Exemple #1
def get_separate_mcsamples(chain):
    Function that returns separate :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples`
    for each sampler chain.

    :param chain: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` the input chain.
    :return: list of :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` with the separate
    # get separate chains:
    _chains = chain.getSeparateChains()
    # copy the param names and ranges:
    _mc_samples = []
    for ch in _chains:
        temp = MCSamples()
        temp.paramNames = chain.getParamNames()
        temp.setSamples(ch.samples, weights=ch.weights, loglikes=ch.loglikes)
        temp.sampler = chain.sampler
        temp.ranges = chain.ranges
    return _mc_samples
Exemple #2
def getdist_script(args, exit_on_error=True):
    def do_error(msg):
        if exit_on_error:
        raise ValueError(msg)

    result = []

    def doprint(*s):
        result.append(" ".join([str(x) for x in s]))

    no_plots = False
    chain_root = args.chain_root
    if args.ini_file is None and chain_root is None:
            'Must give either a .ini file of parameters or a chain file root name. Run "getdist -h" for help.'
    if '.ini' not in args.ini_file and chain_root is None:
        # use default settings acting on chain_root, no plots
        chain_root = args.ini_file
        args.ini_file = getdist.default_getdist_settings
        no_plots = True
    if not os.path.isfile(args.ini_file):
        do_error('Parameter file does not exist: ' + args.ini_file)
    if chain_root and chain_root.endswith('.txt'):
        chain_root = chain_root[:-4]

    if chain_root is not None and ('*' in chain_root or '?' in chain_root):
        import glob
        import copy
        for ending in ['.paramnames', 'updated.yaml']:
            for f in glob.glob(chain_root + ending):
                fileargs = copy.copy(args)
                fileargs.chain_root = f.replace(ending, '')

    # Input parameters
    ini = IniFile(args.ini_file)

    for item in set(ini.params.keys()).intersection({
            'make_single_samples', 'single_thin', 'dump_ND_bins',
            'plot_meanlikes', 'shade_meanlikes', 'plot_data_dir',
        if ini.string(item) not in [0, 'F']:
                '%s is no longer supported by getdist, value ignored' % item)

    # File root
    if chain_root is not None:
        in_root = chain_root
        in_root = ini.params['file_root']
    if not in_root:
        do_error('Chain Root file name not given ')
    rootname = os.path.basename(in_root)

    if args.ignore_rows is not None:
        ignorerows = args.ignore_rows
        ignorerows = ini.float('ignore_rows', 0.0)

    samples_are_chains = ini.bool('samples_are_chains', True)

    paramnames = ini.string('parameter_names', '')

    # Create instance of MCSamples
    mc = MCSamples(in_root,

    if ini.bool('adjust_priors', False) or ini.bool('map_params', False):
            'To adjust priors or define new parameters, use a separate python script; '
            'see the python getdist docs for examples')

    plot_ext = ini.string('plot_ext', 'py')
    finish_run_command = ini.string('finish_run_command', '')

    no_plots = ini.bool('no_plots', no_plots)
    plots_only = ini.bool('plots_only', False)
    no_tests = plots_only or ini.bool('no_tests', False)

    thin_factor = ini.int('thin_factor', 0)
    thin_cool = ini.float('thin_cool', 1.0)

    cool = ini.float('cool', 1.0)

    chain_exclude = ini.int_list('exclude_chain')

    out_dir = ini.string('out_dir', './')
    if out_dir:
        if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
        doprint('producing files in directory ', out_dir)
    mc.out_dir = out_dir

    out_root = ini.string('out_root', '')
    if out_root:
        rootname = out_root
        doprint('producing files with with root ', out_root)
    mc.rootname = rootname

    rootdirname = os.path.join(out_dir, rootname)
    mc.rootdirname = rootdirname

    if 'do_minimal_1d_intervals' in ini.params:
            'do_minimal_1d_intervals no longer used; set credible_interval_threshold instead'

    line = ini.string('PCA_params', '')
    if line.lower() == 'all':
        PCA_params = mc.paramNames.list()
        PCA_params = line.split()
    PCA_num = ini.int('PCA_num', len(PCA_params))
    if PCA_num != 0:
        if PCA_num < 2:
            do_error('Can only do PCA for 2 or more parameters')
        PCA_func = ini.string('PCA_func', '')
        # Characters representing functional mapping
        if PCA_func == '':
            PCA_func = ['N'] * PCA_num  # No mapping
        PCA_NormParam = ini.string('PCA_normparam', '') or None

