def test_next_while_no_buffer(alphabet, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}\nhello {{back}}!"))
    r1 = lf.next_while(alphabet)
    assert r1 == expected, "did not get expected string back"

    assert lf.current(
    ) == expected, "lf.current() not yielding the same result"
def test_ignore_partial():
    Test using ignore when the buffer isn't fully consumed
    => the unconsumed parts of the buffer has to survive
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(PANGRAM))
    print("pos_0:", lf.pos)
    pos_8 = lf.pos
    print("pos_8:", pos_8)
    assert lf.current() == "the quick b", "ABORT: error with next()/current()"

    pos_11 = lf.pos
    print("pos_11:", pos_11)
    print("pos11 + rewind(3):", lf.pos)
    assert lf.current() == "the quic", "ABORT: error with rewind/current()"

    print("LAST IGNORE")
    print("post-ignore pos:", lf.pos)
    assert lf.current() == "", "ignore should discard all consumed characters"

    assert lf.buf.startswith("k b"), (
        "lexer buffer should start with remaining unconsumed characters\n"
        "\tunconsumed: 'k b'\n"
        "\tactual: {}".format(lf.buf[:+3] + "..."))

    assert lf.pos == pos_8, "stream position number incorrectly inferred"
def test_peek_until_idempotent():
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}"))
    r1 = lf.peek_until("w")
    assert r1 == "hello {{", "sanity-check - peek_until is broken"
    assert lf.current() == "", "lf.current() should yield ''"
    r2 = lf.peek_until("w")
    assert r2 == "hello {{", "should match nothing more the second time"
    assert lf.current() == "", "lf.current() should yield ''"
def test_expect_next_multiple(offset, results):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}\nhello {{back}}!"))
    # We rely on this call NOT raising an exception as sufficient testing
    # (expect should not raise an exception if the expectation is met)
    for ndx, expected in enumerate(results):
        print("{}: expecting '{}'".format(ndx, expected))
def test_expect_peek_idempotent(offset, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}\nhello {{back}}!"))
    # We rely on this call NOT raising an exception as sufficient testing
    # (expect should not raise an exception if the expectation is met)

    lf.expect_peek(expected)  # called again, should be the same
def test_peek_start(txt, peek_siz, exp_res):
    Test peeking from the start of a string
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(txt))
    res = lf.peek(peek_siz)
    assert res == exp_res, f"peek(n={peek_siz}) error, exp: '{exp_res}', got: {res}"
    assert not lf.eof, f"peek(n={peek_siz}) EOF value error, exp: '{exp_res}', got: '{lf.eof}'"
def test_peek_next_mix(description, commands):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(PANGRAM))
    for ndx, command in enumerate(commands):
        op, n, exp_res = command
        assert op in ['p', 'n'], "test error - unknown command (p/n)"
        op = lf.peek if op == 'p' else
        act_res = op(n)
        assert act_res == exp_res, "{}: {}(n={}) failed, expected '{}'\n\tCase: {}".format(
            ndx, "peek" if op == lf.peek else "next", n, exp_res, description)
def test_next_while_idempotent():
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}"))
    r1 = lf.next_while(ALPHABET_EN + " ")
    assert r1 == "hello ", "sanity-check - next_while is broken"
    assert lf.current() == "hello ", "lf.current() should yield 'hello '"
    r2 = lf.next_while(ALPHABET_EN + " ")
    assert r2 == "", "should match nothing more the second time"

    assert lf.current() == "hello ", "lf.current() should still yield 'hello '"
def test_next_until_partially_consumed_buffer(alphabet, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}\nhello {{back}}!"))
    # ensure we start with:
    # (1) a line in buffer
    # (2) an non-zero offset within that buffer
    assert == "hello ", "error with next() call"
    r1 = lf.next_until(alphabet)
    assert r1 == expected, "did not get expected string back"
    assert lf.current(
    ) == "hello " + expected, "lf.current() not returning the aggregate result read"
def test_rewind_too_far():
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(PANGRAM))
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
def test_next_until_idempotent():
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}"))
    r1 = lf.next_until("w")
    assert r1 == "hello {{", "sanity-check - next_until is broken"
    assert lf.current(
    ) == "hello {{", "lf.current() should return same result as read"
    r2 = lf.next_until("w")
    assert r2 == "", "should match nothing more the second time"
    assert lf.current(
    ) == "hello {{", "lf.current() should return 'hello {{' still"
def test_peek_while_partially_consumed_buffer(alphabet, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}\nhello {{back}}!"))
    # ensure we start with:
    # (1) a line in buffer
    # (2) an non-zero offset within that buffer
    assert == "hello ", "error with next() call"
    old_current = lf.current()
    r1 = lf.peek_while(alphabet)
    assert r1 == expected, "did not get expected string back"

    assert lf.current() == old_current, "lf.current() not yielding same result"
def test_peek_until_partially_consumed_buffer(alphabet, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}\nhello {{back}}!"))
    # ensure we start with:
    # (1) a line in buffer
    # (2) an non-zero offset within that buffer
    assert == "hello ", "error with next() call"
    old_current = lf.current()
    r1 = lf.peek_until(alphabet)
    assert r1 == expected, "did not get expected string back"
    assert lf.current(
    ) == old_current, "lf.current() should not change because of peeking"
def test_peek_while_idempotent():
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}"))
    old_current = lf.current()

