Exemple #1
def cldispatch(functs, shortopts='', longopts=[]):
    This function supports "command dispatch", for producing a command that
    takes, as its first argument, a subcommand (for example, git works in this

    functs may be either a list of functions, or a dictionary of
    {str:function}.  In the former case, the list is converted to a dict using
    f.__name__ as the key for f.

    if type(functs) != dict:
        functs = dict([(f.__name__, f) for f in functs])
    usage = clusage.replace("SCMD", "\n".join(functs))
    usage = usage.replace("CLO", shortopts + " " + " ".join(longopts))
        opts, args = swparse(shortopts, usage, longopts)
        cmd = args[0]
        if cmd.lower() == "help":
            f = functs[args[1]]
            f = functs[cmd]
    except SystemExit:
    args = args[1:]
    return f(opts, args)
Exemple #2
def readMD(s):
    f = StringIO.StringIO(s)
    dats = {}
    cat = f.read(16)
    while len(cat) == 16:
        pl, hl, dl = struct.unpack("<IIQ", cat)
        path = f.read(pl)
        head = eval(f.read(hl))
        dat = None
        if dl:
            ct = f.read(1)
            if ct in ['<', '>', '|', "{"]:
                ct = ct + f.read(6)
                dti, nd = struct.unpack("<3sI", ct)
                if dti.startswith("{"):
                    dti = dti[1:]
                dti = np.dtype(dti)
                report("warning, old mdat. May not be platform portable")
                nd = struct.unpack("<I", f.read(4))[0]
                dti = dtype("<" + ct)
            sh = struct.unpack("<" + "Q" * nd, f.read(8 * nd))
            dat = f.read(dl)
            dat = np.fromstring(dat, dti)
            dti = dti.str
            if DTS != dti[0]:
                dtil = np.dtype(DTS + dti[1:])
                dat = dat.astype(dtil)
            dat = np.reshape(dat, sh)
        dats[path] = (dat, head)
        cat = f.read(16)
    return dats
Exemple #3
def getTests(dsheet=None, bdir=basedir):
    files = getDsheet(dsheet)
    doc = gd.Doc()
    testk = re.compile('test(\d+)')
    for f in files:
        ns = "track%s" % f
        mouse = numOrRan(f)[0]
        dfpath = os.path.join(bdir, pathprefix + str(mouse), pathprefix + f)
        pstpath = os.path.join(dfpath, pathprefix + f + '.pst')
        if not os.path.isfile(pstpath):
            report("No data for %s" % f)
            report("found data for %s" % f)
        ld = gio.read(pstpath)
        tids = {}
        for tests in files[f]:
            ids = numOrRan(tests[testLab])
            for i in ids:
                tids[i] = tests
        found = set()
        for k in ld:
            m = testk.match(k)
            if m:
                i = int(m.groups()[0])
                if i in tids:
                    doc[ns + '.' + k] = ld[k]
        for i in found:
            n = ns + '.test%i.' % i
            for k in tids[i]:
                doc[n + k] = tids[i][k]
    return doc
Exemple #4
def deserialize(s):
    l = struct.unpack('<I', s[:4])[0]
    doc = zlib.decompress(s[4:l + 4])
    doc = readString(doc, False)
    s = s[l + 4:]
        if s:
                f = readMD(s)
                s = zlib.decompress(s)
                f = readMD(s)
            des = [k[:-4] for k in doc.find('Data') if k.endswith('.tag')]
            #return doc, f, des
            for de in des:
                    up = upath(doc, de)
                        d, h = f[up]
                    except KeyError:
                        d, h = f[up + '/']
                    setdat(doc, de, d, h)
                    report("can't find data for element %s" % (de,))
        report("cant load data")
    return doc
Exemple #5
def getcell(cellid, dname='bicIC', sheet='fulldatasheet.ods', tab='sheet1.table', cellidlab='cell',
            mouseid='data', testn='test', cond='condition', pstdirp='Mouse ', redundantdirs=True, condgroup=int,
            stimchan='stim.ch0', shift=True):
    Return a data document for a single cell. Parameters are the same as for condition, except for cellid, which
    is an integer indicating which cell to get. As long as "fulldatasheet.ods" is present in the named "dname", and
    lists all available cells in Zach/Graham format, then no parameters other than cellid and dname should need to be
    dname = os.path.join(BASEDIR, dname)
    ds = gio.read(os.path.join(dname, sheet))[tab]
    l = list(ds[0, :])
        cellcol = [i for (i, s) in enumerate(l) if s.lower().startswith(cellidlab)][0]
        mousecol = [i for (i, s) in enumerate(l) if s.lower().startswith(mouseid)][0]
        testcol = [i for (i, s) in enumerate(l) if s.lower().startswith(testn)][0]
        condcol = [i for (i, s) in enumerate(l) if s.lower().startswith(cond)][0]
    except IndexError:
        raise KeyError('Data sheet doesnt contain the specified columns')
    clines = [(ds[i, mousecol], ds[i, testcol], ds[i, condcol]) for i in range(ds.shape[0]) if
              ds[i, cellcol] == str(cellid)]
    if not clines:
        raise KeyError('No tests in this data sheet for this cell')
    if not all([clines[i][0] == clines[0][0] for i in range(1, len(clines))]):
        report('WARNING: single cell reported in multiple recording tracks !!??')
        sd = gd.Doc()
        for mn in set([clines[i][0] for i in range(len(clines))]):
            pstn = pstdirp + mn + '.pst'
            if redundantdirs:
                pstn = os.path.join(pstdirp + mn, pstn)
            pstn = os.path.join(dname, pstn)
            sd = sd.fuse(gio.read(pstn))
        pstn = pstdirp + clines[0][0] + '.pst'
        if redundantdirs:
            pstn = os.path.join(pstdirp + clines[0][0], pstn)
        pstn = os.path.join(dname, pstn)
        sd = gio.read(pstn)
    d = gd.Doc()
    for l in clines:
        tests = _numOrRan(l[1])
        for it in tests:
            otn = 'test%i' % it
            trd = traces(sd, otn, stimchan, shift)
            for trn in trd:
                tr = trd[trn]
                tr['condition'] = condgroup(l[2])
                tr['cell'] = cellid
                nn = "te%itr%i" % (it, trn)
                d.set(nn, tr)
    return d
Exemple #6
    def lockcall(self, method, args):
        Attempt to acquire self.lock, execute the indicated method with the
        indicated arguments, and release the lock. The method call is wrapped
        in a general try/except, gauranteeing that the lock is always released
        (but making failed method calls hard to debug)

