax = gxapi.float_ref()
        self._gxvv.range_double(rmin, rmax)
        if rmin.value == gxapi.rDUMMY:
            return (None, None)
        return rmin.value, rmax.value
Exemple #9
 def render_properties(self):
     """The rendering properties for this surface as (color, opacity, style). Can be set."""
     color = gxapi.int_ref()
     trans = gxapi.float_ref()
     style = gxapi.int_ref()
     self._gxsurfaceitem.get_default_render_properties(color, trans, style)
     return gxg.Color(color.value), trans.value, style.value
Exemple #10
    def mdf(self):
        Returns the Map Description File specification for maps that contain
        both a base view and a data view.

        ((x_size, y_size, margin_bottom, margin_right, margin_top, margin_left),
         (scale, units_per_metre, x_origin, y_origin))\

        .. versionadded: 9.2

        views = self.view_list()

        if not(self.has_view("*Data") and self.has_view("*Base")):
            raise MapException('The map must have both a "*Base" view and a "*Data" view.')

        xmn = gxapi.float_ref()
        ymn = gxapi.float_ref()
        xmx = gxapi.float_ref()
        ymx = gxapi.float_ref()

        with gxvw.GXview(self, "*Base", gxvw.READ_ONLY) as v:
            v.gxview.extent(gxapi.MVIEW_EXTENT_CLIP, gxapi.MVIEW_EXTENT_UNIT_MM,
                            xmn, ymn, xmx, ymx)
            mapx = (xmx.value - xmn.value) * 0.1
            mapy = (ymx.value - ymn.value) * 0.1

        with gxvw.GXview(self, "*Data", gxvw.READ_ONLY) as v:
            v.gxview.extent(gxapi.MVIEW_EXTENT_CLIP, gxapi.MVIEW_EXTENT_UNIT_MM,
                            xmn, ymn, xmx, ymx)
            view_map = (xmn.value * 0.1,
                        ymn.value * 0.1,
                        xmx.value * 0.1,
                        ymx.value * 0.1)

            v.gxview.extent(gxapi.MVIEW_EXTENT_CLIP, gxapi.MVIEW_EXTENT_UNIT_VIEW,
                            xmn, ymn, xmx, ymx)
            view_view = (xmn.value, ymn.value, xmx.value, ymx.value)

        m1 = (mapx, mapy, view_map[1], mapx - view_map[2], mapy - view_map[3], view_map[0])
        sc = (view_view[2] - view_view[0]) / ((view_map[2] - view_map[0]) / 100.0)
        ufac = 1.0
        x0 = view_view[0]
        y0 = view_view[1]
        m2 = (sc, ufac, x0, y0)

        return m1, m2
Exemple #11
    def draw_controls(self):
        Vox drawing settings, returned as a tuple:

        (box_on, opacity, extent) as (boolean, float, (min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z))

        Can be set.

        .. versionadded:: 9.3.1

        if self.is_vector:
            return None, None, None

        box = gxapi.int_ref()
        trans = gxapi.float_ref()
        x0 = gxapi.float_ref()
        x1 = gxapi.float_ref()
        y0 = gxapi.float_ref()
        y1 = gxapi.float_ref()
        z0 = gxapi.float_ref()
        z1 = gxapi.float_ref()
        self.gxvoxd.get_draw_controls(box, trans, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1)
        return bool(box.value), trans.value, (x0.value, y0.value, z0.value,
                                              x1.value, y1.value, z1.value)
Exemple #12
    def trace_sample_interval(self):
        The interval between successive values in the trace data.
        E.g. microseconds or millimetres.

        ref = gxapi.float_ref()
        return ref.value
Exemple #13
    def view_to_map_cm(self, x, y=None):
        Returns the location of this point on the map in the view.

