def _size_allocate_cb(self, widget, allocation): """We know the size of the widget on the screen, so we keep the parameters which are important for our rendering (center of the clock, radius). """ # This callback can be called when the gdk window is not yet # set if self.window is None: return # Store the measures of the clock face widget self._center_x = int(allocation.width / 2.0) self._center_y = int(allocation.height / 2.0) self._radius = max(min(int(allocation.width / 2.0), int(allocation.height / 2.0)) - 20, 0) self._line_width = int(self._radius / 150) cr = self.window.cairo_create() # Draw simple clock background self._simple_background_cache = cr.get_target().create_similar( cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, self._radius * 2, self._radius * 2) cache_ctx = cairo.Context(self._simple_background_cache) self._draw_simple_background(cache_ctx) self._draw_numbers(cache_ctx) # Reload the svg handle self._svg_handle = Rsvg.Handle(file="clock.svg") # Draw nice clock background self._nice_background_cache = cr.get_target().create_similar( cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, self._radius * 2, self._radius * 2) cache_ctx = cairo.Context(self._nice_background_cache) scale_x = self._radius * 2.0 / self._svg_handle.props.width scale_y = self._radius * 2.0 / self._svg_handle.props.height matrix = cairo.Matrix(xx=scale_x, yy=scale_y) cache_ctx.transform(matrix) self._svg_handle.render_cairo(cache_ctx) # The hands sizes are proportional to the radius self._hand_sizes['hour'] = self._radius * 0.5 self._hand_sizes['minutes'] = self._radius * 0.8 self._hand_sizes['seconds'] = self._radius * 0.7 self.initialized = True
def _marker(self, color, txt, lat, lon, ctx, dpi): marker_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'images', 'marker.svg')) fp = open(marker_path, 'r') data = fp.close() if color[0] != '#': c = Color(color) color = c.hex_l data = data.replace('#000000', color) rsvg = Rsvg.Handle() svg = rsvg.new_from_data(data.encode()) x, y = self._latlon2xy(lat, lon, dpi) scale = (50.0 / svg.props.height) * (dpi / 72.0) x -= svg.props.width * scale / 2 y -= svg.props.height * scale ctx.translate(x, y) ctx.scale(scale, scale) svg.render_cairo(ctx) pc = PangoCairo.create_context(ctx) layout = PangoCairo.create_layout(ctx) fd = Pango.FontDescription('Droid Sans') fd.set_size(Pango.SCALE) layout.set_font_description(fd) layout.set_text(txt, -1) draw_utils.adjust_font_size(layout, fd, svg.props.width / 3, svg.props.width / 3) ink, logical = layout.get_extents() ctx.translate(svg.props.width / 2 - logical.width / svg.props.height, svg.props.height / 5) PangoCairo.update_layout(ctx, layout) PangoCairo.show_layout(ctx, layout) ctx.restore()
def render(renderer, ctx): if renderer.rc.qrcode_text: qrcode_text = renderer.rc.qrcode_text else: qrcode_text = renderer.rc.origin_url if not qrcode_text: return x = convert_pt_to_dots(renderer._map_coords[0], renderer.dpi) y = convert_pt_to_dots(renderer._map_coords[1], renderer.dpi) w = convert_pt_to_dots(renderer._map_coords[2], renderer.dpi) h = convert_pt_to_dots(renderer._map_coords[3], renderer.dpi) W = convert_pt_to_dots(renderer.paper_width_pt) size = convert_pt_to_dots( max(renderer.paper_width_pt, renderer.paper_height_pt), renderer.dpi) / 12 qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4, ) qr.add_data(qrcode_text) qr.make(fit=True) img = qr.make_image(image_factory=qrcode.image.svg.SvgPathFillImage, fill_color='lightblue') svgstr = BytesIO() svg_val = svgstr.getvalue() rsvg = Rsvg.Handle() svg = rsvg.new_from_data(svg_val) svgstr.close() ctx.translate(x + w - size, y + h - size) ctx.move_to(0, 0) factor = size / svg.props.height ctx.scale(factor, factor) svg.render_cairo(ctx) ctx.restore()
def _update(self, tempo): def map_range(value, ilower, iupper, olower, oupper): if value == iupper: return oupper return olower + int((oupper-olower+1) * (value-ilower) / float(iupper-ilower)) img = map_range(tempo, self.adjustment.get_lower(), self.adjustment.get_upper(), 0, 7) if not self._pixbuf[img]: svg = Rsvg.Handle().new_from_data(IMAGE[img]) self._pixbuf[img] = _from_svg_at_size(handle=svg, width=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE, height=style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE) self._image.set_from_pixbuf(self._pixbuf[img])
