def fit_polarized_flux_modified_plaw_combined(restnu, polarnu, polarflux, spflux, fitwindow, normflux, plotout, qmjd, nuorig, p, sp, plaw_params, polspec): ########### Fit the polarized flux with a modified power-law################### ########## F = (A * nu + B) * Norm * nu^(-alpha)############################## ########## Start with fitting the polarization with P = (A nu + B)############## linepol_params = Parameters() linepol_params.add('slope', value = 1.0/gom(np.median(restnu))) linepol_params.add('intercept', value = 1.0) linepol_output = minimize(find_line_resid, linepol_params, args=(polarnu, p, sp)) linepol_model = find_line(linepol_params, polarnu) ### Use the Slope and Intercept as fixed paramters for the modified power-law modified_plaw_params = Parameters() minslope = linepol_params['slope'].value - 3*linepol_params['slope'].stderr maxslope = linepol_params['slope'].value + 3*linepol_params['slope'].stderr minint = linepol_params['intercept'].value - 3*linepol_params['intercept'].stderr maxint = linepol_params['intercept'].value + 3*linepol_params['intercept'].stderr modified_plaw_params.add('slope', value = linepol_params['slope'].value, min=minslope, max=maxslope) modified_plaw_params.add('intercept', value= linepol_params['intercept'].value, min=minint, max=maxint) modified_plaw_params.add('normal', value = plaw_params['norm'].value, min=np.float64(0.0)) modified_plaw_params.add('alpha', value = plaw_params['alpha'].value) modified_plaw_output = minimize(find_modified_plaw_resid, modified_plaw_params, args=(polarnu[fitwindow], polarflux[fitwindow]/normflux, spflux[fitwindow]/polarflux[fitwindow]), method = 'nelder') modified_plaw_output = minimize(find_modified_plaw_resid, modified_plaw_params, args=(polarnu[fitwindow], polarflux[fitwindow]/normflux, spflux[fitwindow]/polarflux[fitwindow])) modified_plaw_model = find_modified_plaw(modified_plaw_params, polarnu)*normflux name='modified_plaw' plot_polarized_flux_fit_combined(polarflux, spflux, polarnu, qmjd, plotout, restnu, nuorig, modified_plaw_model, name, polspec) return linepol_params, linepol_output, linepol_model, modified_plaw_params, modified_plaw_model
def plot_spectrum(fframe, pframe, framnum): import numpy as np import scipy as sp import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from bin_array import bin_array as ba from get_order_of_magnitude import get_order_of_magnitude as gom fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(10, 7)) #ax1 = plt.subplot(211) ynorm = gom(fframe[fframe.columns[3]]) plt.ylabel( r'$F_\lambda \; (10^{' + str(np.trunc(np.log10(ynorm)).astype(int)) + r'} \; \mathrm{erg \; s}^{-1}\;\mathrm{cm}^{-2}\mathrm{\AA}^{-1}$)') plt.xlabel(r'$\lambda \;(\mathrm{\AA})$') plt.plot(fframe['wl'], fframe[fframe.columns[framnum]] / ynorm) # Label some of the emission lines on the plot to motivate their removal plt.arrow(4860, 0.3, 0, -0.05, color='blue', head_width=75, head_length=0.05) plt.arrow(4350, 0.3, 0, -0.05, color='blue', head_width=75, head_length=0.05) plt.arrow(4100, 0.3, 0, -0.05, color='blue', head_width=75, head_length=0.05) plt.text(4350, 0.31, 'Hydrogen', color='blue', fontsize=15) plt.arrow(3300, 0.05, 0, 0.15, color='red', head_width=75, head_length=0.05) plt.arrow(3800, 0.05, 0, 0.1, color='red', head_width=75, head_length=0.05) plt.text(3500, 0.03, 'Ionized Iron', color='red', fontsize=15) plt.arrow(3500, 0.5, -500, 0, color='green', head_length=100, head_width=0.01) plt.text(3700, 0.5, 'Mg II', color='green', fontsize=15)
