def _upload_gif(self,file_url): client = GfycatClient() print "uploading file to Gfycat" result = client.upload_from_file(file_url) name = result['gfyName'] url = "{0}".format(name) return name, url
def reverseGif(gifUrl): imageURL = None client = GfycatClient() try: imageURL = client.upload_from_url(gifUrl) except GfycatClientError as e: print(e.error_message) print(e.status_code) print("Done") print() print("You can find it here: {0}".format(imageURL)) return imageURL["gfyName"]
def reverseGif(gifUrl): imageURL = None client = GfycatClient() try: imageURL= client.upload_from_url(gifUrl) except GfycatClientError as e: print(e.error_message) print(e.status_code) print("Done") print() print("You can find it here: {0}".format(imageURL)) return imageURL["gfyName"]
def _get_gfycat_secrets(self, gfycat_secrets: str) -> configparser.ConfigParser: """ _get_gfycat_secrets checks if the Gfycat api secrets file exists. - If the file exists, this methods reads the the files and returns the secrets in as a dict. - If the file doesn't exist it asks the user over stdin to supply these values and then saves them into the gfycat_secrets file Arguments: gfycat_secrets (string): file name of secrets file for API credentials Returns: imgur_config (dict): Dictionary containing the client id and client secret needed to login to Gfycat """ if not os.path.exists(gfycat_secrets): self.logger.warning( 'Gfycat API keys not found. (See wiki if you need help).') # Whitespaces are stripped from input: gfycat_client_id = ''.join( input("[ .. ] Enter Gfycat client ID: ").split()) gfycat_client_secret = ''.join( input("[ .. ] Enter Gfycat client secret: ").split()) # Make sure authentication is working try: gfycat_client = GfycatClient(gfycat_client_id, gfycat_client_secret) # If this call doesn't work, it'll throw an ImgurClientError gfycat_client.query_gfy('oddyearlyhorsefly') # It worked, so save the keys to a file gfycat_config = configparser.ConfigParser() gfycat_config['Gfycat'] = { 'ClientID': gfycat_client_id, 'ClientSecret': gfycat_client_secret, } with open(gfycat_secrets, 'w') as file: gfycat_config.write(file) file.close() except GfycatClientError as gfycat_error: self.logger.error('Error while logging into Gfycat: %s', gfycat_error) self.logger.error(FATAL_TOOTBOT_ERROR) sys.exit(1) else: # Read API keys from secret file gfycat_config = configparser.ConfigParser() return gfycat_config
def convertGfycatUrlToWebM(submission, url): global gfycatClient # Change this: # # # Into this: # # Or maybe this: # # Lazy initialize client if not gfycatClient and settings.settings['Gfycat_Client_id']: gfycatClient = GfycatClient(settings.settings['Gfycat_Client_id'], settings.settings['Gfycat_Client_secret']) # Still don't have a client? if not gfycatClient: logger.log( "Warning: no Gfycat client; gifs will likely fail to download") newUrl = gfycatToRedGifsWorkaround(url) if newUrl: return newUrl # Hacky solution while Gfycat API isn't set up. This breaks if case is wrong return "{}.webm".format(url[url.rfind("/") + 1:]) else: # Get the gfyname from the url matches = re.findall(r'gfycat\.com.*/([a-zA-Z]+)', url) if not matches: errorMessage = "Gfycat URL {} doesn't seem to match expected URL format".format( url) logger.log(errorMessage) LikedSavedDatabase.db.addUnsupportedSubmission( submission, errorMessage) else: try: gfycatUrlInfo = gfycatClient.query_gfy(matches[0]) except Exception as e: errorMessage = '[ERROR] Exception: Url {0} raised exception:\n\t {1}'.format( url, e) logger.log(errorMessage) logger.log("Gfycat client was used to make this query") # Gfycat sucks. They created RedGifs, but broke Gfycat API by making it not actually # support that transition, and you can't get a RedGifs API token unless you email # them for one. Great engineering, folks newUrl = gfycatToRedGifsWorkaround(url) if newUrl: return newUrl LikedSavedDatabase.db.addUnsupportedSubmission( submission, errorMessage) return None return gfycatUrlInfo['gfyItem']['mp4Url']
def save_to_gif(): images = [] for i in range(num_images): images.append(imageio.imread('images/' + str(i) + '.png')) imageio.mimsave('sim.gif', images) # Save to gfycat client = GfycatClient() try: print client.upload_from_file('sim.gif') except GfycatClientError as e: print(e.error_message) print(e.status_code)
def __init__( self, config: Configuration, imgur_secrets: str = 'imgur.secret', gfycat_secrets: str = 'gfycat.secret', ): self.logger = self.save_dir = try: imgur_config = self._get_imgur_secrets(imgur_secrets) self.imgur_client = ImgurClient( imgur_config['Imgur']['ClientID'], imgur_config['Imgur']['ClientSecret'], ) gfycat_config = self._get_gfycat_secrets(gfycat_secrets) self.gfycat_client = GfycatClient( gfycat_config['Gfycat']['ClientID'], gfycat_config['Gfycat']['ClientSecret'], ) except ImgurClientError as imgur_error: self.logger.error('Error on creating ImgurClient: %s', imgur_error) self.logger.error(FATAL_TOOTBOT_ERROR) sys.exit(1) except GfycatClientError as gfycat_error: self.logger.error('Error on creating GfycatClient: %s', gfycat_error) self.logger.error(FATAL_TOOTBOT_ERROR) sys.exit(1)