def convert_svg2png(infile, outfile, icon_size=None): """ Converts svg files to png using Cairosvg or Inkscape @file_path : String; the svg file absolute path @dest_path : String; the png file absolute path """ if not disable_svg2png: if use_inkscape: if icon_size: p = Popen([ "inkscape", "-z", "-f", infile, "-e", outfile, "-w", str(icon_size), "-h", str(icon_size) ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) else: p = Popen(["inkscape", "-z", "-f", infile, "-e", outfile], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) p.communicate() else: if icon_size: handle = Rsvg.Handle() svg = handle.new_from_file(infile) dim = svg.get_dimensions() img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, icon_size, icon_size) ctx = cairo.Context(img) ctx.scale(icon_size / dim.width, icon_size / dim.height) svg.render_cairo(ctx) png_io = BytesIO() img.write_to_png(png_io) with open(outfile, 'wb') as fout: fout.write(png_io.getvalue()) svg.close() png_io.close() img.finish() else: with open(infile, "r") as content_file: svg = fout = open(outfile, "wb") svg2png(bytestring=bytes(svg, "UTF-8"), write_to=fout) fout.close()
def render(s, ctx, t): ctx.identity_matrix() # first, collect the information on the height and width # not sure what the 1.25 means but it's good svg_height = s.my_params['fontsize'] * s.svg_out['height'] * 1.25 svg_width = s.my_params['fontsize'] * s.svg_out['width'] * 1.25 # then, determine the scaling factor clip_x, clip_y, clip_w, clip_h = ctx.clip_extents() scaling_factor = s.height(t) * clip_h / float(svg_height) # render the svg ltx_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, ceil(svg_width * scaling_factor), ceil(svg_height * scaling_factor)) ltx_context = cairo.Context(ltx_surface) ltx_context.scale(scaling_factor, scaling_factor) handle = Rsvg.Handle() svg = handle.new_from_file("./tmp/" + s.hexdigest + ".svg") svg.render_cairo(ltx_context) svg.close() # render bounding box too. #ltx_context.rectangle(0, 0, svg_width, svg_height) #ltx_context.set_source_rgb(0.3, 0.2, 0.5) # Solid color #ltx_context.set_line_width(1) #ltx_context.stroke() # calculate the source offset, in pixels # the target cposx times pixesl minus width in ctx pixels divided by two x_offset = clip_w * s.cpos(t)[0] - (svg_width * scaling_factor) / 2. y_offset = clip_h * s.cpos(t)[1] - (svg_height * scaling_factor) / 2. r, g, b = s.color(t) ctx.set_source_rgba(r, g, b, s.alpha(t)) ctx.mask_surface(ltx_surface, x_offset, y_offset) #ctx.set_source_surface(ltx_surface, x_offset, y_offset) #ctx.paint_with_alpha(s.alpha(t)) ctx.restore()
def __init__(self, input_file): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title='Edycja SVG poprzez CSS') self.set_border_width(0) self.input_file = input_file vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing=6) self.add(vbox) self.handle = Rsvg.Handle() self.image = Gtk.Image() svg = self.handle.new_from_file(self.input_file) self.image.set_from_pixbuf(svg.get_pixbuf()) vbox.pack_start(self.image, True, True, 0) button = Gtk.Button('Update') button.connect('clicked', self.on_click) vbox.pack_start(button, True, True, 0)
def _load_surface_list(self, names): lst = [] for i in names: path = self.clock_theme_dir + "/" + i + ".svg" if os.path.exists(path): svg = rsvg.Handle(path) try: if self.svg_size is None: self.svg_size = svg.get_dimension_data()[2:4] svg_size = self.svg_size sx = self.width / svg_size[0] sy = self.height / svg_size[1] scale = min(sx, sy) surface = cairo.SVGSurface(None, svg_size[0] * scale * 2, svg_size[1] * scale * 2) context = cairo.Context(surface) self.screen.configure_canvas(context) context.scale(scale, scale) context.translate(svg_size[0], svg_size[1]) svg.render_cairo(context) context.translate(-svg_size[0], -svg_size[1]) lst.append( ((svg_size[0] * scale, svg_size[1] * scale), surface)) finally: svg.close() path = self.clock_theme_dir + "/" + i + ".gif" if os.path.exists(path): img_surface = g15cairo.load_surface_from_file( path, self.height) surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, img_surface.get_width() * 2, img_surface.get_height() * 2) context = cairo.Context(surface) self.screen.configure_canvas(context) context.translate(img_surface.get_width(), img_surface.get_height()) context.set_source_surface(img_surface) context.paint() lst.append(((img_surface.get_width(), img_surface.get_height()), surface)) return lst
