Exemple #1
    setup      = {'BX': {'colors': ['goldenrod', 'tan',         'y'], 'maglim': 25.5, 'decband': 'R'},\
                   'u': {'colors': ['darkblue',  'deepskyblue', 'b'], 'maglim': 24.6, 'decband': 'R'},\
                   'g': {'colors': ['darkgreen', 'limegreen',   'g'], 'maglim': 25.8, 'decband': 'i'},\
                   'r': {'colors': ['darkred',   'indianred',   'r'], 'maglim': 25.8, 'decband': 'z'}}

    mlim = setup[band]['maglim']

    ##  pz     =  get_pz(band)

    ##  Interloper GP rewrite.
    _, _, _, _, ngp = gp_pz(band, 'Full', 5.5)
    pz = np.vectorize(ngp)

    bz = lambda z: bz_callmodel(z, mlim)

    nbar = get_shot(band, mlim)
    nbar /= (4. * np.pi / 41253.)  ##  Sq. deg. to steradian.

    int_frac = 0.06
    nbar_wint = (1.0 + int_frac) * nbar

    decband = setup[band]['decband']
    colors = setup[band]['colors']

    peakz = _peakz(pz)

    ##  Hard p(z) limits.
    zmin = 0.01
Exemple #2
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl

from get_bz import bz_callmodel

##  Photometric.
##  print(bz_callmodel(2.2, 24.0))
print(bz_callmodel(3.0, 24.6))
print(bz_callmodel(4.0, 25.8))
print(bz_callmodel(5.0, 25.8))


##  Spectroscopic.
print(bz_callmodel(2.2, 24.0))
print(bz_callmodel(3.0, 24.0))
print(bz_callmodel(4.0, 25.5))
print(bz_callmodel(5.0, 25.5))
Exemple #3
    band = 'u'

    setup        = {'BX':  {'colors': ['goldenrod', 'tan',         'y'], 'spec-maglim': 24.0, 'phot-maglim': 25.5,'decband': 'R', 'file': 'BXDrop.dat'},\
                     'u':  {'colors': ['darkblue',  'deepskyblue', 'b'], 'spec-maglim': 24.0, 'phot-maglim': 24.6,'decband': 'R', 'file': 'MalkanDrop.dat'},\
                     'g':  {'colors': ['darkgreen', 'limegreen',   'g'], 'spec-maglim': 25.5, 'phot-maglim': 25.8,'decband': 'i', 'file': 'gDrop.dat'},\
                     'r':  {'colors': ['darkred',   'indianred',   'r'], 'spec-maglim': 25.5, 'phot-maglim': 25.8,'decband': 'z', 'file': 'rDrop.dat'}}

    file = setup[band]['file']
    colors = setup[band]['colors']

    spec_mlim = setup[band]['spec-maglim']
    phot_mlim = setup[band]['phot-maglim']

    ##  Spectroscopic sample p(z) and b(z).
    ps = get_pz(band)
    bs = lambda z: bz_callmodel(z, spec_mlim)

    ##  Get the z percentiles for this dropout p(z).
    percentiles = percentiles(ps, printit=True)

    ##  Photometric sample p(z).
    pp = get_pz(band)

    peakz = _peakz(ps)

    zmin = peakz - 1.0
    zmax = peakz + 1.0

    ##  Get dropout Schechter photometric sample counts for given band.
    root = os.environ['LBGCMB']
    data = np.loadtxt(root + '/dropouts/schechter/dat/%s' % file)