    # ==============================================================================

    first_chain = ini.int('first_chain', 0)
    last_chain = ini.int('chain_num', -1)
    # -1 y keep reading until one not found

    # Chain files
    for separator in ['_', '.']:
        chain_files = chains.chainFiles(in_root,
        if chain_files:

    mc.loadChains(in_root, chain_files)

    if chains.print_load_details:
        if ignorerows:
            doprint('Removed %s as burn in' % ignorerows)
            doprint('Removed no burn in')


    def filterParList(namestring, num=None):
        if not namestring.strip():
            _pars = mc.paramNames.list()
            _pars = []
            for name in namestring.split():
                if '?' in name or '*' in name:
                    _pars += mc.paramNames.getMatches(name, strings=True)
                elif mc.paramNames.parWithName(name):
        if num is not None and len(_pars) != num:
                '%iD plot has missing parameter or wrong number of parameters: %s'
                % (num, _pars))
            _pars = None
        return _pars

    if cool != 1:
        doprint('Cooling chains by ', cool)


    if not no_tests:


    # Output thinned data if requested
    # Must do this with unsorted output
    if thin_factor > 1:
        thin_ix = mc.thin_indices(thin_factor)
        filename = rootdirname + '_thin.txt'
        mc.writeThinData(filename, thin_ix, thin_cool)

    if mc.likeStats:

    if PCA_num > 0 and not plots_only:
        mc.PCA(PCA_params, PCA_func, PCA_NormParam, writeDataToFile=True)

    # Do 1D bins

    if not no_plots:
        # Output files for 1D plots

        plotparams = []
        line = ini.string('plot_params', '')
        if line not in ['', '0']:
            plotparams = filterParList(line)

        line = ini.string('plot_2D_param', '').strip()
        plot_2D_param = None
        if line and line != '0':
            plot_2D_param = line

        cust2DPlots = []
        if not plot_2D_param:
            # Use custom array of specific plots
            num_cust2D_plots = ini.int('plot_2D_num', 0)
            for i in range(1, num_cust2D_plots + 1):
                line = ini.string('plot' + str(i))
                pars = filterParList(line, 2)
                if pars is not None:
                    num_cust2D_plots -= 1

        triangle_params = []
        triangle_plot = ini.bool('triangle_plot', False)
        if triangle_plot:
            line = ini.string('triangle_params', '')
            triangle_params = filterParList(line)
            triangle_num = len(triangle_params)
            triangle_plot = triangle_num > 1

        num_3D_plots = ini.int('num_3D_plots', 0)
        plot_3D = []
        for ix in range(1, num_3D_plots + 1):
            line = ini.string('3D_plot' + str(ix))
            pars = filterParList(line, 3)
            if pars is not None:
                num_3D_plots -= 1

        make_plots = ini.bool('make_plots', False) or args.make_plots

        filename = rootdirname + '.' + plot_ext
        mc._writeScriptPlots1D(filename, plotparams)
        if make_plots:

        # Do 2D bins
        if plot_2D_param == 'corr':
            # In this case output the most correlated variable combinations
            doprint('...doing 2D plots for most correlated variables')
            cust2DPlots = mc.getCorrelatedVariable2DPlots()
            plot_2D_param = None
        elif plot_2D_param:
            mc.paramNames.parWithName(plot_2D_param, error=True)  # just check

        if cust2DPlots or plot_2D_param:
            doprint('...producing 2D plots')
            filename = rootdirname + '_2D.' + plot_ext
            mc._writeScriptPlots2D(filename, plot_2D_param, cust2DPlots)
            if make_plots:

        if triangle_plot:
            # Add the off-diagonal 2D plots
            doprint('...producing triangle plot')
            filename = rootdirname + '_tri.' + plot_ext
            mc._writeScriptPlotsTri(filename, triangle_params)
            if make_plots:

        # Do 3D plots (i.e. 2D scatter plots with coloured points)
        if num_3D_plots:
            doprint('...producing ', num_3D_plots, '2D colored scatter plots')
            filename = rootdirname + '_3D.' + plot_ext
            mc._writeScriptPlots3D(filename, plot_3D)
            if make_plots:

    if not plots_only:
        # Write out stats marginalized
        mc.getMargeStats().saveAsText(rootdirname + '.margestats')