def plot_models_mc(mjdarr, bbb_integratedflux, sigbump, synchrotron_integratedflux, sigsyn, total_integratedflux, sigflux, plotout, name): plt.cla() #convert the MJD to the year in order to obtain a second axis scale yeararr = mjdarr - 51544.0 yeararr = yeararr / 365.25 yeararr = yeararr + 2000.0 def tick_function(X): V = 2000.00 + (X - 51544.00) / 365.25 return ["%.2f" % z for z in V] normalize = gom(np.median(total_integratedflux)) fig = plt.figure(15, figsize=(10, 7)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax2 = ax1.twiny() line2, = ax1.plot(mjdarr, bbb_integratedflux / normalize, color=(0, 0, 1), marker='s', ms=6, label='Big Blue Bump Flux', ls='') ax1.errorbar(mjdarr, bbb_integratedflux / normalize, yerr=sigbump / normalize, color=(0, 0, 1), marker='s', ms=6, ls='') line3, = ax1.plot(mjdarr, synchrotron_integratedflux / normalize, color=(1, 0, 0), marker='o', label='Synchrotron Flux', ms=6, ls='') ax1.errorbar(mjdarr, synchrotron_integratedflux / normalize, yerr=sigsyn / normalize, color=(1, 0, 0), marker='o', ms=6, ls='') line1, = ax1.plot(mjdarr, total_integratedflux / normalize, color=(1, 0, 1), marker='^', ms=6, label='Total Flux', ls='') ax1.errorbar(mjdarr, total_integratedflux / normalize, yerr=sigflux / normalize, color=(1, 0, 1), marker='^', ms=6, ls='') ax1.set_xlabel('MJD', fontsize=18) ax1.set_ylim([ 0.0, np.amax(total_integratedflux / normalize) + np.std(total_integratedflux / normalize) ]) #ax1.legend(handler_map={type(line1): HandlerLine2D(numpoints=1)},loc='upper left') ax2.set_xlabel(r'$Year$', fontsize=18) tickarr = ax1.get_xticks() xtickarr = ax1.get_xticks().tolist() xticks = xtickarr xticks[0] = ' ' ax1.set_xticklabels(xticks) ax2xticks = tick_function(tickarr) ax2xticks[0] = ' ' ax2.set_xticklabels(ax2xticks) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$F \; (10^{' + str(np.fix(np.log10(normalize)).astype(int)) + '} \mathrm{erg \; s}^{-1} \mathrm{cm}^{-2})$', fontsize=18) plt.savefig(plotout + name + '.png') plt.clf() plt.close()
chiratio2 = chisquareplaw/chisquarequad dof1 = len(model) - 2 dof2 = len(model) - 3 dof3 = len(model) - 4 red_chisquareplaw = chisquareplaw/dof1 red_chisquarelinear = chisquarelinear/dof2 red_chisquarequad = chisquarequad/dof3 sf_polarized_flux = stats.f.sf(chiratio1, dof1, dof2) sf_polarized_flux2 = stats.f.sf(chiratio2, dof1, dof3) polarized_flux_sf = np.append(polarized_flux_sf, sf_polarized_flux) polarized_flux_sf2 = np.append(polarized_flux_sf2, sf_polarized_flux2) plawchi = np.append(plawchi, red_chisquareplaw) linearchi = np.append(linearchi, red_chisquarelinear) quadchi = np.append(quadchi, red_chisquarequad) ################################################################################ normalflux = gom(fitflux) twocomp_params = Parameters() ####################Perform the fit for the two component model################# modelflux, modelsyn, synmodel, mymodel, bumpmodel, model_chisq, model_reduced_chi, twocomp_params, model_for_spectrum, mydatamodel, df1, modelbump =fit_flux_two_comp_model(restnu, polarnu, polarflux, spflux, fitwindow, normflux, plotout, qmjd, oldq, oldu, nuorig, fitflux, plaw_params, normalflux, normnu, sfitflux) mybbbindex = np.append(mybbbindex, twocomp_params['bumpindex'].value) bbb_integratedflux= np.append(bbb_integratedflux, modelbump) synchrotron_integratedflux=np.append(synchrotron_integratedflux, modelsyn) total_integratedflux = np.append(total_integratedflux, modelflux) #create the parameters for the two component model ############################################################################### ####################Perform the fit for the model############################### #############with the cutoff exponential synchrotron############################ modelflux_ec, modelsyn_ec, synmodel_ec, mymodel_ec, bumpmodel_ec, model_chisq_ec, model_reduced_chi_ec, twocomp_params_ec, model_for_spectrum_ec, mydatamodel_ec, df1, modelbump_ec =fit_flux_two_comp_model_expon_cutoff(restnu, polarnu, polarflux, spflux, fitwindow, normflux, plotout, qmjd, oldq, oldu, nuorig, fitflux, plaw_params_expon, normalflux, normnu, sfitflux) mybbbindex_ec = np.append(mybbbindex, twocomp_params_ec['bumpindex'].value)
