Exemple #1
 def _get_plane_aligned_to_surface(_surface):
     """Finds an Aligned Plane for Surface input
     Note, will try and correct to make sure the aligned plane's Y-Axis aligns 
     to the surface and goes 'up' (world Z) if it can.
         _surface: The Rhino surface to align with
         srfcPlane: A single Plane object, aligned to the surface
     # Get the UV info for the surface
     srfcPlane = rs.SurfaceFrame(_surface, [0.5, 0.5])
     centroid = ghc.Area(_surface).centroid
     uVector = srfcPlane.XAxis
     vVector = srfcPlane.YAxis
     # Create a Plane aligned to the UV of the srfc
     lineU = ghc.LineSDL(centroid, uVector, 1)
     lineV = ghc.LineSDL(centroid, vVector, 1)
     srfcPlane = ghc.Line_Line(lineU, lineV)
     # Try and make sure its pointing the right directions
     if abs(round(srfcPlane.XAxis.Z, 2)) != 0:
         srfcPlane =  ghc.RotatePlane(srfcPlane, ghc.Radians(90))
     if round(srfcPlane.YAxis.Z, 2) < 0:
         srfcPlane =  ghc.RotatePlane(srfcPlane, ghc.Radians(180))
     return srfcPlane
def nextPt(pt, surface, DistanceFactor):
    boolean, u, v = Surface.ClosestPoint(pt)
    norm = Surface.NormalAt(u, v)
    unitNormLine = gh.LineSDL(pt, norm, DistanceFactor)
    ptToProject = gh.EndPoints(unitNormLine)
    ProjectedPt = gh.ProjectPoint(ptToProject, -gh.UnitZ(), Surface)[0]

    return ProjectedPt
def rhino_vector2d_from_angle(_angle=0):
    """ Get a Rhino Vector2d from a numeric angle

            _angle (float): Angle in degrees. Note, this should
            be a positive value representing the degree of
            rotation (about the Z axis) from Y. North 0=0
            West=90, South=180, East=270

    if not _angle:
        return None

    # Use the Grasshopper rotate to create the new vector
    # according to the numeric angle
    origin = Rhino.Geometry.Point3d(0, 0, 0)
    north_axis = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0, 1, 0)
    angle = ghc.Radians(_angle)
    rotation_axis_vec = Rhino.Geometry.Vector3d(0, 0, 1)
    rotation_axis_line = ghc.LineSDL(origin, rotation_axis_vec, 1)
    north_vec = ghc.RotateAxis(north_axis, angle, rotation_axis_line).geometry

    return north_vec
Exemple #4
def find_reveal_shading(_phpp_window_obj, _shadingGeom, _extents=99):
    WinCenter = ghc.Area(_phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface).centroid
    edges = _phpp_window_obj._get_edges_in_order( _phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface )
    surface_normal = _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal

    #Create the Intersection Surface for each side
    Side1_OriginPt = ghc.CurveMiddle( from_linesegment3d(edges.Left) )
    Side1_NormalLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side1_OriginPt, surface_normal, _extents)
    Side1_Direction = ghc.Vector2Pt(WinCenter, Side1_OriginPt, False).vector
    Side1_HorizLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction, _extents)
    Side1_IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(Side1_NormalLine, Side1_HorizLine)
    #Side2_OriginPt = SideMidPoints[1] #ghc.CurveMiddle(self.Edge_Left)
    Side2_OriginPt = ghc.CurveMiddle( from_linesegment3d(edges.Right) )
    Side2_NormalLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side2_OriginPt, surface_normal, _extents)
    Side2_Direction = ghc.Vector2Pt(WinCenter, Side2_OriginPt, False).vector
    Side2_HorizLine = ghc.LineSDL(Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction, _extents)
    Side2_IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(Side2_NormalLine, Side2_HorizLine)
    #Find any Shader Objects and put them all into a list
    Side1_RevealShaderObjs = []
    testStartPt = ghc.Move(WinCenter, ghc.Amplitude(surface_normal, 0.1)).geometry #Offsets the test line just a bit
    Side1_TesterLine = ghc.LineSDL(testStartPt, Side1_Direction, _extents) #extend a line off to side 1
    for i in range(len(_shadingGeom)):
        if ghc.BrepXCurve(_shadingGeom[i],Side1_TesterLine).points != None:
    Side2_RevealShaderObjs = []
    Side2_TesterLine = ghc.LineSDL(testStartPt, Side2_Direction, _extents) #extend a line off to side 2
    for i in range(len(_shadingGeom)):
        if ghc.BrepXCurve(_shadingGeom[i],Side2_TesterLine).points != None:
    # Calc Shading reveal dims
    NumShadedSides = 0
    if len(Side1_RevealShaderObjs) != 0:
        Side1_o_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side1_RevealShaderObjs, Side1_IntersectionSurface, Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction)[0]
        Side1_d_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side1_RevealShaderObjs, Side1_IntersectionSurface, Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction)[1]
        Side1_CheckLine = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side1_RevealShaderObjs, Side1_IntersectionSurface, Side1_OriginPt, Side1_Direction)[2]
        NumShadedSides = NumShadedSides + 1
        Side1_o_reveal =  None
        Side1_d_reveal = None
        Side1_CheckLine = Side1_HorizLine
    if len(Side2_RevealShaderObjs) != 0:
        Side2_o_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side2_RevealShaderObjs, Side2_IntersectionSurface, Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction)[0]
        Side2_d_reveal = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side2_RevealShaderObjs, Side2_IntersectionSurface, Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction)[1]
        Side2_CheckLine = CalcRevealDims(_phpp_window_obj, Side2_RevealShaderObjs, Side2_IntersectionSurface, Side2_OriginPt, Side2_Direction)[2]
        NumShadedSides = NumShadedSides + 1
        Side2_o_reveal =  None
        Side2_d_reveal = None
        Side2_CheckLine = Side2_HorizLine
    # TODO: how to handel asymetrical reveals????

    o_reveal = Side1_o_reveal#(Side1_o_reveal + Side2_o_reveal )/ max(1,NumShadedSides)
    d_reveal = Side1_d_reveal#(Side1_d_reveal + Side2_d_reveal )/ max(1,NumShadedSides)

    return o_reveal, d_reveal, Side1_CheckLine, Side2_CheckLine
Exemple #5
def find_overhang_shading(_phpp_window_obj, _shadingGeom, _extents=99):
    # Figure out the glass surface (inset a bit) and then
    # find the origin point for all the subsequent shading calcs (top, middle)
    glzgCenter = ghc.Area(_phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface).centroid
    glazingEdges = _phpp_window_obj._get_edges_in_order( _phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface )
    glazingTopEdge = from_linesegment3d(glazingEdges.Top)
    ShadingOrigin = ghc.CurveMiddle(glazingTopEdge)
    # In order to also work for windows which are not vertical, find the 
    # 'direction' from the glazing origin and the top/middle ege point
    UpVector = ghc.Vector2Pt(glzgCenter, ShadingOrigin, True).vector
    # First, need to filter the scene to find the objects that are 'above'
    # the window. Create a 'test plane' that is _extents (99m) tall and 0.5m past the wall surface, test if
    # any objects intersect that plane. If so, add them to the set of things
    # test in the next step
    depth = float(_phpp_window_obj.install_depth) + 0.5
    edge1 = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, UpVector, _extents)
    edge2 = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal, depth)
    intersectionTestPlane = ghc.SumSurface(edge1, edge2)
    OverhangShadingObjs = (x for x in _shadingGeom 
                    if ghc.BrepXBrep(intersectionTestPlane, x).curves != None)
    # Using the filtered set of shading objects, find the 'edges' of shading 
    # geom and then decide where the maximums shading point is
    # Create a new 'test' plane coming off the origin (99m in both directions this time).
    # Test to find any intersection shading objs and all their crvs/points with this plane
    HorizontalLine = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal, _extents)
    VerticalLine = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, UpVector, _extents)
    IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(HorizontalLine, VerticalLine)
    IntersectionCurves = (ghc.BrepXBrep(obj, IntersectionSurface).curves 
                            for obj in OverhangShadingObjs
                            if ghc.BrepXBrep(obj, IntersectionSurface).curves != None)
    IntersectionPointsList = (ghc.ControlPoints(crv).points for crv in IntersectionCurves)
    IntersectionPoints = (pt for list_of_pts in IntersectionPointsList for pt in list_of_pts)
    # If there are any intersection Points found, choose the right one to use to calc shading....
    # Find the top/closets point for each of the objects that could possibly shade
    smallest_angle_found = 2 * math.pi
    key_point = None
    for pt in IntersectionPoints:
        if pt == None:        
        # Protect against Zero-Length error
        ray = ghc.Vector2Pt(ShadingOrigin, pt, False).vector
        if ray.Length < 0.001:
        this_ray_angle = ghc.Angle(_phpp_window_obj.surface_normal , ray).angle
        if this_ray_angle < 0.001:
        if this_ray_angle <= smallest_angle_found:
            smallest_angle_found = this_ray_angle
            key_point = pt
    # Use the 'key point' found to deliver the Height and Distance for the PHPP Shading Calculator
    if not key_point:
        d_over = None
        o_over = None
        CheckLine = VerticalLine
        d_over = key_point.Z - ShadingOrigin.Z                              # Vertical distance
        Hypot = ghc.Length(ghc.Line(ShadingOrigin, key_point))              # Hypot
        o_over = math.sqrt(Hypot**2 - d_over**2)                            # Horizontal distance
        CheckLine = ghc.Line(ShadingOrigin, key_point)
    return d_over, o_over, CheckLine
Exemple #6
def find_horizon_shading(_phpp_window_obj, _shadingGeom, _extents=99):
        _phpp_winddow_obj: The PHPP_Window object to calcualte the values for
        _shadingGeom: (list) A list of possible shading objects to test against
        _extents: (float) A number (m) to limit the shading search to. Default = 99m
        h_hori: Distance (m) out from the glazing surface of any horizontal shading objects found
        d_hori: Distance (m) up from the base of the window to the top of any horizontal shading objects found
    surface_normal = _phpp_window_obj.surface_normal