        # Limits from global likelihood
        if mc.loglikes is not None:
            mc.getLikeStats().saveAsText(rootdirname + '.likestats')

    # System command
    if finish_run_command:
        finish_run_command = finish_run_command.replace('%ROOTNAME%', rootname)

    return "\n".join(result)
Exemple #3
def parameter_diff_chain(chain_1, chain_2, boost=1):
    Compute the chain of the parameter differences between the two input
    chains. The parameters of the difference chain are related to the
    parameters of the input chains, :math:`\\theta_1` and :math:`\\theta_2` by:

    .. math:: \\Delta \\theta \\equiv \\theta_1 - \\theta_2

    This function only returns the differences for the parameters that are
    common to both chains.
    This function preserves the chain separation (if any) so that the
    convergence of the difference chain can be tested.
    This function does not assume Gaussianity of the chain.
    This functions does assume that the parameter determinations from the two
    chains (i.e. the underlying data sets) are uncorrelated.
    Do not use this function for chains that are correlated.

    :param chain_1: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples`
        first input chain with :math:`n_1` samples
    :param chain_2: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples`
        second input chain with :math:`n_2` samples
    :param boost: (optional) boost the number of samples in the
        difference chain. By default the length of the difference chain
        will be the length of the longest chain.
        Given two chains the full difference chain can contain
        :math:`n_1\\times n_2` samples but this is usually prohibitive
        for realistic chains.
        The boost parameters wil increase the number of samples to be
        :math:`{\\rm boost}\\times {\\rm max}(n_1,n_2)`.
        Default boost parameter is one.
        If boost is None the full difference chain is going to be computed
        (and will likely require a lot of memory and time).
    :return: :class:`~getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples` the instance with the
        parameter difference chain.
    # check input:
    if boost is not None:
        if boost < 1:
            raise ValueError('Minimum boost is 1\n Input value is ', boost)
    # test for type, this function assumes that we are working with MCSamples:
    if not isinstance(chain_1, MCSamples):
        raise TypeError('Input chain_1 is not of MCSamples type.')
    if not isinstance(chain_2, MCSamples):
        raise TypeError('Input chain_2 is not of MCSamples type.')
    # get the parameter names:
    param_names_1 = chain_1.getParamNames().list()
    param_names_2 = chain_2.getParamNames().list()
    # get the common names:
    param_names = [_p for _p in param_names_1 if _p in param_names_2]
    num_params = len(param_names)
    if num_params == 0:
        raise ValueError('There are no shared parameters to difference')
    # get the names and labels:
    diff_param_names = ['delta_' + name for name in param_names]
    diff_param_labels = [
        '\\Delta ' + name.label
        for name in chain_1.getParamNames().parsWithNames(param_names)
    # get parameter indexes:
    indexes_1 = [chain_1.index[name] for name in param_names]
    indexes_2 = [chain_2.index[name] for name in param_names]
    # get separate chains:
    if not hasattr(chain_1, 'chain_offsets'):
        _chains_1 = [chain_1]
        _chains_1 = chain_1.getSeparateChains()
    if not hasattr(chain_2, 'chain_offsets'):
        _chains_2 = [chain_2]
        _chains_2 = chain_2.getSeparateChains()
    # set the boost:
    if chain_1.sampler == 'nested' \
       or chain_2.sampler == 'nested' or boost is None:
        chain_boost = max(len(_chains_1), len(_chains_2))
        sample_boost = None
        chain_boost = min(boost, max(len(_chains_1), len(_chains_2)))
        sample_boost = boost
    # get the combinations:
    if len(_chains_1) > len(_chains_2):
        temp_ind = np.indices((len(_chains_2), len(_chains_1)))
        temp_ind = np.indices((len(_chains_1), len(_chains_2)))
    ind1 = np.concatenate([
        np.diagonal(temp_ind, offset=i, axis1=1, axis2=2)[0]
        for i in range(chain_boost)
    ind2 = np.concatenate([
        np.diagonal(temp_ind, offset=i, axis1=1, axis2=2)[1]
        for i in range(chain_boost)
    chains_combinations = [[_chains_1[i], _chains_2[j]]
                           for i, j in zip(ind1, ind2)]
    # compute the parameter difference samples:
    diff_chain_samples = [
        for samp1, samp2 in chains_combinations
    # create the samples:
    diff_samples = MCSamples(names=diff_param_names, labels=diff_param_labels)
    diff_samples.chains = diff_chain_samples
    # get the ranges:
    _ranges = {}
    for name, _min, _max in zip(diff_param_names,
                                np.amin(diff_samples.samples, axis=0),
                                np.amax(diff_samples.samples, axis=0)):
        _ranges[name] = [_min, _max]
    # initialize other things:
    if chain_1.name_tag is not None and chain_2.name_tag is not None:
        diff_samples.name_tag = chain_1.name_tag + '_diff_' + chain_2.name_tag
    # set distinction between base and derived parameters:
    _temp = diff_samples.getParamNames().list()
    _temp_paramnames = chain_1.getParamNames()
    for _nam in diff_samples.getParamNames().parsWithNames(_temp):
        _temp_name = _nam.name.replace('delta_', '', 1)
        _nam.isDerived = _temp_paramnames.parWithName(_temp_name).isDerived
    # update and compute everything:
    return diff_samples
def main(args):
    no_plots = False
    chain_root = args.chain_root
    if args.ini_file is None and chain_root is None:
        doError('Must give either a .ini file of parameters or a chain file root name. Run "GetDist.py -h" for help.')
    if not '.ini' in args.ini_file and chain_root is None:
        # use default settings acting on chain_root, no plots
        chain_root = args.ini_file
        args.ini_file = getdist.default_getdist_settings
        no_plots = True
    if not os.path.isfile(args.ini_file):
        doError('Parameter file does not exist: ' + args.ini_file)
    if chain_root and chain_root.endswith('.txt'):
        chain_root = chain_root[:-4]