    r1 = lf.peek_while(ALPHABET_EN + " ")
    assert r1 == "hello ", "sanity-check - peek_while is broken"
    assert lf.current() == old_current, "lf.current() should not have changed"

    r2 = lf.peek_while(ALPHABET_EN + " ")
    assert r2 == "hello ", "should match same string the second time"
    assert lf.current() == old_current, "lf.current() should not have changed"
def test_pos_peek():
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(PANGRAM))
    assert lf.pos == 0, "initial position must be 0"

    assert lf.pos == 0, "peek() should not alter position"
    assert lf.pos == 2, "next() should alter position"
    assert lf.pos == len(PANGRAM), "position should advance to EOF"
def test_peek_while(txt, alphabet, exp):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(txt))

    pos_start = lf.pos
    cur_start = lf.buf_cursor

    res = lf.peek_while(alphabet)
    assert res == exp, "given alphabet '{}', expected result: '{}'".format(
        alphabet, exp)

    assert pos_start == lf.pos, "position in buffer shouldn't change"
    assert cur_start == lf.buf_cursor, "cursor offset shouldn't change"
def test_ignore_all():
    Test using ignore when the buffer cursor is at the end
    => whole buffer is to be ignore()'ed
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(PANGRAM))
    assert lf.current() == "the ", "error in current()/next(), abort"
    assert lf.current() == "", "ignore should skip all 'consumed' characters"

    res =
    assert res == "qui", "error in next()/ignore"
def test_next1():
    Test reading string in pieces of 1.

    Successive calls to next() to return the successive character
    in the string.
    msg = "hello, world"
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(msg))
    for ndx, val in enumerate(list(msg)):
        actual =
        assert actual == val, "failed @ {} - exp: {}, got: {}".format(
            ndx, val, actual)
def next_chunks(txt, readsiz, reads):
    Read multiple chunks of text, also in chunks where less than n chars come back (EOF)
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(txt))
    for ndx, exp in enumerate(reads):
        act =
        assert act == exp, "read[{}] failed, exp: '{}', got: '{}'".format(
            ndx, exp, act)

    res =
    assert res == "", "expected EOF, got a value"
    assert lf.eof, "expected EOF to be true"
def test_emit():
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(PROG))
    res =
    assert res == "def", "ABORT: next()/test error"

    tok = lf.emit("KW")
    assert tok == lexer.Token(type="KW", literal="def", startpos=0)
    tok = lf.emit("fn")
    assert tok == lexer.Token(type="fn", literal="foo", startpos=4)
def test_rewind():
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(PANGRAM))

    read =
    assert read == "the quick", "error in next() abort test"
    assert lf.current() == "the quick", "error in current(), abort test"

    assert lf.current() == "the qu", "[1] rewind(3) failed"
    assert lf.current() == "the ", "[2] rewind(2) failed"
    assert lf.current(
    ) == "the qui", "[3] failed where we re-consumed and rewound characters"
def test_current():
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO(PANGRAM))
    assert lf.current() == "", "initially, current should be an empty string"

    assert lf.current() == "", "peek should not affect current"
    assert lf.current(
    ) == "the", "next() should move character(s) into current"
    assert lf.current(
    ) == "the q", "next(2) should've added 2 characters to current"

    assert lf.current(
    ) == "the q", "peek should continue to not affect current"
    assert lf.current(
    ) == PANGRAM, "reading past EOF should produce the entire contents"
def test_peek_until_no_buffer(alphabet, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}\nhello {{back}}!"))
    r1 = lf.peek_until(alphabet)
    assert r1 == expected, "did not get expected string back"
    assert lf.current() == "", "lf.current() should be empty"
def test_next_until_seq(seq, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(
        StringIO("hello {{world}}\n{{#names}}{{> user}}{{/names}}"))
    res = lf.next_until_seq(seq)
    assert res == expected, "did not get expected string back"
def test_expect_peek_err(offset, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}\nhello {{back}}!"))
    with pytest.raises(lexer.LexerExpectError):
def test_expect_next_ok(offset, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}\nhello {{back}}!"))
    # We rely on this call NOT raising an exception as sufficient testing
    # (expect should not raise an exception if the expectation is met)
def test_peek_until_eof(alphabet, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("1111\n1212\nx"))
    assert lf.peek_until(
        alphabet) == expected, "test failure or peek_until broken"
    assert not lf.eof, "peek_until should not set EOF"
def test_next_until_no_buffer(alphabet, expected):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("hello {{world}}\nhello {{back}}!"))
    r1 = lf.next_until(alphabet)
    assert r1 == expected, "did not get expected string back"
    assert lf.current(
    ) == expected, "lf.current() should be the same as what's just read"
def test_next_until_eof(alphabet, expected, exp_eof):
    lf = lexer.Lexer(StringIO("1111\n1212\nx"))
    assert lf.next_until(
        alphabet) == expected, "test failure or next_until broken"
    assert lf.eof == exp_eof, "next_until does not set EOF as appropriate"