def run_fetch_tile(self, status, *urls): """ Mock aiohttp request and response for `fetch_tile` coroutine and run the coroutine. The `status` parameter is HTTP error code, but can be exception as well. If exception, then it is raised during request. :param status: HTTP error code (i.e. 200) or an exception. :param urls: Collection of urls. """ @asyncio.coroutine def mock_read_and_close(*args, **kwargs): return "image" @asyncio.coroutine def mock_request(*args, **kwargs): if isinstance(status, Exception): raise status response = mock.MagicMock() response.status = status response.read_and_close = mock_read_and_close return response with mock.patch.object(aiohttp, "request", mock_request) as request: coros = (fetch_tile(u) for u in urls) task = asyncio.gather(*coros, return_exceptions=True) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() result = loop.run_until_complete(task) yield result
def run_fetch_tile(self, status, *urls): """ Mock `urllib.request.urlopen` call and run `fetch_tile` function. The `status` parameter is HTTP error code, but can be exception as well. If exception, then it is raised during request. :param status: HTTP error code (i.e. 200) or an exception. :param urls: Collection of urls. """ response = mock.MagicMock() = "image" response.status = status with mock.patch.object(urllib.request, "Request") as _, mock.patch.object(urllib.request, "urlopen") as f: if isinstance(status, Exception): f.side_effect = status else: f.return_value = response result = [fetch_tile(u) for u in urls] yield result