    # Input parameters
    ini = IniFile(args.ini_file)

    # File root
    if chain_root is not None:
        in_root = chain_root
        in_root = ini.params['file_root']
    if not in_root:
        doError('Chain Root file name not given ')
    rootname = os.path.basename(in_root)

    if args.ignore_rows is not None:
        ignorerows = args.ignore_rows
        ignorerows = ini.float('ignore_rows', 0.0)

    samples_are_chains = ini.bool('samples_are_chains', True)
    paramnames = ini.string('parameter_names', '')

    # Create instance of MCSamples
    mc = MCSamples(in_root, files_are_chains=samples_are_chains, paramNamesFile=paramnames)


    if ini.bool('adjust_priors', False) or ini.bool('map_params', False):
            'To adjust priors or define new parameters, use a separate python script; see the python getdist docs for examples')

    plot_ext = ini.string('plot_ext', 'py')
    finish_run_command = ini.string('finish_run_command', '')

    no_plots = ini.bool('no_plots', no_plots)
    plots_only = ini.bool('plots_only', False)
    no_tests = plots_only or ini.bool('no_tests', False)

    thin_factor = ini.int('thin_factor', 0)
    thin_cool = ini.float('thin_cool', 1.0)

    make_single_samples = ini.bool('make_single_samples', False)
    single_thin = ini.int('single_thin', 1)
    cool = ini.float('cool', 1.0)

    chain_exclude = ini.int_list('exclude_chain')

    shade_meanlikes = ini.bool('shade_meanlikes', False)
    plot_meanlikes = ini.bool('plot_meanlikes', False)

    dumpNDbins = ini.bool('dump_ND_bins', False)

    out_dir = ini.string('out_dir', './')
    if out_dir:
        if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
        print('producing files in directory ', out_dir)
    mc.out_dir = out_dir

    out_root = ini.string('out_root', '')
    if out_root:
        rootname = out_root
        print('producing files with with root ', out_root)
    mc.rootname = rootname

    rootdirname = os.path.join(out_dir, rootname)
    mc.rootdirname = rootdirname

    if 'do_minimal_1d_intervals' in ini.params:
        doError('do_minimal_1d_intervals no longer used; set credible_interval_threshold instead')

    line = ini.string('PCA_params', '')
    if line.lower() == 'all':
        PCA_params = mc.paramNames.list()
        PCA_params = line.split()
    PCA_num = ini.int('PCA_num', len(PCA_params))
    if PCA_num != 0:
        if PCA_num < 2:
            doError('Can only do PCA for 2 or more parameters')
        PCA_func = ini.string('PCA_func', '')
        # Characters representing functional mapping
        if PCA_func == '':
            PCA_func = ['N'] * PCA_num  # No mapping
        PCA_NormParam = ini.string('PCA_normparam', '') or None

    make_scatter_samples = ini.bool('make_scatter_samples', False)