initialnormal = np.float64(np.median(polarflux)*np.median(polarnu))/normflux plaw_params.add('norm', value=initialnormal, min=np.float64(0.0)) plaw_params.add('alpha', value=np.float64(1.5)) output = minimize(find_plaw_resid, plaw_params, args=(polarnu, polarflux/normflux, 4.0*spflux/normflux)) model = find_plaw(plaw_params, polarnu)*normflux lmfit.printfuncs.report_fit(output.params) name='justplaw' plot_polarized_flux_fit(polarflux, spflux, polarnu, qmjd, plotout, restnu, oldq, oldu, nuorig, model, name) ci = lmfit.conf_interval(output, maxiter=1000) ################################################################################# ########### Fit the polarized flux with a modified power-law################### ########## F = (A * nu + B) * Norm * nu^(-alpha)############################## ########## Start with fitting the polarization with P = (A nu + B)############## linepol_params = Parameters() linepol_params.add('slope', value = 1/gom(np.median(restnu))) linepol_params.add('intercept', value = 1.0) linepol_output = minimize(find_line_resid, linepol_params, args=(polarnu, p, sp)) linepol_model = find_line(linepol_params, polarnu) ### Use the Slope and Intercept as fixed paramters for the modified power-law modified_plaw_params = Parameters() minslope = linepol_params['slope'].value - 2*linepol_params['slope'].stderr maxslope = linepol_params['slope'].value + 2*linepol_params['slope'].stderr minint = linepol_params['intercept'].value - 2*linepol_params['intercept'].stderr maxint = linepol_params['intercept'].value + 2*linepol_params['intercept'].stderr modified_plaw_params.add('slope', value = linepol_params['slope'].value, min=minslope, max=maxslope) modified_plaw_params.add('intercept', value= linepol_params['intercept'].value, min=minint, max=maxint) modified_plaw_params.add('normal', value = plaw_params['norm'].value, min=np.float64(0.0)) modified_plaw_params.add('alpha', value = plaw_params['alpha'].value) modified_plaw_output = minimize(find_modified_plaw_resid, modified_plaw_params, args=(polarnu, polarflux/normflux, 4.0*spflux/polarflux)) modified_plaw_model = find_modified_plaw(modified_plaw_params, polarnu)*normflux
def plot_polarized_flux_fit_combined(polarflux, spolarflux, polarnu, mjd, plotout, restnu, nuspec, model, name, polspec): fig = plt.figure(8, figsize=(10, 7)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) nunorm, fluxnorm, modelnorm = gom(polarnu), gom(polarflux), gom(model) ax1.errorbar(polarnu / nunorm, polarflux / fluxnorm, yerr=4.0 * spolarflux / fluxnorm, fmt='o', color=(0, 1, 1)) ax1.plot(restnu / nunorm, polspec / fluxnorm) ax1.errorbar(polarnu / nunorm, polarflux / fluxnorm, yerr=4.0 * spolarflux / fluxnorm, fmt='o', color=(0, 1, 1)) ax1.plot(polarnu / nunorm, model / fluxnorm, ls='--', color=(0, 0, 0), lw=3) ytick = ax1.get_yticks().tolist() xtick = ax1.get_xticks().tolist() for i in range(0, len(xtick)): xtick[i] = str(xtick[i]) + r'$\times \; \mathrm{10}^{' + str( np.log10(gom(nunorm)).astype(int)) + '}$' ytick[0] = ' ' ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax1.set_yticklabels(ytick) ax1.set_xticklabels(xtick) ax2.set_xlabel(r'$\nu \; \mathrm{(Hz)}$').set_fontsize(15) ax1.set_ylabel( r'$F_{\mathrm{p,\nu\;}} (10^{' + str(np.trunc(np.log10(fluxnorm)).astype(int)) + r'}\mathrm{erg\;s}^{-1} \mathrm{\;cm}^{-2} \mathrm{\;Hz}^{-1}\;)$' ).set_fontsize(15) ax1.set_title("MJD = " + str(format(mjd, '.2f'))).set_fontsize(18) ax2.errorbar(polarnu / nunorm, (polarflux - model) / (model), yerr=4.0 * spolarflux / model, fmt='o', color=(0, 1, 1)) ax2.plot(polarnu / nunorm, polarflux * 0, ls='--', lw=3, color=(0, 0, 0)) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\frac{\mathrm{Residual}}{\mathrm{Model}}$').set_fontsize( 15) xtick = ax2.get_xticks().tolist() for i in range(0, len(xtick)): xtick[i] = str(xtick[i]) + r'$\times \; \mathrm{10}^{' + str( np.log10(gom(nunorm)).astype(int)) + '}$' ax2.set_xticklabels(xtick) plt.savefig(plotout + str(mjd) + name + '_fit2polflux.png') #make a histogram of the residuals plt.clf() plt.figure(10, figsize=(10, 7)) #print (polarflux-polarmodel)/(polarmodel) plt.hist((polarflux - model) / model, 7, facecolor='g') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.xlabel(r'$\frac{\mathrm{Residual}}{\mathrm{Model}}$').set_fontsize(15) plt.savefig(plotout + str(mjd) + name + '_fit2polflux_resid_hist.png') plt.close()
def fit_flux_two_comp_wbb_mc(restnu, polarnu, polarflux, spflux, fitwindow, normflux, plotout, qmjd, oldq, oldu, nuorig, fitflux, plaw_params, normalflux, normnu, sfitflux, twocomp_params, nuspec, name, just1plaw_model): fitspectrum = fitflux * 0.0 synarr = np.array([]) bumparr = np.array([]) alpharr = np.array([]) modelfluxarr = np.array([]) modelsynarr = np.array([]) modelbumparr = np.array([]) modelbbodyarr = np.array([]) maxiter = 250 fitflux = fitflux #-polarflux for myi in range(0, maxiter): randomarray = np.random.randn(len(fitflux)) #print randomarray[2] fitspectrum[0:] = fitflux[0:] + (randomarray[0:] * sfitflux[0:]) if myi == (maxiter - 1): fitspectrum = fitflux #plt.plot(polarnu, fitspectrum) #amin = plaw_params['alpha'].value-(1.0*plaw_params['alpha'].stderr) #plaw_params['alpha'].value = plaw_params['alpha'].value -0.05 amin = plaw_params['alpha'].value - (0.1) amin = plaw_params['alpha'].value - (1.0) #amax = plaw_params['alpha'].value+ (1.0*plaw_params['alpha'].stderr) amax = plaw_params['alpha'].value + (0.1) amax = plaw_params['alpha'].value + (1.0) minsyn = plaw_params['norm'].value * normalflux abegin = (np.mean(fitflux / normalflux) / 2) * np.mean( polarnu / normnu)**((-1.0) * plaw_params['alpha'].value) abegin = (np.mean(fitflux / normalflux) / 2.0) * np.mean( polarnu / normnu)**((-1.0) * plaw_params['alpha'].value) twocomp_BB_params = Parameters() twocomp_BB_params.add('synnormal', value=abegin, min=minsyn) #twocomp_BB_params.add('synalpha', value = plaw_params['alpha'].value , min= amin, max = amax) twocomp_BB_params.add('synalpha', value=plaw_params['alpha'].value, vary=False) twocomp_BB_params.add('bumpindex', value=np.float64(-1.0 / 3.0), vary=False) # twocomp_BB_params.add('bumpindex', value = np.float64(-0.46), vary=False) twocomp_BB_params.add('temperature', value=np.float64(12000.0), min=5000., max=60000) #twocomp_BB_params.add('temperature', value=np.float64(20000.0), min = 5000, max = 50000) twocomp_BB_params.add('blackbody_norm', value=0.2, min=np.float64(0.0), max=100) #twocomp_BB_params.add('blackbody_norm', value = 20.0, vary=False) blackbody = bb(polarnu, twocomp_BB_params['temperature'].value) blackbodymodel = bb(restnu, twocomp_BB_params['temperature'].value) blackbodymodel = blackbodymodel / np.max(blackbodymodel) blackbody = blackbody / np.max(blackbody) #bbegin = (np.mean(fitflux/normalflux)/3.)