def _render_header(self, ctx, area, dpi, color, label, logo = None): f = dpi / UTILS.PT_PER_INCH; ctx.translate(10*f, 10*f) c = Color(color); ctx.set_source_rgb(,, ctx.rectangle( 0, 0, (area.w - 20)*f, dpi * 0.8) ctx.fill() x = 5*f if logo != None: logo_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'templates', 'poi_markers', 'Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG', 'white', 'svg', logo + '.svg')) if os.path.isfile(logo_path): rsvg = Rsvg.Handle() svg = rsvg.new_from_file(logo_path) scale = dpi * 0.6 / svg.props.height; x += svg.props.width * scale + 10*f ctx.translate(5*f, 5*f) ctx.scale(scale, scale) svg.render_cairo(ctx) ctx.restore() else: LOG.warning("icon not found %s" % logo_path) ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) ctx.select_font_face("Droid Sans Bold", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) ctx.set_font_size(dpi*0.6) x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height = ctx.text_extents(label)[:4] ctx.move_to(x, 10*f - y_bearing) ctx.show_text(label) ctx.restore() return dpi * 0.8
def _from_svg_at_size(filename=None, width=None, height=None, handle=None, keep_ratio=True): """ import from """ if not handle: handle = Rsvg.Handle() handle.new_from_file(filename) dimensions = handle.get_dimensions() icon_width = dimensions.width icon_height = dimensions.height if (icon_width != width or icon_height != height) and \ icon_width != 0 and icon_height != 0: ratio_width = float(width) / icon_width ratio_height = float(height) / icon_height if keep_ratio: ratio = min(ratio_width, ratio_height) if ratio_width != ratio: ratio_width = ratio width = int(icon_width * ratio) elif ratio_height != ratio: ratio_height = ratio height = int(icon_height * ratio) else: ratio_width = 1 ratio_height = 1 surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height) context = cairo.Context(surface) context.scale(ratio_width, ratio_height) handle.render_cairo(context) loader = GdkPixbuf.PixbufLoader.new_with_mime_type('image/png') surface.write_to_png(loader) loader.close() return loader.get_pixbuf()
def collateA4(): width, height = 595.27559, 841.88976 surfaces = [ cairo.PDFSurface('./out/4x4_collate' + str(x + 1) + '.pdf', width, height) for x in range(29) ] contexts = [cairo.Context(surface) for surface in surfaces] handle = Rsvg.Handle() svgs = [ handle.new_from_file(inp) for inp in ['./out/4x4_card' + str(x + 1) + '.svg' for x in range(256)] ] for i in range(256): dim = svgs[i].get_dimensions() contexts[i // 9].save() contexts[i // 9].translate(A4Positions[i % 9][0], A4Positions[i % 9][1]) contexts[i // 9].scale(185 / dim.width, 266 / dim.height) svgs[i].render_cairo(contexts[i // 9]) contexts[i // 9].restore()
def init(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): self.filename = self.default_filename if self.filename.split('.')[-1] == 'svg': # use rsvg to render the cairo context handle = Rsvg.Handle() svg = handle.new_from_file(self.filename) self.pb = svg.get_pixbuf() else: self.pb = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(self.filename) # 1052 # 744 # self.pb = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_scale(self.filename, 100, 100, True) self.img_w = self.pb.get_width() self.img_h = self.pb.get_height()
def svgToSurface(filename, width, height): file = open(filename, 'r') fileStr = fileStr = re.sub('width\s*=\s*\"([0-9]+)\"', 'width=\"{}\"'.format(width), fileStr, 1) fileStr = re.sub('height\s*=\s*\"([0-9]+)\"', 'height=\"{}\"'.format(height), fileStr, 1) handle = Rsvg.Handle() svg = handle.new_from_data(fileStr.encode()) width, height = map(svg.get_property, ("width", "height")) data = array('b') data.frombytes((chr(0) * width * height * 4).encode()) surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(data, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height, width * 4) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) svg.render_cairo(ctx) image = pygame.image.frombuffer(data.tostring(), (width, height), "RGBA") return image