def get_media(img_url, post_id): if any(s in img_url for s in ('', '', '')): # This adds support for all imgur links (including galleries), but I need to make a new regex #if ('' not in img_url) and ('' in img_url): #print('[bot] Attempting to retrieve image URL for', img_url, 'from imgur...') #regex = r"(https?:\/\/imgur\.com\/a\/(.*?)(?:\/.*|$))" #m =, img_url, flags=0) #print( #img_url = imgur.get_image(img_url) file_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) file_extension = os.path.splitext(img_url)[-1].lower() # Fix for issue with links not having a file extension in the URL if not file_extension: file_extension += '.jpg' file_name += '.jpg' img_url += '.jpg' file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + file_name print('[BOT] Downloading file at URL ' + img_url + ' to ' + file_path + ', file type identified as ' + file_extension) if ( 'gifv' not in img_url ): # Can't process GIFV links until Imgur API integration is working img = save_file(img_url, file_path) return img else: print('[BOT] GIFV files are not supported yet') return '' elif ('' in img_url): # Gfycat # Twitter supports uploading videos, but Tweepy hasn't updated to support it yet. gfycat_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) client = GfycatClient() gfycat_info = client.query_gfy(gfycat_name) gfycat_url = gfycat_info['gfyItem']['mp4Url'] file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + gfycat_name + '.mp4' print('[BOT] Downloading Gfycat at URL ' + gfycat_url + ' to ' + file_path) gfycat_file = save_file(gfycat_url, file_path) return gfycat_file else: print('[BOT] Post', post_id, 'doesn\'t point to an image/video:', img_url) return ''
def get_details(self, url): """Get details from gfycat url.""" self.vid_url = self.get_preview() try: = self.regex.findall(url)[0] except IndexError: raise InvalidURLError('gfycat url not found') if is None: raise InvalidURLError('gfycat url not found') try: if self.vid_url is None: client = GfycatClient(constants.GFYCAT_CLIENT_ID, constants.GFYCAT_CLIENT_SECRET) query = client.query_gfy( if 'mp4Url' in query['gfyItem']: self.vid_url = query['gfyItem']['mp4Url'] elif 'gifUrl' in query['gfyItem']: self.gif_url = query['gfyItem']['gifUrl'] else: raise InvalidURLError('gfycat url not found') return self.get_info() except Exception: raise InvalidURLError('gfycat url not found')
def get_media(img_url, post_id): if any(s in img_url for s in ('', '', '')): # This adds support for all imgur links (including galleries), but I need to make a new regex #if ('' not in img_url) and ('' in img_url): #print('[bot] Attempting to retrieve image URL for', img_url, 'from imgur...') #regex = r"(https?:\/\/imgur\.com\/a\/(.*?)(?:\/.*|$))" #m =, img_url, flags=0) #print( #img_url = imgur.get_image(img_url) file_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) file_extension = os.path.splitext(img_url)[-1].lower(); # Fix for issue with links not having a file extension in the URL if not file_extension: file_extension += '.jpg' file_name += '.jpg' img_url += '.jpg' file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + file_name print('[BOT] Downloading file at URL ' + img_url + ' to ' + file_path + ', file type identified as ' + file_extension) if ('gifv' not in img_url): # Can't process GIFV links until Imgur API integration is working img = save_file(img_url, file_path) return img else: print('[BOT] GIFV files are not supported yet') return '' elif ('' in img_url): # Gfycat # Twitter supports uploading videos, but Tweepy hasn't updated to support it yet. gfycat_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) client = GfycatClient() gfycat_info = client.query_gfy(gfycat_name) gfycat_url = gfycat_info['gfyItem']['mp4Url'] file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + gfycat_name + '.mp4' print('[BOT] Downloading Gfycat at URL ' + gfycat_url + ' to ' + file_path) gfycat_file = save_file(gfycat_url, file_path) return gfycat_file else: print('[BOT] Post', post_id, 'doesn\'t point to an image/video:', img_url) return ''
class Bot: def __init__(self, videobot): = GfycatClient() self.video_bot = videobot def analyze_gfy(self, link): gfyName = link[link.find('.com/') + 5:] if gfyName.find('.') != -1: #name.mp4 gfyName = gfyName[:gfyName.find('.')] if gfyName.find('-') != -1: #name-someformat.mp4 gfyName = gfyName[:gfyName.find('-')] status = {} message = None try: gfycat_response = mp4_URL = gfycat_response['gfyItem']['mp4Url'] if gfycat_response['gfyItem']['nsfw'] == 1: message = 'Gfycat - marked NSFW.' message = '**[Hover to reveal](#s "' + message + ' ")**' # reddit spoiler tag added. else: filename = mp4_URL[mp4_URL.find('.com/') + 5:] urllib.urlretrieve(mp4_URL, filename) status[link] = self.video_bot.make_prediction(filename) labels = sorted(status[link].items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) tag, confidence = labels[0] message = tag + ". I'm {0:.2f}% confident.".format(confidence) message = '**[Hover to reveal](#s "' + message + ' ")**' # reddit spoiler tag added. if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) except GfycatClientError as e: print(e.error_message) print(e.status_code) return status, message
