args = ap.parse_args() wmDepth = args.wmDepth matter = args.matter # === Determine the subject list and their group memberships === check_dir(BASE_DIR) ds = glob.glob(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "S??")) ds.sort() sIDs = [] isPWS = [] SSI4 = [] for (i0, t_path) in enumerate(ds): (t_path_0, t_sID) = os.path.split(t_path) sIDs.append(t_sID) SSI4.append(get_qdec_info(t_sID, "SSI")) if get_qdec_info(t_sID, "diagnosis") == "PWS": isPWS.append(1) else: isPWS.append(0) isPWS = np.array(isPWS) assert(len(sIDs) > 0) assert(len(sIDs) == len(isPWS)) # === Get the list of cortical ROIs === rois0 = get_aparc12_cort_rois(bSpeech=True) check_file(CTAB)
assert(fwhm > 0) # === Find subject IDs and group labels === # check_dir(tractSegDir) ds = glob.glob(os.path.join(tractSegDir, "*")) ds.sort() sIDs = [] bPWS = [] for (i0, t_fn) in enumerate(ds): (t_path, t_sID) = os.path.split(t_fn) sIDs.append(t_sID) if get_qdec_info(t_sID, "diagnosis") == "PWS": bPWS.append(1) else: bPWS.append(0) sIDs = np.array(sIDs) bPWS = np.array(bPWS) # === Locate the d2a files of each subject === # d2as = [] FAimgs = [] warps = [] for (i0, t_sID) in enumerate(sIDs): t_d2a = os.path.join(TRACULA_DIR, t_sID, "dmri", "xfms", "d2a.mat") check_file(t_d2a)
origDir = os.path.join(tbssDir, "origdata") check_dir(origDir) ds = glob.glob(os.path.join(origDir, "S??.nii.gz")) ds.sort() sIDs = [] idxPWS = [] idxPFS = [] for (i0, d) in enumerate(ds): [tpath, tfn] = os.path.split(d) sID = tfn.replace(".nii.gz", "") sIDs.append(sID) if get_qdec_info(sID, "diagnosis") == "PWS": idxPWS.append(i0) elif get_qdec_info(sID, "diagnosis") == "PFS": idxPFS.append(i0) else: raise Exception, "Unrecognized diagnosis for subject %s: %s" % \ (sID, get_qdec_info(sID, "diagnosis")) # === Process the clusters === # for i0 in range(nClust): # == Determine label == # roi_fn = tempfile.mktemp() + ".nii.gz" roi_cmd = "fslroi %s %s %d 1 %d 1 %d 1" % \ (atlas_label_fn, roi_fn, clustX[i0], clustY[i0], clustZ[i0]) saydo(roi_cmd) check_file(roi_fn)
skipIDs = [] if args.skipSubj != None: skipIDs = args.skipSubj.split(",") sIDs = [] grps = [] for (i0, d) in enumerate(ds): t_sID = os.path.split(d)[1] if skipIDs.count(t_sID) > 0: info_log("Skipping subject: %s" % t_sID) continue sIDs.append(t_sID) grps.append(get_qdec_info(t_sID, "diagnosis")) ugrps = list((np.unique(np.array(grps)))) ugrps.sort() info_log("Discovered %s subjects" % len(sIDs)) info_log("The subjects belong to %d groups:" % (len(ugrps))) for (i0, grp) in enumerate(ugrps): info_log("\t%s" % grp) matFile = __file__.replace(".py", ".mat") from import savemat, loadmat if not os.path.isfile(matFile) or args.bRedo: #=== Extract ROI morphological info ===# morphInfo = []
d0 = glob.glob(os.path.join(inDir, "S??")) sIDs = [] for (i0, t_d) in enumerate(d0): sIDs.append(os.path.split(t_d)[1]) sIDs.sort() grps = [] ages = [] genders = [] for (i0, t_sID) in enumerate(sIDs): if get_qdec_info(t_sID, "diagnosis") == "PWS": grps.append(1) else: grps.append(0) if get_qdec_info(t_sID, "gender") == "Male": genders.append(1) else: genders.append(0) ages.append(float(get_qdec_info(t_sID, "Age"))) grps = np.array(grps) ages = np.array(ages) genders = np.array(genders)
