def get_nesep(shot, tmin=2500, tmax=4000, tstep=250): ts_dict = ts.run_script(shot, 'core', tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, tstep=tstep) # Plot the data to make sure its not grabbing during an ELM. all_psins = ts_dict['psins']['all_psins'] all_nes = ts_dict['psins']['all_nes'] all_tes = ts_dict['psins']['all_Tes']'seaborn') fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(all_psins, all_tes, '.') ax1.set_xlabel('Psin') ax1.set_ylabel('Te (eV)') ax1.set_title(str(shot)) # Plot the avg values over it. ax1.plot(ts_dict['psins']['avg_psins'], ts_dict['psins']['avg_Tes']) # Assuming it's a good fit, get the first point inside and outside sep. inside = np.min(np.where(ts_dict['psins']['avg_psins']<1.0)) outside = inside - 1 # Get avg ne between the two as ne_sep. ne_sep = np.mean([ts_dict['psins']['avg_nes'][inside], ts_dict['psins']['avg_nes'][outside]]) Te_sep = np.mean([ts_dict['psins']['avg_Tes'][inside], ts_dict['psins']['avg_Tes'][outside]]) print('ne sep = {:.4e}'.format(ne_sep)) print('Te sep = {:.4e}'.format(Te_sep)) return Te_sep
def heat_flux(shot, start_time=2000, end_time=4500): ts_dict = ts.run_script(shot, 'divertor', tmin=start_time, tmax=end_time) time = ts_dict['temp']['X'] temp_0 = ts_dict['temp']['Y'][0] # Right above DiMES. temp_7 = ts_dict['temp']['Y'][ -1] # Topmost chord near separatrix (167196, 167536). # Get the data in the time range. low = np.where(time > start_time)[0].min() high = np.where(time < end_time)[0].max() time = time[low:high] temp_0 = temp_0[low:high] temp_7 = temp_7[low:high] avg_temp_0 = np.mean(temp_0) avg_temp_7 = np.mean(temp_7) print("Chord 0: {:.2f}\nChord 7: {:.2f}".format(avg_temp_0, avg_temp_7)) dens_0 = ts_dict['density']['Y'][0] # Right above DiMES. dens_7 = ts_dict['density']['Y'][ -1] # Topmost chord near separatrix (167196, 167536). dens_0 = dens_0[low:high] dens_7 = dens_7[low:high] avg_dens_0 = np.mean(dens_0) avg_dens_7 = np.mean(dens_7) print("Chord 0: {:.2f}\nChord 7: {:.2f}".format(avg_dens_0, avg_dens_7)) # Plot temp and density at each chord location. fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) # Chord 7 ax1.plot(ts_dict['temp']['X'], ts_dict['temp']['Y'][-1], 'r.') ax1.set_xlim([0, 6000]) ax1.set_ylim([0, 500]) ax1.set_ylabel('Te (eV)') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) # Chord 0 ax2.plot(ts_dict['temp']['X'], ts_dict['temp']['Y'][0], 'r.') ax2.set_xlim([0, 6000]) ax2.set_ylim([0, 50]) ax2.set_ylabel('Te (eV)') ax2.set_xlabel('Time (ms)') fig.tight_layout() fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) # Chord 7 ax1.plot(ts_dict['density']['X'], ts_dict['density']['Y'][-1], 'r.') ax1.set_xlim([0, 6000]) #ax1.set_ylim([0,500]) ax1.set_ylabel('ne (m-3)') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) # Chord 0 ax2.plot(ts_dict['density']['X'], ts_dict['density']['Y'][0], 'r.') ax2.set_xlim([0, 6000]) #ax2.set_ylim([0,50]) ax2.set_ylabel('ne (m-3)') ax2.set_xlabel('Time (ms)') fig.tight_layout() return ts_dict
