Exemple #1
    def _render_offscreen(self, drawable, data, dst_x, dst_y, width, height):
        # NOTE [A]
        daht, dawd, depth = data.shape
        self.logger.debug("data shape is %dx%dx%d" % (dawd, daht, depth))

        # Get qimage for copying pixel data
        qimage = self._get_qimage(data)

        painter = QPainter(drawable)

        # fill pixmap with background color
        imgwin_wd, imgwin_ht = self.get_window_size()
        bgclr = self._get_color(*self.img_bg)
        painter.fillRect(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, imgwin_wd, imgwin_ht), bgclr)

        # draw image data from buffer to offscreen pixmap
        painter.drawImage(QtCore.QRect(dst_x, dst_y, width, height), qimage,
                          QtCore.QRect(0, 0, width, height))

        # Draw a cross in the center of the window in debug mode
        if self.t_['show_pan_position']:
            clr = QColor()
            clr.setRgbF(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            ctr_x, ctr_y = self.get_center()
            painter.drawLine(ctr_x - 10, ctr_y, ctr_x + 10, ctr_y)
            painter.drawLine(ctr_x, ctr_y - 10, ctr_x, ctr_y + 10)

        # render self.message
        if self.message:
            self._draw_message(painter, imgwin_wd, imgwin_ht, self.message)
    def render_image(self, rgbobj, dst_x, dst_y):
        """Render the image represented by (rgbobj) at dst_x, dst_y
        in the pixel space.
        *** internal method-- do not use ***
        self.logger.debug("redraw surface=%s" % (self.surface))
        if self.surface is None:
        self.logger.debug("drawing to surface")

        # Prepare array for rendering
        # TODO: what are options for high bit depth under Qt?
        data = rgbobj.get_array(self.rgb_order, dtype=np.uint8)
        (height, width) = data.shape[:2]

        daht, dawd, depth = data.shape
        self.logger.debug("data shape is %dx%dx%d" % (dawd, daht, depth))

        # Get qimage for copying pixel data
        qimage = self._get_qimage(data)
        drawable = self.surface

        painter = QPainter(drawable)

        # fill surface with background color
        size = drawable.size()
        sf_wd, sf_ht = size.width(), size.height()
        bg = self.viewer.img_bg
        bgclr = self._get_color(*bg)
        painter.fillRect(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, sf_wd, sf_ht), bgclr)

        # draw image data from buffer to offscreen pixmap
        painter.drawImage(QtCore.QRect(dst_x, dst_y, width, height), qimage,
                          QtCore.QRect(0, 0, width, height))
Exemple #3
    def _render_offscreen(self, drawable, data, dst_x, dst_y, width, height):
        # NOTE [A]
        daht, dawd, depth = data.shape
        self.logger.debug("data shape is %dx%dx%d" % (dawd, daht, depth))

        # Get qimage for copying pixel data
        qimage = self._get_qimage(data)

        painter = QPainter(drawable)

        # fill pixmap with background color
        imgwin_wd, imgwin_ht = self.get_window_size()
        bgclr = self._get_color(*self.img_bg)
        painter.fillRect(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, imgwin_wd, imgwin_ht), bgclr)

        # draw image data from buffer to offscreen pixmap
        painter.drawImage(QtCore.QRect(dst_x, dst_y, width, height), qimage,
                          QtCore.QRect(0, 0, width, height))
    def resize(self, dims):
        """Resize our drawing area to encompass a space defined by the
        given dimensions.
        width, height = dims[:2]
        self.logger.debug("renderer reconfigured to %dx%d" % (width, height))
        if self.surface_type == 'qpixmap':
            self.surface = QPixmap(width, height)
            self.surface = QImage(width, height, self.qimg_fmt)

        # fill surface with background color;
        # this reduces unwanted garbage in the resizing window
        painter = QPainter(self.surface)
        size = self.surface.size()
        sf_wd, sf_ht = size.width(), size.height()
        bg = self.viewer.img_bg
        bgclr = self._get_color(*bg)
        painter.fillRect(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, sf_wd, sf_ht), bgclr)
Exemple #5
    def _render_offscreen(self, drawable, data, dst_x, dst_y,
                          width, height):
        # NOTE [A]
        daht, dawd, depth = data.shape
        self.logger.debug("data shape is %dx%dx%d" % (dawd, daht, depth))

        # Get qimage for copying pixel data
        qimage = self._get_qimage(data)

        painter = QPainter(drawable)

        # fill pixmap with background color
        imgwin_wd, imgwin_ht = self.get_window_size()
        bgclr = self._get_color(*self.img_bg)
        painter.fillRect(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, imgwin_wd, imgwin_ht),

        # draw image data from buffer to offscreen pixmap
        painter.drawImage(QtCore.QRect(dst_x, dst_y, width, height),
                          QtCore.QRect(0, 0, width, height))
Exemple #6
    def _render_offscreen(self, drawable, data, dst_x, dst_y,
                          width, height):
        # NOTE [A]
        daht, dawd, depth = data.shape
        self.logger.debug("data shape is %dx%dx%d" % (dawd, daht, depth))

        # Get qimage for copying pixel data
        qimage = self._get_qimage(data)

        painter = QPainter(drawable)

        # fill pixmap with background color
        imgwin_wd, imgwin_ht = self.get_window_size()
        bgclr = self._get_color(*self.img_bg)
        painter.fillRect(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, imgwin_wd, imgwin_ht),

        # draw image data from buffer to offscreen pixmap
        painter.drawImage(QtCore.QRect(dst_x, dst_y, width, height),
                          QtCore.QRect(0, 0, width, height))

        # Draw a cross in the center of the window in debug mode
        if self.t_['show_pan_position']:
            clr = QColor()
            clr.setRgbF(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
            ctr_x, ctr_y = self.get_center()
            painter.drawLine(ctr_x - 10, ctr_y, ctr_x + 10, ctr_y)
            painter.drawLine(ctr_x, ctr_y - 10, ctr_x, ctr_y + 10)

        # render self.message
        if self.message:
            self._draw_message(painter, imgwin_wd, imgwin_ht,