def __init__(self, repeatFreq=1): import time import socket import get_IP threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._stop_event = threading.Event() self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) self.UDP_IP = get_IP.getBroadcastIP() self.command = "" self.repeat = [] self.repeatFreq = repeatFreq print("[Sending] SendThread thread start.")
GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) freq = 2000 # Define Support Device LED = {"roadlight1":19} for lightName,pin in LED.items(): GPIO.setup(pin,GPIO.OUT) # ##building for auto config support device ledList = [ key for key,value in LED.items()] controlable = {"led":ledList} # Define variable broadcastIP = get_IP.getBroadcastIP() threads = [] myID = 'RS-01' myIP = get_IP.getIP() myName = 'roadlight' knownDevice = {'masterCar':{},'slaveCar':{},'side':{}} # Start Thread sendThread = ThreadCommunication.SendThread(repeatFreq = 0.2) threads.append(sendThread) receiveThread = ThreadCommunication.ReceiveThread() threads.append(receiveThread) for thread in threads: thread.start() ########## Main ##########
def run(self): ##### Establish threads to sensoring = ThreadCarDriver.CarDriver() self.threadList.append((, "Car")) if enableTraceLine: self.thread_Linesensor_L = ThreadSensor.LineSensor(traceline_L) self.thread_Linesensor_R = ThreadSensor.LineSensor(traceline_R) self.threadList.append((self.thread_Linesensor_L, "Line_L")) self.threadList.append((self.thread_Linesensor_R, "Line_R")) if enableDistance: self.thread_Distance = ThreadSensor.DistanceSensor( echo=distance_echo, trig=distance_trigger, led=distance_led, ir=distance_ir, maxDis=self.maxDist) self.threadList.append((self.thread_Distance, "Distance")) if enableGPS: self.thread_Gps = ThreadSensor.GPSMeter() self.threadList.append((self.thread_Gps, "GPS")) if enableDHT11: self.thread_Dht11 = ThreadSensor.DHT11Sensor(pin=dht11_pin) self.threadList.append((self.thread_Dht11, "DHT11")) if enableLight: self.thread_Light = ThreadSensor.LightSensor() self.threadList.append((self.thread_Light, "Light")) if enableConnection: self.qlock = threading.Lock() self.thread_Send = ThreadCommunication.SendThread() self.threadList.append((self.thread_Send, "Send")) self.thread_Receive = ThreadCommunication.ReceiveThread() self.threadList.append((self.thread_Receive, "Receive")) import get_IP self.myIP = get_IP.getIP() self.knownDevice = {'masterCar': {}, 'slaveCar': {}, 'side': {}} #self.controlable = {} self.thread_Send.send( { 'type': 'discover', 'context': { 'id': self.myID, 'name': self.myName, 'type': 'masterCar' } }, get_IP.getBroadcastIP(), repeat=True) global enableUploadData if enableUploadData: if enableGPS: if enableDHT11: self.thread_Upload = ThreadCommunication.UploadData() else: self.thread_Upload = ThreadCommunication.UploadData( toSensor=False) self.threadList.append((self.thread_Upload, "Upload")) else: print("[CarMain] To upload data need GPS enabled.") print("[CarMain] Disable Upload function.") enableUploadData = False print("[Debug] Ready to start threads.") for thread in self.threadList: if debug: print("[Debug] Starting Thread %s" % (thread[1])) thread[0].start() ##### Loop while True: print("[CarMain] Car start run loop.") while (not self._stop_event.is_set()): ########## Loop Car if debug: print("[Debug] Car main.") ##### Get sensor data if enableTraceLine: lineL = self.thread_Linesensor_L.value lineR = self.thread_Linesensor_R.value if enableDistance: dist = self.thread_Distance.value ##### Car main execution persistTime = 0 if enableDistance and enableDistance: if dist < self.maxDist: if dist < self.backDist: command = "Back" persistTime = 1 else: command = "Stop" else: if lineL == 'white' and lineR == 'white': command = "Go" elif lineL == 'black' and lineR == 'white': command = "Left" elif lineL == 'white' and lineR == 'black': command = "Right" else: command = "Go" elif not enableDistance and enableDistance: if lineL == 'white' and lineR == 'white': command = "Go" elif lineL == 'black' and lineR == 'white': command = "Left" elif lineL == 'white' and lineR == 'black': command = "Right" else: command = "Go" elif enableDistance and not enableDistance: if dist < self.maxDist: if dist < self.backDist: command = "Back" persistTime = 1 else: command = "Stop" else: command = "Go" if debug: pass print("[Debug] Car assign command to car."), persistTime) ########## Loop Sensor print("[Debug] Car sensor.") if enableConnection: if debug: print("[Debug] Car in connection.") for i in range(0, 2): ThreadCommunication.qlock.acquire() if debug: print("[Debug] Car get lock.") if not ThreadCommunication.receivedQueue.empty(): data = ThreadCommunication.receivedQueue.get() ThreadCommunication.qlock.release() pack = data['receive'] if pack['type'] == 'discover': deviceType = pack['context']['type'] if not data['ip'] in self.knownDevice[ deviceType]: #if debug: print( "[Debug] Get New Device : %s %s" % (deviceType, pack['context']['name'])) if deviceType == 'side': self.knownDevice['side'][ data['ip']] = { 'id': pack['context']['id'], 'name': pack['context']['name'], 'control': pack['context']['control'] } if deviceType == 'slaveCar': self.knownDevice['slaveCar'][ data['ip']] = { 'id': pack['context']['id'], 'name': pack['context']['name'] } else: # Has recorded before pass else: # Other messeage not discover type pass else: try: ThreadCommunication.qlock.release() except: print( "[Error] Unlock not locked lock in small.") pass break if enableSlave: for deviceIP, deviceDetail in self.knownDevice[ 'slaveCar'].items(): self.thread_Send.send( { 'type': 'carCommand', 'context': { 'command': command, 'time': persistTime } }, deviceIP, repeat=True) if enableSide: if enableLight: if self.thread_Light.value == 'light': lightCommand = "off" else: lightCommand = "on" for deviceIP, deviceDetail in self.knownDevice[ 'side'].items(): if enableLight: sendLight = {} for led in deviceDetail['control']['led']: sendLight.update({led: lightCommand}) self.thread_Send.send( { 'type': 'sideCommand', 'context': { 'led': sendLight } }, deviceIP, repeat=True) if enableUploadData: if not self.thread_Gps.value[ 'latitude'] == 0 and not self.thread_Gps.value[ 'longitude'] == 0: lat = self.thread_Gps.value['latitude'] lon = self.thread_Gps.value['longitude'] self.thread_Upload.setGPS(latitude=lat, longitude=lon) if enableDHT11: if self.thread_Dht11.ready == True: hum = self.thread_Dht11.humidity tem = self.thread_Dht11.temperature self.thread_Upload.setDHT(temperature=tem, humidity=hum) #except BaseException as e: # print("[CarMain] Capture Exception while looping!") # print(type(e), str(e)) #finally: # try: # ThreadCommunication.qlock.release() # except: # print("[Error] Unlock not locked lock in Big.") # else: print("[CarMain] Exiting") for thread in self.threadList: thread[0].stop() time.sleep(1) for thread in self.threadList: print("[CarMain] Is thread ", thread[1], "alive? ", thread[0].is_alive())