max_sleep = int(config['SETTINGS']['max_sleep']) allow_nsfw = config['SETTINGS'].getboolean('allow_nsfw') hashtags = config['SETTINGS'].getboolean('hashtags') test_mode = config['SETTINGS'].getboolean('test_mode') reddit = praw.Reddit(username=reddit_user, password=reddit_pass, client_id=reddit_client_id, client_secret=reddit_client_secret, user_agent='RedTwit (by u/impshum)') auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(twitter_consumer_key, twitter_consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(twitter_access_token, twitter_access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True, wait_on_rate_limit_notify=True) gfycat_client = GfycatClient(gfycat_client_id, gfycat_client_secret) class C: W, G, R, P, Y, C = '\033[0m', '\033[92m', '\033[91m', '\033[95m', '\033[93m', '\033[36m' class TargetFormat(object): GIF = ".gif" MP4 = ".mp4" AVI = ".avi" def convertFile(inputpath, targetFormat): outputpath = os.path.splitext(inputpath)[0] + targetFormat reader = imageio.get_reader(inputpath)
from gfycat.client import GfycatClient from gfycat.error import GfycatClientError config = configparser.ConfigParser() 'config.ini') # File isn't available on GitHub, for obvious reasons. username = config.get('reddit', 'username') password = config.get('reddit', 'password') reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=config.get('reddit', 'client_id'), client_secret=config.get('reddit', 'client_secret'), username=username, password=password, user_agent='vredditmirrorbot by /u/blinkroot') gfycat = GfycatClient() log_semaphore = threading.Semaphore() # For .log file synchronization. def reply_to_submission(submission, gif_json, root, is_gif): def gfy_field(prop): return gif_json['gfyItem'][prop] def strmbl_field(extension, prop): return gif_json['files'][extension][prop] reply = "" space = ' ' if is_gif:
import time as tim import urllib import os import praw import youtube_dl from PyDictionary import PyDictionary from gfycat.client import GfycatClient import random import asyncio scounter = 1 dictionary = PyDictionary() reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id="SgpnTCwJm3Hgag", client_secret="insert", user_agent=" by DimBulb567") gfycat = GfycatClient("2_cRBLwz", "insert") bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="b!") submissions = [] chatpeeps = [] chatchannels = [] ischatting = False msg = "" newmsg = False ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'default_search': 'auto', 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', }],
def process_gif(submission): sub = submission.subreddit.display_name url = submission.url title = submission.title author = # If its a gifv and hosted on imgur, we're ok, anywhere else I cant verify it works if 'imgur' in url and url.endswith("gifv"): # imgur will give us a (however large) gif if we ask for it # thanks imgur <3 url = url.rstrip('v') # Reddit Hosted gifs are going to be absolute hell, served via DASH which # Can be checked through a fallback url :) try: response = requests.get(url) # except OSError as error: # logging.warning('Converting to image failed, trying with <url>.jpg | %s', error) # try: # response = requests.get(url + '.jpg') # img = # except OSError as error: # logging.error('Converting to image failed, skipping submission | %s', error) #return except IOError as error: print('Pillow couldn\'t process image, marking as parsed and skipping') return None except Exception as error: print(error) print('Exception on image conversion lines.') return None except: logging.error("Could not get image from url") return None img = frames = [] # Process Gif # Loop over each frame in the animated image for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(img): # Draw the text on the frame # We'll create a custom RedditImage for each frame to avoid # redundant code # TODO: Consolidate this entire method into RedditImage. I want to make # Sure this works before I integrate. rFrame = RedditImage(frame) rFrame.add_title(title, False) frame = rFrame._image # However, 'frame' is still the animated image with many frames # It has simply been seeked to a later frame # For our list of frames, we only want the current frame # Saving the image without 'save_all' will turn it into a single frame image, and we can then re-open it # To be efficient, we will save it to a stream, rather than to file b = BytesIO(), format="GIF") frame = # The first successful image generation was 150MB, so lets see what all # Can be done to not have that happen # Then append the single frame image to a list of frames frames.append(frame) # Save the frames as a new image path_gif = 'temp.gif' path_mp4 = 'temp.mp4' frames[0].save(path_gif, save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:]) # ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg(inputs={path_gif: None},outputs={path_mp4: None}) # imgur = catutils.get_imgur_client_config() # try: client = GfycatClient() response = client.upload_from_file(path_gif) # except: # logging.error('Gif Upload Failed, Returning') # return None remove(path_gif) return response.get("gifUrl")