def fit_ne(shot, lowlim=None, uplim=None, tmin=2000, tmax=4000): ts_dict = ts.run_script(shot, 'core', tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax) x_ts = ts_dict['psins']['avg_omps'] * 100 y_te = ts_dict['psins']['avg_Tes'] y_ne = ts_dict['psins']['avg_nes'] * 10e-18 x_ts_err = ts_dict['psins']['avg_omps_err'] * 100 y_te_err = ts_dict['psins']['avg_Tes_err'] y_ne_err = ts_dict['psins']['avg_nes_err'] * 10e-18 x_ts = x_ts[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]][lowlim:uplim] y_te = y_te[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]] y_ne = y_ne[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]] x_ts_err = x_ts_err[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]] y_te_err = y_te_err[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]] y_ne_err = y_ne_err[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]] def exp_fit(x, a, b): return a * np.exp(-x * b) popt_te, pcov_te = curve_fit(exp_fit, x_ts, y_te) popt_ne, pcov_ne = curve_fit(exp_fit, x_ts, y_ne) x_fit = np.linspace(0, 14, 100) y_fit_te = exp_fit(x_fit, *popt_te) y_fit_ne = exp_fit(x_fit, *popt_ne) print("ne fall off length: {:.3f}".format(1 / popt_ne[1])) errs = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_ne)) print("ne fall off length error: {:.4f}".format( (errs[1] / popt_ne[1]) * (1 / popt_ne[1]))) print("Te fall off length: {:.3f}".format(1 / popt_te[1])) errs = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_te)) print("Te fall off length error: {:.4f}".format( (errs[1] / popt_te[1]) * (1 / popt_te[1]))) font = {'fontsize': 24, 'weight': 'bold'}'seaborn') fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.errorbar(x_ts, y_ne, y_ne_err, 0.5, 'k.', ms=20, capsize=5, capthick=1) ax1.plot(x_fit, y_fit_ne, 'k--', lw=3) ax1.set_xlabel('R-Rsep omp (cm)', font) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{\mathbf{Density\ (1e18\ m^{-3}}}$)', font) ax1.tick_params(labelsize=22) fig.tight_layout()
import get_lp import get_ts from scipy.signal import lfilter # Grab ts_data. ts_dict = get_ts.run_script(167196, 'core') ts_psins = ts_dict['psins']['avg_psins'] # Grab lp data. lp_dict = get_lp.get_dict_of_lps(167196) for p in lp_dict.keys(): min_idx = np.where(lp_dict[p]['time'] > 2500)[0][0] max_idx = np.where(lp_dict[p]['time'] > 5000)[0][0] avg_psin = lp_dict[p]['psin'][min_idx:max_idx].mean() lp_dict[p]['avg_psin'] = avg_psin # probe 23 1.019 --> chord 8 1.022 # probe 25 1.028 --> chord 7 1.029 # probe 29 1.050 --> chord 5 1.056 # probe 31 1.063 --> chord 4 1.070 # probe 33 1.077 --> chord 4 1.070 # probe 35 1.092 --> chord 3 1.087 # Plot the time series of matching probes. lp_min_idx = np.where(lp_dict['probe 25']['time'] > 2500)[0][0] lp_max_idx = np.where(lp_dict['probe 25']['time'] > 5000)[0][0] ts_min_idx = np.where(ts_dict['density']['X'] > 2500)[0][0] ts_max_idx = np.where(ts_dict['density']['X'] > 5000)[0][0] lp25_time = lp_dict['probe 25']['time'][lp_min_idx:lp_max_idx]
import get_ts as ts from scipy.interpolate import Rbf from scipy.signal import savgol_filter import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt shot = 167279 tmin = 2500 tmax = 4000 # Get core TS data (i.e. the dat at the top of the device). core = ts.run_script(shot, 'core', tmin=2500, tmax=4500, tstep=300) # Get the divertor TS data (i.e. close to the target). div = ts.run_script(shot, 'divertor', tmin=2500, tmax=4500, tstep=300) # Get average psin of divertor TS closest to target. div_psin = div['psins']['avg_psins'][0] # Get the raw TS data for the divertor TS. div_raw_time = div['temp']['X'] div_raw_temp = div['temp']['Y'][0] # Filter out the spikes from ELMs by just removing data above a threshold. thresh = 40 div_noelm_time = div_raw_time[np.where(div_raw_temp < thresh)] div_noelm_temp = div_raw_temp[np.where(div_raw_temp < thresh)] # Filter the data using a savgol filter. div_filt_temp = savgol_filter(div_noelm_temp, 51, 3)