def _onExpose(self, widget, event): svgh = rsvg.Handle() try: svgh.write(bytes(self.svg, "utf-8")) except (GObject.GError, KeyError, ValueError) as ex: print('Error reading SVG for display: %s\r\n%s', ex, self.svg) svgh.close() return svgh.close() if not self._composited: cairo_operator = cairo.OPERATOR_OVER else: cairo_operator = cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE window = self.get_window() cr = window.cairo_create() cr.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) cr.set_operator(cairo_operator) cr.paint() svgh.render_cairo(cr) del svgh
def convert_svg_image(p, o): handle = Rsvg.Handle() try: svg = handle.new_from_file(p) except Error as e: logger.error(e) return None width = svg.props.width height = svg.props.height svg_surface = cairo.SVGSurface(None, width * 2, height * 2) svg_context = cairo.Context(svg_surface) svg_context.scale(2, 2) svg.render_cairo(svg_context) svg_surface.write_to_png(o) dimensions = image_dimensions(o) dimensions = [dimensions[0] / 2, dimensions[1] / 2] return dimensions
def __init__(self, title=None, height=500, width=500, framerate=20): Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title=title) self.height = height self.width = width self.dwg = svgwrite.container.SVG(size=(width, height), debug=False) self.canvas = Gtk.Image().new_from_pixbuf(Rsvg.Handle().new_from_data( bytes(self.dwg.tostring(), 'ascii')).get_pixbuf()) self.add(self.canvas) self.framerate = framerate #self.timeout=GLib.timeout_add(1000//framerate,self._draw) self.idle = None self.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) self.connect("delete-event", self.cleanup) self.connect("motion-notify-event", self.motion) self.mouseX = 0 self.mouseY = 0 self.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK) self.connect("key-press-event", self._keypress) self.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.connect("button_press_event", self._mousedown) self.keydown = None self.mouseclicked = None self.mousedown = False
def __init__(self, bot, path=None, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None, alpha=1.0, data=None, pathmode=CORNER, **kwargs): Grob.__init__(self, bot) ColorMixin.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.alpha = alpha self.path = path = data self._pathmode = pathmode sh = sw = None # Surface Height and Width if isinstance(, cairo.ImageSurface): sw = sh = self._surface = else: # checks if image data is passed in command call, in this case it wraps # the data in a StringIO oject in order to use it as a file # the data itself must contain an entire image, not just pixel data # it can be useful for example to retrieve images from the web without # writing temp files (e.g. using nodebox's web library, see example 1 of the library) # if no data is passed the path is used to open a local file if is None: surfaceref = self._surface_cache.get(path) if surfaceref: surface = surfaceref.surface if isinstance(surface, cairo.RecordingSurface): extents = surface.get_extents() # extents has x, y which we dont use right now sw = extents.width sh = extents.height else: sw = surface.get_width() sh = surface.get_height() elif os.path.splitext( path)[1].lower() == ".svg" and Rsvg is not None: handle = Rsvg.Handle() svg = handle.new_from_file(path) dimensions = svg.get_dimensions() sw = dimensions.width sh = dimensions.height surface = cairo.RecordingSurface(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, (0, 0, sw, sh)) ctx = cairo.Context(surface) pycairo_ctx = driver.ensure_pycairo_context(ctx) svg.render_cairo(pycairo_ctx) elif os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower() == ".png": surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(path) sw = surface.get_width() sh = surface.get_height() else: img = if img.mode != "RGBA": img = img.convert("RGBA") sw, sh = img.size # Would be nice to not have to do some of these conversions :-\ bgra_data = img.tobytes("raw", "BGRA", 