def get_media(img_url, post_id): if any(s in img_url for s in ('', '')): file_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) file_extension = os.path.splitext(img_url)[-1].lower() # Fix for issue with links not having a file extension in the URL if not file_extension: file_extension += '.jpg' file_name += '.jpg' img_url += '.jpg' # Grab the GIF versions of .GIFV links # When Tweepy adds support for video uploads, we can use grab the MP4 versions if (file_extension == '.gifv'): file_extension = file_extension.replace('.gifv', '.gif') file_name = file_name.replace('.gifv', '.gif') img_url = img_url.replace('.gifv', '.gif') # Download the file file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + file_name print('[ OK ] Downloading file at URL ' + img_url + ' to ' + file_path + ', file type identified as ' + file_extension) img = save_file(img_url, file_path) return img elif ('' in img_url): # Imgur try: client = ImgurClient(IMGUR_CLIENT, IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET) except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while authenticating with Imgur:', str(e)) return # Working demo of regex: regex = r"(?:.*)imgur\.com(?:\/gallery\/|\/a\/|\/)(.*?)(?:\/.*|\.|$)" m =, img_url, flags=0) if m: # Get the Imgur image/gallery ID id = if any(s in img_url for s in ('/a/', '/gallery/')): # Gallery links images = client.get_album_images(id) # Only the first image in a gallery is used imgur_url = images[0].link else: # Single image imgur_url = client.get_image(id).link # If the URL is a GIFV link, change it to a GIF file_extension = os.path.splitext(imgur_url)[-1].lower() if (file_extension == '.gifv'): file_extension = file_extension.replace('.gifv', '.gif') img_url = imgur_url.replace('.gifv', '.gif') # Download the image file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + id + file_extension print('[ OK ] Downloading Imgur image at URL ' + imgur_url + ' to ' + file_path) imgur_file = save_file(imgur_url, file_path) # Imgur will sometimes return a single-frame thumbnail instead of a GIF, so we need to check for this if (file_extension == '.gif'): # Open the file using the Pillow library img = # Get the MIME type mime = Image.MIME[img.format] if (mime == 'image/gif'): # Image is indeed a GIF, so it can be posted img.close() return imgur_file else: # Image is not actually a GIF, so don't post it print( '[EROR] Imgur has not processed a GIF version of this link, so it can not be posted' ) img.close() # Delete the image try: os.remove(imgur_file) except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while deleting media file:', str(e)) return else: return imgur_file else: print( '[EROR] Could not identify Imgur image/gallery ID in this URL:', img_url) return elif ('' in img_url): # Gfycat gfycat_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) client = GfycatClient() gfycat_info = client.query_gfy(gfycat_name) # Download the 2MB version because Tweepy has a 3MB upload limit for GIFs gfycat_url = gfycat_info['gfyItem']['max2mbGif'] file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + gfycat_name + '.gif' print('[ OK ] Downloading Gfycat at URL ' + gfycat_url + ' to ' + file_path) gfycat_file = save_file(gfycat_url, file_path) return gfycat_file elif ('' in img_url): # Giphy # Working demo of regex: regex = r"https?://((?:.*)giphy\.com/media/||*-)?(\w+)(/|\n)" m =, img_url, flags=0) if m: # Get the Giphy ID id = # Download the 2MB version because Tweepy has a 3MB upload limit for GIFs giphy_url = '' + id + '/giphy-downsized.gif' file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + id + '-downsized.gif' print('[ OK ] Downloading Giphy at URL ' + giphy_url + ' to ' + file_path) giphy_file = save_file(giphy_url, file_path) return giphy_file else: print('[EROR] Could not identify Giphy ID in this URL:', img_url) return else: print('[WARN] Post', post_id, 'doesn\'t point to an image/GIF:', img_url) return