    # ==============================================================================

    first_chain = ini.int('first_chain', 0)
    last_chain = ini.int('chain_num', -1)
    # -1 means keep reading until one not found

    # Chain files
    chain_files = chains.chainFiles(in_root, first_chain=first_chain, last_chain=last_chain,

    mc.loadChains(in_root, chain_files)


    def filterParList(namestring, num=None):
        if not namestring.strip():
            pars = mc.paramNames.list()
            pars = []
            for name in namestring.split():
                if '?' in name or '*' in name:
                    pars += mc.paramNames.getMatches(name, strings=True)
                elif mc.paramNames.parWithName(name):
        if num is not None and len(pars) != num:
            print('%iD plot has missing parameter or wrong number of parameters: %s' % (num, pars))
            pars = None
        return pars

    if cool != 1:
        print('Cooling chains by ', cool)


    if not no_tests:
        mc.getConvergeTests(mc.converge_test_limit, writeDataToFile=True, feedback=True)


    # Output thinned data if requested
    # Must do this with unsorted output
    if thin_factor != 0:
        thin_ix = mc.thin_indices(thin_factor)
        filename = rootdirname + '_thin.txt'
        mc.writeThinData(filename, thin_ix, thin_cool)

    if mc.likeStats: print(mc.likeStats.likeSummary().strip())

    if PCA_num > 0 and not plots_only:
        mc.PCA(PCA_params, PCA_func, PCA_NormParam, writeDataToFile=True)

    if not no_plots or dumpNDbins:
        # set plot_data_dir before we generate the 1D densities below
        plot_data_dir = ini.string('plot_data_dir', default='', allowEmpty=True)
        if plot_data_dir and not os.path.isdir(plot_data_dir):
        plot_data_dir = None
    mc.plot_data_dir = plot_data_dir

    # Do 1D bins
    mc._setDensitiesandMarge1D(writeDataToFile=not no_plots and plot_data_dir, meanlikes=plot_meanlikes)

    if not no_plots:
        # Output files for 1D plots
        print('Calculating plot data...')

        plotparams = []
        line = ini.string('plot_params', '')
        if line not in ['', '0']:
            plotparams = filterParList(line)

        line = ini.string('plot_2D_param', '').strip()
        plot_2D_param = None
        if line and line != '0':
            plot_2D_param = line

        cust2DPlots = []
        if not plot_2D_param:
            # Use custom array of specific plots
            num_cust2D_plots = ini.int('plot_2D_num', 0)
            for i in range(1, num_cust2D_plots + 1):
                line = ini.string('plot' + str(i))
                pars = filterParList(line, 2)
                if pars is not None:
                    num_cust2D_plots -= 1

        triangle_params = []
        triangle_plot = ini.bool('triangle_plot', False)
        if triangle_plot:
            line = ini.string('triangle_params', '')
            triangle_params = filterParList(line)
            triangle_num = len(triangle_params)
            triangle_plot = triangle_num > 1

        num_3D_plots = ini.int('num_3D_plots', 0)
        plot_3D = []
        for ix in range(1, num_3D_plots + 1):
            line = ini.string('3D_plot' + str(ix))
            pars = filterParList(line, 3)
            if pars is not None:
                num_3D_plots -= 1
        # Produce file of weight-1 samples if requested
        if (num_3D_plots and not make_single_samples or make_scatter_samples) and not no_plots:
            make_single_samples = True
            single_thin = max(1, int(round(mc.norm / mc.max_mult)) // mc.max_scatter_points)

        if plot_data_dir:
            if make_single_samples:
                filename = os.path.join(plot_data_dir, rootname.strip() + '_single.txt')
                mc.makeSingleSamples(filename, single_thin)

            # Write paramNames file
            mc.getParamNames().saveAsText(os.path.join(plot_data_dir, rootname + '.paramnames'))
            mc.getBounds().saveToFile(os.path.join(plot_data_dir, rootname + '.bounds'))

        make_plots = ini.bool('make_plots', False)

        done2D = {}

        filename = rootdirname + '.' + plot_ext
        mc.writeScriptPlots1D(filename, plotparams)
        if make_plots: runScript(filename)