0, 1) bgra_array = array.array("B", bgra_data) surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data( bgra_array, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, sw, sh, sw * 4) self._surface_cache[path] = SurfaceRef(surface) else: img = if img.mode != "RGBA": img = img.convert("RGBA") sw, sh = img.size # Would be nice to not have to do some of these conversions :-\ bgra_data = img.tobytes("raw", "BGRA", 0, 1) bgra_array = array.array("B", bgra_data) surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data( bgra_array, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, sw, sh, sw * 4) if width is not None or height is not None: if width: wscale = float(width) / sw else: wscale = 1.0 if height: hscale = float(height) / sh else: if width: hscale = wscale else: hscale = 1.0 self._transform.scale(wscale, hscale) self.width = width or sw self.height = height or sh self._surface = surface self._deferred_render()
def render_banner(data, res_mgr, card_cache=None, emblem_cache=None, base=""): tree = ET.parse(base + 'banner.svg') root = tree.getroot() width, height = int(root.attrib["width"]), int(root.attrib["height"]) if data.leader_card["id"] == -2: card_icon = open(base + "chihiro2x.png", "rb").read() else: if card_cache is None: output = io.BytesIO() get_card(data.leader_card["id"], res_mgr, output) card_icon = output.getvalue() else: card_file = card_cache( data.leader_card["id"], lambda f: get_card(data.leader_card["id"], res_mgr, f)) card_icon = open(card_file, "rb").read() if emblem_cache is None: output = io.BytesIO() get_emblem(data.emblem_id, res_mgr, output) emblem_icon = output.getvalue() else: emblem_file = emblem_cache( data.emblem_id, lambda f: get_emblem(data.emblem_id, res_mgr, f)) emblem_icon = open(emblem_file, "rb").read() icon_uri = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.b64encode(card_icon).decode( "ascii") emblem_uri = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.b64encode( emblem_icon).decode("ascii") def set_text(id, val, grp=False): if grp: e = root.findall('.//svg:g[@id="%s"]/svg:text/svg:tspan' % id, ns) else: e = root.findall('.//svg:text[@id="%s"]/svg:tspan' % id, ns) #assert len(e) != 0 for i in e: while len(i): del i[0] i.text = val e_icon = root.find('.//svg:image[@id="icon"]', ns) e_icon.set(xlink + "href", icon_uri) e_emblem = root.find('.//svg:image[@id="emblem"]', ns) e_emblem.set(xlink + "href", emblem_uri) set_text("level", str(data.level)) set_text("prp", str(data.prp)) if >= 10000: set_text("fan", "%d万人" % ( // 10000)) else: set_text("fan", "%d人" % if is None: root.find('.//svg:g[@id="gameid_grp"]', ns).clear() elif == -2: set_text("gameid", "エラー") else: set_text("gameid", str( set_text("name", set_text("comment", data.comment) for k, v in list(data.cleared.items()): set_text("cl_" + k, str(v), grp=True) for k, v in list(data.full_combo.items()): set_text("fc_" + k, str(v), grp=True) set_text("cardlevel", str(data.leader_card["level"]), grp=True) if data.emblem_ex_value: set_text("emblem-rank", str(data.emblem_ex_value)) else: set_text("emblem-rank", "") for i, rank in enumerate(["f", "e", "d", "c", "b", "a", "s", "ss", "sss"]): if (i + 1) != data.rank and not (rank == "sss" and data.rank == 100): root.find('.//svg:g[@id="rk_%s"]' % rank, ns).clear() img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 2 * width, 2 * height) ctx = cairo.Context(img) handle = Rsvg.Handle().new_from_data(ET.tostring(root)) ctx.scale(2, 2) handle.render_cairo(ctx) im = Image.frombuffer("RGBA", (2 * width, 2 * height), bytes(img.get_data()), "raw", "BGRA", 0, 1) return im
#!/usr/bin/python import gi gi.require_version('Rsvg', '2.0') from gi.repository import Rsvg import cairo INPUTFILE = 'data/sources/Box.svg' if __name__ == '__main__': # create the cairo context surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 128, 128) context = cairo.Context(surface) # use rsvg to render the cairo context handle = Rsvg.Handle() svg = handle.new_from_file(INPUTFILE) svg.render_cairo(context) surface.write_to_png('svg.png')
