Exemple #1
    def prob_children(self, gameState, agent):
        from ghostAgents import DirectionalGhost
        ghost = DirectionalGhost(agent)
        dist = ghost.getDistribution(gameState)

        return [(gameState.generateSuccessor(agent, dir), prob)
                for dir, prob in dist.items()]
Exemple #2
    def getDirectionalExpectimaxValue(self, gameState, agentIndex, depth):
        if (agentIndex == 0
                and depth == 1) or gameState.isWin() or gameState.isLose():
            return self.evaluationFunction(gameState)

        legalMoves = gameState.getLegalActions(agentIndex)

        if agentIndex == 0:
            return max(
                    state, getNextIndexAgent(agentIndex, gameState), depth - 1)
                for state in [
                    for action in legalMoves
            ghost = DirectionalGhost(index=agentIndex)
            act_prob_dict = ghost.getDistribution(gameState)
            val_prob_dict = util.Counter()
            for action in legalMoves:
                state = gameState.generateSuccessor(agentIndex, action)
                val = self.getDirectionalExpectimaxValue(
                    state, getNextIndexAgent(agentIndex, gameState), depth)
                val_prob_dict[val] = act_prob_dict[action]
            return util.chooseFromDistribution(val_prob_dict)
 def expectiLevel(gameState, depth, agentindex):
     if gameState.isWin() or gameState.isLose() or depth == 0:
         return self.evaluationFunction(gameState)
     legalActions = gameState.getLegalActions(agentindex)
     ghostState = DirectionalGhost(agentindex,
     p = DirectionalGhost.getDistribution(ghostState, gameState)
     successors = [
         gameState.generateSuccessor(agentindex, action)
         for action in legalActions
     if agentindex == numGhosts:
         successorsScore = sum([
             p[action] * maxLevel(suc, depth - 1)
             for (suc, action) in zip(successors, legalActions)
         successorsScore = sum([
             p[action] * expectiLevel(suc, depth, agentindex + 1)
             for (suc, action) in zip(successors, legalActions)
     # bestScore = min(successorsScore)
     return successorsScore if successorsScore < float(
         "inf") else float("inf")
Exemple #4
 def rb_directional_expectimax(self, cur_state: GameState, turn: int,
                               agent: int, depth_limit: int, depth: int,
                               ghost_num: int):
     if turn == agent:
         depth += 1
     if depth >= depth_limit or cur_state.isWin() or cur_state.isLose():
         return self.evaluationFunction(cur_state)
     if turn == agent:  # if Pacman's turn
         cur_max = np.NINF
         for action in cur_state.getLegalPacmanActions(
         ):  # iterating over children gameStates
             child_state = cur_state.generateSuccessor(turn, action)
             cur_max = max(
                     child_state, (turn + 1) % (ghost_num + 1), agent,
                     depth_limit, depth, ghost_num))
         return cur_max
     else:  # if ghost turn
         assert turn > agent
         ghost_legal_moves = cur_state.getLegalActions(turn)
         ghost = DirectionalGhost(turn)
         # assert len(ghost_legal_moves) is not 0
         expectancy = 0
         for action in ghost_legal_moves:
             child_state = cur_state.generateSuccessor(turn, action)
             dist = ghost.getDistribution(cur_state)
             # print(dist)
             expectancy += (dist[action]) * (self.rb_directional_expectimax(
                 child_state, (turn + 1) %
                 (ghost_num + 1), agent, depth_limit, depth, ghost_num))
             if math.isnan(expectancy):
                 expectancy = 0
         return expectancy
Exemple #5
    def directionalExpectimaxValue(self, gameState, agentIndex, searchDepth):

        # The base cases
        # if reached self.depth or reached a leaf - stop and return value of heuristic function of state
        if searchDepth == self.depth or gameState.isWin() or gameState.isLose(
            return self.evaluationFunction(gameState)
        # The recursion
        current_agent_index = agentIndex
        if gameState.getNumAgents() == current_agent_index:
            current_agent_index = 0

        # the randomGhost instance to call getDistribution on. It holds the correct ghost index
        directional_ghost = DirectionalGhost(current_agent_index)

        legal_agent_actions = gameState.getLegalActions(current_agent_index)
        children_states = [
            gameState.generateSuccessor(current_agent_index, action)
            for action in legal_agent_actions

        if current_agent_index == 0:  # It is pacman's turn - we want to maximize the choice
            cur_max = float('-inf')
            for c in children_states:
                v = self.directionalExpectimaxValue(c, current_agent_index + 1,
                                                    searchDepth + 1)
                cur_max = max(v, cur_max)
            return cur_max
        else:  # It is a ghost's turn - a probabilistic state
            sum = 0
            # get the Counter of probabilities
            probabilities = directional_ghost.getDistribution(gameState)
            probabilities_keys = list(probabilities.keys())
            # Computer and return the sum on all the probabilities multiplied by the corresponding randomExpectimaxValue
            for i in range(len(children_states)):
                next_key = probabilities_keys[i]
                sum += probabilities.get(
                    next_key) * self.directionalExpectimaxValue(
                        children_states[i], current_agent_index + 1,
            return sum
    def getActionAux(self, gameState, agent, depth):
        if self.isFinalState(gameState):
            return gameState.getScore()

        if depth == 0:
            return self.evaluationFunction(gameState)

        numOfAgents = gameState.getNumAgents()
        nextAgent = (agent + 1) % numOfAgents
        legalActions = gameState.getLegalActions(agent)

        ###actions = [action for action in legalActions]
        nextStates = [
            gameState.generateSuccessor(agent, action)
            for action in legalActions

        if agent == self.index:
            # Pacman's turn
            # Initializing values
            bestMaxScore = -math.inf
            wantedMove = Directions.STOP

            scores = [
                self.getActionAux(state, nextAgent, depth)
                for state in nextStates
            bestScore = max(scores)
            bestIndices = [
                index for index in range(len(scores))
                if scores[index] == bestScore
            chosenIndex = random.choice(
                bestIndices)  # Pick randomly among the best
            wantedMove = legalActions[chosenIndex]

            # If we're at the root of the game tree - returned the preferred move
            # else - return the score
            if depth == self.depth:
                return wantedMove
                return bestScore
            # Ghost (min player) - randomGhost
            totalScore = 0  # best score for the min_agent is the lowest score
            ghostHelper = DirectionalGhost(agent)
            ghostDist = ghostHelper.getDistribution(gameState)

            prob_sum = 0
            ###Add normalization
            for action, state in zip(legalActions, nextStates):
                if nextAgent == self.index:
                    # This is the last ghost's turn, next turn is Pacman's
                    if depth == 1:  ### maybe 1?
                        # Next states are leaves (we've reached the maximum depth)
                        totalScore += self.evaluationFunction(
                            state) * ghostDist[action]
                        prob_sum += ghostDist[action]
                        totalScore += self.getActionAux(
                            state, nextAgent, depth - 1) * ghostDist[action]
                        prob_sum += ghostDist[action]
                    totalScore += self.getActionAux(state, nextAgent,
                                                    depth) * ghostDist[action]
                    prob_sum += ghostDist[action]
            assert prob_sum == 1
            assert prob_sum != 0  ### Just for sanity check
            return totalScore / prob_sum