def get_media(submission, IMGUR_CLIENT, IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET): img_url = submission.url # Make sure config file exists try: config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while reading config file:', str(e)) sys.exit() # Make sure media folder exists IMAGE_DIR = config['MediaSettings']['MediaFolder'] if not os.path.exists(IMAGE_DIR): os.makedirs(IMAGE_DIR) print('[ OK ] Media folder not found, created a new one') # Download and save the linked image if any(s in img_url for s in ('', '')): # Reddit-hosted images file_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) file_extension = os.path.splitext(img_url)[-1].lower() # Fix for issue with links not having a file extension in the URL if not file_extension: file_extension += '.jpg' file_name += '.jpg' img_url += '.jpg' # Download the file file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + file_name print('[ OK ] Downloading file at URL ' + img_url + ' to ' + file_path + ', file type identified as ' + file_extension) img = save_file(img_url, file_path) return [img] elif ('' in img_url): # Reddit video fileouts = [] class ytdlLogger(object): def debug(self, msg): if msg.startswith(IMAGE_DIR): fileouts.append(msg) def warning(self, msg): print("[WARN] " + msg) def error(self, msg): print("[EROR] " + msg) ytdl_opts = { 'outtmpl': IMAGE_DIR + '/%(id)s.%(ext)s', 'noplaylist': True, 'forcefilename': True, 'logger': ytdlLogger() } print("[ OK ] Downloading video at url " + img_url + " via youtube-dl...") with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_opts) as ytdl:[img_url]) print("[ OK ] File downloaded to " + fileouts[0]) return [fileouts[0]] elif ('' in img_url): # Reddit galleries (multiple images) try: galleryitems = submission.gallery_data['items'] mediadata = submission.media_metadata except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Post seems to be a gallery but there was an error trying to get the gallery data:', str(e)) return if len(galleryitems) > 4: print('[WARN] Post is a gallery with more than 4 images. Skipping as it is too many for Twitter.') return img_url_list = [] for item in galleryitems: if mediadata[item['media_id']]['m'] == 'image/jpg': img_url_list.append(f"{item['media_id']}.jpg") elif mediadata[item['media_id']]['m'] == 'image/png': img_url_list.append(f"{item['media_id']}.png") elif mediadata[item['media_id']]['m'] == 'image/webp': img_url_list.append(f"{item['media_id']}.webp") else: print('[WARN] An item in the gallery is not a JPG, PNG, or WEBP. Skipping this post as it is likely unable to be posted to Twitter.') return downloaded_imgs = [] for url in img_url_list: file_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(url).path) saved = save_file(url, file_name) downloaded_imgs.append(saved) return downloaded_imgs elif ('' in img_url): # Imgur try: client = ImgurClient(IMGUR_CLIENT, IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET) except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while authenticating with Imgur:', str(e)) return # Working demo of regex: regex = r"(?:.*)imgur\.com(?:\/gallery\/|\/a\/|\/)(.*?)(?:\/.*|\.|$)" m =, img_url, flags=0) if m: # Get the Imgur image/gallery ID id = if any(s in img_url for s in ('/a/', '/gallery/')): # Gallery links images = client.get_album_images(id) # Only the first image in a gallery is used imgur_url = images[0].link else: # Single image imgur_url = client.get_image(id).link # If the URL is a GIFV or MP4 link, change it to the GIF version file_extension = os.path.splitext(imgur_url)[-1].lower() if (file_extension == '.gifv'): file_extension = file_extension.replace('.gifv', '.gif') imgur_url = imgur_url.replace('.gifv', '.gif') elif (file_extension == '.mp4'): file_extension = file_extension.replace('.mp4', '.gif') imgur_url = imgur_url.replace('.mp4', '.gif') # Download the image file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + id + file_extension print('[ OK ] Downloading Imgur image at URL ' + imgur_url + ' to ' + file_path) imgur_file = save_file(imgur_url, file_path) # Imgur will sometimes return a single-frame thumbnail instead of a GIF, so we need to check for this if (file_extension == '.gif'): # Open the file using the Pillow library img = # Get the MIME type mime = Image.MIME[img.format] if (mime == 'image/gif'): # Image is indeed a GIF, so it can be posted img.close() return [imgur_file] else: # Image is not actually a GIF, so don't post it print( '[WARN] Imgur has not processed a GIF version of this link, so it can not be posted to Twitter') img.close() # Delete the image try: os.remove(imgur_file) except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while deleting media file:', str(e)) return else: return [imgur_file] else: print( '[EROR] Could not identify Imgur image/gallery ID in this URL:', img_url) return elif ('' in img_url): # Gfycat try: gfycat_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) client = GfycatClient() gfycat_info = client.query_gfy(gfycat_name) except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error downloading Gfycat link:', str(e)) return # Download the 2MB version because Tweepy has a 3MB upload limit for GIFs gfycat_url = gfycat_info['gfyItem']['max2mbGif'] file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + gfycat_name + '.gif' print('[ OK ] Downloading Gfycat at URL ' + gfycat_url + ' to ' + file_path) gfycat_file = save_file(gfycat_url, file_path) return [gfycat_file] elif ('' in img_url): # Giphy # Working demo of regex: regex = r"https?://((?:.*)giphy\.com/media/||*-)?