def _render_front_page_footer(self, ctx, w, h, osm_date): # Draw the footer ctx.translate(0, 0.8 * h + 2 * Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT) # Display a nice grey rectangle as the background of the # footer footer_w = w footer_h = 0.2 * h - 2 * Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT ctx.set_source_rgb(.80,.80,.80) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, footer_w, footer_h) ctx.fill() # Draw the OpenStreetMap logo to the right of the footer logo_height = footer_h / 2 grp, logo_width = self._get_osm_logo(ctx, logo_height) if grp: ctx.translate(w - logo_width - Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT, logo_height / 2) ctx.set_source(grp) ctx.paint_with_alpha(0.8) ctx.restore() # add QRcode if qrcode text is provided if self.rc.qrcode_text: qr = qrcode.QRCode( version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_L, box_size=10, border=4, ) qr.add_data(self.rc.qrcode_text); qr.make(fit=True) img = qr.make_image(image_factory=qrcode.image.svg.SvgPathFillImage, fill_color='lightblue') svgstr = BytesIO(); svg_val = svgstr.getvalue() rsvg = Rsvg.Handle() svg = rsvg.new_from_data(svg_val) svgstr.close() ctx.translate(w - 2*logo_width - 2*Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT, logo_height/2) ctx.move_to(0, 0) factor = logo_height / svg.props.height ctx.scale(factor, factor) svg.render_cairo(ctx) ctx.restore() # Prepare the text for the left of the footer today = notice = _(u'Copyright © %(year)d MapOSMatic/OCitySMap developers.') notice+= '\n\n' notice+= _(u'Map data © %(year)d OpenStreetMap contributors (see') notice+= '\n' annotations = [] if self.rc.stylesheet.annotation != '': annotations.append(self.rc.stylesheet.annotation) for overlay in self._overlays: if overlay.annotation != '': annotations.append(overlay.annotation) if len(annotations) > 0: notice+= _(u'Map styles:') notice+= ' ' + '; '.join(annotations) + '\n' notice+= _(u'Map rendered on: %(date)s. OSM data updated on: %(osmdate)s.') notice+= '\n' notice+= _(u'The map may be incomplete or inaccurate.') # We need the correct locale to be set for strftime(). prev_locale = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME) locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, self.rc.i18n.language_code()) try: if osm_date is None: osm_date_str = _(u'unknown') else: osm_date_str = osm_date.strftime("%d %B %Y %H:%M") notice = notice % {'year': today.year, 'date': today.strftime("%d %B %Y"), 'osmdate': osm_date_str} finally: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, prev_locale) draw_utils.draw_text_adjusted(ctx, notice, Renderer.PRINT_SAFE_MARGIN_PT, footer_h/2, footer_w, footer_h, align=Pango.Alignment.LEFT) ctx.restore()
def _render_item(self, ctx, area, dpi, color, number, label, gridlabel, logo = None): f = dpi / UTILS.PT_PER_INCH; x = 5*f marker_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'images', 'marker.svg')) fp = open(marker_path,'r') data = fp.close() if color[0] != '#': c = Color(color); color = c.hex_l data = data.replace('#000000', color) rsvg = Rsvg.Handle() svg = rsvg.new_from_data(data.encode()) scale = 50.0 * f/ svg.props.height; x += 35*f ctx.scale(scale, scale) svg.render_cairo(ctx) ctx.restore() ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) ctx.select_font_face("Droid Sans Mono", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height = ctx.text_extents(number)[:4] ctx.set_font_size((dpi*0.6)/(len(number)+1)) ctx.move_to(20*f - f*width/2, 25*f) ctx.show_text(number) ctx.restore() if logo != None: logo_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'templates', 'poi_markers', 'Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG', 'black', 'svg', logo + '.svg')) if os.path.isfile(logo_path): rsvg = Rsvg.Handle() svg = rsvg.new_from_file(logo_path) scale = min(dpi * 0.6 / svg.props.height, dpi * 0.6 / svg.props.width); ctx.translate(x + 5, 5*f) ctx.scale(scale, scale) svg.render_cairo(ctx) ctx.restore() x += svg.props.width * scale + 10*f else: LOG.warning("icon not found %s" % logo_path) ctx.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) ctx.select_font_face("Droid Sans", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL) ctx.set_font_size(dpi*0.6) x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height = ctx.text_extents(label)[:4] ctx.move_to(x, 10*f - y_bearing) ctx.show_text(label) ctx.select_font_face("Droid Sans Mono", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) gridParts = re.match('^([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)$', gridlabel) gridlabel = + '-' + x_bearing, y_bearing, width, height = ctx.text_extents(gridlabel)[:4] ctx.move_to((area.w - 15)*f - width, 10*f + height) ctx.show_text(gridlabel) ctx.restore() return dpi * 0.7