        # Do 2D bins
        if plot_2D_param == 'corr':
            # In this case output the most correlated variable combinations
            print('...doing 2D plots for most correlated variables')
            cust2DPlots = mc.getCorrelatedVariable2DPlots()
            plot_2D_param = None
        elif plot_2D_param:
            mc.paramNames.parWithName(plot_2D_param, error=True)  # just check

        if cust2DPlots or plot_2D_param:
            print('...producing 2D plots')
            filename = rootdirname + '_2D.' + plot_ext
            done2D = mc.writeScriptPlots2D(filename, plot_2D_param, cust2DPlots,
                                           writeDataToFile=plot_data_dir, shade_meanlikes=shade_meanlikes)
            if make_plots: runScript(filename)

        if triangle_plot:
            # Add the off-diagonal 2D plots
            print('...producing triangle plot')
            filename = rootdirname + '_tri.' + plot_ext
            mc.writeScriptPlotsTri(filename, triangle_params)
            for i, p2 in enumerate(triangle_params):
                for p1 in triangle_params[i + 1:]:
                    if not done2D.get((p1, p2)) and plot_data_dir:
                        mc.get2DDensityGridData(p1, p2, writeDataToFile=True, meanlikes=shade_meanlikes)
            if make_plots: runScript(filename)

        # Do 3D plots (i.e. 2D scatter plots with coloured points)
        if num_3D_plots:
            print('...producing ', num_3D_plots, '2D colored scatter plots')
            filename = rootdirname + '_3D.' + plot_ext
            mc.writeScriptPlots3D(filename, plot_3D)
            if make_plots: runScript(filename)

    if not plots_only:
        # Write out stats marginalized
        mc.getMargeStats().saveAsText(rootdirname + '.margestats')

        # Limits from global likelihood
        if mc.loglikes is not None: mc.getLikeStats().saveAsText(rootdirname + '.likestats')

    if dumpNDbins:
        num_bins_ND = ini.int('num_bins_ND', 10)
        line = ini.string('ND_params','')
        if line not in ["",'0']:
            ND_params = filterParList(line)

            mc.getRawNDDensityGridData(ND_params, writeDataToFile=True,

    # System command
    if finish_run_command:
        finish_run_command = finish_run_command.replace('%ROOTNAME%', rootname)
        finish_run_command = finish_run_command.replace('%PLOTDIR%', plot_data_dir)
        finish_run_command = finish_run_command.replace('%PLOTROOT%', os.path.join(plot_data_dir, rootname))
Exemple #5
def main(args):
    no_plots = False
    chain_root = args.chain_root
    if args.ini_file is None and chain_root is None:
        doError('Must give either a .ini file of parameters or a chain file root name. Run "GetDist.py -h" for help.')
    if not ".ini" in args.ini_file and chain_root is None:
        # use default settings acting on chain_root, no plots
        chain_root = args.ini_file
        args.ini_file = getdist.default_getdist_settings
        no_plots = True
    if not os.path.isfile(args.ini_file):
        doError("Parameter file does not exist: " + args.ini_file)
    if chain_root and chain_root.endswith(".txt"):
        chain_root = chain_root[:-4]

    # Input parameters
    ini = IniFile(args.ini_file)

    # File root
    if chain_root is not None:
        in_root = chain_root
        in_root = ini.params["file_root"]
    if not in_root:
        doError("Chain Root file name not given ")
    rootname = os.path.basename(in_root)

    if args.ignore_rows is not None:
        ignorerows = args.ignore_rows
        ignorerows = ini.float("ignore_rows", 0.0)

    samples_are_chains = ini.bool("samples_are_chains", True)

    # Create instance of MCSamples
    mc = MCSamples(in_root, files_are_chains=samples_are_chains)


    if ini.bool("adjust_priors", False) or ini.bool("map_params", False):
            "To adjust priors or define new parameters, use a separate python script; see the python getdist docs for examples"

    plot_ext = ini.string("plot_ext", "py")
    finish_run_command = ini.string("finish_run_command", "")

    no_plots = ini.bool("no_plots", no_plots)
    plots_only = ini.bool("plots_only", False)
    no_tests = plots_only or ini.bool("no_tests", False)

    thin_factor = ini.int("thin_factor", 0)
    thin_cool = ini.float("thin_cool", 1.0)

    make_single_samples = ini.bool("make_single_samples", False)
    single_thin = ini.int("single_thin", 1)
    cool = ini.float("cool", 1.0)

    chain_exclude = ini.int_list("exclude_chain")

    shade_meanlikes = ini.bool("shade_meanlikes", False)
    plot_meanlikes = ini.bool("plot_meanlikes", False)