(\w+)(/|\n)" m =, img_url, flags=0) if m: # Get the Giphy ID id = # Download the 2MB version because Tweepy has a 3MB upload limit for GIFs giphy_url = '' + id + '/giphy-downsized.gif' file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + id + '-downsized.gif' print('[ OK ] Downloading Giphy at URL ' + giphy_url + ' to ' + file_path) giphy_file = save_file(giphy_url, file_path) # Check the hash to make sure it's not a GIF saying "This content is not available" # More info: hash = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes( open(giphy_file, 'rb'))).hexdigest() if (hash == '59a41d58693283c72d9da8ae0561e4e5'): print( '[WARN] Giphy has not processed a 2MB GIF version of this link, so it can not be posted to Twitter') return else: return [giphy_file] else: print('[EROR] Could not identify Giphy ID in this URL:', img_url) return else: # Check if URL is an image, based on the MIME type image_formats = ('image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/webp') img_site = urlopen(img_url) meta = if meta["content-type"] in image_formats: # URL appears to be an image, so download it file_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + file_name print('[ OK ] Downloading file at URL ' + img_url + ' to ' + file_path) try: img = save_file(img_url, file_path) return [img] except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while downloading image:', str(e)) return else: print('[EROR] URL does not point to a valid image file') return
def get_media(img_url, IMGUR_CLIENT, IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET): # Make sure config file exists try: config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while reading config file:', str(e)) sys.exit() # Make sure media folder exists IMAGE_DIR = config['MediaSettings']['MediaFolder'] if not os.path.exists(IMAGE_DIR): os.makedirs(IMAGE_DIR) print('[ OK ] Media folder not found, created a new one') # Download and save the linked image if any(s in img_url for s in ('', '')): # Reddit-hosted images file_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) file_extension = os.path.splitext(img_url)[-1].lower() # Fix for issue with links not having a file extension in the URL if not file_extension: file_extension += '.jpg' file_name += '.jpg' img_url += '.jpg' # Download the file file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + file_name print('[ OK ] Downloading file at URL ' + img_url + ' to ' + file_path + ', file type identified as ' + file_extension) img = save_file(img_url, file_path) return img elif ('' in img_url): # Reddit video print( '[WARN] Reddit videos can not be uploaded to Twitter, due to API limitations' ) return elif ('' in img_url): # Imgur try: client = ImgurClient(IMGUR_CLIENT, IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET) except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while authenticating with Imgur:', str(e)) return # Working demo of regex: regex = r"(?:.*)imgur\.com(?:\/gallery\/|\/a\/|\/)(.*?)(?:\/.*|\.|$)" m =, img_url, flags=0) if m: # Get the Imgur image/gallery ID id = if any(s in img_url for s in ('/a/', '/gallery/')): # Gallery links images = client.get_album_images(id) # Only the first image in a gallery is used imgur_url = images[0].link else: # Single image imgur_url = client.get_image(id).link # If the URL is a GIFV or MP4 link, change it to the GIF version file_extension = os.path.splitext(imgur_url)[-1].lower() if (file_extension == '.gifv'): file_extension = file_extension.replace('.gifv', '.gif') imgur_url = imgur_url.replace('.gifv', '.gif') elif (file_extension == '.mp4'): file_extension = file_extension.replace('.mp4', '.gif') imgur_url = imgur_url.replace('.mp4', '.gif') # Download the image file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + id + file_extension print('[ OK ] Downloading Imgur image at URL ' + imgur_url + ' to ' + file_path) imgur_file = save_file(imgur_url, file_path) # Imgur will sometimes return a single-frame thumbnail instead of a GIF, so we need to check for this if (file_extension == '.gif'): # Open the file using the Pillow library img = # Get the MIME type mime = Image.MIME[img.format] if (mime == 'image/gif'): # Image is indeed a GIF, so it can be posted img.close() return imgur_file else: # Image is not actually a GIF, so don't post it print( '[WARN] Imgur has not processed a GIF version of this link, so it can not be posted to Twitter' ) img.close() # Delete the image try: os.remove(imgur_file) except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while deleting media file:', str(e)) return else: return imgur_file else: print( '[EROR] Could not identify Imgur image/gallery ID in this URL:', img_url) return elif ('' in img_url): # Gfycat try: gfycat_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) client = GfycatClient() gfycat_info = client.query_gfy(gfycat_name) except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error downloading Gfycat link:', str(e)) return # Download the 2MB version because Tweepy has a 3MB upload limit for GIFs gfycat_url = gfycat_info['gfyItem']['max2mbGif'] file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + gfycat_name + '.gif' print('[ OK ] Downloading Gfycat at URL ' + gfycat_url + ' to ' + file_path) gfycat_file = save_file(gfycat_url, file_path) return gfycat_file elif ('' in img_url): # Giphy # Working demo of regex: regex = r"https?://((?:.