*np.mean(polarnu/normnu)**(-1./3.) bbegin = 0.145 #1222+216 #bbegin = 0.03 #CTA26 #bbegin = 0.1 #BLLAC bbegin = 0.0 #3C66A and other BL Lacs #bbegin = .06 #3C273 #bbegin = 0.04 #CTA102 #bbegin = 0.005 # 3C454.3 minbumpflux = np.float64(1.84644587168e-12) integrated = np.max(restnu)**( (-1) * twocomp_params['bumpindex'].value + 1.0) - np.min(restnu)**( (-1) * twocomp_params['bumpindex'].value + 1.0) minbumpnorm = minbumpflux * ( (-1) * twocomp_params['bumpindex'].value + 1.0) * np.power( normnu, (-1) * twocomp_params['bumpindex'].value) / integrated minbumpnorm = minbumpnorm / normalflux aaa = 2.808E-17 / (np.power(normnu, (0.77)) * normflux) aaa = 8 * 1.80505565259e-23 / (normalflux * np.power(normnu, (1. / 3.))) minbumpnorm = aaa / 2.0 #print 'aaa', aaa #if np.absolute(qmjd - 56714.0) < 1.0: # aaa= 2.808E-17/(np.power(normnu, (0.77))*normflux) #aaa = 0.46601200360 #aaa = 8*1.80505565259e-23/(normalflux*np.power(normnu, (1./3.))) # print 'aaa', aaa #twocomp_BB_params.add('bumpnormal', value=aaa, vary=False) #twocomp_BB_params.add('bumpnormal', value = aaa, min=minbumpnorm/5.0) #twocomp_BB_params.add('bumpnormal', value = aaa, min=0.0) twocomp_BB_params.add('bumpnormal', value=bbegin, vary=False) #twocomp_BB_params.add('bumpnormal', value = bbegin, min=0.0, vary = True) #else: # twocomp_BB_params.add('bumpnormal', value = aaa, min=minbumpnorm/5.0) # twocomp_BB_params.add('bumpnormal', value = aaa, min=0.0) #twocomp_BB_params.add('bumpnormal', value=aaa, vary=False) #Now solve with Levenberg-Marquadt #print twocomp_BB_params , 'now with blackbody' #print normalflux #print twocomp_BB_params['temperature'].value, 'temperature' #model_for_spectrum_bb = lmfit.minimize(twocomponentmodel_BB_resid, #twocomp_BB_params, args=((polarnu[fitwindow]/normnu), normnu, (fitflux[fitwindow]/gom(nuspec)), #sfitflux[fitwindow]/gom(nuspec) ), method='Nelder') bumpmodelpolnu = get_bigbluebump(twocomp_BB_params, polarnu / normnu) * normalflux model_for_spectrum_bb = minimize( twocomponentmodel_BB_resid, twocomp_BB_params, args=(polarnu[fitwindow] / normnu, normnu, (fitspectrum[fitwindow] / normalflux), sfitflux[fitwindow] / gom(nuspec))) #model_for_spectrum_bb = curve_fit(twocomponentmodel_BB, polarnu[fitwindow]/normnu, normnu, (fitflux[fitwindow]/gom(nuspec)), p0=model_for_spectrum_bb, sigma = sfitflux[fitwindow]/gom(nuspec)) #get initial values for parameters with Nelder-Mead #print fitflux/normalflux #print blackbody #get the blackbody flux blackbodymodel = bb( restnu, twocomp_BB_params['temperature'].value ) * twocomp_BB_params['blackbody_norm'].value * normalflux bbmodelpolnu = bb( polarnu, twocomp_BB_params['temperature'].value ) * twocomp_BB_params['blackbody_norm'].value * normalflux # blackbodymodel = bb(restnu, twocomp_BB_params['temperature'].value)* twocomp_BB_params['blackbody_norm'].value*1.0e-26 # bbmodelpolnu = bb(polarnu, twocomp_BB_params['temperature'].value)* twocomp_BB_params['blackbody_norm'].value*1.0e-26 #plt.plot(restnu, blackbodymodel) bumpmodelwbb = get_bigbluebump(twocomp_BB_params, restnu / normnu) * normalflux bumpmodelpolnu = get_bigbluebump(twocomp_BB_params, polarnu / normnu) * normalflux synmodelwbb = get_synchrotron( twocomp_BB_params, restnu / normnu) * normalflux #+rebin(polarflux, restnu.shape) synmodelpolnu = get_synchrotron( twocomp_BB_params, polarnu / normnu) * normalflux #+ polarflux modelwbb = (blackbodymodel + synmodelwbb + bumpmodelwbb ) / normalflux #+rebin(polarflux, restnu.shape) modelfluxarr = np.append( modelfluxarr, np.trapz(bumpmodelwbb + synmodelwbb + blackbodymodel, restnu) * (-1)) #+ np.trapz(polarflux, polarnu)*(-1.0)) modelsynarr = np.append( modelsynarr, np.trapz(synmodelwbb, restnu) * (-1.0)) #+ np.trapz(polarflux, polarnu)*(-1.0)) modelbumparr = np.append(modelbumparr, np.trapz(bumpmodelwbb, restnu) * (-1)) #print synfluxmodel, 