        :param x:   x, or a tuple (x,y), in view units
        :param y:   y if x is not a tuple

        .. versionadded:: 9.2
        if y is None:
            y = x[1]
            x = x[0]
        xr = gxapi.float_ref()
        xr.value = x
        yr = gxapi.float_ref()
        yr.value = y
        self.gxview.view_to_plot(xr, yr)
        return xr.value / 10.0, yr.value / 10.0
Exemple #14
    def shell_limits(self):
        The data limits of the visible data shell for scalar data. Can be set.

        returns: (min, max) limits, data outside this range is transparent, None for no limit

        .. versionadded 9.3.1
        vmin = gxapi.float_ref()
        vmax = gxapi.float_ref()
        self.gxvoxd.get_shell_controls(vmin, vmax)
        vmin = vmin.value
        vmax = vmax.value
        if vmin == gxapi.rDUMMY:
            vmin = None
        if vmax == gxapi.rDUMMY:
            vmax = None
        return vmin, vmax
Exemple #15
    def map_cm_to_view(self, x, y=None):
        Returns the location of this point on the map (in cm) to the view location in view units.

        :param x:   x, or a tuple (x,y), in map cm
        :param y:   y if x is not a tuple

        .. versionadded:: 9.2

        if y is None:
            y = x[1]
            x = x[0]
        xr = gxapi.float_ref()
        xr.value = x * 10.0
        yr = gxapi.float_ref()
        yr.value = y * 10.0
        self.gxview.plot_to_view(xr, yr)
        return xr.value, yr.value
Exemple #16
    def properties(self, refresh=False):
        Surface properties from `geosoft.gxapi.GXSURFACEITEM.get_properties_ex`.

        :param refresh: if True, computed properties will be refreshed on next access.

        .. versionadded:: 9.3.1

        if refresh:
            self._properties = None

        if not self._properties:

            stype = gxapi.str_ref()
            name = gxapi.str_ref()
            source_guid = gxapi.str_ref()
            source_name = gxapi.str_ref()
            source_measure = gxapi.float_ref()
            second_source_guid = gxapi.str_ref()
            second_source_name = gxapi.str_ref()
            second_source_option = gxapi.int_ref()
            second_source_measure = gxapi.float_ref()
            second_source_measure2 = gxapi.float_ref()
                stype, name, source_guid, source_name, source_measure,
                second_source_guid, second_source_name, second_source_option,
                second_source_measure, second_source_measure2)
            self._properties = {
                'type': stype.value,
                'name': name.value,
                'source_guid': source_guid.value,
                'source_dataset': source_name.value,
                'source_measure': source_measure.value,
                'second_source_guid': second_source_guid.value,
                'second_source_dataset': second_source_name.value,
                'second_source_option': second_source_option.value,
                'second_source_measure': second_source_measure.value,
                'second_source_measure2': second_source_measure2.value

        return self._properties
Exemple #17
    def units(self):
        :return: tuple (factor, abbreviation), where factor is multiplier to convert to metres