*)giphy\.com/media/||*-)?(\w+)(/|\n)" m =, img_url, flags=0) if m: # Get the Giphy ID id = # Download the 2MB version because Tweepy has a 3MB upload limit for GIFs giphy_url = '' + id + '/giphy-downsized.gif' file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + id + '-downsized.gif' print('[ OK ] Downloading Giphy at URL ' + giphy_url + ' to ' + file_path) giphy_file = save_file(giphy_url, file_path) # Check the hash to make sure it's not a GIF saying "This content is not available" # More info: hash = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open(giphy_file, 'rb'))).hexdigest() if (hash == '59a41d58693283c72d9da8ae0561e4e5'): print( '[WARN] Giphy has not processed a 2MB GIF version of this link, so it can not be posted to Twitter' ) return else: return giphy_file else: print('[EROR] Could not identify Giphy ID in this URL:', img_url) return else: # Check if URL is an image, based on the MIME type image_formats = ('image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/webp') img_site = urlopen(img_url) meta = if meta["content-type"] in image_formats: # URL appears to be an image, so download it file_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(img_url).path) file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + file_name print('[ OK ] Downloading file at URL ' + img_url + ' to ' + file_path) try: img = save_file(img_url, file_path) return img except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while downloading image:', str(e)) return else: print('[EROR] URL does not point to a valid image file') return
def __init__(self, videobot): = GfycatClient() self.video_bot = videobot
def get_hd_media(submission, IMGUR_CLIENT, IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET): media_url = submission.url # Make sure config file exists try: config = configparser.ConfigParser()'config.ini') except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while reading config file:', str(e)) sys.exit() # Make sure media folder exists IMAGE_DIR = config['MediaSettings']['MediaFolder'] if not os.path.exists(IMAGE_DIR): os.makedirs(IMAGE_DIR) print('[ OK ] Media folder not found, created a new one') # Download and save the linked image if any(s in media_url for s in ('', '')): # Reddit-hosted images file_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(media_url).path) file_extension = os.path.splitext(media_url)[-1].lower() # Fix for issue with links not having a file extension in the URL if not file_extension: file_extension += '.jpg' file_name += '.jpg' media_url += '.jpg' # Download the file file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + file_name print('[ OK ] Downloading file at URL ' + media_url + ' to ' + file_path + ', file type identified as ' + file_extension) img = save_file(media_url, file_path) return img elif ('' in media_url): # Reddit video if # Get URL for MP4 version of reddit video video_url =['reddit_video']['fallback_url'] # Download the file file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + + '.mp4' print('[ OK ] Downloading Reddit video at URL ' + video_url + ' to ' + file_path) video = save_file(video_url, file_path) return video else: print('[EROR] Reddit API returned no media for this URL:', media_url) return elif ('' in media_url): # Imgur try: client = ImgurClient(IMGUR_CLIENT, IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET) except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while authenticating with Imgur:', str(e)) return # Working demo of regex: regex = r"(?:.*)imgur\.com(?:\/gallery\/|\/a\/|\/)(.*?)(?:\/.*|\.|$)" m =, media_url, flags=0) if m: # Get the Imgur image/gallery ID id = if any(s in media_url for s in ('/a/', '/gallery/')): # Gallery links images = client.get_album_images(id) # Only the first image in a gallery is used imgur_url = images[0].link print(images[0]) else: # Single image/GIF if client.get_image(id).type == 'image/gif': # If the image is a GIF, use the MP4 version imgur_url = client.get_image(id).mp4 else: imgur_url = client.get_image(id).link file_extension = os.path.splitext(imgur_url)[-1].lower() # Download the image file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + id + file_extension print('[ OK ] Downloading Imgur image at URL ' + imgur_url + ' to ' + file_path) imgur_file = save_file(imgur_url, file_path) return imgur_file else: print( '[EROR] Could not identify Imgur image/gallery ID in this URL:', media_url) return elif ('' in media_url): # Gfycat try: gfycat_name = os.path.basename( urllib.parse.urlsplit(media_url).path) client = GfycatClient() gfycat_info = client.query_gfy(gfycat_name) except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error downloading Gfycat link:', str(e)) return # Download the Mp4 version gfycat_url = gfycat_info['gfyItem']['mp4Url'] file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + gfycat_name + '.mp4' print('[ OK ] Downloading Gfycat at URL ' + gfycat_url + ' to ' + file_path) gfycat_file = save_file(gfycat_url, file_path) return gfycat_file elif ('' in media_url): # Giphy # Working demo of regex: regex = r"https?://((?:.