def update_frame(self): if not self.frame_updated: return self.frame_updated = False if not self.active_slide: return slide = self.slides[self.active_slide] svg = slide['raw'].replace('</svg>', '') for annotation_id, annotation in sorted(self.annotations.items(), key=lambda v: v[1]['counter']): if annotation['whiteboardId'] != slide['whiteboardId']: continue # only draw finished shapes if 'status' not in annotation or annotation['status'] != 'DRAW_END': continue if annotation['svg'] is None: annotation['svg'] = shapes.generate_svg(annotation, slide) svg += annotation['svg'] svg += '</svg>' if svg != self.framesvg: self.framesvg = svg handle = Rsvg.Handle() svghandle = handle.new_from_data(self.framesvg.encode()) scale_w = 1920 / svghandle.get_dimensions().width scale_h = 1080 / svghandle.get_dimensions().height if scale_w > scale_h: scale = scale_h width = int(svghandle.get_dimensions().width * scale_h) height = int(svghandle.get_dimensions().height * scale_h) else: scale = scale_w width = int(svghandle.get_dimensions().width * scale_w) height = int(svghandle.get_dimensions().height * scale_w) surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, width, height) context = cairo.Context(surface) context.scale(scale, scale) if self.frameres != (width, height): self.frameres = (width, height) curcaps = self.appsrc.get_property("caps") curwidth, curheight = curcaps.get_structure(0).get_value( "width"), curcaps.get_structure(0).get_value("height") if curwidth != width or curheight != height: caps = curcaps.copy() caps.set_value("width", width) caps.set_value("height", height) self.appsrc.set_property("caps", caps)"Resized presentation canvas") svghandle.render_cairo(context) self.frame = bytes(surface.get_data()) ctypes.memmove(self.mapped_framebuf, self.frame, len(self.frame)) log.debug("Presentation frame updated")
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import os import cairo # import rsvg from gi.repository import Rsvg as rsvg # import gnome15.util.g15convert as g15convert import gnome15.util.g15cairo as g15cairo needles = { "cpu_pc": (170, 90, rsvg.Handle( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "g19-large-needle.svg"))), "net_send_pc": (82, 198, rsvg.Handle(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "g19-tiny-needle.svg"))), "net_recv_pc": (82, 198, rsvg.Handle( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "g19-small-needle.svg"))), "mem_used_pc": (254, 198, rsvg.Handle( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "g19-small-needle.svg"))), "mem_cached_pc": (254, 198,
def saveAx(self, fn=None, ax='a4', svg_list=None): """Store history of previously files in a DIN-format file. Note ---- In the optional parameter svg_list, a custom list of file paths may be used instead of the history of previously stored files. Parameters ---------- fn Filename of the saved file. If left blank, the filename defaults to the existing filename saved in the class members. If there is no filename, it defaults to default_Ax.svg. The filename will be stored in the _fnAx class member. ax String to define the size of the DIN format document. Allowed is 'a0', 'a1', ..., 'a10'. svg_list Custom list of paths to files, which should be aranged to the DIN format svg file. By default the history of paths to all files stored by the save() function, stored in the class member _fn_list is stored. """ widthAx = { 'a10': 92, 'a9': 131, 'a8': 184, 'a7': 262, 'a6': 372, 'a5': 524, 'a4': 744, 'a3': 1052, 'a2': 1488, 'a1': 2104, 'a0': 2979 } heightAx = { 'a10': 131, 'a9': 184, 'a8': 262, 'a7': 372, 'a6': 524, 'a5': 524, 'a4': 1052, 'a3': 1488, 'a2': 2104, 'a1': 2979, 'a0': 4212 } if svg_list == None: if self._fn_list == []: warnings.warn( 'svg_list is empty. No files available to store to Ax file.' ) svg_list = [] else: svg_list = self._fn_list if fn == None: fn = "default_Ax.svg" if not self.overwrite: fn = self._check_fn_exists(fn) self._fnAx = fn if self.landscapeAx: width = heightAx[ax] height = widthAx[ax] else: width = widthAx[ax] height = heightAx[ax] pg_nmb = 0 self._fnAx = self._fn_sub_str(fn, ('_pg' + str(pg_nmb))) self.