167463 : None, None 167481 : None, -5, [2000, 5000] 167530 : 5, None, [2000, 4500] 167531 : 3, None 167534 : None, None 167536 : None, -4 167618 : """ lowlim = None # Furthest points out to ignore. Must be positive. uplim = None # Closest points to ignore. Must be negative. r_tip = 6.84 # Tip coordinate as distance from sep at omp. if True: ts_dict = ts.run_script(167537, 'core', tmin=3700, tmax=5400) x_ts = ts_dict['psins']['avg_omps'] * 100 y_te = ts_dict['psins']['avg_Tes'] y_ne = ts_dict['psins']['avg_nes'] * 1e-18 x_ts_err = ts_dict['psins']['avg_omps_err'] * 100 y_te_err = ts_dict['psins']['avg_Tes_err'] y_ne_err = ts_dict['psins']['avg_nes_err'] * 1e-18 x_ts = x_ts[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]][lowlim:uplim] y_te = y_te[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]] y_ne = y_ne[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]] x_ts_err = x_ts_err[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]] y_te_err = y_te_err[np.where(x_ts > 0)[0]]
import sys sys.path.append("/home/shawn/DIII-D/ORNL-Fusion/Collector-Probes") import get_ts as ts import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.signal import savgol_filter from scipy.interpolate import interp1d ts192 = ts.run_script(167192, "core", tmin=1900, tmax=3000, tstep=150) ts193 = ts.run_script(167193, "core", tmin=1900, tmax=3000, tstep=150) ts194 = ts.run_script(167194, "core", tmin=1900, tmax=3000, tstep=150) ts195 = ts.run_script(167195, "core", tmin=1900, tmax=3000, tstep=150) all_psin = np.array([]) all_Te = np.array([]) all_Te_err = np.array([]) for ts_dict in [ts192, ts193, ts194, ts195]: psin = ts_dict["psins"]["avg_psins"][:-1] all_psin = np.append(all_psin, psin) Te = ts_dict["psins"]["avg_Tes"][:-1] Te_err = ts_dict["psins"]["avg_Tes_err"][:-1] all_Te = np.append(all_Te, Te) all_Te_err = np.append(all_Te_err, Te_err) shot = ts_dict["shot"] #plt.plot(psin, Te, label=str(shot)) # Sort all_psin and all_Te. idx = np.argsort(all_psin) all_psin = all_psin[idx] all_Te = all_Te[idx] all_Te_err = all_Te_err[idx]
# Only R's on the right half. Rs_trunc = Rs > R_axis # Interpolation functions of psin(R, Z) and R(psin, Z). f_psin = scinter.Rbf(Rs[Rs_trunc], Zs[Rs_trunc], gfile['psiRZn'][Rs_trunc]) # No we have the function we want, psin(R, Z). Let's get those psins. lp_psins = np.array([f_psin(r, -0.18) for r in lp_r]) # Plot it just to check it looks good. #plt.plot(lp_psins, lp_te) # Great looks good. Let's get the TS data now. ts_dict = ts.run_script(167192, "core", tmin=2930, tmax=2990, tstep=20) ts_psins = ts_dict["psins"]["avg_psins"] ts_te = ts_dict["psins"]["avg_Tes"] def exp_fit(x, a, b, c): return a * np.exp(-b * (x - 1.0)) + c last_sol_index = np.argmax(ts_psins < 1.0) popt, pcov = curve_fit(exp_fit, ts_psins[:last_sol_index], ts_te[:last_sol_index], maxfev=5000) fit_to_ts = exp_fit(np.arange(0.9, 1.5, 0.01), *popt) # And now let's plot them together. plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})