# Load the final step
                    filename = resultspath + ('/mf_%d.mf' % (NT))
                    m = gf.Mesh('load', filename)
                    mf_u = gf.MeshFem('load', filename, m)
                    filename = resultspath + ('/U_%d.dat' % (NT))
                    U = np.loadtxt(filename)

                    # Load the reference solution
                    m_ref = gf.Mesh('load', refname_mf)
                    mf_u_ref = gf.MeshFem('load', refname_mf, m_ref)
                    U_ref = np.loadtxt(refname_U)
                    mim_ref = gf.MeshIm(m_ref, 6)

                    # Estimate of the difference in L2 and H1 norms
                    Ui = gf.compute_interpolate_on(mf_u, U, mf_u_ref)
                    norm_L2 = gf.compute_L2_norm(mf_u_ref, U_ref, mim_ref)
                    err_L2 = gf.compute_L2_dist(mf_u_ref, Ui, mim_ref,
                                                mf_u_ref, U_ref)
                    norm_H1 = gf.compute_H1_semi_norm(mf_u_ref, U_ref, mim_ref)
                    norm_H1 = np.sqrt(pow(norm_L2, 2) + pow(norm_H1, 2))
                    err_H1 = gf.compute_H1_semi_dist(mf_u_ref, Ui, mim_ref,
                                                     mf_u_ref, U_ref)

                print 'Error in L2 norm: %g' % err_L2
                print 'Error in H1 semi-norm: %g' % err_H1
                errors1[option, i, 0] = err_L2 / norm_L2
                errors1[option, i,
                        1] = np.sqrt(pow(err_H1, 2) + pow(err_L2, 2)) / norm_H1

                # Store the result
                np.savetxt(resname, errors1.reshape(errors1.size))
Exemple #2
    E = (np.vdot(MMV0, V0) + np.vdot(KU0, U0)) * 0.5
    E_org = E
    if (version == 2):  # Energy stored in the penalized contact
        E += (gamma0_P / h) * pow(min(0., U0[0]), 2) / 2
    if (version == 3):  # Nitsche Energy
        E += (0.5 * theta_N) * (h / gamma0_N) * (s0 * s0 - ux * ux)

    # Store the data to be ploted at the end
    store_u0[nit] = U0[0]
    store_u0_ex[nit] = uExact(0., t)
    store_v0[nit] = V0[0]
    store_v0_ex[nit] = uExact(0., t, 2)
    store_s0[nit] = s0
    store_s0_ex[nit] = uExact(0., t, 1)
    store_E[nit] = E
    store_VL2_ex[nit] = gf.compute_L2_norm(mfu, Vex, mim)
    store_UL2_ex[nit] = gf.compute_L2_norm(mfu, Uex, mim)
    store_UH1_ex[nit] = gf.compute_H1_norm(mfu, Uex, mim)
    store_VL2[nit] = gf.compute_L2_norm(mfu, V0 - Vex, mim)
    store_UL2[nit] = gf.compute_L2_norm(mfu, U0 - Uex, mim)
    store_UH1[nit] = gf.compute_H1_norm(mfu, U0 - Uex, mim)

    # Draw the approximated and exact solutions
    if (t >= tplot - (1e-10)):
        tplot += dtplot
        print(("Time %3f" % t), "/", T, end=' ')
        print((" Energy %7f" % E), (" Mech energy %7f" % E_org))

        if (do_inter_plot):
            UUex = np.copy(Xdraw)
curl_testb_curl_b_exp = '({L}).({M})'.format(L=CURL_VAR_.format(var='Test_b'),
cross_jump_a = JUMP_VPRODUCT_VAR_.format(var='a')
cross_jump_test_a = JUMP_VPRODUCT_VAR_.format(var='Test_a')
jump_a = JUMP_VVAR_N_.format(v='a')
jump_test_a = JUMP_VVAR_N_.format(v='Test_a')

#magentec potential model
mdmag = gf.Model('real')

#Interpolate and export exact fields
intonme = mfb
CurlBexact = mdmag.interpolation(CurlBexact_exp, intonme)
intonme.export_to_vtk('curl_exact3d.vtk', 'ascii', CurlBexact)
print('exact curl B norm l2', gf.compute_L2_norm(intonme, CurlBexact, mim))
Bexact = mdmag.interpolation(Bexact_exp, intonme)
intonme.export_to_vtk('field_exact3d.vtk', 'ascii', Bexact)
print('exact B norm l2', gf.compute_L2_norm(intonme, Bexact, mim))
#Interpolate and export exact fields END


# Main potential unknown
mdmag.add_fem_variable('b', mfb)
# lagrange augmentation unknown for potential
mdmag.add_fem_variable('p', mfdiv_mult)

tm = time.time()
# building (curl b, curl \tau) term