            apply(method, args)
            report("Call to %s%s failed" % (str(method), str(args)))
Exemple #7
def row2list(r):
    l = []
    mel = 0
    largest_real = 0
    for e in r['_els']:
        if not e['_tag'] == 'table:table-cell':
            report('warning: unexpected ods table element %s' % (str(e),))
        v = tableCellContents(e)
        nreps = int(e.get('table:number-columns-repeated', 1))
        for i in range(nreps):
        if v:
            mel = max(mel, len(v))
            largest_real = len(l)
    return (l[:largest_real], mel)
Exemple #8
 def send_request(self, verb, path, payload=None, ctype=None, headers=None):
     if not headers:
         headers = {}
     if not 'Accept' in headers:
         headers['Accept'] = self.ctype
     if ctype:
         if verb == "get":
             headers['Accept'] = ctype
             headers['Content-Type'] = ctype
     req = self.build_request(verb, path, headers, payload)
         s = self.opener.open(req).read()
     except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
         s = "ERROR %i:" % e.code + e.read()
         if 'www-authenticate' in e.hdrs:
             report('Authentication required: %s' % e.hdrs['www-authenticate'])
Exemple #9
def comp2s(stim1, evts1, stim2, evts2, length=LENGTH, lead=LEAD, compress='no', clevel=0, testprop=TESTPROP,
           bootstrap=BOOTSTRAP, report=None):
    Like compare, but considers the case where there are two stimuli in
    addition to two response sets
    rc1 = ece(stim1, evts1, length, lead)
    rc2 = ece(stim2, evts2, length, lead)
    if compress in DRMODES:
        uc = np.column_stack([ucse(stim1, 10000, length),
                              ucse(stim2, 10000, length)])
        ce = eqrc((rc1, rc2))
        cspace = DRMODES[compress](ce, uc, clevel)
        if report:
            report('Using %i components' % cspace.shape[0])
        rc1 = np.dot(cspace, rc1)
        rc2 = np.dot(cspace, rc2)
    return lltest(rc1, rc2, testprop, bootstrap)
Exemple #10
def addtests(d, l=200, match='cond1', q=10000, mods=(AC, TGC), sp={}):
    td = gd.Doc()
    iod = d[match]
    arate = float(len(flat(iod['evts']))) / len(iod['evts'])
    arate = arate / (l / 1e6)
    stims = iod['stims']
    nstims = np.unique(stims).shape[0]
    l = int(l)
    td[match] = iod
    for k in d:
        if k.startswith('cond') and k != match:
            td[k] = d[k]
    for M in mods:
        kw = sp.get(M.name, {})
        mi = M(l, arate, q, nstims, **kw)
        td['cond' + M.name] = {'stims': stims, 'evts': [mi(st) for st in stims]}
    td['docsource'] = {'cell': d['docsource.cell'] + '+tests',
                       'pars': d['docsource.pars'] + (l, match, q)}
    return td
Exemple #11
    def insert(self, fit, ps):
        Add a unit to the population and store it in self.store