*)giphy\.com/media/||*-)?(\w+)(/|\n)" m =, media_url, flags=0) if m: # Get the Giphy ID id = # Download the MP4 version of the GIF giphy_url = '' + id + '/giphy.mp4' file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + id + 'giphy.mp4' print('[ OK ] Downloading Giphy at URL ' + giphy_url + ' to ' + file_path) giphy_file = save_file(giphy_url, file_path) return giphy_file else: print('[EROR] Could not identify Giphy ID in this URL:', media_url) return else: # Check if URL is an image or MP4 file, based on the MIME type image_formats = ('image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/webp', 'video/mp4') img_site = urlopen(media_url) meta = if meta["content-type"] in image_formats: # URL appears to be an image, so download it file_name = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlsplit(media_url).path) file_path = IMAGE_DIR + '/' + file_name print('[ OK ] Downloading file at URL ' + media_url + ' to ' + file_path) try: img = save_file(media_url, file_path) return img except BaseException as e: print('[EROR] Error while downloading image:', str(e)) return else: print('[EROR] URL does not point to a valid image file.') return
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-f", "--force", help="Force", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-g", "--gallery", help="Get the galleries again", action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-v", "--video", help="Get the video again", action='store_true') args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id=secrets.reddit['pull']['id'], client_secret=secrets.reddit['pull']['secret'], password=secrets.reddit['pull']['password'], user_agent='test', username=secrets.reddit['pull']['username'] ) gfycat = GfycatClient( secrets.gfycat['id'], secrets.gfycat['secret'] ) imgur = ImgurClient( secrets.imgur['id'], secrets.imgur['secret'] ) subredMap = {} def lf(path, kind = 'set'): if os.path.exists(path): with open(path) as fp: if kind == 'json': try:
def get_url(submission, mp4_instead_gif=True): ''' return TYPE, URL, EXTENSION E.x.: return 'img', '', 'png' ''' def what_is_inside(url): header = requests.head(url).headers if 'Content-Type' in header: return header['Content-Type'] else: return '' url = submission.url url_content = what_is_inside(url) if (CONTENT_JPEG == url_content or CONTENT_PNG == url_content): return TYPE_IMG, url, url_content.split('/')[1] if CONTENT_GIF in url_content: if url.endswith('.gif') and mp4_instead_gif: # Let's try to find .mp4 file. url_mp4 = url[:-4] + '.mp4' if CONTENT_MP4 == what_is_inside(url_mp4): return TYPE_GIF, url_mp4, 'mp4' return TYPE_GIF, url, 'gif' if url.endswith('.gifv'): if mp4_instead_gif: url_mp4 = url[:-5] + '.mp4' if CONTENT_MP4 == what_is_inside(url_mp4): return TYPE_GIF, url_mp4, 'mp4' if CONTENT_GIF in what_is_inside(url[0:-1]): return TYPE_GIF, url[0:-1], 'gif' if submission.is_self is True: # Self submission with text return TYPE_TEXT, None, None if urlparse(url).netloc == '': # Imgur imgur_config = yaml.load(open(os.path.join('configs', 'imgur.yml')).read()) imgur_client = ImgurClient(imgur_config['client_id'], imgur_config['client_secret']) path_parts = urlparse(url).path.split('/') if path_parts[1] == 'gallery': # TODO: gallary handling return TYPE_OTHER, url, None elif path_parts[1] == 'topic': # TODO: topic handling return TYPE_OTHER, url, None elif path_parts[1] == 'a': # An imgur album album = imgur_client.get_album(path_parts[2]) story = dict() for num, img in enumerate(album.images): number = num + 1 what = TYPE_IMG link = img['link'] ext = img['type'].split('/')[1] if img['animated']: what = TYPE_GIF link = img['mp4'] if mp4_instead_gif else img['gifv'][:-1] ext = 'mp4' if mp4_instead_gif else 'gif' story[number] = { 'url': link, 'what': what, 'ext': ext } if len(story) == 1: return story[1]['what'], story[1]['url'], story[1]['ext'] return TYPE_ALBUM, story, None else: # Just imgur img img = imgur_client.get_image(path_parts[1].split('.')[0]) if not img.animated: return TYPE_IMG,, img.type.split('/')[1] else: if mp4_instead_gif: return TYPE_GIF, img.mp4, 'mp4' else: # return 'gif',, 'gif' return TYPE_GIF, img.gifv[:-1], 'gif' elif '' in urlparse(url).netloc: client = GfycatClient() rname = re.findall(r'\/(?:detail\/)?(\w*)', url)[0] try: urls = client.query_gfy(rname)['gfyItem'] if mp4_instead_gif: return TYPE_GIF, urls['mp4Url'], 'mp4' else: return TYPE_GIF, urls['max5mbGif'], 'gif' except KeyError:'Gfy fail prevented!') return TYPE_OTHER, url, None else: return TYPE_OTHER, url, None
def get_gfycat_client(args) -> GfycatClient: rv = GfycatClient(args.gfycat_id, args.gfycat_secret) return rv