    out_dir = ini.string("out_dir", "./")
    if out_dir:
        if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
        print("producing files in directory ", out_dir)
    mc.out_dir = out_dir

    out_root = ini.string("out_root", "")
    if out_root:
        rootname = out_root
        print("producing files with with root ", out_root)
    mc.rootname = rootname

    rootdirname = os.path.join(out_dir, rootname)
    mc.rootdirname = rootdirname

    if "do_minimal_1d_intervals" in ini.params:
        doError("do_minimal_1d_intervals no longer used; set credible_interval_threshold instead")

    line = ini.string("PCA_params", "")
    if line.lower() == "all":
        PCA_params = mc.paramNames.list()
        PCA_params = line.split()
    PCA_num = ini.int("PCA_num", len(PCA_params))
    if PCA_num != 0:
        if PCA_num < 2:
            doError("Can only do PCA for 2 or more parameters")
        PCA_func = ini.string("PCA_func", "")
        # Characters representing functional mapping
        if PCA_func == "":
            PCA_func = ["N"] * PCA_num  # No mapping
        PCA_NormParam = ini.string("PCA_normparam", "") or None

    make_scatter_samples = ini.bool("make_scatter_samples", False)

    # ==============================================================================

    first_chain = ini.int("first_chain", 0)
    last_chain = ini.int("chain_num", -1)
    # -1 means keep reading until one not found

    # Chain files
    chain_files = chains.chainFiles(
        in_root, first_chain=first_chain, last_chain=last_chain, chain_exclude=chain_exclude

    mc.loadChains(in_root, chain_files)


    def filterParList(namestring, num=None):
        if not namestring.strip():
            pars = mc.paramNames.list()
            pars = []
            for name in namestring.split():
                if "?" in name or "*" in name:
                    pars += mc.paramNames.getMatches(name, strings=True)
                elif mc.paramNames.parWithName(name):
        if num is not None and len(pars) != num:
            raise Exception("%iD plot has missing parameter or wrong number of parameters: %s" % (num, pars))
        return pars

    if cool != 1:
        print("Cooling chains by ", cool)


    if not no_tests:
        mc.getConvergeTests(mc.converge_test_limit, writeDataToFile=True, feedback=True)


    # Output thinned data if requested
    # Must do this with unsorted output
    if thin_factor != 0:
        thin_ix = mc.thin_indices(thin_factor)
        filename = rootdirname + "_thin.txt"
        mc.writeThinData(filename, thin_ix, thin_cool)

    if mc.likeStats:

    if PCA_num > 0 and not plots_only:
        mc.PCA(PCA_params, PCA_func, PCA_NormParam, writeDataToFile=True)

    if not no_plots:
        # set plot_data_dir before we generate the 1D densities below
        plot_data_dir = ini.string("plot_data_dir", default="", allowEmpty=True)
        if plot_data_dir and not os.path.isdir(plot_data_dir):
        plot_data_dir = None
    mc.plot_data_dir = plot_data_dir

    # Do 1D bins
    mc._setDensitiesandMarge1D(writeDataToFile=not no_plots and plot_data_dir, meanlikes=plot_meanlikes)

    if not no_plots:
        # Output files for 1D plots
        print("Calculating plot data...")

        plotparams = []
        line = ini.string("plot_params", "")
        if line not in ["", "0"]:
            plotparams = filterParList(line)

        line = ini.string("plot_2D_param", "").strip()
        plot_2D_param = None
        if line and line != "0":
            plot_2D_param = line

        cust2DPlots = []
        if not plot_2D_param:
            # Use custom array of specific plots
            num_cust2D_plots = ini.int("plot_2D_num", 0)
            for i in range(1, num_cust2D_plots + 1):
                line = ini.string("plot" + str(i))
                pars = filterParList(line, 2)

        triangle_params = []
        triangle_plot = ini.bool("triangle_plot", False)
        if triangle_plot:
            line = ini.string("triangle_params", "")
            triangle_params = filterParList(line)
            triangle_num = len(triangle_params)
            triangle_plot = triangle_num > 1

        num_3D_plots = ini.int("num_3D_plots", 0)
        plot_3D = []
        for ix in range(1, num_3D_plots + 1):
            line = ini.string("3D_plot" + str(ix))
            plot_3D.append(filterParList(line, 3))