        if len(self.units) >= self.pars['size']:
        self.units[ps] = fit
        self.store.record(fit, ps)
        self.nunits += 1
        if fit > self.best[0]:
            sps = ''
            for p in ps:
                sps += "%.4g, " % p
            sps = sps[:-2]
            report('new best %.4f  (%s)' % (fit, sps))
            self.best = (fit, ps)
            if self.model.perfect != None and fit == self.model.perfect:
                    "You hear the singing of Angels and a chorus of trumpets, hailing the birth of a perfect unit. All further competition is futile. Exiting")
                self.abort = "perfected"
Exemple #12
    def search(self):
        This is the main loop called by run (sometimes in a thread). It calls
        self.alg.next(self.units, self.range.nd) to get a paremeter set, calls
        self.model.eval to evaluate it, and calls self.insert to store it.

        if len(self.units) < self.pars['size']:
            ps = self.alg.initcond()
            ps = self.alg.next(self.units)
            (fit, ec) = self.model.eval(ps)
        except Exception:
            e = sys.exc_info()
            error(e, None, rep="GA Eval error")
            fit = "model.eval threw exception"
        if type(fit) in [str, unicode]:
            report('Eval error, %s -> %s' % (str(ps), fit))
            self.lockcall(self.insert, (fit, ps + ec))
Exemple #13
    def prep(self):
        Set up the optimization run.