    # Find Starting Point
    glazingEdges = _phpp_window_obj._get_edges_in_order( _phpp_window_obj.glazing_surface )
    glazingBottomEdge = glazingEdges.Bottom
    ShadingOrigin = ghc.CurveMiddle( from_linesegment3d(glazingBottomEdge) )
    UpVector = ghc.VectorXYZ(0,0,1).vector
    # Find if there are any shading objects and if so put them in a list
    HorizonShading = []
    HorizontalLine = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, surface_normal, _extents)
    VerticalLine = ghc.LineSDL(ShadingOrigin, UpVector, _extents)
    for shadingObj in _shadingGeom:
        if ghc.BrepXCurve(shadingObj, HorizontalLine).points != None:
            HorizonShading.append( shadingObj )
    # Find any intersection Curves with the shading objects
    IntersectionSurface = ghc.SumSurface(HorizontalLine, VerticalLine)
    IntersectionCurve = []
    IntersectionPoints = []
    for shadingObj in HorizonShading:
        if ghc.BrepXBrep(shadingObj, IntersectionSurface).curves != None:
            IntersectionCurve.append(ghc.BrepXBrep(shadingObj, IntersectionSurface))
    for pnt in IntersectionCurve:
    # Run the "Top-Corner-Finder" if there are any intersecting objects...
    if len(IntersectionPoints) != 0:
        # Find the top/closets point for each of the objects that could possibly shade
        KeyPoints = []
        for pnt in IntersectionPoints:
            Rays = []
            Angles = []
            if pnt:
                for k in range(len(pnt)):
                    Rays.append(ghc.Vector2Pt(ShadingOrigin,pnt[k], False).vector)
                    Angles.append(ghc.Angle(surface_normal , Rays[k]).angle)
        # Find the relevant highest / closest point
        Rays = []
        Angles = []
        for i in range(len(KeyPoints)):
            Rays.append(ghc.Vector2Pt(surface_normal, KeyPoints[i], False).vector)
            Angles.append(ghc.Angle(surface_normal, Rays[i]).angle)
        KeyPoint = KeyPoints[Angles.index(max(Angles))]
        # Use the point it finds to deliver the Height and Distance for the PHPP Shading Calculator
        h_hori = KeyPoint.Z - ShadingOrigin.Z #Vertical distance
        Hypot = ghc.Length(ghc.Line(ShadingOrigin, KeyPoint))
        d_hori = math.sqrt(Hypot**2 - h_hori**2)
        CheckLine = ghc.Line(ShadingOrigin, KeyPoint)
        h_hori = None
        d_hori = None
        CheckLine = HorizontalLine
    return h_hori, d_hori, CheckLine