def WriteHelpInXMLFormat(self, outfile=None): """Outputs flag documentation in XML format. NOTE: We use element names that are consistent with those used by the C++ command-line flag library, from We also use a few new elements (e.g., <key>), but we do not interfere / overlap with existing XML elements used by the C++ library. Please maintain this consistency. Args: outfile: File object we write to. Default None means sys.stdout. """ doc = minidom.Document() all_flag = doc.createElement('AllFlags') doc.appendChild(all_flag) all_flag.appendChild( _helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement(doc, 'program', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))) usage_doc = sys.modules['__main__'].__doc__ if not usage_doc: usage_doc = '\nUSAGE: %s [flags]\n' % sys.argv[0] else: usage_doc = usage_doc.replace('%s', sys.argv[0]) all_flag.appendChild( _helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement(doc, 'usage', usage_doc)) # Get list of key flags for the main module. key_flags = self._GetKeyFlagsForModule(sys.argv[0]) # Sort flags by declaring module name and next by flag name. flags_by_module = self.FlagsByModuleDict() all_module_names = list(flags_by_module.keys()) all_module_names.sort() for module_name in all_module_names: flag_list = [(, f) for f in flags_by_module[module_name]] flag_list.sort() for unused_flag_name, flag in flag_list: is_key = flag in key_flags all_flag.appendChild( flag._create_xml_dom_element( # pylint: disable=protected-access doc, module_name, is_key=is_key)) outfile = outfile or sys.stdout if six.PY2: outfile.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent=' ', encoding='utf-8')) else: outfile.write( doc.toprettyxml(indent=' ', encoding='utf-8').decode('utf-8')) outfile.flush()
def _custom_xml_dom_elements(self, doc): elements = [] if self.lower_bound is not None: elements.append( _helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement(doc, 'lower_bound', self.lower_bound)) if self.upper_bound is not None: elements.append( _helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement(doc, 'upper_bound', self.upper_bound)) return elements
def _extra_xml_dom_elements(self, doc): elements = [] if hasattr(self.parser, 'enum_values'): for enum_value in self.parser.enum_values: elements.append(_helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement( doc, 'enum_value', enum_value)) return elements
def _custom_xml_dom_elements(self, doc): elements = super(WhitespaceSeparatedListParser, self)._custom_xml_dom_elements(doc) separators = list(string.whitespace) if self._comma_compat: separators.append(',') separators.sort() for sep_char in separators: elements.append( _helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement(doc, 'list_separator', repr(sep_char))) return elements
def _create_xml_dom_element(self, doc, module_name, is_key=False): """Returns an XML element that contains this flag's information. This is information that is relevant to all flags (e.g., name, meaning, etc.). If you defined a flag that has some other pieces of info, then please override _ExtraXMLInfo. Please do NOT override this method. Args: doc: A minidom.Document, the DOM document it should create nodes from. module_name: A string, the name of the module that defines this flag. is_key: A boolean, True iff this flag is key for main module. Returns: A minidom.Element instance. """ element = doc.createElement('flag') if is_key: element.appendChild(_helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement(doc, 'key', 'yes')) element.appendChild(_helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement(doc, 'file', module_name)) # Adds flag features that are relevant for all flags. element.appendChild(_helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement(doc, 'name', if self.short_name: element.appendChild(_helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement( doc, 'short_name', self.short_name)) if element.appendChild(_helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement( doc, 'meaning', # The default flag value can either be represented as a string like on the # command line, or as a Python object. We serialize this value in the # latter case in order to remain consistent. if self.serializer and not isinstance(self.default, str): if self.default is not None: default_serialized = self.serializer.serialize(self.default) else: default_serialized = '' else: default_serialized = self.default element.appendChild(_helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement( doc, 'default', default_serialized)) element.appendChild(_helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement( doc, 'current', self.value)) element.appendChild(_helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement( doc, 'type', self.flag_type())) # Adds extra flag features this flag may have. for e in self._extra_xml_dom_elements(doc): element.appendChild(e) return element
def _custom_xml_dom_elements(self, doc): elements = super(ListParser, self)._custom_xml_dom_elements(doc) elements.append( _helpers.CreateXMLDOMElement(doc, 'list_separator', repr(','))) return elements