        self.abort = False
        self.best = (None, None)
        self.nunits = self.store.size()
        self.threads = []
        if self.nunits:
            self.units = self.store.get(self.pars['size'])
            z = self.units.items()
            snd = len(z[0][0])
            if snd < self.range.nd:
                raise StandardError(
                    'Attempt to resume %i-d optimizer from a storage of %i-d parameters' % (self.range.nd, snd))
            elif snd > self.range.nd:
                    'resuming an %i-d optimizer from a store of %i-d parameter sets. Hopefully this is intentional (eg. there are eval-conditions in the model). If not, dont run this optimizer' % (
                    self.range.nd, snd))
            f = np.array([i[1] for i in z])
            bi = f.argmax()
            self.best = (f[bi], z[bi][0])
        #FIXME - sanity check for the stored components should go here
            self.units = {}
        report("prep complete")
        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        if self.units:
            report("Resuming. %i units (%s)" % (self.nunits, self.fitstats(True)))
Exemple #14
def bigFig(m1, m2, compress='istac', clevel=.85):
    stim = gwn.getstim('bl')
    uc = ucse(stim)
    rcse = evalSystem(m1, True, cid=0)
    rcse2 = evalSystem(m2, True, cid=1)
    rc = eqrc((rcse, rcse2))
    iss = DRMODES[compress](rc, uc, clevel)
    report('Using %i components' % iss.shape[0])
    ll = lltest(rcse, rcse2)
    _prow(rcse, rcse2, 0, 3, True, ll)
    rc1 = np.dot(iss, rcse)
    rc2 = np.dot(iss, rcse2)
    ll = lltest(rc1, rc2)
    _prow(rc1, rc2, 1, 3, True, ll)
    rcb1 = np.dot(iss.transpose(), rc1)
    rcb2 = np.dot(iss.transpose(), rc2)
    #ll = lltest(rcb1, rcb2)
    _prow(rcb1, rcb2, 2, 3, True, ll)
    f = plt.figure(3)
    f.subplots_adjust(left=.04, right=.99, bottom=.05, top=.99, wspace=.05, hspace=.05)
Exemple #15
def swparse(shortopts='', usage=bogousage, longopts=()):
    Parse command line arguments using getopt.gnu_getopt, but at a slightly
    higher level. shortopts and longopts are the string and list arguments
    to getopt (defaulting to '' and () respectively). Usage is a documentation
    string. If parsing fails, or if the option "-h" is passed, usage is printed
    and SysExit is raised. Otherwise, the return value is (options
    <{str:str}>, files <[str]>), The dictionary options has keys containing
    any command line options, with the leading dashes stripped off, associated
    to their values (if any). Files is a list of the remaining command line
        options, files = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts, longopts)
    except getopt.error:
    switches = {}
    for o in options:
        switches[o[0].lstrip('-')] = o[1]
    if 'h' in switches:
    return switches, files
Exemple #16
 def run(self, background=False):
     Run the optimizer. If background is True, run in a thread.
     and return the thread.
     if background:
         t = threading.Thread(target=self.run, args=(False,))
         return t
     self.start = time.time()
     self.abort = False
     report("Starting Run (pid=%s)" % (str(os.getpid(), )))
     while not self.done():
             self.threadcall(self.search, ())
             if self.nunits and not self.nunits % 200:
                 report("Evaluate %i. %s" % (self.nunits, self.fitstats(True)))
         except KeyboardInterrupt:
             report('Manual abort. Shutting down.')
             self.abort = True
     report("Run Completed")
Exemple #17
 def resolvelink(self, d, k='', value=True):
     return the value of a link or slice dictionary d, located at key k
     (if k is None, relative links are not allowed)
     k = k.split('.')
     t = d['_link']
     if t.startswith('.'):
         nt = t.rstrip('.')
         nl = len(t) - len(nt)
         if nl > len(k):
             report('WARNING: relative link %s encountered at %s. Not enough nesting levels to specify it.' % (
             t, '.'.join(k)))
             return None
             t = '.'.join(k[:-nl]) + "." + nt
     if not value:
         return t
     if not t.strip():
         return self
     nv = self.get(t)
     if nv == None:
         report('WARNING: link at %s to %s is broken' % ('.'.join(k), t))
         return None
     if d['_slice'] != None:
         nvt = search.classify(nv)
         sl = d['_slice']
         if nvt == '#':
             if not type(sl[0]) == tuple:
                 sl = (sl,)
             nv = nv[[apply(slice, t) for t in sl]]
         elif nvt == '[':
             if type(sl[0]) == tuple:
                 sl = sl[0]
             nv = nv[apply(slice, sl)]
             report('WARNING: slice at %s of %s tries to slice a non-sequence' % ('.'.join(k), t))
             nv = None
     return nv
Exemple #18
def condition(dname='bicIC', sheet='datasheet.ods', tab='sheet1.table', cellid='cell', mouseid='data',
              testn='test', cond='condition', pstdirp='Mouse ', redundantdirs=True, writefile='conditioned.gic',
              condgroup=int, stimchan='stim.ch0'):
    Return a data document containing every test specified in the data sheet
    "sheet". "dname" indicates a directory (subdirectory of BASEDIR) to search for
    the data sheet and data files (or "mouse" directories).

    tab, cellid, mouseid, testn, and cond specify the layout of the sheet (which
    table is used and what the column labels for the relevant metadata are. These
    can be left as default values if using the sort of sheet Zach Mayko and I
    (Graham Cummins) have typically been using. Pstdirp and redundantdirs specify
    the layout of the data directory structure, and again can remain at default if
    your structure looks like Christine Portfor's typical layout. Writefile
    specifies a file name to store the new document in (or omit it to not save the

    condgroup is a function that is applied to the value of the "condition" metadata
    The default (cast to int) is OK if condition labels are integers, and all distinctly
    labeled conditions should be treated differently (otherwise, use a function that
    makes similarity classes in some way, using the raw values of "condition").

