Exemple #1
def confirm_moravian(client_perma, cashnet_data):
    cl = helpers.generic_get("/clients/", client_perma.lower())
    cl_j = cl.json()
    client_id = cl_j["_id"]
    email = cashnet_data["ref1val1"]
    trans_id = cashnet_data["tx"]
    client_trans_id = cashnet_data["ref2val1"]
    # date = cashnet_data['effdate'] -- not accurate enough
    # using own timestamps with a short time diff in between
    # as the check
    total = int(float(cashnet_data["amount1"])) * 100
    # created before now, but after 15 minutes ago
    now = format_date_time(mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple()))
    # yesterday was way too long...
    yesterday = format_date_time(mktime((datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=15)).timetuple()))
    parm = {}
    parm = {
        "where": '{"email":"%s", "client_id": "%s", "total_donated": %d, "confirmed": {"$exists": false }, "created": {"$gte": "%s", "$lte": "%s"}}'
        % (email, client_id, total, yesterday, now)
    parm["sort"] = '[("created",-1)]'
    r = requests.get(crud_url + "/donations/", params=parm)
    rj = r.json()
    if len(rj["_items"]) > 0:
        donation = rj["_items"][0]
        donation["processor_trans_id"] = str(trans_id)
        donation["client_trans_id"] = str(client_trans_id)

        if "result" in cashnet_data:
            res = cashnet_data["result"]
        elif "&result" in cashnet_data:
            res = cashnet_data["&result"]
        if res == 0:
            donation["confirmed"] = format_date_time(mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple()))
            donation["denied"] = format_date_time(mktime(datetime.utcnow().timetuple()))
        donation["confirm_source"] = "cashnet"
        patched = helpers.generic_patch("/donations/", donation, donation["etag"])
        if "confirmed" in donation:
        return cashnet_data
        return {"error": "bad transaction"}