'synfluxmodel' modelbbodyarr = np.append(modelbbodyarr, np.trapz(blackbodymodel, restnu) * (-1)) #print modelwbb modelwbbscale = bb(restnu, twocomp_BB_params['temperature'].value) modelwbbscale = modelwbbscale / normalflux mymodel = (synmodelpolnu + bumpmodelpolnu + bbmodelpolnu) mymodel = mymodel / normalflux mmodel = synmodelpolnu + bumpmodelpolnu + bbmodelpolnu fig = plt.figure(33, figsize=(10, 7)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) #print len(just1plaw_model), 'len just1plaw_model' #print len(restnu), 'len restnu' fitflux = fitflux #+polarflux ax1.set_title("MJD = " + str(format(qmjd, '.2f'))).set_fontsize(18) ax1.plot(restnu / normnu, nuspec / normalflux, color=(0, 0, 1)) ax1.plot(restnu / normnu, synmodelwbb / normalflux, ls=':', color=(1, 0, 0), lw=3) ax1.plot(restnu / normnu, bumpmodelwbb / normalflux, ls='--', color=(0, 0, 1), lw=3) ax1.plot(restnu / normnu, blackbodymodel / normalflux, ls='-.', color=(0, 0, 0), lw=3) ax1.plot(polarnu / normnu, just1plaw_model / normalflux, color=(1, 0, 1), lw=4) ax1.plot(polarnu / normnu, fitflux / normalflux, marker='o', ls='', color=(1, 0, 0)) ax1.plot(polarnu[fitwindow] / normnu, fitflux[fitwindow] / normalflux, marker='s', color=(0, 1, 1), ms=12, ls='') ax1.errorbar(polarnu / normnu, fitflux / normalflux, yerr=sfitflux / normalflux, color=(1, 0, 0), marker='o', ls='') xtick = ax1.get_xticks().tolist() for i in range(0, len(xtick)): xtick[i] = str(xtick[i]) + r'$\times \; \mathrm{10}^{' + str( np.log10(gom(normnu)).astype(int)) + '}$' ax1.set_xticklabels(xtick) #ax1.set_xlabel(r'$\nu\; $(10$^{14} \;$Hz)').set_fontsize(15) ax1.set_ylabel( r'$F_{\mathrm{\nu\;}} (10^{' + str(np.trunc(np.log10(normalflux)).astype(int)) + r'}\mathrm{erg} \; \mathrm{s}^{-1} \; \mathrm{cm}^{-2} \mathrm{\;Hz}^{-1}\;)$' ).set_fontsize(15) ax1.plot(restnu / normnu, modelwbb, ls='--', color=(0.5, 0, 0.5), lw=4) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) resid = ((nuspec / normalflux) - modelwbb) / modelwbb resid2 = (fitflux - mymodel) / mymodel ax2.plot(restnu / normnu, resid) #print mymodel ax2.plot(polarnu / normnu, (fitflux - mmodel) / mmodel, marker='o', color=(1, 0, 0), ls='') ax2.plot(polarnu[fitwindow] / normnu, (fitflux[fitwindow] - mmodel[fitwindow]) / mmodel[fitwindow], marker='s', color=(0, 1, 1), ls='', ms=12) ax2.errorbar(polarnu[fitwindow] / normnu, (fitflux[fitwindow] - mmodel[fitwindow]) / mmodel[fitwindow], yerr=sfitflux[fitwindow] / mmodel[fitwindow], color=(1, 0, 0), ls='', marker='o') ax2.plot(restnu / normnu, restnu * 0, color=(0, 0, 0), lw=3, ls='--') xtick = ax2.get_xticks().tolist() for i in range(0, len(xtick)): xtick[i] = str(xtick[i]) + r'$\times \; \mathrm{10}^{' + str( np.log10(gom(normnu)).astype(int)) + '}$' ax2.set_xticklabels(xtick) ax2.set_ylabel(r'$ \frac{\mathrm{Residual}}{\mathrm{Model}} $') ax2.set_xlabel(r'$\nu \; \mathrm{(Hz)}$').set_fontsize(15) #plt.plot(restnu, modelwbbscale) #print plotout, 'plotout' plt.savefig(plotout + name + 'two_comp_with_BB.png', padinches=2) plt.clf() plt.close() #plt.plot(restnu, modelwbbscale) #print synmodelwbb, 'synmodelwbb' #Get the chi square for this particular model scfitflux = fitflux / normalflux scsfitflux = sfitflux / normalflux #print mmodel mychisquarewbb = chi_square(mmodel[fitwindow], fitflux[fitwindow], sfitflux[fitwindow]) print 'mychisquarewbb', mychisquarewbb, 'mychisquarewbb' #print ( (modelwbb[fitwindow]-scfitflux[fitwindow])**2) #print np.shape(fitwindow), 'shape of window' dof = len(fitwindow[0]) - 4.0 print 'dof', dof #print "len(fitwindow) - 4", len(fitwindow) - 4.0 #print 'modelwbb[fitwindow], fitflux[fitwindow], sfitflux[fitwindow]', modelwbb[fitwindow], fitflux[fitwindow]/gom(nuspec), sfitflux[fitwindow]/gom(nuspec) mychisquarewbb = mychisquarewbb / dof print 'mychisquarewbb', mychisquarewbb bbbumpfluxmodel, blackbodyfluxmodel, synfluxmodel = modelbumparr[ maxiter - 1], modelbbodyarr[maxiter - 1], modelsynarr[maxiter - 1] sigbbbumpfluxmodel, sigblackbodyfluxmodel, sigsynfluxmodel, sigfluxmodel = np.std( modelbumparr) * 1.0, np.std(modelbbodyarr) * 1.0, np.std( modelsynarr) * 1.0, np.std(modelfluxarr) * 1.0 return blackbodyfluxmodel, twocomp_BB_params, synmodelwbb, bumpmodelwbb, blackbodymodel, synfluxmodel, bbbumpfluxmodel, mychisquarewbb, mmodel, sigbbbumpfluxmodel, sigblackbodyfluxmodel, sigsynfluxmodel, sigfluxmodel
def plot_modelswbb_mc(mjdarr, bbb_integratedflux, sigbump, synchrotron_integratedflux, sigsyn, bb_flux, sig_bbflux, total_integratedflux, sigflux, plotout='/home/mmalmrose/Desktop/', name='test'): plt.cla() #print bb_flux, sig_bbflux #convert the MJD to the year in order to obtain a second axis scale yeararr = mjdarr - 51544.00 yeararr = yeararr / 365.25 yeararr = yeararr + 2000.00 print 'yeararr', yeararr def tick_function(X): V = 2000.00 + ((X - 51544.00) / 365.25) return ["%.1f" % z for z in V] normalize = gom(np.median(total_integratedflux)) fig = plt.figure(25, figsize=(10, 7)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax2 = ax1.twiny() line2, = ax1.plot(mjdarr, bbb_integratedflux / normalize, color=(0, 0, 1), marker='s', ms=6, label='Big Blue Bump Flux', ls='') ax1.errorbar(mjdarr, bbb_integratedflux / normalize, yerr=sigbump / normalize, color=(0, 0, 1), marker='s', ms=6, ls='') line3, = ax1.plot(mjdarr, synchrotron_integratedflux / normalize, color=(1, 0, 0), marker='o', label='Synchrotron Flux', ms=6, ls='') ax1.errorbar(mjdarr, synchrotron_integratedflux / normalize, yerr=sigsyn / normalize, color=(1, 0, 0), marker='o', ls='', ms=6) line1, = ax1.plot(mjdarr, total_integratedflux / normalize, color=(1, 0, 1), marker='^', ms=6, label='Total Flux', ls='') ax1.errorbar(mjdarr, total_integratedflux / normalize, yerr=sigflux / normalize, color=(1, 0, 1), marker='^', ms=6, ls='') line4, = ax1.plot(mjdarr, bb_flux / normalize, color=(0, 0, 0), marker='D', ms=6, label='Black Body Flux', ls='') ax1.errorbar(mjdarr, bb_flux / normalize, yerr=sig_bbflux / normalize, color=(0, 0, 0), marker='D', ms=6, ls='') ax1.set_xlabel(r'MJD', fontsize=18) ax1.set_ylim([ 0.0, np.amax(total_integratedflux / normalize) + np.std(total_integratedflux / normalize) ]) tickarr = ax1.get_xticks() ax2tickarr = tickarr xtickarr = ax1.get_xticks().tolist() xticks = xtickarr xticks[0] = ' ' ax1.set_xticklabels(xticks) ax2.set_xlabel(r'Year', fontsize=18) #ax1.legend(handler_map={type(line2): HandlerLine2D(numpoints=1)},loc='upper left') tickyear = np.arange(2009, 2017) ax2.set_xticks(tickyear) #ax2_xticks[0]=' ' ax2.set_xlim(2009, 2016) ax2.plot(yeararr, bbb_integratedflux / normalize, color=(1, 1, 1), ls='') xticks = ax2.get_xticks().tolist() xticks[0] = ' ' ax2.set_xticklabels(xticks) #print 'tickarr', xticks, ax2_xticks print ax2.get_xticks(), 'top axis ticks' tickarr = ax1.get_xticks() ax1.set_ylabel(r'$F \; (10^{' + str(np.fix(np.log10(normalize)).astype(int)) + '} \mathrm{erg \; s}^{-1} \mathrm{cm}^{-2})$', fontsize=18) myname = plotout + name + '.png' print 'myname', myname plt.savefig(myname) plt.clf() plt.close()