    Stimchan specifies where the relevant stimulus data is stored by Batlab.
    This code assumes a single channel stimulus on channel 0. Although this
    parameter can be changed to deal with single channels on some other
    channel, any significant change to the stimulus will probably break
    most code in this module.

    dname = os.path.join(BASEDIR, dname)
    ds = gio.read(os.path.join(dname, sheet))[tab]
    l = list(ds[0, :])
        cellcol = [i for (i, s) in enumerate(l) if s.lower().startswith(cellid)][0]
        mousecol = [i for (i, s) in enumerate(l) if s.lower().startswith(mouseid)][0]
        testcol = [i for (i, s) in enumerate(l) if s.lower().startswith(testn)][0]
        condcol = [i for (i, s) in enumerate(l) if s.lower().startswith(cond)][0]
    except IndexError:
        raise KeyError('Data sheet doesnt contain the specified columns')
    d = gd.Doc()
    dfiles = {}
    for i in range(1, ds.shape[0]):
        l = ds[i, :]
            cid = int(l[cellcol])
            mid = l[mousecol]
            cond = l[condcol]
            if condgroup:
                cond = condgroup(cond)
            tests = _numOrRan(l[testcol])
            report('failed to parse data sheet line %i' % i)
        if not mid in dfiles:
            pstn = pstdirp + mid + '.pst'
            if redundantdirs:
                pstn = os.path.join(pstdirp + mid, pstn)
            pstn = os.path.join(dname, pstn)
                dfiles[mid] = gio.read(pstn)
                report('loading %s' % pstn)
                report('failed to open data file for %s (tried path %s)' % (mid, pstn))
                dfiles[mid] = 'BAD'
        if dfiles[mid] == 'BAD':
        metas = {'animal': mid, 'condition': cond, 'cell': cid}
        for it in tests:
            otn = 'test%i' % it
                trd = traces(dfiles[mid], otn, stimchan)
                report("Cant find a test %s for penetration %s" % (otn, mid))
            for trn in trd:
                tr = trd[trn]
                nn = "r%s_te%itr%i" % (mid, it, trn)
                d.set(nn, tr)
    if writefile:
        gio.write(d, os.path.join(dname, writefile))
    return d
Exemple #19
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
# Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

from gicdat.control import report
import numpy as np
from grouping import idents
from gicdat.util import maxdiag
import cext.portforsgic as pfce #@UnresolvedImport

    from pyentropy import DiscreteSystem
    report("Warning, no pyentropy. Better stick to the direct method!")

def _jprob(x, y, a):
    return float(np.logical_and(a[:, 0] == x, a[:, 1] == y).sum()) / a.shape[0]

def h_direct(s):
    s = np.array(s)
    prob = np.bincount(s) / float(s.shape[0])
    h = -1.0 * np.array([prob[x] * np.log(prob[x]) for x in np.unique(s)]).sum() / np.log(2)
    return h

def minf_c_direct(cond):
    return pfce.mi_direct(cond['stims'], cond['evts'])
Exemple #20
#Copied a bunch of content to deprecated_select on 3/2/12. refactoring.

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
import gicdat.doc as gd
from gicdat.util import infdiag
from mixmod import mmcall

    from Pycluster import treecluster, kmedoids, kcluster, somcluster, Tree, Node
    from gicdat.control import report

    report("Pycluster is not found. Several methods in the clust module will fail")
    from zss import compare as zscmp
    from zss.test_tree import Node as ZSNode
    from gicdat.control import report

    report("Zhang-shasha is not found. pct2zst and zssdist in clust will fail")

def dt_first(dm, t):
    dm: DistMat(N), t: x -> ids: Partition1(N)

    A naive grouping function which groups dm using a threshold, t. It depends
    on the ordering of dm, since it assigns each item to the same group as the
Exemple #21
def tr(l=100000, r=1.0):
    a = AC(l, r)
    evts = [a(0) for i in range(1000)]
    report(len(flat(evts)) / 1000.0)