        .. versionadded:: 9.2

        sref = gxapi.str_ref()
        fref = gxapi.float_ref()
        self.gxipj.get_units(fref, sref)
        return fref.value, sref.value
Exemple #18
 def extent(self):
     """ Object extent as a `Point2` instance."""
     if self._gxobj and hasattr(self._gxobj, 'get_extents'):
         rx0 = gxapi.float_ref()
         ry0 = gxapi.float_ref()
         rz0 = gxapi.float_ref()
         rx1 = gxapi.float_ref()
         ry1 = gxapi.float_ref()
         rz1 = gxapi.float_ref()
         self._gxobj.get_extents(rx0, ry0, rz0, rx1, ry1, rz1)
         cs = self.coordinate_system
         return Point2(((rx0.value, ry0.value, rz0.value),
                        (rx1.value, ry1.value, rz1.value)), cs)
         return None
Exemple #19
 def extent(self):
     """ extent to the outer-cell edges of the vox as a `geosoft.gxpy.geometry.Point2`."""
     rx0 = gxapi.float_ref()
     ry0 = gxapi.float_ref()
     rz0 = gxapi.float_ref()
     rx1 = gxapi.float_ref()
     ry1 = gxapi.float_ref()
     rz1 = gxapi.float_ref()
     self.gxvox.get_area(rx0, ry0, rz0, rx1, ry1, rz1)
     if self.is_depth:
         return gxgm.Point2(((rx0.value, ry0.value, -rz1.value),
                             (rx1.value, ry1.value, -rz0.value)))
     return gxgm.Point2(((rx0.value, ry0.value, rz0.value),
                         (rx1.value, ry1.value, rz1.value)),
Exemple #20
 def _setup_locations(self):
     xvv = gxvv.GXvv()
     yvv = gxvv.GXvv()
     zvv = gxvv.GXvv()
     self.gxvox.get_location_points(xvv.gxvv, yvv.gxvv, zvv.gxvv)
     self._locations = (list(xvv.np), list(yvv.np), list(zvv.np))
     x0 = gxapi.float_ref()
     y0 = gxapi.float_ref()
     z0 = gxapi.float_ref()
     self.gxvox.get_location(x0, y0, z0, xvv.gxvv, yvv.gxvv, zvv.gxvv)
     self._origin = (x0.value, y0.value, z0.value)
     self._cells = (list(xvv.np), list(yvv.np), list(zvv.np))
     dx = gxapi.float_ref()
     dy = gxapi.float_ref()
     dz = gxapi.float_ref()
     self._gxvox.get_simple_location(x0, y0, z0, dx, dy, dz)
     self._uniform_cell_size = (dx.value, dy.value, dz.value)
Exemple #21
    def test_voxel(self):
        if self.skip():

            name = 'voxel.geosoft_voxel'
                                                0, 0, 0,
                                                1, 1, 1,
                                                300, 200, 50,

            gxvox = gxapi.GXVOX.create(name)
            minx = gxapi.float_ref()
            miny = gxapi.float_ref()
            minz = gxapi.float_ref()
            maxx = gxapi.float_ref()
            maxy = gxapi.float_ref()
            maxz = gxapi.float_ref()
            gxvox.get_area(minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz)
            self.assertEqual(minx.value, -0.5)
            self.assertEqual(maxz.value, 49.5)

            vvx = gxvv.GXvv()
            vvy = gxvv.GXvv()
            vvz = gxvv.GXvv()
            gxvox.get_location_points(vvx.gxvv, vvy.gxvv, vvz.gxvv)
            gxvoxe = gxapi.GXVOXE.create(gxvox)
            vvd = gxvv.GXvv([float(n) for n in range(500)])
            gxvoxe.vector(0., 0., 0., 1.5, 1.5, 0.5, vvd.gxvv, gxapi.VOXE_EVAL_INTERP)
            self.assertEqual(vvd.length, 500)
            self.assertEqual(vvd[0][0], 1.0)
            gxvoxe = None
            gxvox = None

                os.remove(name + '.xml')
import geosoft.gxapi as gxapi

gxc = gxapi.GXContext.create(__name__, '0.1')
img = gxapi.GXIMG.create_file(gxapi.GS_FLOAT,
x_sep = gxapi.float_ref()
y_sep = gxapi.float_ref()
x_origin = gxapi.float_ref()
y_origin = gxapi.float_ref()
rotation = gxapi.float_ref()
img.get_info(x_sep, y_sep, x_origin, y_origin, rotation)

print(' dimension (nx, ny): ({}, {})'.format(img.nx(), img.ny()),
      '\n separation (x, y): ({}, {})'.format(x_sep.value, y_sep.value),
      '\n origin (x, y): ({}, {})'.format(x_origin.value, y_origin.value),
      '\n rotation: {}'.format(rotation.value))
Exemple #23
 def z_offset(self):
     """The Z-coordinate of the start (top) of each trace"""
     ref = gxapi.float_ref()
     return ref.value
Exemple #24
def state():
    Return a dictionary that contains the current Oasis montaj state:

    .. code::

            'gdb' {
                'open_list': [list of open databases]
                'current': current database name
                'disp_chan_list': [ list of channels in the database
                'selection': [ line, channel, start_fid, end_fid]
                    # line is "*" if all lines selected
                    # channel is '' if no channel selected
                    # start_fid is '' if no fiducials selected
                    # start_fid is '*' is all fiducials selected
            'map' {
                'open_list': [list of open maps]
                'current': current map name
                'point': [ x, y, z]
                'cursor': [ x, y, z]
                'display_area':[ xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]

