def _getheight(obj): geomlist = [x for n in obj for x in n] te = ghc.BrepJoin(geomlist).breps sm = ghc.MergeFaces(te).breps pt = ghc.Area(sm).centroid return pt.Z
def buildZoneBrep(_zoneObjs, _opaqueSurfaces): # Takes in the IDF Surfaces and builds Zone Breps from them # Sets the ZoneObj as an attr using the new Brep zoneBreps = [] for zone in _zoneObjs: zoneSurfaces = [] for srfc in _opaqueSurfaces: if srfc.HostZoneName == zone.ZoneName: zoneSurfaces.append(ghc.BoundarySurfaces(srfc.Boundary)) zoneBrep = ghc.BrepJoin(zoneSurfaces).breps zoneBreps.append(zoneBrep) setattr(zone, 'ZoneBrep', zoneBrep) return zoneBreps
def _build_volume_brep_from_geom(self): results = ghc.BrepJoin( [self.tfa_surface.surface, self._space_geom.breps] ) #Un-pack the results output = [] if results: for brep, closed in zip(results.breps, results.closed): if closed: output.append( brep ) return output
def get_footprint(_surfaces): # Finds the 'footprint' of the building for 'Primary Energy Renewable' reference # 1) Re-build the Opaque Surfaces # 2) Join all the surface Breps into a single brep # 3) Find the 'box' for the single joined brep # 4) Find the lowest Z points on the box, offset another 10 units 'down' # 5) Make a new Plane at this new location # 6) Projects the brep edges onto the new Plane # 7) Split a surface using the edges, combine back into a single surface Footprint = namedtuple('Footprint', ['Footprint_surface', 'Footprint_area']) #----- Build brep surfaces = (from_face3d(surface.Srfc) for surface in _surfaces) bldg_mass = ghc.BrepJoin(surfaces).breps bldg_mass = ghc.BoundaryVolume(bldg_mass) if not bldg_mass: return Footprint(None, None) #------- Find Corners, Find 'bottom' (lowest Z) bldg_mass_corners = [v for v in ghc.BoxCorners(bldg_mass)] bldg_mass_corners.sort(reverse=False, key=lambda point3D: point3D.Z) rect_pts = bldg_mass_corners[0:3] #------- Projection Plane projection_plane1 = ghc.Plane3Pt(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[1], rect_pts[2]) projection_plane2 = ghc.Move(projection_plane1, ghc.UnitZ(-10)).geometry matrix = rs.XformPlanarProjection(projection_plane2) #------- Project Edges onto Projection Plane projected_edges = [] for edge in ghc.DeconstructBrep(bldg_mass).edges: projected_edges.append(ghc.Transform(edge, matrix)) #------- Split the projection surface using the curves l1 = ghc.Line(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[1]) l2 = ghc.Line(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[2]) max_length = max(ghc.Length(l1), ghc.Length(l2)) projection_surface = ghc.Polygon(projection_plane2, max_length * 100, 4, 0).polygon projected_surfaces = ghc.SurfaceSplit(projection_surface, projected_edges) #------- Remove the biggest surface from the set(the background srfc) projected_surfaces.sort(key=lambda x: x.GetArea()) projected_surfaces.pop(-1) #------- Join the new srfcs back together into a single one unioned_NURB = ghc.RegionUnion(projected_surfaces) unioned_surface = ghc.BoundarySurfaces(unioned_NURB) return Footprint(unioned_surface, unioned_surface.GetArea())
def calcFootprint(_zoneObjs, _opaqueSurfaces): # Finds the 'footprint' of the building for 'Primary Energy Renewable' reference # 1) Re-build the zone Breps # 2) Join all the zone Breps into a single brep # 3) Find the 'box' for the single joined brep # 4) Find the lowest Z points on the box, offset another 10 units 'down' # 5) Make a new Plane at this new location # 6) Projects the brep onto the new Plane #----- zoneBreps = [] for zone in _zoneObjs: zoneSurfaces = [] for srfc in _opaqueSurfaces: if srfc.HostZoneName == zone.ZoneName: zoneSurfaces.append(ghc.BoundarySurfaces(srfc.Boundary)) zoneBrep = ghc.BrepJoin(zoneSurfaces).breps zoneBreps.append(zoneBrep) bldg_mass = ghc.SolidUnion(zoneBreps) if bldg_mass == None: return None #------- Find Corners, Find 'bottom' (lowest Z) bldg_mass_corners = [v for v in ghc.BoxCorners(bldg_mass)] bldg_mass_corners.sort(reverse=False, key=lambda point3D: point3D.Z) rect_pts = bldg_mass_corners[0:3] #------- Project Brep to Footprint projection_plane1 = ghc.Plane3Pt(rect_pts[0], rect_pts[1], rect_pts[2]) projection_plane2 = ghc.Move(projection_plane1, ghc.UnitZ(-10)).geometry matrix = rs.XformPlanarProjection(projection_plane2) footprint_srfc = rs.TransformObjects(bldg_mass, matrix, copy=True) footprint_area = rs.Area(footprint_srfc) #------- Output Footprint = namedtuple('Footprint', ['Footprint_surface', 'Footprint_area']) fp = Footprint(footprint_srfc, footprint_area) return fp
# See if you can make a closed room Brep # If you can, create a new Room Volume from the closed Brep set # Then remove that Room's Geom from the set to test (to speed future search?) # If no closables match found, create a default room volume # If no room geom input, just build a default size room for each if len(roomGeomBreps) > 0: for i, roomGeom in enumerate(roomGeomBreps): tfaFloorJoinedToGeom = ghc.BrepJoin([roomGeom, tfaSrfcObj.Surface]) if tfaFloorJoinedToGeom.closed == True: newRmVol = PHPP_RoomVolume(tfaSrfcObj, roomGeom) roomGeomBreps.pop(i) break else: newRmVol = PHPP_RoomVolume(tfaSrfcObj, _roomGeom=None, _roomHeightUD=2.5)
def _getz(obj): geomlst = [x for n in obj for x in n] te = ghc.BrepJoin(geomlst).breps cnt = ghc.Area(te).centroid return cnt.Z
def _floorVerts(obj): geomslst = [x for n in obj for x in n] te = ghc.BrepJoin(geomslst).breps sm = ghc.MergeFaces(te).breps return _get_verts(sm)
import ghpythonlib.components as ghc import ghpythonlib.parallel as ghp #divide circle curves into pnts indivpoints = {} for circle in circles: points = ghc.DivideCurve(circle, splits, False)[0] for num in range(0, splits): indivpoints.update({num:[points[num]]}) if num not in indivpoints.keys() else indivpoints[num].append(points[num]) #create polylines from points at index between circles polylines = [ghc.PolyLine(indivpoints[key], False) for key in indivpoints.keys()] polylines.append(polylines[0])#to allow a full loop #create ruled surfaces between polylines loftsdata = [[polylines[loft],polylines[loft+1]] for loft in range(0, splits)] #running ruled surfaces in parallel compute lofts = ghc.CapHoles(ghc.BrepJoin( x: ghc.RuledSurface(x[0], x[1]), loftsdata, True))[0])
tfa_srfcs_grouped_by_neighbor, ghenv) # Build the Spaces for each tfa surface # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ phpp_spaces_dict = {} for tfa_srfc in tfa_srfcs_cleaned: # See if you can make a closed space Brep # If you can, create a new Room Volume from the closed Brep set # Then remove that Room's Geom from the set to test (to speed future search?) # If no closables match found, create a default space volume # If no space geom input, just build a default size space for each # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if _spaces_geometry: for i, space_geometry in enumerate(space_geom): joined_vol = ghc.BrepJoin([space_geometry, tfa_srfc.surface]) if joined_vol.closed is True: new_space_vol = LBT2PH.spaces.Volume(tfa_srfc, joined_vol) #_spaces_geometry.pop(i) # Causes error sometimes... used to speed things up. Might be another way break else: msg = 'Could not join {} with any space geometry.'.format( tfa_srfc.dict_key) ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage( ghK.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, msg) new_space_vol = LBT2PH.spaces.Volume(tfa_srfc) else: new_space_vol = LBT2PH.spaces.Volume(tfa_srfc) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sort the new Space Volume into the master Dict based on name