def plot_flux_onlyplaw(total_integratedflux, onlyplaw_alpha, mjdarr, oldplotout, name): inverseflux = np.float64(1.0 / total_integratedflux) #get a linear fit to the inverse flux #group the arrays by mjd so that the plot can be color coded. bluegroup = np.where(mjdarr < 55450) redgroup = np.where(np.logical_and(mjdarr > 55450, mjdarr < 55800)) greengroup = np.where(np.logical_and(mjdarr > 55800, mjdarr < 56200)) brgroup = np.where(np.logical_and(mjdarr > 56200, mjdarr < 56500)) rggroup = np.where(np.logical_and(mjdarr > 56500, mjdarr < 56717)) blackgroup = np.where(mjdarr > 56717) normalinverse = gom(inverseflux) normalized = inverseflux / normalinverse linexarr = np.linspace(0.01, 7, num=400) linefit = np.polyfit(normalized, onlyplaw_alpha, 1) theline = linefit[0] * linexarr + linefit[1] # If the spectral index goes to -2, this would indicate a very hot #Blackbody. Anything with a steeper spectral index will not be thermal #So figure out what the flux of a alpha=-2 power law is with this regression minbump = np.float64(linefit[0] / ((-2.0) - linefit[1])) minbump = (minbump / normalinverse) print linefit, 'linefit' fig = plt.figure(22, figsize=(10, 7)) x = (1.0 / (inverseflux / normalinverse)) line1, = plt.plot(x[bluegroup], onlyplaw_alpha[bluegroup], marker='o', color=(0, 0, 1), linestyle='', label='MJD < 55450', ms=10) line2, = plt.plot(x[redgroup], onlyplaw_alpha[redgroup], marker='<', color=(1, 0, 0), linestyle='', label='55450 < MJD < 55800', ms=10) line3, = plt.plot(x[greengroup], onlyplaw_alpha[greengroup], marker='>', color=(0, 1, 0), linestyle='', label='55800 < MJD < 56200', ms=10) line4, = plt.plot(x[brgroup], onlyplaw_alpha[brgroup], marker='H', color=(1, 0, 1), linestyle='', label='56200 < MJD < 56500', ms=10) line5, = plt.plot(x[rggroup], onlyplaw_alpha[rggroup], marker='D', color=(1, 1, 0), linestyle='', label='56500< MJD < 56714') line6, = plt.plot(x[blackgroup], onlyplaw_alpha[blackgroup], marker='s', color=(0, 0, 0), linestyle='', label='MJD > 56714', ms=10) plt.plot(1.0 / linexarr, theline, color=(0, 0, 1), lw=4) plt.xlim([0.0, 3.0]) plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{Flux} \; (10^{-' + str(np.trunc(np.log10(normalinverse)).astype(int)) + r'} \; \mathrm{erg} \; \mathrm{s}^{-1} \;\mathrm{cm}^{-2})$') plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_{F_{\nu}}$') plt.ylim([-2.0, 1.0]) #plt.legend(loc ='lower right') plt.legend(handler_map={type(line1): HandlerLine2D(numpoints=1)}, loc='lower right') pp = oldplotout + name + '.png' plt.savefig(pp, padinches=0.85) plt.clf() plt.close() fig2 = plt.figure(23, figsize=(10, 7)) x = (inverseflux / normalinverse) line1, = plt.plot(x[bluegroup], onlyplaw_alpha[bluegroup], marker='o', color=(0, 0, 1), linestyle='', label='MJD < 55450', ms=10) line2, = plt.plot(x[redgroup], onlyplaw_alpha[redgroup], marker='<', color=(1, 0, 0), linestyle='', label='55450 < MJD < 55800', ms=10) line3, = plt.plot(x[greengroup], onlyplaw_alpha[greengroup], marker='>', color=(0, 1, 0), linestyle='', label='55800 < MJD < 56200', ms=10) line4, = plt.plot(x[brgroup], onlyplaw_alpha[brgroup], marker='H', color=(1, 0, 1), linestyle='', label='56200 < MJD < 56500', ms=10) line5, = plt.plot(x[rggroup], onlyplaw_alpha[rggroup], marker='D', color=(1, 1, 0), linestyle='', label='56500< MJD < 56714') line6, = plt.plot(x[blackgroup], onlyplaw_alpha[blackgroup], marker='s', color=(0, 0, 0), linestyle='', label='MJD > 56714', ms=10) plt.plot(linexarr, theline, color=(0, 0, 1), lw=4) plt.xlim([0.0, 5.0]) plt.ylim([-2.0, 1.0]) plt.xlabel( r'$\mathrm{Inverse\;Flux} \; (10^{-' + str(np.trunc(np.log10(normalinverse)).astype(int)) + r'} \; \mathrm{erg} \; \mathrm{s}^{-1} \;\mathrm{cm}^{-2})^{-1}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha_{F_{\nu}}$') #plt.legend(loc ='lower left') plt.legend(handler_map={type(line1): HandlerLine2D(numpoints=1)}, loc='lower left') pp = oldplotout + name + '_linear.png' plt.savefig(pp, padinches=0.85) plt.clf() plt.close() return minbump