    .. versionadded:: 9.1


    s = gxapi.str_ref()
    glst = gxapi.GXLST.create(4096)
    state = {}

    # databases
    ndb = gxapi.GXEDB.get_databases_lst(glst, gxapi.EDB_PATH_FULL)
    if ndb > 0:
        sdb = {}
        edb = gxapi.GXEDB.current_no_activate()
        sdb['current'] = os.path.normpath(s.value)
        sdb['open_list'] = [os.path.normpath(f) for f in list(dict_from_lst(glst).keys())]

        n = edb.disp_chan_lst(glst)
        if n > 0:
            sdb['disp_chan_list'] = list(dict_from_lst(glst).keys())
            sdb['disp_chan_list'] = []

        sch = gxapi.str_ref()
        sln = gxapi.str_ref()
        sfd = gxapi.str_ref()
        edb.get_current_selection(s, sch, sln, sfd)
        if sch.value == '[All]':
            sch.value = '*'
        if sln.value == '[All]':
            sln.value = '*'
        if sfd.value == '[All]':
            fd = ('*', '*')
        elif sfd.value == "[None]":
            fd = ('', '')
            fd = sfd.value.split(' to ')
            fd = (fd[0], fd[1])
        sdb['selection'] = (sln.value, sch.value, fd[0], fd[1])
        state['gdb'] = sdb

    # maps
    nmaps = gxapi.GXEMAP.get_maps_lst(glst, gxapi.EMAP_PATH_FULL)
    if nmaps > 0:
        fx = gxapi.float_ref()
        fy = gxapi.float_ref()
        fx2 = gxapi.float_ref()
        fy2 = gxapi.float_ref()

        smap = {}
        emap = gxapi.GXEMAP.current_no_activate()
        smap['current'] = os.path.normpath(s.value)
        smap['open_list'] = [os.path.normpath(f) for f in list(dict_from_lst(glst).keys())]

        emap.get_display_area(fx, fy, fx2, fy2)
        smap['display_area'] = (fx.value, fy.value, fx2.value, fy2.value)

        if emap.is_3d_view():

            smap['3d_view_name'] = s.value

            # 2D

            emap.get_cur_point(fx, fy)
            smap["point"] = (fx.value, fy.value, None)
            emap.get_cursor(fx, fy)
            smap["cursor"] = (fx.value, fy.value, None)

        state['map'] = smap

    return state
Exemple #25
 def __init__(self, ipj=None):
     self._ipj = gxapi.GXIPJ.create()
     self._sr = gxapi.str_ref()
     self._fr = gxapi.float_ref()
Exemple #26
def simple_set_get_string(dn, s):
    print("simple_set_get_string start")
    tstart = time.perf_counter()
    for i in range(0, 1000000):
    elapsed = time.perf_counter() - tstart
    print("simple_set_get_string end: {}".format(elapsed))

ctx = gxa.GXContext.create("", "")
ctxo = gxo.GXContext.create("", "")
dn = gxa.GX3DN.create()

dno = gxo.GX3DN.create()
x = gxa.float_ref()
y = gxa.float_ref()
z = gxa.float_ref()
s = gxa.str_ref()
xo = gxo.float_ref()
yo = gxo.float_ref()
zo = gxo.float_ref()
so = gxo.str_ref()

simple_set_get_doubles(dno, xo, yo, zo)
simple_set_get_string(dno, so)
simple_set_get_doubles(dn, x, y, z)
Exemple #27
 def trace_range(self):
     """The depth of the top and bottom of the traces."""
     top = self.z_offset
     bottom_ref = gxapi.float_ref()
     return (top, bottom_ref.value)
Exemple #28
 def metres_per_unit(self):
     """ the number metres per distance unit of the coordinate system."""
     fr = gxapi.float_ref()
     sr = gxapi.str_ref()
     self.gxipj.get_units(fr, sr)
     return fr.value