Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, threadpool):
        RawGreenlet.__init__(self, threadpool._worker)
        self.thread_ident = get_thread_ident()
        self._threadpool_wref = wref(threadpool)

        # Inform the gevent.util.GreenletTree that this should be
        # considered the root (for printing purposes) and to
        # ignore the parent attribute. (We can't set parent to None.)
        self.greenlet_tree_is_root = True
        self.parent.greenlet_tree_is_ignored = True
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, threadpool):
        RawGreenlet.__init__(self, threadpool._worker)
        self.thread_ident = get_thread_ident()
        self._threadpool_wref = wref(threadpool)

        # Inform the gevent.util.GreenletTree that this should be
        # considered the root (for printing purposes) and to
        # ignore the parent attribute. (We can't set parent to None.)
        self.greenlet_tree_is_root = True
        self.parent.greenlet_tree_is_ignored = True
Exemple #3
 def _begin(self):
     # we're in the new thread (but its root greenlet). Establish invariants and get going
     # by making this the current greenlet.
     self.parent = getcurrent()  # pylint:disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
     self._thread_ident = get_thread_ident()
     # ignore the parent attribute. (We can't set parent to None.)
     self.parent.greenlet_tree_is_ignored = True
         self.switch()  # goto run()
     except:  # pylint:disable=bare-except
         # run() will attempt to print any exceptions, but that might
         # not work during shutdown. sys.excepthook and such may be gone,
         # so things might not get printed at all except for a cryptic
         # message. This is especially true on Python 2 (doesn't seem to be
         # an issue on Python 3).