d_orig = glob.glob(os.path.join(orig_dir, 'S*.nii.gz')) S_list = [] for fn in d_orig: S_list.append(fn.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) S_list.sort() print('\nFound ' + str(len(S_list)) + ' subjects in ' + orig_dir + '\n') # === Get subjects info === isPWS_list = [0] * len(S_list) isFemale_list = [0] * len(S_list) age_list = [-1.0] * len(S_list) # done_list = [0] * len(S_list) # SSI4_list = [-1.0] * len(S_list) for (i0, sID) in enumerate(S_list): t_diag = get_qdec_info(sID, "diagnosis") if t_diag == "PWS": isPWS_list[i0] = 1 else: isPWS_list[i0] = 0 t_gen = get_qdec_info(sID, "gender") if t_gen.lower() == "female": isFemale_list[i0] = 1 else: isFemale_list[i0] = 0 age_list[i0] = int(get_qdec_info(sID, "Age")) isPWS_list = np.array(isPWS_list) isFemale_list = np.array(isFemale_list)
args = ap.parse_args() subjsListFN = args.subjsListFN label = args.label check_file(subjsListFN) f_subjsList = open(subjsListFN, 'r') t_subjs ='\n') f_subjsList.close() t_subjs = remove_empty_strings(t_subjs) sIDs = {"PFS": [], "PWS": []} for (i0, t_sID) in enumerate(t_subjs): t_grp = get_qdec_info(t_sID, "diagnosis") sIDs[t_grp].append(t_sID) grps = sIDs.keys() hemis = ["lh", "rh"] asymmIdx = {} for (i0, grp) in enumerate(grps): asymmIdx[grp] = [np.nan] * len(sIDs[grp]) for (i1, sID) in enumerate(sIDs[grp]): sDir = os.path.join(LABEL_BASE_DIR, sID) check_dir(sDir) vols = [0] * len(hemis) for (j0, hemi) in enumerate(hemis): diff_mask_fn = os.path.join(sDir, \
'PWS': np.array([np.nan] * nPWS)} for grp in corr_z_tab.keys(): print('Processing data from group %s...'%grp) for (i1, sID) in enumerate(sIDs[grp]): print('Processing data from subject %s...'%sID) res = np.load(os.path.join(bips_resting_dir, sID, resfn)) t_zs = np.matrix.reshape(res['corr_tab'], [1, nROIs * nROIs])[0] # Fisher (z) transformation corr_z_tab[grp][i1] = np.log((1 + t_zs) / (1 - t_zs)) * 0.5 # sys.exit(0) if grp == 'PWS': t_SSI = get_qdec_info(sID, 'SSI') SSI4[i1] = float(t_SSI) if len(corrMeas) > 0: t_meas = get_qdec_info(sID, corrMeas) try: meas[grp][i1] = float(t_meas) except: print('\tWARNING: %s measure for %s is not valid'%(corrMeas, sID)) print('') corr_z_tab[grp] = np.matrix.transpose(corr_z_tab[grp]) ### Write to a clean mat file ### idx_keep = [] for i0 in range(len(corr_z_tab['PFS'])):
ds.sort() sIDs = [] isPWS = [] aparc12_fns = [] aparc12_diff_fns = [] merged = os.path.join(aparc12Dir, "merged.nii.gz") os.system("rm -f %s" % merged) merge_cmd = "fslmerge -t %s " % merged for (i0, d) in enumerate(ds): [tpath, tfn] = os.path.split(d) sID = tfn.replace(".nii.gz", "") sIDs.append(sID) isPWS.append(get_qdec_info(sID, "diagnosis") == "PWS") t_aparc12 = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, sID, "aparc12.nii.gz") check_file(t_aparc12) aparc12_fns.append(t_aparc12) # == Locate the d2a FSL xfm mat == # d2a = os.path.join(TRACULA_DIR, sID, "dmri", "xfms", "d2a.mat") check_file(d2a) # == Use convert_xfm to create a2d FSL xfm mat == # a2d = os.path.join(TRACULA_DIR, sID, "dmri", "xfms", "a2d.mat") os.system("rm -f %s" % a2d) inv_cmd = "convert_xfm -omat %s -inverse %s" % (a2d, d2a) saydo(inv_cmd) check_file(a2d)