__create(self._fnAx, width, height) x_pos = 0 y_pos = 0 svg_label = sg.fromfile(self._fnAx) # derzeit noch suboptimal, da nur gut fuer gleich Hoehen (todo: besseren Algorithmus entwickeln) for svg_file in svg_list: handle = Rsvg.Handle() svg = handle.new_from_file(svg_file) h = svg.get_dimensions().height w = svg.get_dimensions().width #rsvg_anker = Rsvg.Handle(file=svg_file) #(w, h, w2, h2) = rsvg_anker.get_dimension_data() anker = sg.fromfile(svg_file).getroot() anker.moveto(x_pos, y_pos, scale=1.0) svg_label.append(anker) if (width - (x_pos + w)) > w: x_pos += w else: if (height - (y_pos + h)) > h: y_pos += h x_pos = 0 else: # new page # store current page -> todo: check if file exists # reset positions x_pos = 0 y_pos = 0 # increase page number pg_nmb += 1 # create new page self._fnAx = self._fn_sub_str(fn, ('_pg' + str(pg_nmb))) self.__create(self._fnAx, width, height) svg_label = sg.fromfile(self._fnAx) #if h>max_height: # max_height=h self._fnAx = self._fn_sub_str(fn, ('_pg' + str(pg_nmb + 0)))
def load_surface_from_file(filename, size=None): type = None if filename == None: logger.warning("Empty filename requested") return None if filename.startswith("http:") or filename.startswith("https:"): full_cache_path = get_image_cache_file(filename, size) if full_cache_path: meta_fileobj = open(full_cache_path + "m", "r") type = meta_fileobj.readline() meta_fileobj.close() if type == "image/svg+xml" or filename.lower().endswith(".svg"): return load_svg_as_surface(filename, size) else: return pixbuf_to_surface( GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(full_cache_path), size) if is_url(filename): type = None try: file = urllib.request.urlopen(filename) data = type = if filename.startswith("file://"): type = str(mime.get_type(filename)) if filename.startswith("http:") or filename.startswith("https:"): full_cache_path = get_cache_filename(filename, size) cache_fileobj = open(full_cache_path, "w") cache_fileobj.write(data) cache_fileobj.close() meta_fileobj = open(full_cache_path + "m", "w") meta_fileobj.write(type + "\n") meta_fileobj.close() if type == "image/svg+xml" or filename.lower().endswith(".svg"): svg = rsvg.Handle() try: if not svg.write(data): raise Exception("Failed to load SVG") svg_size = svg.get_dimension_data()[2:4] if size == None: size = svg_size surface = cairo.ImageSurface( cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, int(size[0]) if not isinstance(size, int) else size, int(size[1]) if not isinstance(size, int) else size) context = cairo.Context(surface) if size != svg_size: scale = get_scale(size, svg_size) context.scale(scale, scale) svg.render_cairo(context) surface.flush() return surface finally: svg.close() else: if type == "text/plain": if filename.startswith("file://"): pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(filename[7:]) return pixbuf_to_surface(pixbuf, size) raise Exception("Could not determine type") else: pbl = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.loader_new_with_mime_type(type) pbl.write(data) pixbuf = pbl.get_pixbuf() pbl.close() return pixbuf_to_surface(pixbuf, size) return None except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to get image %s (%s).", filename, type, exc_info=e) return None else: if os.path.exists(filename): try: if filename.lower().endswith(".svg"): if os.path.islink(filename): filename = os.path.realpath(filename) return load_svg_as_surface(filename, size) else: return pixbuf_to_surface( GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(filename), size) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Failed to get image %s (%s).", filename, type, exc_info=e) return None
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.handle = Rsvg.Handle()