        # Produce file of weight-1 samples if requested
        if (num_3D_plots and not make_single_samples or make_scatter_samples) and not no_plots:
            make_single_samples = True
            single_thin = max(1, int(round(mc.norm / mc.max_mult)) // mc.max_scatter_points)

        if plot_data_dir:
            if make_single_samples:
                filename = os.path.join(plot_data_dir, rootname.strip() + "_single.txt")
                mc.makeSingleSamples(filename, single_thin)

            # Write paramNames file
            mc.getParamNames().saveAsText(os.path.join(plot_data_dir, rootname + ".paramnames"))
            mc.getBounds().saveToFile(os.path.join(plot_data_dir, rootname + ".bounds"))

        make_plots = ini.bool("make_plots", False)

        done2D = {}

        filename = rootdirname + "." + plot_ext
        mc.writeScriptPlots1D(filename, plotparams)
        if make_plots:

        # Do 2D bins
        if plot_2D_param == "corr":
            # In this case output the most correlated variable combinations
            print("...doing 2D plots for most correlated variables")
            cust2DPlots = mc.getCorrelatedVariable2DPlots()
            plot_2D_param = None
        elif plot_2D_param:
            mc.paramNames.parWithName(plot_2D_param, error=True)  # just check

        if cust2DPlots or plot_2D_param:
            print("...producing 2D plots")
            filename = rootdirname + "_2D." + plot_ext
            done2D = mc.writeScriptPlots2D(
                filename, plot_2D_param, cust2DPlots, writeDataToFile=plot_data_dir, shade_meanlikes=shade_meanlikes
            if make_plots:

        if triangle_plot:
            # Add the off-diagonal 2D plots
            print("...producing triangle plot")
            filename = rootdirname + "_tri." + plot_ext
            mc.writeScriptPlotsTri(filename, triangle_params)
            for i, p2 in enumerate(triangle_params):
                for p1 in triangle_params[i + 1 :]:
                    if not done2D.get((p1, p2)) and plot_data_dir:
                        mc.get2DDensityGridData(p1, p2, writeDataToFile=True, meanlikes=shade_meanlikes)
            if make_plots:

        # Do 3D plots (i.e. 2D scatter plots with coloured points)
        if num_3D_plots:
            print("...producing ", num_3D_plots, "2D colored scatter plots")
            filename = rootdirname + "_3D." + plot_ext
            mc.writeScriptPlots3D(filename, plot_3D)
            if make_plots:

    if not plots_only:
        # Write out stats marginalized
        mc.getMargeStats().saveAsText(rootdirname + ".margestats")

        # Limits from global likelihood
        if mc.loglikes is not None:
            mc.getLikeStats().saveAsText(rootdirname + ".likestats")

    # System command
    if finish_run_command:
        finish_run_command = finish_run_command.replace("%ROOTNAME%", rootname)
        finish_run_command = finish_run_command.replace("%PLOTDIR%", plot_data_dir)
        finish_run_command = finish_run_command.replace("%PLOTROOT%", os.path.join(plot_data_dir, rootname))
Exemple #6
comb = [r'lcdm', r'wcdm', r'cpl', r'pade']
comb1 = np.loadtxt('lcdm/lcdm_d+panth+Bao+fs8+Hz+5july.dat')
comb2 = np.loadtxt('wcdm/wcdm_d+panth+Bao+Hz+fs8-5july.dat')
comb3 = np.loadtxt('cpl/cpl_d+panth+Bao+Hz+fs8+5july.dat')
comb4 = np.loadtxt('padesahintest/pade-d+Hz+panth+Bao+fs8+26june.dat')
print('Creating MCSamples for data.......')

c1 = MCSamples(samples=comb1, names=names1, labels=labels1)
c2 = MCSamples(samples=comb2, names=names2, labels=labels2)
c3 = MCSamples(samples=comb3, names=names3, labels=labels3)
c4 = MCSamples(samples=comb4, names=names4, labels=labels4)

param1 = c1.getParams()
P = param1.sigma8 * (param1.Om0 / 0.3)**0.5
c1.addDerived(P, name=r'k')  #, label=r'c/h_rd')
W = np.mean(P)
o = c1.twoTailLimits(r'k', .68)

print([P.mean() - 1. * P.std(), P.mean() + 1. * P.std()])
param2 = c2.getParams()
P= param2.sigma8*(param2.Om0/0.3)**0.5
c2.addDerived(P, name=r'k')#, label=r'c/h_rd')